• Published 3rd Aug 2019
  • 1,148 Views, 9 Comments

Nightmare Moon is Maleficent - Twilight Star

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The curse is fulfilled

It’s been a few years, and Twilight Sparkle was already 16 years old. It was a matter of time before the curse came true. Nightmare Moon was on the floor, lying down. She couldn’t resist the urge to cry. Lucky Twilight Sparkle was playing in the mud with the animals. Suddenly, Nightmare Moon felt a mud on her cheek. She looked where Twilight and Discord were. They was looking at Nightmare Moon with a smile. Nightmare Moon had a little joy. She took the mud that was on her cheek and formed a ball and threw it at Discord.

Twilight Sparkle was walking outside Everfree Florest until it collided, “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”

Twilight Sparkle stood up, “I’m fine, yes. What is your name?”

“Flash Sentry. And yours?” replied Flash Sentry.

“Twilight Sparkle”, blushed Twilight Sparkle.

“Well, I have to go. I would like to see you again, and you?”

“Me too”

Nightmare Moon and Discord were watching Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry saying goodbye, “That’s it!” exclameid Discord.

Nightmare Moon looked confused at Discord, “Is that what?”

“The curse’s cure! True love is the cure!” answered Discord.

“What? Impossible! I put the cure to true love because true love doesn’t exist”, denied Nightmare Moon.

“But it’s true”, said Discord.

Nightmare Moon prepared to speak until…

“Tell me what animal to turn me into. I don’t care anymore”, said Discord irritably, before leaving sight of Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon was surprised at the way Discord spoke to her. She didn’t expect that he would talk to her like that.

It was almost late afternoon. But the sun hasn’t set yet. Twilight Sparkle was having fun and Nightmare Moon was watching Twilight Sparkle. Today was the day the curse would come to pass. She would have to warn Twilight, “Twilight, come here, please. We need to talk”

Twilight Sparkle stopped what he was doing and sat next to Nightmare Moon, “yes? What would you like to talk to me about?”

“It’s just… there’s a evil thing in this world. And I fear I can’t protect you from that”, began Nightmare Moon.

“I am already a grown mare. I can handle myself”, said Twilight Sparkle.

Nightmare Moon smiled, “yes. I know that”

“I didn’t want to change the subject, but… you didn’t answer my question from before. Can I live here?” said Twilight Sparkle.

“Of course you can”, said Nightmare Moon with a smile.

“But I need to warn Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scotaloo”, said Twilight Sparkle.

“Why don’t you warn them now?” asked Nightmare Moon.

Twilight Sparkle smiled, “It’s a good idea! I’ll do it now!” Twilight Sparkle rushed to the house.

Sweetie Belle was preparing Twilight’s sixteen-year-old cake. Until they heard a knock on the door, “come in”

Twilight Sparkle came in, “I… I would like to say something…”

“Yes? What would you like to tell us?” asked Sweetie Belle with a smile.

“I… I would like to talk… That… That…”

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were smiling.

“… I would like to say that I will be living here in the woods”, confessed Twilight Sparkle.

Sweetie Belle, Scotaloo and Apple Bloomington’s jaw dropped. The cake on the plate that Sweetie Belle was holding fell to the floor.

“Negative! We’ve spent our lives taking care of you for sixteen years and now you say, ‘Am I going to live here?!’ cried Sweetie Belle angrily.

“Yes. Especially when your father… ” Apple Bloom covered Scootaloo’s mouth with her hooves.

Twilight Sparkle was confused, “wait? My father? But you told me that my father was dead”

Apple Bloom took the hull out of Scotaloo’s mouth, “see, Twilight. It’s a long story”

Sweetie Belle grabbed a green chair, “sit here. It will be a long story”

After Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom finished telling the story, Twilight Sparkle left the house looking for Nightmare Moon, “Fairy Godmother! Fairy Godmother!”

Nightmare Moon appeared, “I’m here. What’s it?”

“I went to talk to them. But they told me about a black unicorn with blue armor, he threw a curse at me. I can’t remember his name. His name was…”

“Nightmare Moon”, confessed Nightmare Moon. She approached Twilight Sparkle while lifting a hoof. But Twilight Sparkle moved away.

“No! Don’t come near at me! You’re the evil of this world!” cried Twilight Sparkle scared, before rushing to the castle where her mother and father lived.

Nightmare Moon was saddened by what Twilight Sparkle said of her. She looked at the floor. Her ears were down.

In the castle, Queen Celestia was recruiting soldiers to try to invade the forest, “how impassive is the forest? Then try everything until those vines come out!”

Suddenly she heard sound of hooves. Celestia was surprised to see Twilight Sparkle, “Mom! Glad you’re here! I missed you so much!”

Queen Celestia was surprised. Your daughter arrived before sunset. Twilight shouldn’t be here yet. The curse would happen when the sun is setting. She glared at Twilight. Twilight stepped back, “Why are you still here? You shouldn’t be here yet! Guards!”

Two guards appeared and bowed, “Yes, my queen?” The royal guards said in unison.

“Put Twilight in your room. Don’t let her out until the sun goes down”, commanded Queen Celestia.

“Yes, my queen!” said the two royal guards in unison. They went to Twilight and stood between her. They motioned for her to start walking. Twilight, sadly did what they asked.

Nightmare Moon and Discord were running around looking for Flash Sentry, “We need to find that stallion! He's the only salvation!”

Like magic, they saw Flash Sentry. They went to Flash Sentry. Flash Sentry was startled, “Who are you two?”

“We have no time to explain! Just climb on my back! Because Discord and I will fly fast!” replied Nightmare Moon.

Twilight Sparkle was locked in a gray room, it had nothing, beyond the entrance door. Suddenly she began to hear a voice, similar to that of Nightmare Moon. She, against her own will followed the voice. Suddenly a door revealed itself, it had stairs and led downstairs. Twilight Sparkle started down.

Discord and Nightmare Moon, along with Flash Sentry have already left the forest and were a little far from the castle. But nothing like flying fast doesn’t solve it. The sun was already setting, but it wasn’t yet sunset.

Twilight Sparkle had already come downstairs and opened the door with the hull.

While flying, Nightmare Moon looked to see if it wasn't too late. The sun was almost cents from sundown. She had to fly even faster. She accelerated the speed of the flight.

In the room that Twilight Sparkle entered, there were several broken arocas. Lucky the arocas were thrown on the sides and not in front of her.

Nightmare Moon flew even faster. It was a few meters to the castle. She accelerated the flight.

An Aroca wasn’t destroyed. Twilight Sparkle slowly approached until aroca.

Nightmare Moon looked at the horizon and it was a few seconds until sunset. She was scared. She didn’t want to fail Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle and aroca were very close now. Twilight slowly lifted a hoof and put it in the spindle of the aroca. When she put it on, she felt sleepy, fell to the floor and slept.

Nightmare Moon looked over the horizon, the sun went down. Nightmare Moon has stopped flying. She was sad. She couldn’t stop the curse in time. She lost Twilight Sparkle. Forever.