• Published 3rd Aug 2019
  • 1,147 Views, 9 Comments

Nightmare Moon is Maleficent - Twilight Star

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Caring for the princess

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scotaloo put baby Twilight Sparkle in a corner and started organizing Twilight Sparkle’s things in the house. What they didn’t know was that Nightmare Moon and Discord were watching everything. Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle began to cry. Nightmare Moon covered her ears with her hooves.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle went to where Twilight Sparkle was. They didn’t know what Twilight Sparkle had. They have never looked after a foal before.

“Must be hungry”, suggested Apple Bloom.

“What do foals eat?” asked Scotaloo.

“I don’t know!” cried Sweetie Belle in possible panic.

“Let’s leave her with hungry. Her hunger must be gone soon”, said Apple Bloom, before entering the house. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle followed. But Twilight Sparkle kept crying. Nightmare Moon couldn’t stand the princess’s cries.

“This way she will starve”, said Nightmare Moon.

“Are you going to do something?” asked Discord.

“Yes. Wait a minute”, said Nightmare Moon, before getting off the tree she and Discord were.

Nightmare Moon looked in the bag that King Sombra prepared and saw that had a baby bottle, this will fit.

Nightmare Moon looked at the baby Twilight Sparkle. And saw that there were tears in her eyes. She gave the baby bottle to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight started drinking and stopped crying. When the milk ran out she put the baby bottle back in her bag and saw that Twilight Sparkle was sleeping, I hope they don’t suspect that I was here.

Nightmare Moon made its way back to the tree. Discord was doubtful. Nightmare Moon looked a little annoyed, “What is it? The noise was unbearable. I needed to do something”

“Are you starting to like Twilight?”

“To like? Never. I just don’t want her to die before she turns sixteen”, denied Nightmare Moon.

I doubt it, Luna.

It’s been a few years, and Nightmare Moon has seen Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle leave the house. Possibly to buy food for Twilight Sparkle. Nightmare Moon entered the house and saw Twilight Sparkle sitting on her back. Nightmare Moon approached the foal. Twilight heard hoofbeats and looked back. Twilight Sparkle smiled when she saw Nightmare Moon. But Nightmare Moon showed a face of hate, foal, I hate you.

Nightmare Moon had an idea. She smiled wickedly. Showing your sharp teeth. Twilight was startled but then smiled and hugged Nightmare Moon with her hooves. Suddenly, Nightmare Moon felt a heat inside her. No! It was the same heat she felt before her wings were stolen! “Get away. I don’t like foals. Especially foals from traitorous parents”, as much as she meant it rude, she ended up saying it softly.

Twilight Sparkle made a sign that she wanted lap. Nightmare Moon glared, “no way. i won't give you lap”

Twilight Sparkle made doggy eyes. Nightmare Night rolled her eyes as she sighed, “ok…”

Nightmare Moon caught Twilight Sparkle with her magic. She stayed for a few minutes with Twilight Sparkle in the air. Twilight began to laugh with joy. She was having so much fun. After Twilight laughed, she set her back down with her magic before leaving the house.

Nightmare Moon and Discord were watching Apple Bloom, Scotaloo, Sweetie Belle and Twilight Sparkle having a picnic. Twilight Sparkle saw a red butterfly and started running after her while smiling. Nightmare Moon noticed that it had a cliff. And it was the same cliff that Twilight Sparkle was approaching, “look. That foal in a few moments will fall on the cliff ”

Discord looked at Nightmare Moon, “do you plan on doing something?”

“Yes”, said Nightmare Moon before grabbing Twilight Sparkle with her magic that was already falling off the cliff.

Twilight Sparkle was confused. She looked around. But she saw no one but Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. But they were talking. They weren’t even paying attention to Twilight. Twilight Sparkle went to them running. Nightmare Moon noticed that Discord was looking with a look like you’re liking her, “I’m not liking her. I just don’t want her to die before sixteen”

“You don’t have to hide your feelings, Luna. I know you like her”, said Discord with a smile.

“I’m not!” denied Nightmare Moon. She couldn’t believe Discord was thinking that. She? Liking the daughter who has a mother who cheated on her? Never!