• Published 23rd Aug 2019
  • 305 Views, 0 Comments

Memory - guldringr

5 characters face the choices they could have made to save everything

  • ...

Pointless battle. Hopeless peace.

A woman in full armor steps out her command tent. Her gaze is greeted by the Haggard faces of the various soldiers hunters and warriors that had come to Aid her

She lets out a sigh. Flattering the Wings by her side as she walks through the camp. Perfectly aware that they would not have enough people to defeat the enemy before them. All they could help for with slow them down long enough

She walks up to a Stone Ridge overlooking a large desolate field. There were many creatures gather there. things that might've been described as wolves if not for the random extra limbs and patches of Hyde fused with other animals. Numerous creatures that might have once been everything from bears to elephants now covered in eyeballs singing a ghastly song. She could even see a house propped up by tentacles made of human remains. And that was only the things she could describe.

She thought of what it brought her to this. Brought her to being a warrior on the front lines. When had it started for her. It would have been all those years ago.


Not too far away a lone figure sat in a cave on a mountain top that would have allowed her to see Battlefield if it weren't for the fact that she was blind.

She stares is unseeingly out into the distance.
She flaps the tattered Wings by her side and wonders how long it would be now. Ha... probably not too long now.

she didn't exactly welcome death but she didn't really opposed it either. She just couldn't really care at this point.

She was she was in a perfectly calm state of perfect meditation. She remembered how she had taken up spiritualism in an attempt to do something useful with her life and still be helpful to our friends after the accident.


Slowly they are all drifted apart. Even her best friends had become unrecognizable. The only one who had remained the same friend she remembered had been abandoned in lieu of trying to help her other friends and now it was too late.

she decided to take one last trip down memory lane. To decide if there was any last prayer she wanted to send before the end of the world.

Fluttershy had been looking forward to this for quite a while. The international avian conference was one of the biggest gatherings of animal lovers on the planet and hopefully a good chance for her to start making her name the zoological world. She had even managed to convince rainbow dash to come upon telling her that they were planning on showing off a new kind of jet engine at some point during the conference. No one was really sure why they were showing it off during a conference with a bunch of animals however Fluttershy figured. She could calm down the birds with her magic so she wasn't too peeved

Rainbow Dash had conceded to boringly sitting around well flutters talked to famous bird keeper or something. Rainbow leaned back in her chair and noticed a mysterious figure in a very long hoodie with strange symbol on their back sneaking through a door with a sign reading "employees only"

Rainbow dash gave a large grin as she considered the door.


The armored Warrior flew through the air with an impressive speed. Slashing her sword through one of the long decrepitude limbs of the house monster she had seen from the ledge. It let out a guttural sound something between a screech a Roar and a moan as she flew up to distracted it However she missed one of its tentacles flinging her off to side.

She impacted one of the wolf mutant Abominations. It starts trying to absorb into her but a flash of light spread across her body and her armor and thing jerks back.

The wolf creature changes taking on a slightly more natural appearance and gaining glowing white eyes. With a fierce roar it turns and charges a group of the other abominations.

The winged Warrior with nary a thought towards the creature launches herself into the air to continue the battle.


The Monk sadly listened to the distance sounds of battle. she didn't neet her eyes to tell her that the Horrors were winning.

The monk sighs. What little hope was left for the world was left entirely in the hands of her former friends and she didn't have much confidence in them


Rainbow Dash snuck along the corridor following the strange figure. It was probably nothing worth calling security but she got an uneasy feeling from them. Plus she wasn't exactly supposed to be back here either but that was beside the point.

She saw figure sneak into a lab and with a minor uses of super speed she was suddenly looking at the sign on the door" prototype engine J-29"

As she opens the door she sees the figure poor a vial of some noxious Chemical of a color she can't really describe into what looks like some sort of generator. Any normal person upon seeing the glowing Sparks coming from the machine would have barely had time to look away. Luckily Rainbow dash was not a normal person it so she had enough time to get a a few dozen feet away before......


The warrior beaten and battered limped into a small crevice. There was barely any remnants battle. She had used up her stores of magic turning quite a few of the Abominations against each other. But it hadn't been enough in the end.

Her helmet Falls to floor revealing her pink locks of hair as she slumps over half-conscious against the wall.

As Fluttershy closes her eyes her last thoughts are."Sorry rainbow I couldn't keep my promise."
And with that the warrior.
The general.
Fluttershy collapse into unconsciousness.


The lone Monk felt..... something and knew that they had lost. She was actually relieved she could finally rest.

She Pulled her Hood down freeing a head of rainbow colored hair. She felt the tremors. Some monster was coming to kill her.

She would greeted with open arms.

With a smile Rainbow Dash.
Final after so long.
Closed her eyes

Fluttershy held the battered but living body of her best friend staring out at the destruction all around her. Most of the birds have been killed along with a good number of random people all around and those that hadn't died.

Something was.

Happening to them.

They were shifting. Growing extra limbs. Hair growing in spots and shouldn't have and extra eyeballs appearing all over their bodies.

She picked up Rainbow Dash and with tears in her eyes flew into the air. Some of the birds now looking very strange flew after them but with a brush of her magic they turned and started battling each other.

Fluttershy was horrified and as she glided through the air and watched the Carnage behind them. She made an oath.

She would find whoever did this whoever did this to all those innocent and to her best friend.

And she would make them pay


Has both of the pair close their eyes a small light appeared from each of their foreheads one red and one pink and flew to a unseen figure standing over them

Author's Note:

Fun fact I was listening to Weird Al's everything you know is wrong well writing a significant portion of this

Fun fact number two originallyI was going to have some sort of plain / bird expose with a bunch of scientists be the backstory and then I realized that only really affected is a very beginning of the backstory segments and sounded kind of stupid

This is most likely by far the longest chapter in the story I have a pretty clear plan of what the rest of the chapters are going to be and almost certainly none of them are going to be as long as this one

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