• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 925 Views, 7 Comments

Trixie's UnBEARable Day - Trixie The Crusader

Trixie is stuck with an Ursa Minor for a day and may need help

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Chapter1: Part I and II


Part I: A Rude Awakening

"This was it" said the azure-colored mare, dressed in a violet robe. After months of training, the mare was ready to fulfill her claim of vanquishing an Ursa major. She stood in front of a cave located in the Everfree Forest outside of Ponyville.
It was dawn; the sun was slowly creeping over the horizon. Most ponies were asleep, not even the birds were awake. But she, she was wide awake, prepared and ready to fight against one of the largest and most violent creatures in all of Equestria.

She over-confidently marched into the cave as if she had already claimed victory and used the magic from her horn to light the way. The cave was cold, damp, and dark, the only light being the faint magenta glow that radiated from the mare's horn. She walked slowly for a few minutes, taking in her surroundings and making sure that the creature was unaware of her presence. She soon approached a massive sleeping bear with a blue coat that was lit up with stars like the nighttime sky.
The mare instantly recognized the bear from their previous skirmish in Ponyville, in which Twilight Sparkle stopped with her magical abilities."Curses! This is only an Ursa Minor but it will have to do" the mare said quietly to herself. "It will make excellent practice for when the Ursa Major returns. And it is fast asleep which should make it easier to vanquish."

She began to focus all of her energy into her horn which began to burst with several shades of her original magenta color lighting up the whole cave. She used up every last bit of her magical energy to let out an enormous beam directly at the bear. The beam struck the bear dead on, and although the beam was huge for pony standards and the mare was very proud of herself (like with everything else she does). In Ursa Minor standards the beam was miniscule, not doing any damage nor did it leave behind any mark.

In frustration the mare yelled with great anger "Stupid Ursa! Trixie hates you almost as much as she hates that insufferable mare, Sparkle" She picked up a rock and chucked it, hitting the bear on its head. The Ursa Minor was abruptly woken up, upon which it was not very happy about and quickly glanced around the cave to spot the source of the rock. After a few seconds of looking around in confusion the bear finally spotted the source of the rock that had rudely awakened him .... Trixie!

The Ursa now began to focus his attention on the mare. It bent over and got into the mare's face giving her a violent stare with its big glowing yellow eyes and red pupils. It was breathing heavily with steam flaring out of its nostrils that would push and pull the mare's mane back and forth with each breath.

The Ursa who was still in Trixie's face began moving forward causing Trixie to move back until she was pushed into a corner and could no longer move. "Now now you wouldn't dare lay a claw on THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE would you?" she said to the Ursa. The Ursa feeling like the mare was trying to communicate with it became slightly confused and sat up scratching its head . "Good." Trixie thought to herself maybe if she can't vanquish why not try to convince it to do her bidding. She began pacing back and forth the cave. "Now listen here stupid bear, The G and PT would like to extend an offering for you to be her pet. Now what do you say would you like to be THE GREAT AND" but before the mare could finish her sentence, the shouting of her name echoed throughout the cave causing stalactites to fall on the Ursa’s head thus agitating it even more.

Roaring in pain, the bear resumed its position of once again starring violently at the mare. "Uh-oh" whispered Trixie quietly as she made a gulp sound. The Ursa showed its vicious sharp teeth that were dripping in saliva and let out a ferocious roar causing the ground to shake and blowing Trixie's mane straight back as she let out a loud shriek. The Ursa than took a quick swipe at Trixie which she barely avoided.

Trixie quickly recovered herself and focused her attention back on the Ursa "Well it looks like its Trixie's time to go but rest assured that The G and PT will return even greater and more powerful than ever." She then pulled out a smoke ball and threw it on the ground in attempt to escape the bear and run away. But her attempts were futile as the Ursa minor began chasing her out of the cave growling and occasionally swiping at her even managing to get a piece of her robe.

Trixie was galloping as fast as she could and despite not using her magic to light the cave she was luckily avoiding stumbling over any hazards in her way. Although she was not the most athletic of ponies she was still able to out run the Ursa due to its gigantic size slowing it down. She was panting heavily but she could not give up for she knew that if she slowed down even a little the Ursa would get to enjoy an early breakfast.

The cave started to glow with the light of the morning sun and some of it became visible to Trixie. She knew she was quickly approaching the end of the tunnel and put whatever energy she had left into was last sprint which propelled herself into the dimly lit Everfree Forest. "Phew" Trixie said to herself wiping the sweat off her forehead and inhaling deeply in order to catch her breath. But before she could exhale she noticed that she was not alone...

Feeling deep breaths blowing her mane in her face, she slowly turned her head to lay her eyes on the Ursa minor just as flustered as before growling at Trixie with a cruel grin on its face. The Ursa once again stood menacingly over Trixie flashing his sharp teeth to her. With a look of dismay on her face she was hoping that she could muster up enough energy to create a distraction but every time she started focusing energy into her horn it would spark and fizz quickly dying out. Trixie repeated this several times with no success. She was successful though in entertaining the Ursa who watched amusingly even snickering at her failed attempts. After a few minutes of this the mare finally stopped her hoof on the ground in anger "Enough! Trixie is not here to entertain you, you foolish Ursa. Can't you see that she is trying to vanquish you?"

Upon hearing the word vanquish the Ursa once again became angry at Trixie stomping his claws on the ground and howling loudly which caused all of the birds in the Everfree Forest to fly away. Even Fluttershy who was fast asleep in her cottage was awoken by the sound of the monstrous howl. When the noise pierced Trixie's ears and rang through her head it made every piece of fur on her coat and mane stick up causing her to jump with fear and shriek once again.

Trixie noticed that the Ursa minor now began scraping it's paw against the ground again as if it were ready to charge. She quickly took the hint and began to gallop away as quickly as possible with the Ursa minor following closely behind her. Trixie took the only path that she knew in the Everfree Forest which lead straight to Ponyville. The mare was well aware of this and knew the consequences of her decision but did not care as long as she could ditch the bear. For all she cared the citizens of Ponyville could deal with it after all it wasn't the first time that they had dealt with an Ursa Minor.

Part II: A Hole In Trixie's Plans

It was still early morning, the sun was still barely rising over the horizon and most ponies were still asleep. There was one pony who was up though, Fluttershy. Being that her cottage was so close to the Everfree Forest she was used to hearing strange noises from the depths of the Everfree and was able to sleep through most but the noise she heard this morning was different. Not thinking much of it, she used it as an opportunity to get an early start to the day. On a typical morning most of her animals were up before she was waiting for their breakfast but this morning they were asleep. Not that Fluttershy didn't love each and everyone of her animal friends but they were quite noisy and she rarely got time to herself so for the first time in awhile she finally got some peace and quite. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity she put on her robe and slippers, happily went down stairs while humming the “My Little Pony” theme, and began to brew some of her favorite tea.

A few minutes later Fluttershy's teapot was going off so she poured herself a cup and made it the way she liked with two lumps of sugar. She then flew over to her favorite couch and took her first sip of freshly brewed tea. "Ah what a good way to start the day I hope it is a good sign of things to come" she thought to herself. As she went to go take her second sip she suddenly stopped. A faint sound in the distance had caught her attention causing the mare to curiously look out her window to locate the source. Being that it was still early morning she could not see far but she did happen to notice a silhouette of a pony galloping out of the forest. “I wonder what pony could be up at this hour and what were they doing in the Everfree Forest?” but before she could continue on with her thoughts her cottage began to shake as if an earthquake struck.

“Eeeek” Fluttershy squeaked out as pictures began to fall off her wall and animals scattered all over. “Angel Bunny calm down. Button come back. Elizabeak don't run off.” Fluttershy yelled at an attempt to calm her animals down and get them under control. The rumbling soon came to an end but it was to late most of the animals at the cottage had run off and the cottage had become a mess. “Oh my so much for good things to come” the Pegasuses said disappointingly to herself.
Meanwhile in Ponyville everything was quiet when suddenly a pink coated mare with a cotton candy mane was sprang out of bed with the shudders causing her body to expand and contract like crazy. “Uh- oh that isn't good I usually get the shudders when a doozy is going to happen but what possible doozy could happen this early in the morning? This isn't right at all. I better go check it out just in case though.”

Pinkie Pie thus happily began to bounce out of her room and down the stairs while trying not to wake up the Cakes. When she reached the half way point she noticed that there was some minor shaking at Sugar Cube Corner and she began shuddering once again. The pony spastically continued her way downstairs at some pints not even laying a hoof on the ground because of the violent shudders. When she finally made it to the first floor she burst out of the front door of Sugar Cube Corner and extended her neck to great distances looking in both directions to spot for any signs of a doozy.

“Eh that is weird there is no pony awake, not even a sound so how could there possibly be a doozy? But my Pinkie sense is never wrong maybe I just have to wait.” She continued this babble for quite a while until she noticed Trixie streak by her home. “HIIIIIIIIII Trixie!” she called out to her. Scratching her chin “Hmm why is Trixie back in town I thought she ran away after Twilight stopped that giant bear thingy?” GASP “Maybe Trixie is coming to apologize if that was the case then that would be a doozy in fact it would be one doozy of a doozy! I need to go get a party started for her right now! I will make her some welcome back punch and some cupcakes.” The mare excitedly said to herself.

She was ready to zip back inside and get everything ready for a party when all of sudden everything in Ponyville began to shake waking up everypony that was not already awake. “Woah! I have a feeling that Trixie wasn't the doozy.”

One by one Ponies opened their window and began to come outside with puzzled expressions on their faces to see what was the cause of the sudden shaking. There were whispers amongst the group of ponies about possible earthquakes and making sure that nothing was damaged or no pony was harmed. A moment later the ground once again began to rumble more potent than before causing small objects like flowerpots to fall and shatter.

The Ursa Minor's head emerged over the horizon effectively blocking what part of the sun that had risen and sending all of the ponies into a panicked frenzy running in all directions. Amongst all the rattling and panic one earth pony with a lily in her mane managed to scream “The horror! The horror” while theatrically fainting. The berserk Ursa began rampaging through out the small town wreaking havoc and crushing buildings. “This is definitely the doozy” Pinkie Pie said while shaking up and down.

It was still early morning only an hour or two had passed since the initial encounter with the Ursa Minor and the sun had finally fully peaked over the horizon. By now Trixie had stopped running because she could no longer move and was out of energy. Breathing heavily she sat outside of the Carousel Boutique that was a few blocks away from where the Ursa was rampaging. “Trixie should be fine now. By now Sparkle should be dealing with that beast and before anyone notices Trixie should be able to make an easy escape” she thought to herself. She sat quietly outside of the boutique for awhile just resting and listening to the noise of screaming Ponyville citizens.

The bear continued on this rampage for quite sometime knocking over buildings to see if it could find the unicorn that had disturbed his slumber. He wrecked homes and the Town Hall in hopes of finding Trixie but no luck. He continued this temper tantrum until the Ursa spotted what he was looking for and began stampeding his way towards the boutique. He rushed through the town and crushed the stands in the market to get to its target.

Trixie has quickly taking notice of it but was unable to move and completely out of breath. There was nothing she could do except for just watch in awe as the massive creature ran right towards her. The Ursa had finally got what he wanted and got closer to Trixie but as soon as he was in swiping distance the ground beneath them collapsed creating a large crashing noise that every citizen in Ponyville heard even waking up Rarity in the boutique who somehow managed to sleep through the attack.

In anger Rarity swung her windows open screaming “CAN'T A LADY GET SOME BEAUTY SLEEP AROUND HERE?” but when she looked down her eye began to twitch as she could not believe what she was seeing. “This is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING.” she yelled over dramatically. There was a huge crater in the ground right in front of her boutique. “Oh no how will I ever get any business now when the property in front of my business is ruined? No pony is want to buy dresses from a mare that can't even keep the property of her own business in tact” but she was cut off by the sound of someone clearing there throat. “Rarity we have more important things to worry about half of Ponyville has been destroyed by an Ursa Minor” called out Twilight Sparkle. “Oh yeah that is bad too” Rarity said with a guilty look.

By then most of the citizens of Ponyville had gathered around the massive hole to see what all the commotion was about. The hole was pitch black and nothing can be seen and no sound could be heard leading everyone to believe that the attack was over. To all ponies displeasure’s they knew that the day ahead was going to be spent cleaning up the mess that was created during the attack but they were all happy that the Ursa Minor now appeared to be gone and no one was hurt.
Seeing how everyone was gathered around the hole Mayor Mare used it as an opportunity to give a morale boosting speech and assign everypony a task that they could complete and like Winter Wrap Up ponies were split into groups with assigned task with Twilight as the organizer. Everypony went off in separate directions but before Twilight left she heard a sound coming from the hole and decided to approach it.

“Hello is anypony down there?” called out Twilight. “Yes” a meek voice quietly replied. “Are you okay?” asked Twilight. “Yes Trixie is fine she somehow managed to land on a mattress but the Ursa Minor is out cold.” “Trixie?!” Twilight said with a surprise look on her face. “What are you doing here in Ponyville I thought you ran off after the last Ursa Minor incident.” Then it clicked “You had something to so with this one too didn't you Trixie?” Twilight said angrily.
“Yes Trixie did but that is besides the point Trixie demands that you get her out of this whole RIGHT NOW.... Wait a second that voice Trixie knows who you are... Sparkle. If that is the case Trixie does not want your help she would rather be stuck in this hole with an Ursa.”
“I can't just leave you in there Trixie as soon as the Ursa wakes up you will be killed.”
“Trixie would rather die than be helped by the likes of you the leader of the neighsayers besides with the amount of magic it would take to teleport Trixie out of here you would be warn out for the rest of the day and the citizens so desperately need you.” Trixie said sarcastically.

Despite Trixie's sarcasm Twilight knew that this was true and she also knew that no other pony would help Trixie because of what happened last time not to mention if they figured out she lead the Ursa here. Not to mention dealing with the Ursa would leave her out for weeks. “Fine there is nothing I can do today Trixie but as soon as Ponyville is fixed I am coming back for you and you won''t change my mind.” said Twilight reluctantly as she began to walk away.

“Fine do as you please THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE can get herself out of this mess.” but when Trixie tried to stand up she began to wobble and fell over. She had become to weak to make a daring escape using her legs. “Fine if Trixie can't crawl out of here then she will have to use magic.” She began to once again focus energy into her horn but like before it just spark and it blew out like a fuse. Her energy was not yet restored from the attack on the Ursa and there was nothing that she could do. She sighed to herself who knows how long she will be stuck down here. Trixie was now stuck in the dark and cold hole similar to the cave she was at just a few hours earlier... All alone with nothing but her thoughts and an unconscious Ursa Minor to keep her company.

Author's Note: This is my first and probably my only attempt at a fan-fic. I know it isn't perfect and I am not the best at grammar but I am open to any criticism and advice that is offered so thank you for reading and taking your time to comment. I am hoping that this will be around four parts long so maybe two or three chapters. If it is good I may also add extras like visits from background ponies.

Comments ( 7 )

So many run-on sentences. It's an interesting idea but it is really hard to read with everything jammed into super dense sentences.

I apologize grammar is not my best and I didn't have anyone to help me proof read it but I shouldn't make excuses. I appreciate the feedback and I hope that it didn't take away any enjoyment from reading. :twilightblush:

Interesting first chapter, keep up the good work.


You need a proofreader? I haven't read the fic yet, but I tend to like Trixie and I tend to like proofreading too. I've put this on my read it later list. Message me if you want me to go over it with some red ink. :trollestia:

Continue it. Continue it.


Twice? Really? It's even the same bear, really? Really, waifu? You just can't stay away from those things, can you? :trixieshiftright:

Don't worry I have every intention to continue it. It may just be awhile school starts back up soon :/:raritydespair:

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