• Published 28th Aug 2019
  • 1,030 Views, 18 Comments

The anniversary of Harmony - S Olin S

20 years after Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon, their kids have been tasked with planning the anniversary.

  • ...

Alright, Let's do This

Ponyville Castle

Twilight had let the seven use the library in her castle to work on planning.
Everypony arrived eventually, with Prism arriving last, having to be taken over by Dash after sleeping in.
Though, Star may have been almost as much of a hassle to get over as him if she didn't live in Ponyville half of the time.

Once they were all in the library, sitting around a table, there was a moment of awkward silence.
"So then," Star began. "what kinds of ideas did any of you have for the event? I know it's being held in Ponyville town hall if that helps."

"Ooh! I have some!" Candy announced.

"Well, what are they?"

"I think we should have a whole lot of fun things! Like streamers, confetti, snacks, punch, music, games, lots of balloons, and, to top it all off, a great big cake!" Candy listed off rapidly, ending with a smile.
She really is Pinkie's kid.

"Yeah. That sounds good. Anypony else?"

"Well, I remember the decorations in town hall being done by Rarity," Annie mentioned. "So we could recreate some of that for the night. I think Rarity especially would like it."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." T complimented.

"Yeah, sounds good," Star replied. "Any more ideas?"

"Well, there could always be an airshow," Prism mentioned.

"Lead by you I'm assuming."

"Well, yeah, of course. I'm the best flyer in the room."

"Up against some stiff competition I see. But okay, we can see about doing that somehow."

"I could help out with the decorations," Claire offered. "For obvious reasons."

"I would very much appreciate that, Claire. Thanks," Annie said.

"And I ould help by makin' some of the snacks Candy was talking about." Del offered.

"Aw, thanks Del. We'll need everything you can get us!" Candy said.

"Okay, fantastic. Was that everypony?" Star asked.

"Well, everypony except for you. What are you going to do for the anniversary?" Annie asked.

"Well... I could see about helping set up the royal guard organization."

"I suppose that works..."

"Yes, it does. Does anypony else have ideas?" The room kept quiet. "In that case then, I suppose we're ought to go out and do what we need to and get this done with."

Everypony stood up and sorta mumbled something like "Alright," or "I guess, okay," And headed home to work on their given tasks.

Three Days Later, Ponyville Town Hall

Everypony had been working very hard on their tasks. Star showed up last due to 'princess duties' and took a look around the area and didn't see much outside.
She head inside to see what work was like on the decor and party supplies Annie and Candy were talking about.

And was immediately, somehow, shocked.
There were ornate banisters just like the ones that night hanging from the roof, two snack tables that ad exclusively apple themed snacks and tablecloth, all with the overlay of a party.
"What happened here?" Star asked.

Del was standing at one of the snack tables organizing the snacks. "Well I was asked to bring snacks and ah figured that I may as well also bring some tablecloth to go along with em'," He explained.

"So then what's with all the party decorations? This looks like when Pinkie threw my birthday 8 years ago."

"Well, I was talking about all the things I'd bring, and you were okay with it," Candy explained, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"What? I never- And what's with these banisters and ribbons? This is like three separate events going on at the same time."

"Well, we said that we'd make it look like it did that night, 20 years ago," Annie explained, walking over from the center stage.

"You had no problem with it and so we all just went along with that we agreed on," Claire added, talking from the stage.

"What? I expected- Wait, where's Prism?"

"Ah think he's out back doing whatever it is with the air show thing," Del explained.

"Okay, we'll get this all sorted, but I'll go check on Prism," Star said as she turned around and walked out and behind the town hall.
Star looked around and couldn't see Prism or anything else to do with what he talked about.
Prism whipped by. Star followed him and watched him doing random tricks in the air. What was he up to?
"Prism! Hey, Prism!" She yelled, getting his attention.

Prism flew down and landed, "Do you like what I've got so far?"

"What do you have so far?" Star asked. From the looks of it, he was just flying for fun.

"The airshow, of course. Do ya like it or what?"

"You're... flying around doing random stunts. I that supposed to be the airshow?"

Prism was taken aback. "It's a set series of grand stunts done with care and elegance. Can you not see that?"

"No, not really."

"Fine, then what do you want me to do?"

Prism wanted Star to tell him this? Why did everypony talk about how 'she seemed okay with it.' Since when was she put in charge?
Star thought back to what her mother said when she asked: "In that case, what do I do?"
Twilight had told Star, "All you have to do is make sure it all goes smoothly. And I know you'll be able to do that."
That's when Star realized, everypony talked as if she was in charge, probably because that's what Twilight had told them all... And told her.

"Uh, Star? You gonna say anything?" Prism asked. Star realized that she had been zoned out for a little there.

"Uh, yeah." Star boggled her mind for ideas. There had to be a reason that Twilight thought she was most suited for the task. And then it came to her.
"Instead of a tangle of stunts, I think you should instead wait for Twilight and the others to finish whatever it is they're going to do, and then fly up from behind the town hall, using that rainbow trail you leave behind to make the moon back when Luna was banished to it, and when that 's faded, cycle all their cutie marks in that location, finishing with the sun and moon together. I think that would be a wonderful tribute to what I've heard of those events." Star explained. After that, she felt energized, who knew that she could take charge like that...
Twilight knew.
Star was grateful to have Twilight as her mother at that moment.

Prism just stood in shock.
He blinked and could finally muster a reply.
"Wow... Okay, yeah. That sounds like a good idea... okay yeah I'll do that."
Prism then few off to train himself on the routine which had become much more elaborate than before.

Star watched him fly off and could only think: "Okay, let's do this again. Not like that, like this."