• Published 28th Aug 2019
  • 1,030 Views, 18 Comments

The anniversary of Harmony - S Olin S

20 years after Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon, their kids have been tasked with planning the anniversary.

  • ...

Picking Planners

Canterlot Castle

"Why should we plan it?" Starburst asked. The orange-coated mare, who had a short mane very similar in color to her mothers, save for a blue stripe in place of a purple one, had been somewhat prone to 'bursts of anger,' as her mother called them. But this one she simply couldn't understand.

"Well, we figured, who else more qualified to plan the 20-year anniversary of when we reformed Nightmare Moon than our own children?" Twilight argued. They had already planned the 10-year, back when their children were just foals. But now that they were approaching the age that she and her friends were when they had first met, (Claire might have even been the same age that her mother, Rarity, was.

"I don't know. Maybe somepony like you six?" Starburst argued. Twilight wasn't sure why Star was so intent on not doing this. She thought it may have something to do with their previously... rocky? relationship, with Twilight often being too busy to help Star learn to fly and such.

Twilight sighed. "The Summer Sun Celebration is one of the most important events of my life. Of all of my friends' lives. I just want to give you the opportunity to experience that as well." Twilight simply wanted the best for Star, even if she couldn't always do that in the past.

Star was quiet for a moment, then took a deep breath. "I don't even have a choice, do I?" she grumbled.

"Sadly, you can't. We're far too busy these days to do it ourselves." Twilight explained.

Star sighed. "Alright. In that case, then what do I do?"

Fluttershy's cabin

"Really? Oh, of course, I'd love to!" Anthea exclaimed.

Fluttershy giggled. "I knew you'd love to." Fluttershy often remarked that, even though she couldn't see, her daughter was still the brightest pony she knew.
"I already told Twilight about it so everything's already being organized, so you can enjoy the rest of your day."

"Thanks, mom. I'm really looking forward to doing this with everypony."
That's when a knock came at the door.

Anthea opened it and was met with Turquoise Blitz, one of Rarity's kids. Antea had planned to spend the rest of the day with the dragon-pony hybrid.
"You all ready?" He asked.

"Yep! My mom already took care of everything for the anniversary so I'm free the rest of the day."

T was confused at Annie's mention of 'The anniversary.'
"Anniversary? Of what?"

"Oh? You haven't heard?"

"Heard about what?"

"I'll tell you all about it once we're out." Annie turned to her mother, who was heading upstairs, "Alright mom, we're headed out now."

"Okay, just be safe and be back before sundown." She replied.

"You know we always are."

Carousel Boutique

"That does sound like an interesting idea..." commented Crystal Clarity. The purple dragon-pony hybrid was the eldest of the seven who were going to organize this year, and also considered herself the most mature of them. "But I must ask, why us exactly? Didn't you six do it all last time?"
Claire, by no means, wanted to imply that she wasn't interested in participating, but she couldn't think of another way to word the question.

Rarity understood her intention and was happy to answer.
"Oh, of course, we'd be able to set aside time to do it ourselves. We did just that last time, after all. But we all reasoned that there were no better candidates for this than our very own children. And who knows, this could turn out similar to that initial Summer Sun Celebration."
While the ten, and soon twenty-year anniversaries were on the same day as the Festival of the Two Sisters, it had taken over the day last time and was planned to going forward, considering that it was a cornerstone in Equestrian History.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Did you talk to T about it yet?"
Surely if Claire was to be a part of this, then her brother would also have to be there as well.

"Oh well, I simply haven't gotten the chance. He's been out all day at Fluttershy's. Though I did plan to tell him all about it once he gets back. If her daughter hasn't already told him about it. I'm sure she's all over the idea."

Then, in another instance of Equestrian convenient timing, T, Claire's younger, yet thanks to a growth spurt taller brother, arrived home from his day with Fluttershy's daughter, Anthea.
And immediately after he walked inside, proving that he had indeed heard about the event, he announced,
"I'm in."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Rarity exclaimed. "I'll tell Twilight immediately so she can work on a time for you all to work on the event."
Rarity then left to go to Twilight's.

"So, I assume Annie told you all about it?"

"Yep. It's an interesting idea, having us plan the event that brought our parents together is a great one."

"Well, I suppose I should get ready. See about some ideas for it. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly." Claire stood up and began upstairs.

"...and you jinxed it..."

Sugarcube Corner

Cotton Candy beamed with the biggest smile her mother had ever seen her muster at the news.
"you want me to help plan a party?" The very pale, pink and white mained mare asked with excitement only rivaled by her mothers.

"You know I do!" Pinkie replied.

"Oh! But I've never planned a party before!" Cotton realized. "And my first real party on this scale? What if It's too much, or I mess up? or... or..." She was cut off by Pinkie,

"That's no problem. And you wanna know why? Because your mama just so happens to be the best party planner in all of ponyville. Just a quick crash course before the bug day and you'll ace this thing!"

"You really think so?"Candy asked, now being on the fence between total confidence and a complete lack off faith.

"I know so! Right after I tell Twilight that we're in, I'll give you a crash course in partyoligy!"

As her mother always said, "Yeah! Let's do this thing!"


"I mean, I would if I could... But I have things to do." Claimed Prism Bolt. The dark-blue colt with his mother's mane was always like this.

"Like what?" Dash Inquired. This was nothing new to her, for as long as she could remember, her son was on the lazier side.

"Like... Homework. Yeah, Homework."

Prism was never a very good liar, either.
"Prism... It's summer."

"Uh..." Prism had dug himself into a hole with that one. "It's... extra work that I forgot to do."

"Uh-huh. Prism, you need to be more active with things like this."

"Why should I care about this? It's a pointless celebration you six made up so that you would have a holiday for... What again? Meeting each other?"

"It's more than the ix of us 'meeting each other.' It's about us becoming the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. And that's rather important to all of Equestria if you ask me."

"Why is it so important to Equestria? The elements haven't existed for years now!"

"Because there are ponies out there who are old enough to remember, and it's a lot of ponies. This is to celebrate the start of an era for Equestria. Just like the Summer Sun Celebration did with Celestia and Luna."

"Okay then, why don't you guys do it if it's so important?"

"Because we love you all and want you to learn valuable lessons."

"Why should I care about doing this with those other six anyways? I've only met each of them once in my life."

"You know who else would have said something very similar?" Prism had heard this one before, with many things. "Twilight. And now look at her. Look at us. And it's all thanks to us taking action and responsibility on this day twenty years ago. I don't want you to just live your life sitting around and practicing your flying. Yes, flying is important but there's more to life than it. So please, just go out there and try."

Prism sat silent for a while. He had to process the lecture that Dash had given him. No doubt she learned how to do that from Twilight all those years ago.

"Thank you. Now I'll go see what Twilight wants you all to do and when."

Sweet Apple Acres

"It's been ten years?" Golden Delicious asked. AJ definatley wasn't expecting that response.

"Uh, yeah. Guess I wasn't expecting ya to ask that, but ya remember the last one?"

"Oh yeah, ah only remember it vaugely though. I remember there bein' fireworks?" The orange colt seemed to have a rather tough time remembering details. He was only a foal at the time.

"Yeah, lots of em'. Twi took care of those if I remember right. Even ah'm starting to lose the memory of it."

"Ah guess that's what ten years will do to ya. But I'd love to, I'll just have to clear some things off since this is a rather unexpected development."

"Don't worry about anythin' around the farm. I'll find others to do your jobs for ya." AJ looked back and remembred when Del wouldn't even eat applesauce.

"Alrighty then, that clears it up a bit. Just tell me when it's happening and what we're doin'."

"Ah sure will. I'll head to Twi's now since I've gotten most things done. I'll be back tonight and tell you everything."

Canterlot Castle

Everypony had arrived at about the same time, with the odd exception of Fluttershy and Twilight, the former of which said she'd be there shortly.

"So Dash, how much hassle was it to get Prism on board?" Rarity asked, knowing very well of Prism's... Habits.

Dash chuckled, "I still don't think he fully is."

"Well, that is why we all decided to have em' do it this time, right?" AJ Asked. "To teach em' a valuable lesson, like what happened with us?"

"That is what I remember." Added Pinkie. "But I'm sure my Candy will do just fine."

Twilight finally arrived as Pinkie said that.
"I'm sure they'll all do just fine in the end. It's getting there that will be difficult."

"Even Star? How does she seem to feel about it?" Rarity again inquired.

"Star doesn't seem like she's all that on board with the idea. But I remember when I was the same way with Celestia when I first came down all those years ago. How time flies."

"While getting Prism to actually show will probably be the toughest part of the day for me,I think you're right, Twilight. All they need to do is give it a shot and I'm sure that they'll end up fine.