• Published 10th Aug 2019
  • 520 Views, 3 Comments

Alternate to Magic - smirker

A strange family of three comes to Ponyville.

  • ...

Day 14

Morning comes and Walker, Runner, and Sprinter head outside to see how the harpies, vulcans, and onis were doing, they look and see the three species' were having breakfast, the harpies eat seeds, the vulcans eat plants, and the onis eat the two onis Princess Ember killed yesterday with the red onis eating the blue oni and the blue onis eating the red one, everybody in Ponyville scream at the sight,

"They're eating their own kind." Sandbar said,

"I'm going to be sick." Ocellus said with her front right hoof on her mouth, everybody sees the onis eating their own kind and Yona and Silverstream gag while covering their mouths with their hoof and talon respectively, the two run away to go vomit. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter watch them and Alexia gives them seeds,

"Thanks, Alexia." Walker said, and the three eat them, they also see Twilight Sparkle walking to Spirit,

"Well, Spirit, you made a promise, I'd like to see Aerostia, Chrysaor, and Yomi." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Yes, I remember, hold on, I have to separate your world from my realm." Spirit replied, and he makes everyone from the Void disappear, along with their work areas. Ponyville changes at the east and three new areas appear, the one to the left was floating in the air, white and gold architecture with yellow lights were everywhere, so were gold statues of the harpies, some of the doors had harpy wings and heads carved into them, their houses were made from white stones with gold decorations on them, and there was a vault visible for everyone to see. The one to the center had jail cells in front of the others, they see two types of jail cells, gray jail cells that had a clock carving on it, and black jail cells that had a skull carving on it, they look past the jail cells and a see a golden architecture that was shaped like a creature that was a hybrid between a lion and a boar, and there were animals in the same shape around it, everybody also saw an area full of grass past it, and there was a lot of houses, they were all made from stone, and each one had a white symbol painted onto it. The one to the right had a blood red sky and black clouds, there was a stronghold to the left and a fortress to the right, they were both black, the fortress looked like Gothic architecture, there were waterfalls of blood coming out of the fortress, and dead onis hanging from nooses on the edges of the roofs.

The world's natives look on with excitement and see the places looked fun to explore, everybody looks at Aerostia first and sees the place,

"Wow, it's like Cloudsdale." Applejack said,

"Cloudsdale?" a female harpy asked,

"It's that city of clouds up there in the sky." Rainbow Dash replied while she points at it, the harpies look and see it,

"How do you all stay on the clouds?" Adetokunbo asked,

"Us Pegasi have natural magic on us that make us walk on clouds." Rainbow Dash replied,

"And the unicorns can cast spells to make others walk on the clouds." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Well, you won't need it here, I'll show you all around, follow me." Runner said, and he makes a black skeletal arm come out of his front right hoof and it grabs the nearest ledge, he goes up while the creatures with wings fly up and Twilight Sparkle uses telekinesis on the creatures who could not fly. Runner walks forward and everybody looks at Aerostia,

"Wow, so many yellow lights." Silverstream said,

"*chuckle* They are important to us." a female harpy replied,

"What is the point of those yellow lights on the orbs?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is how our seeds are created." Adetokunbo replied,

"Um, where did you all get your meat from?" Spike asked,

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Runner replied,

"They are dead harpies, sometimes, harpies have disagreements and fight, most end in one's death, we just eat that harpy's remains." Adetokunbo said, the world's natives exclaim and gag,

"Harpy eats own kind, too?" Prince Rutherford asked,

"If they were dishonorable and combat, yes, if not, no, they receive proper burials." a female harpy replied,

"Wait, proper burial for being honorable in combat?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"They live a warrior's culture, being honorable is held in high regard for them, being killed in combat by an equally honorable warrior is considered a very good thing." Runner replied,

"Ugh, enough with the fighting and deaths." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Do you not wish to be killed by an honorable warrior?" Adetokunbo asked,

"No, I wish to live my life to the fullest." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I must agree, I will admit that honor is important, but this is a land of friendship, we achieve honor by playing fair in games, honor through combat has no place in our land." Princess Celestia said, the harpies become silent,

"Say, what are those doors on the top ledges there?" Rainbow Dash asked, the harpies look,

"They are the vaults of the honorable harpies that were killed in combat, they receive proper burials." Alexia replied,

"Um, are those inscriptions carved in the doors there?" Fluttershy asked,

"Yes, it's a warning written in our language, they all basically say the same thing, whoever disturbs the vault and takes the dead harpy's possessions will be cursed." Alexia replied,

"Then what about that vault over there that's visible?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"That is the vault of Achillas, the most honorable harpy that has ever lived, he lived a warrior's life, and fought with honor and fairness, we keep his vault visible to remind us of his honorable and fair ways in combat, he died the most honorable way possible, killed in combat by an equally honorable warrior." Adetokunbo replied,

"Wow, fightin' fair must be extremely important to 'em." Applejack said, the harpies nod,

"What is that big area floating over there?" Silverstream asked while she points at it,

"That is the arena, we fight newcomers there to see how they are in combat since combat reveals their true selves." a male harpy replied,

"Looks pretty fun." Princess Ember said, Smolder, Grampa Gruff, and Gallus nod in agreement and smile,

"Quick question, how do you all create your boomerangs?" Smolder asked,

"They are carved by hand, that yellow light also creates the metal required to make the boomerangs, and we carve them with our nails." Alexia replied,

"Well, it was nice getting to know about this, I think we should explore a bit." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go around while Runner leads them. Everybody looks around Aerostia and see carvings of harpies in most of the doors in the area,

"Can we enter yer homes?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Sorry, but no." a male harpy replied, they look around and enjoy it,

"Well, it was nice, but we have to go now." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go back to Ponyville and go to the center area,

"Alright, everyone, follow me." Walker said, and he leads them.

Walker leads everyone to Chrysaor and the jails were first,

"What is this place?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"The jail cells, they're different colors and have symbols for a reason, the gray jail cells means the vulcans are serving time, while the black cells mean they're sentenced to death." Walker replied,

"So, what can you tell us about this place, Walker?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"The vulcans value plays as entertainment and architecture, they also value logic, they believe acting based off of your emotions should only be allowed in entertainment. There are three temples in their land, the first one's up ahead." Walker said, and he leads them. Everybody walks and Walker leads them to the gold architecture that was shaped like a hybrid between a bear and a boar,

"This is the first temple, the Temple of Behemoth, their land god, and main one." Walker said,

"Ooh, my, a gold color, it is pretty nice, I must say." Rarity said, they hear walking and everybody sees the animals shaped like the temple coming to them,

"Aw, you all are so cute, yes, you are." Fluttershy said as she flies to them, she cuddles with them and they rub their heads on her,

"Can we enter the temples?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Sure, the mouth's the entrance and exit." Walker replied, and they go in. Everybody enters the Temple of Behemoth, they see the interior was also gold, there was a gold statue of Behemoth in the back, a podium in front of it that had a book on it with Behemoth on the cover, and two paintings on the wall in front of them, the left painting had vulcans on it, but they did not have wings or tails, and the right painting had swords, hammers, axes, spears, halberds, maces, and clubs,

"Ooh, more gold." Pinkie Pie said,

"I sure wish they would more color, though." Rarity replied,

"Wait, is that... a book?" Twilight Sparkle asked, she trots to it and was about to open it,

"Wait, Princess Twilight, you can't do that." Walker said,

"What? Why not?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"The books in the temples are sacred, touching them is forbidden in their culture." Walker replied,

"What? Then why is it here?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is an object of worship." Walker replied,

"Well, there's really nothing here, we should get going." Shining Armor said, the others agree and they exit. Walker leads them to Chrysaor's village and they see the homes,

"What the? Every home looks exactly the same." Rarity said,

"That's what the family crests are for." Walker replied,

"You mean those white things painted on the homes?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yes." Walker replied, they look and see several vulcan children, Elder Hephaestus walks to them,

"Welcome to Chrysaor, but be on guard, the Possessed and Undead are abundant in our home." Elder Hephaestus said,

"Don't worry, we will." Princess Celestia replied,

"Good. Walker, lead them around, I trust you." Elder Hephaestus said,

"Yes, this way, everybody." Walker replied, and they walk south. Everybody goes south and the ground changes to gray dirt,

"We're here! The area of the three paths!" Silverstream said,

"Four, actually." Walker replied, they all turn around and see the three paths from before,

"We just came from the center one." Walker said,

"Is there a specific reason for three paths?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Yes, each one leads to a temple, the one we just came from of called the Path to the Land, the uphill path is the Path to the Sky, and the downhill one is the Path to the Sea." Walker replied,

"To the sea? I wanna go!" Silverstream said,

"What about the rest of you?" Walker asked, they nod,

"Alright, downhill we go." Walker said, and they do. Everybody goes downhill and they see water, they see a gold temple in the water, it was shaped like a giant whale, they hear singing and small whales come up to the surface, Fluttershy flies to them and pets them. The vulcans fly over to go see them,

"What are they doing here?" Princess Luna asked,

"Oh, them? They're here to cast a spell on us to allow us to breathe underwater." Walker replied,

"Oh, thanks, but we don't need it." Silverstream said, and she and General Seaspray fly to the water and change to seaponies and enter, surprising the vulcans,

"It's fine, everyone, we have a way to go underwater." Twilight Sparkle said, and she casts a spell to make everyone change to sea creatures, Fluttershy swims with the whales and pets every last one of them, they then go to the mouth of the temple and enter it. Everybody enters the temple and Twilight Sparkle changes everyone back to their regular forms, they walk and see the inside was completely gold again,

"Everyone, welcome to the Temple of Leviathan, the vulcans' god of the sea." Walker said,

"God of the sea? This is barely a lake." General Seaspray replied,

"Well, it's their beliefs, now come on, I'll show you all the inside." Walker said, and they go forward, they see another thick book, this one had Leviathan on the front cover, along with two paintings on the wall, the left painting had vulcan tails and gills on it, while the right painting had guns on it, and a statue of Leviathan was between the two paintings,

"What? It's basically the same design." Rainbow Dash said,

"All three of them have the same basic layout." Walker replied,

"Were you able to read the books, Walker?" Princess Celestia asked,

"No." Walker replied,

"Well, I guess we might as well see the last temple, then." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Alright, that's the uphill path, I'll just teleport there, see you all back at the paths." Walker replied, and he teleports away, Twilight Sparkle casts a spell to teleport herself and the others back. Walker waits at the top of the uphill path and he sees everybody appear, they walk up the uphill path and get tired quickly, they reach the end and pant,

"Alright, this way." Walker said, and he leads them. Everybody walks and they see cliffs to their sides and paintings of eagles,

"What are those?" Yona asked,

"They're just decorations, let's keep going." Walker replied, and they do, they arrive at a gold temple shaped like an eagle, and there were eagles perched on the wings of the temple, they open their wings and screech, Ocellus whimpers,

"It's alright, they're saying hello." Fluttershy said, and she flies up to them, the eagles rub their heads on her and she pets them,

"Thank you for welcoming us, that was really nice of you all." Fluttershy said, the eagles screech more and she flies back,

"You never welcome me like that, Grampa Gruff." Gallus said,

"You don't deserve it." Grampa Gruff replied,

"What's this temple called, Walker?" Princess Celestia asked,

"The Temple of Ziz." Walker replied, surprising everybody, they have never heard of such a name,

"Well, let's go." Walker said, and they do. Everybody enters the temple's beak and they see the last temple, it was all gold inside, there was a statue of Ziz to be worshiped, they see two paintings, a podium in front of the statue that had a thick book on it with Ziz on the front cover, the left painting had vulcan wings on it, and the right painting also had guns on it,

"Wait, look, that weapon there." Sweetie Belle said, and they look at the right painting and see the pistol, it was shaped just like the one Walker usually uses,

"Yeah, the gun my dad and grandad use are designed after the one in this world, so is my sword." Walker said,

"Well, that's nice to know, Walker, but I'd like to see where that last path leads." Princess Celestia replied, and they all go back. Everybody arrives back at the paths and they all see the southern path had no picture on it,

"Where does that path lead?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"The blacksmith area, it's where all of their weapons and armor are made." Walker replied,

"What's it like?" Sandbar asked,

"Really hot." Walker replied,

"Why does this path have no symbol?" Yona asked,

"Because it doesn't lead to a temple." Walker replied,

"Does this path have a name?" Princess Luna asked,

"Well, if I had to take a guess, probably Path to the Fire, since the other three paths represent earth, water, and air." Walker replied,

"Oh, I get it, each path represents one of the four elements of nature." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Yes, now come on, let's go." Walker replied, and they go. Everybody walks and they enter a hallway that was carved out of a cliff,

"Wow, a crevice made by hand instead of one naturally made." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all walk, the crevice was long, but paintings begin to appear on the wall,

"*gasp* Wow, more paintings." Silverstream said,

"I don't know what they mean." Walker replied,

"Well, judging from the paintings and since they are wearing out as we go farther in, I assume it's their history, and this is how they record it." Twilight Sparkle said, and they keep walking and looking at the paintings until they arrive at a door shaped like a helmet the vulcans wear, Walker lifts up the door and it went up like a visor,

"Whoa, a door that acts like a helmet, that is so cool." Rainbow Dash said, and they enter. Everybody enters the blacksmith area and they see the vulcans making weapons with the fire, rocks, anvils, and hammers,

"*pant* *pant* Yona hot." Yona said, and Walker quickly leads them and everybody sees wall carvings in the shape of helmets around the areas and Walker leads them to a dead end in the back,

"This is where I was when I first arrived here." Walker said,

"Wow, Walker, this is a nice place." Cheerilee said, Walker smiles,

"Well, thank you, Walker, we'll go see the last area now." Twilight Sparkle said, and she teleports herself and everybody back, and they go to Sprinter while Walker watches them while smiling,

"Alright, Yomi's small, this way." Sprinter said, and he leads them.

Sprinter teleports to the entrance of the fortress and everybody went to him, they walk on the ground and see more onis around,

"Ooh, look." Pinkie Pie said, and everybody saw the onis, their chests were bigger than the ones who came to Equestria,

"Those are the female onis." Sprinter replied,

"What? But they look just like the males." Rarity said, the female onis snicker while Rarity looks at them,

"What? What is this?! They are wearing the same ugly black pants with metal pads and boots as the males." Rarity said,

"Every oni wears that." Sprinter replied,

"Well, tell them to change, they really could use some senses in fashion." Rarity said,

"Well, let's go, this world is small." Sprinter said, and he leads them into the stronghold. Everybody enters the stronghold, it was dark red and black inside of it, the double doors close and Ocellus screams when she looks at it, they all look and see oni skulls were in the doors,

"Are those skulls?!" King Thorax asked,

"Yes." Sprinter replied, Silverstream feels them and screams,

"They're real!" Silverstream said, Pinkie Pie screams while others look on with shock,

"Come on, let's just go, there isn't much." Sprinter said, and he leads them to a round floor with stairs in front of them, to their lefts, and to their rights, the stairs to their rights went up while the stairs in front of them and to their lefts went down,

"This is their arena, this is where you have to fight them to prove yourselves to them." Sprinter said,

"I can see that, look at all of that blood on the floor." Princess Ember replied, they all look and everybody was uncomfortable,

"Actually, that's from the ceiling." Sprinter said, they look up and several scream while Princess Celestia exclaims with her front right hoof over her mouth, there were dead onis hanging from the ceiling with nooses around their necks,

"What is this?!" Rarity asked,

"Other creatures from other worlds tend to attack the onis, those corpses are meant to scare them." Sprinter replied,

"Scare them? It looks like they kill their own kind." Princess Ember said,

"They do sometimes, come on now, the blue onis are this way." Sprinter replied, and he leads them upstairs. Everybody arrives upstairs and they see the blue onis practicing with their weapons,

"Ah, Sprinter, good to see you again." a blue oni said,

"It's always a pleasure to see you guys." Sprinter replied, the blue oni chuckles,

"Wait, what are you guys doing?" Twilight Sparkle asked, and she saw the onis with flesh, bones, and organs,

"Putting the spoils of battle to good use, their flesh is our food, blood is our drink, and we use their bones and organs to make new weapons and armor." the blue oni replied, the natives from Sprinter's world have shocked faces,

"What is that pile there?" Gallus asked while he points at it, the blue oni looks back and sees it, he turns around,

"Those are trophies, when we kill our enemies, we keep their heads as trophies." the blue oni replied, Applejack exclaims with shock while Pinkie Pie screams,

"Why don't you red and blue onis live together for?" Sandbar asked,

"Because we're at war, but other threats have forced us to suspend the war." the blue oni replied,

"What do you all wish to achieve through the war?" Princess Celestia asked,

"To be the ones who live the world, and have others do what we say, and have those who disobey or resist be killed." the blue oni replied, Rarity gasps at what they say while Twilight Sparkle looks on with disbelief,

"Well, that's about all there is to them, the red onis live downstairs." Sprinter said, and they go back to where the three stairs were at and go down the stairs that was in front of them,

"Oh, this hot environment is ruining my mane." Rarity said, Sprinter looks back and sees several of the female ponies messing with their manes, he turns around continues to lead them. Sprinter leads them downstairs and everybody sees the red onis training, they were strong enough to rip off limbs and crush heads with their bare hands, scaring the natives from Sprinter's world,

"Sprinter, always a pleasure to have you here." a red oni said,

"Thanks, I'm just showing them around, I just showed them the blue onis." Sprinter replied,

"I see, well, there is really nothing different about us." the red oni said, and the world's natives see the red onis eating dead blue onis, drinking their blood, making weapons and armor from their bones and organs, and they had severed heads as trophies from the battles they have won,

"Why do you all fight in the war for?" Princess Luna asked,

"Because they wish to rule us with an iron fist, we don't want rulers, we value our freedom to do what we want, no law means more fun, more fighting, more destruction, more killing, we like Yomi being the anarchic state it is." the red oni replied,

"What?" Spike asked,

"They wish for tyranny, we wish for anarchy." the red oni replied,

"I'm sorry, but I can't side with either of you." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, that's all here, I'll lead you all down the last set of stairs." Sprinter said, and they leave. Everybody walks and they see skulls and bones in the walls for decoration, making everybody uncomfortable, they go down the last set of stairs and they see lava to the sides,

"No wonder why it's so hot here." Spike said, the others pant except for Sprinter, he leads them to a dead end,

"This is where I first appeared when I came to this world." Sprinter said,

"Another dead end?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Yes, now come, I'll show you all the fortress, there's only one room we can enter, but watch your feet on the bridge." Sprinter replied, and they head back, but they stop before they head back when they see two statues of a pony,

"Who was that again?" Applejack asked,

"That's me." Sprinter replied,

"Why did you get a statue for?" Princess Luna asked,

"Because my way of thinking is similar to theirs, and it made them realize that there are some outsiders that like their way of thinking, now come, let's go to the fortress." Sprinter replied, and they all go. Everybody arrives outside and walk across the bridge, several exclaim in pain,

"What the?" Starlight Glimmer asked, and they look at the bridge,

"Wait, is this bone?!" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Yes." Sprinter replied,

"This hurts." Silverstream said,

"Then fly, come on now." Sprinter replied, and they arrive at the fortress, everybody saw the dead onis hanging from it and the waterfalls of blood to the sides, everybody was uncomfortable, they also feel discomfort from looking at the blood red sky and black clouds, but they ignore them enter the fortress. Sprinter leads everybody in and they see Champion Lucius sitting in a black throne up ahead, the top of the throne had a big oni's skull on it, and the throne was outlined with bones, there was a black bridge in front of them and orange lava under it,

"Sprinter, are you here for a rematch?" Champion Lucius asked,

"Not yet." Sprinter replied, Champion Lucius chuckles,

"Your country is in a civil war." Princess Celestia said,

"Yes, I am aware." Champion Lucius replied,

"Why aren't you doing anything?" Princess Luna asked,

"I have no power or authority over my subjects." Champion Lucius replied,

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Then why are you the ruler?" Princess Cadence asked,

"It is just a title, it only means I am the strongest oni in the world, whoever kills me will inherit the title as champion." Champion Lucius replied,


"It's their way, Yomi has a meritocratic style of ruling." Sprinter replied,

"Then how do they all deal with criminals?" Princess Luna asked,

"Vigilante justice." Champion Lucius replied,

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"There is no law enforcement in Yomi, so we use vigilante justice to deal with them, even though us onis are at war, the one thing we all value is revenge." Champion Lucius replied,

"WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash asked,

"No!" Princess Celestia said sternly as she walked to him,

"I will not allow revenge in my land, this is a land of friendship and forgiveness, revenge only makes things worse." Princess Celestia said,

"How about someone taking justice into their own hands?" Champion Lucius asked,

"I will not allow vigilante justice, either." Princess Celestia replied,

"Well, that's everything in this world." Sprinter said,

"Good, cause this is ruining my mane." Rarity replied, and they all head back to Equestria.

The world's natives go back and Princess Ember, Grampa Gruff, King Thorax, Prince Rutherford, and General Seaspray head home, and Twilight Sparkle begins making plans on how to spread friendship to the harpies, vulcans, and onis,

"Um, Twilight, I don't think doing this is a good idea." Spike said,

"We have to, Spike, it's our job to spread friendship wide out." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I mean, she did bring friendship to my world, maybe she can do it again." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Alright, according to my research on them, the vulcans will be the easiest ones, since they seem to like art and look like a peaceful race." Twilight Sparkle said,

"That, and Rarity's already coming up with new outfits for them to wear." Spike replied,

"I hope they try them, that dull gray color of their armors is a little hard on my eyes." Twilight Sparkle said, and they continue making plans. Twilight Sparkle continues to make plans until a bloodcurling screech was heard outside, she runs outside with Sunset Shimmer and Spike, they run outside and see Yomi was being attacked by an army of liches, Chrysaor was being attacked by the Undead, and Aerostia was getting attacked by the Possessed, the possessed harpies have grown beaks and had blue electricity on their boomerangs. The possessed harpies throw their boomerangs and they paralyze whoever they hit, the harpies shoot yellow beams out of their hands to destroy the possessed harpies and Runner absorbs their souls, he was also fighting them, he cuts one possessed harpy in his abdomen and black bladed tentacles come out and swing around to slash the others, Runner teleports to him and cuts his head off with his sabre, his body falls while Runner absorbs his soul and the soul that possessed him. Walker summons the souls of dead vulcans to help fight off the Undead, he teleports around and shoots them with his pistol, he also cut whoever was close to him with his sword, the ground erupts and about thirty more Undead come out, he gets ready to fight them but he sees unicorn zaps appear and destroy the skeletons, he looks back and sees the unicorns in Ponyville helping him, he goes back to fighting the Undead. Sprinter uses a broadsword the onis use and he hits the liches, he also uses a rifle like the ones from Chrysaor to shoot the liches and destroy them, the liches all let out bloodcurling screams that hurt the ears of the world's natives.

Some of the harpies, vulcans, and onis have light blue glows in their eyes' and they are possessed, but the onis grunt and hold their arms' out, the possessed soul is shot out of their bodies, they take the forms of light blue and transparent onis, they attack them but the onis destroy them easily with their fire and lightning magic, and Sprinter absorbs their souls. The harpies fight their own kind and they transform from each wound to adapt to fighting, the unicorns in Ponyville shoot them with zaps and hold them back, their boomerangs have yellow lightning on them and they throw them, several harpies are hit and they become paralyzed,

"What the?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"So their lightning causes paralysis, too." Twilight Sparkle said, and several unicorns fire zaps at the Possessed, while the Pegasi and earth ponies also join in the fights. The vulcans shoot yellow beams out of their hands' and they cure the possessed vulcans,

"Hey, look, the vulcans really can cure possession." Starlight Glimmer said, the others look and see it, they look on with surprise while Walker shoots the souls exorcised out of them and absorbs them when they turn into floating flames. Yellow lightning appears in Aerostia, it disappears and a bipedal vulture-like creature appears, light blue flames appear in Chrysaor, a blue bipedal lizard-like creature appears armed with a rapier and a round shield, red-orange fire appears in Yomi and a quadrupedal creature appears, it had the body of a horse and the head and neck of a snake, it also had horns all over its head,

"What are those?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"I don't know, but they look like creatures from other worlds." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"You Spirit worshipers have escaped us long enough, all of you harpies die today." the vulture-like creature said, everyone realize it was a male,

"In the name of the Anti-Spirit cult, you all die today." the lizard-like creature said in a deep male voice, the people in Ponyville ask with confusion,

"Anti-Spirit cult?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Time to die, anyone who sees Spirit as a good deity, neutral deity, or knows of him must die." the creature in Yomi said in a very deep male voice, and they attack. Runner and the harpies fight the vulture-like creature and he takes guns off of his back, he fires them and hits several of the harpies, Runner teleports to him and tries to cut him with his sabre, the vulture laughs and fires at Runner, he teleports away and then teleports back and slits his throat, he falls to the ground and his soul appears, Runner shoots it with his pistol to destroy its body form and absorbs it when it was a light blue flame. Walker fires his pistol at the lizard-like creature, he blocks it with his shield and then swings his sword around, it sends out light blue waves of fire that burn whatever it touched, the vulcans fly up and fire their guns at him, he blocks them all with his shield, Walker teleports to him and manages to do a diagonal slash from his right hip to his left chest, he snickers and Walker sees several things slithering in his body,

"Fool, you released them." the lizard-like creature said, and snakes crawl out of his body, Walker teleports away and shoots a stream of dark blue and orange fire out of his front right hoof to burn the snakes. The lizard-like creature continues to block the bullets with his shield and Walker changes his sword to a sledgehammer, he hits the shield and it flies out of his hand, the lizard-like creature swings his rapier around and sends waves of fire around, Walker aims his pistol and shoots him in the head, snakes crawl out of the hole in his head and slither on the ground, Walker makes dark blue flames spin around him counterclockwise and goes to the snakes to burn them, the souls of the lizard-like creature and the snakes appear, Walker changes his sledgehammer to a broadsword and swings it around, their souls become light blue flames and Walker absorbs them. The creature in Yomi shoots fire out of its mouth and Sprinter teleports away to dodge it, the onis go around it and the red onis smash the knees of its hind legs while the blue onis slash the knees of its front legs, it screams and falls, a red oni goes onto its back and rips its neck off with his right hand, its soul appears and Sprinter shoots it with his pistol and absorbs it when it was a floating light blue flame.

Walker, Runner, and Sprinter go back to Ponyville and sees the others looking at them,

"What was that just now?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Um..." Walker, Runner, and Sprinter said,

"Answer me! What is this Anti-Spirit cult?" Twilight Sparkle asked, the harpies, vulcans, and onis walk to her,

"They are creatures from the other worlds, there are some worlds and cultures that see Spirit as an evil deity, so they all came together and formed the cult, their goal is to destroy all worlds and people that do not see Spirit as an evil deity." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"See Spirit as an evil deity?" Princess Luna asked,

"Yes, what Spirit's alignment is depends on your point of view, he's good to some, evil to several, and neutral to the rest." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"He seems pretty neutral to me." Princess Celestia said, the others nod in agreement,

"How do you all view him?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"He is our god of death." a male harpy replied,

"He's the grim reaper." a female vulcan said,

"A neutral deity just doing his job." a red oni said,

"Why didn't you three mention them earlier?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Because this world doesn't know about Spirit or the Void's existence, they have no reason to come here." Runner replied,

"I still would like to know about them." Twilight Sparkle said,

"It's probably better that you don't, if you worship or respect Spirit in any way in your culture, they will hunt you all down, and won't stop until your kind is extinct." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Plus, Spirit did warn you." Walker said,

"When?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"When he said it will bring other creatures to this world." Walker replied,

"Oh, so that was what he meant." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, we'll be back, we have to bring the souls to The Judge." Sprinter said, and he opens a portal and he goes in it with Walker and Runner and it closes, another portal opens and the three come out and it closes,

"Well, since you all are here, I'd like to try to share our culture with you guys, come along." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go together.

Twilight Sparkle leads the harpies, vulcans, and onis to the School of Friendship and they see Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Snails waiting for them,

"Alright, this is a sport we do for fun called buckball, the earth pony kicks it, the Pegasus deflects it, and the unicorn holds the goal up, you all need to do the same thing, one harpy, one vulcan, and one oni." Twilight Sparkle said, Alexia, a male vulcan, and a blue oni go forward while the others sit. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter sit together and they see Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart sitting in the crowd,

"Hi, Walker." Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle said,

"What are you all doing here?" Walker asked,

"We like buckball, so we came to watch, too." Scootaloo replied, and they watch. Alexia, the vulcan, and the blue oni get together and watch,

"Alright, here we go." Pinkie Pie said, and she bucks the ball, Alexia holds her right hand out and catches the ball, she throws it back and Fluttershy deflects it back with her tail and Pinkie Pie kicks it again, Alexia catches it again and throws it again, Fluttershy catches the ball with her wing, she throws it down and the vulcan kicks it with his left foot, Fluttershy tries to catch it, but she gets hit and flies in the air, she hits the wall and falls,

"Okay, um, you all might need to switch." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do. Fluttershy flies back and Pinkie Pie bucks the ball, the oni catches it and throws it, Alexia catches it and throws the ball, Fluttershy deflects it again and Pinkie Pie bucks it, the oni jumps and hits it back with his left hand, Fluttershy sees it coming and it hits her, but she becomes electrocuted and paralyzed, she falls to the ground,

"Stop! That's cheating." Rainbow Dash said, the blue oni snickers,

"Wait until she recovers." Twilight Sparkle said, and Fluttershy does, Alexia, the vulcan, and the oni switch places. Alexia kicks the ball and Fluttershy deflects with her tail, the vulcan catches it with his left hand and throws it back, Pinkie Pie kicks it and it goes forward, the vulcan catches it easily and throws it back, the three shake their heads and the blue oni leaves and a red oni replaces him. Pinkie Pie bucks the ball and the vulcan catches it and throws it back, but Fluttershy misses and it hits the bucket and destroys it,

"We need a new bucket." Rainbow Dash said, and it was replaced. The vulcan and red oni switch places and Pinkie Pie bucks the next ball, the red oni catches it easily and throws it, Fluttershy tries to deflect it, but she grunts when the ball hit her and she flies through the air, she catches on fire and screams. The Pegasi quickly get rain clouds and douse the fire, she pants heavily and begins to whimper, the others look back and saw the harpies, vulcans, and onis had bored faces,

"Aren't you four having fun?" Pinkie Pie asked, Alexia, the vulcan, the red oni, and the blue oni shake their heads,

"Are you not entertained?" Pinkie Pie asked, the harpies, vulcans, and onis in the crowd shake their heads. Sprinter stands up and walks down to the field,

"Everyone, clear the area, I'll give them a show." Sprinter said, and they do,

"Ooh, I can't wait." Pinkie Pie said,

"Champion Lucius." Sprinter said, a tornado of spinning red fire and blue lightning appears, it disappears and Champion Lucius was in front of him, he was sitting in his throne,

"Sprinter, I assume I know why you called for me." Champion Lucius said,

"Yes, I wish to spar with you." Sprinter replied, the onis cheer while the world's natives become nervous,

"*chuckle* I have waited long for this day, let's see if you're still as good as you were the last time we fought." Champion Lucius said, and the two get ready.

Sprinter summons a sword in his front right hoof and a pistol in his front left hoof, he fires bullets at Champion Lucius and he just moves side-to-side in his throne and dodges the spiritual bullets, Sprinter puts his front right hoof on the ground and four light blue heads come out and fly to Champion Lucius, he grabs them with his hands and squashes them. Sprinter teleports to him and tries to slash him, but Champion Lucius disappears, causing some to gasp, Sprinter looks around and hears Champion Lucius appear behind him, he quickly turns around and tries to slash him, Champion Lucius holds his left arm out with his palm open and claws apart, a round barrier made out of red fire and blue lightning appears in front of Champion Lucius and he and Sprinter enter a deadlock, Champion Lucius disappears again and Sprinter looks around, Champion Lucius appears in Sprinter's left blind spot and punches him in his left cheek with his left fist, he disappears and reappears in Sprinter's right blind spot and punches him in his right cheek with his right fist, he disappears and reappears behind Sprinter, he was about slam his fists onto the back of Sprinter's head, but he blocks his fists with his sword, he teleports to behind Champion Lucius and slashes the back of his neck with his sword, which did not faze him, making some of the world's natives uneasy. Champion Lucius disappears and reappears above Sprinter, he goes down with his feet on Sprinter's back, he teleports away before he hits the ground and Champion Lucius lands on the ground, putting a crater in it, Sprinter appears in the air and behind Champion Lucius, he tries to slash the back of his neck, but Champion Lucius puts his arms behind his head and blocks the slash with his gauntlets, he teleports to Sprinter's right blind spot and punches him in his right cheek with his right fist, he grunts and falls onto the ground, he puts a crater in the ground and slides across it. Sprinter tries to get up but Champion Lucius holds his right hand up and a purple aura comes out Champion Lucius' hand and lifts up Sprinter,

"Wait, he has telekinesis?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Wow, this is the first time I've ever seen anyone use telekinesis without using a horn." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Wait, you all hear something?" Starlight Glimmer asked, they listen and hear crackling and Sprinter grunting, they look and see blue electricity in Champion Lucius' telekinesis, the unicorns gasp,

"What the? His telekinesis is electrified?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I have never seen such telekinesis." Princess Celestia said, Champion Lucius continues to hold up Sprinter and chuckles, he brings Sprinter towards himself and punches him with his right fist, Sprinter slides across the ground while the blue electricity stays around him,

"I see, so his lightning induces paralysis as well." Princess Luna said,

"Still, telekinesis and lightning together, that kind of scares me." Twilight Sparkle replied, Champion Lucius teleports to Sprinter and begins punching, kicking, and stomping him while he was paralyzed. The paralysis wears off and Sprinter teleports away, Champion Lucius quickly turns around and holds his right hand out with his palm open and claws separated, he shoots red fire and blue lightning out of each of his five claws, Sprinter teleports away but the ten beams fly in the air and go after him,

"What?! They're homing?!" Silverstream asked, Sprinter continues to teleport around and dodge the ten homing projectiles, he teleports to in front of Champion Lucius and the ten projectiles hit him, but he was unharmed and absorbs them into himself, he holds his arms out and lets out a grunt and an explosion of fire and lightning appears around him. Sprinter teleports away and fires bullets from his pistol at Champion Lucius, he moves to his sides and dodges them easily, he teleports to his throne and sits in it, two spheres float up into the air, the left sphere was red, and the right sphere was blue. The red sphere flies forward and homes on Sprinter, he teleports away when it was just about to hit him, the red sphere hits the ground and changes to a pillar of fire, the fire goes after Sprinter, he runs around until the pillar of fire disappears. The blue sphere goes towards Sprinter next and he teleports into the air when it was about to hit him, the blue sphere hits the ground and the entire field becomes electrified, Sprinter keeps teleporting around to stay in midair, Champion Lucius teleports to him and punches him with his right fist to send him into the electricity, but Sprinter teleports back up and tries to slash Champion Lucius, but he teleports back to his throne and the electricity disappears. Sprinter teleports to Champion Lucius and slashes him a few times, everybody watches but they see his wounds heal,

"Wait, did his cuts just heal?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"It looks that way." Princess Cadence replied, Sprinter teleports away and fires his pistol at Champion Lucius and hits him in his chest and a shot to his head, Champion Lucius snickers and his bullet wounds heal and the spiritual bullets fly out of his body and back at Sprinter, he lies down on his abdomen to dodge them,

"Wait, he is regenerating." Gallus said,

"That's not fair! How is he supposed to win against him?" Smolder asked,

"Who knows, but I'm sure Sprinter has a way." Sandbar replied, Champion Lucius teleports to Sprinter and stands on his back, he snickers while he lets his weight bury Sprinter into the ground. Sprinter changes to his spirit form and Champion Lucius holds his right hand out with his palm open and claws apart and Sprinter changes back to his body form,

"Wait, did he just change Sprinter back to his regular form?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Yes, there are some creatures in the other worlds that know a spell to change us back to our body forms if we're in our spirit forms." Walker replied,

"What spell would that be?" Rarity asked,

"We don't know." Runner replied, Champion Lucius teleports to him and Sprinter makes the dark blue flames spin around him counterclockwise and runs to Sprinter, he snickers since the fire did nothing to him, he tries to grab Sprinter through the dark blue flames but he does feel anything and the dark blue flames disappear, Sprinter appears in the air and behind Champion Lucius, he goes down and slashes Champion Lucius' spine with his sword, the pain did not faze him,

"Wow, he sure has a pain tolerance." Applejack said,

"Don't you?" Walker asked,

"I'd be screamin' if that happened to me." Applejack replied,

"What about you, Rainbow Dash?" Walker asked,

"Yeah, I'd be screaming in pain, too." Rainbow Dash replied, Champion Lucius teleports back to his throne and sits in it. Sprinter teleports to him and begins slashing him with his sword, he does three slashes and was about to slash him again, but Champion Lucius holds his left fist up with his middle claw and index claw raised and blocks the sword, he snickers and disappears. Champion Lucius appears to Sprinter's left and he looks, he holds his arms out to the sides and red fire and blue lightning appear around him,

"So, he can do it, too." Princess Celestia said,

"Wait, what is that appearing on the ground?" Princess Luna asked, they look and see red and blue circles appear and move around on the ground. The circles move around in random directions and pillars of fire come out of the red circles while pillars of lightning come out of the blue circles,

"Pillars of fire and lightning, Sprinter will have to watch his step from now on." Princess Luna said, Sprinter teleports around to dodge the circles and tries to hit Champion Lucius, he teleports around as well and always appeared in Sprinter's blind spots or behind him, the two teleport around and do not land a hit for a few minutes until Champion Lucius appears behind Sprinter while in midair and grabs his neck with his right hand, he proceeds to choke him while he catches on fire and gets electrocuted and paralyzed at the same time,

"What? That's not fair." Silverstream said,

"Yeah, how is he supposed to escape that?" Ocellus asked, Sprinter continues to get burned and electrocuted while he and Champion Lucius fall to the ground, they arrive on the ground and Champion Lucius continues to choke him. Sprinter endures the attack while thinking of something, he tries to move but could not. Champion Lucius lets go of him after a while and sees Sprinter fall, everybody watches with worry and the paralysis disappears, Champion Lucius looks at him and Sprinter did not respond, he teleports to behind Champion Lucius and slashes the back of his head while in midair, the onis cheer while Champion Lucius turns around and smiles. Champion Lucius takes his gauntlets off and makes the bones on his pants and boots fly off, and his entire body becomes engulfed in red fire and blue lightning,

"This doesn't look good." Rainbow Dash said, Champion Lucius teleports and appears behind Sprinter, he tries to punch Sprinter in his back, but he teleports into the air to dodge the pillars of fire and lightning, Champion Lucius punches the ground with his right fist and an explosion appears around him, a trail of fire and lightning goes to Sprinter and explodes when it was under him, he teleports away while a big pillar of fire and lightning comes out of the explosion. The world's natives reel back in shock,

"What the?!" Princess Luna asked,

"He's even stronger without his armor?!" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Yes, that armor he wears is not to protect himself in battle, it is to conceal his true powers." Runner replied,

"What?! That's ridiculous!" Princess Cadence said,

"Yeah, he's already strong enough with it." Rainbow Dash said,

"Still, wearing armor to conceal your powers, I've never heard of such a thing." Princess Celestia said, Champion Lucius teleports around and tries to hit Sprinter in his blind spots and his back, he teleports faster than before, and each hit that Sprinter blocked made an explosion happen, he continues to block Champion Lucius' attacks but has trouble, he falls onto the ground and sees the pillars of fire and lightning appearing in random places, so he teleports around to dodge them. Red and blue spheres form in midair and they home on Sprinter, he runs around to dodge them and they hit the ground, he teleports into the air whenever a blue sphere hit the ground and electrified it. Champion Lucius appears in the air and holds his arms out with his hands open and facing upwards, beams of fire and lightning come out of his claws and home on Sprinter, he teleports around while panting and he sees Champion Lucius appear on the ground, the entire field caught on fire and became electrified. Sprinter teleports onto the ground and begins to spin counterclockwise in midair, he lets out a grunt and changes to a form that looked like an alicorn made out of dark blue flames, and had bat-like wings on the sides, and he was as tall as Princess Celestia. The world's natives gasp at what they saw,

"You three can change into alicorns?" Rarity asked,

"Not exactly, it just resembles an alicorn, it's a spiritual form." Runner replied,

"It looks better in person than seeing it in a flashback." Sunset Shimmer said, Sprinter walks towards Champion Lucius and everybody sees the fire and lightning had no effect on him, he flies up and flaps his wings and sends waves of dark blue flames to Champion Lucius, he catches on fire, but he holds his arms out to the sides and extinguishes them. Sprinter fires his pistol and a big dark blue flame appears and hits Champion Lucius, it explodes when it hits him, the smoke disappears and Champion Lucius was unharmed. Sprinter lands and walks to Champion Lucius, he swings his sword around and cuts the grass, the swings of his sword also sends out waves of dark blue flames that explode on impact when they touch something. Champion Lucius puts his wrists together and fires a big blast made out of red fire and blue lightning, Sprinter fires a blast of dark blue fire out of his horn and the two enter a deadlock, but the two were equal and cancel one another out after a few seconds. Champion Lucius uses telekinesis on Sprinter and he was burned and electrocuted this time, but it had no effect on him, Sprinter opens his mouth and shoots dark blue fire out, he also shoots dark blue flames out of his eyes, Champion Lucius catches on fire but it does not harm him, Sprinter does a diagonal slash with his sword and cuts Champion Lucius from the left side of his neck to the right side of his chest, he grunts and changes back while Sprinter's spiritual energy runs out and he changes back, and all of the circles, pillars of fire and lightning, spheres, and homing projectiles disappear. Sprinter gets burned and electrocuted for a short time until Champion Lucius falls to his knees and he stops using telekinesis on Sprinter, he is paralyzed for a few seconds and could move again, he stands up while struggling and Champion Lucius teleports back to his throne and sits in it and uses his telekinesis to put his gauntlets back on and the bones back onto his pants and boots.

Sprinter and Champion Lucius pant heavily and were sweating,

"Impressive, Sprinter, you're still as good as you were when I first fought you when you were four years old." Champion Lucius said,

"I've kept my body in shape over the years." Sprinter replied, Champion Lucius smiles,

"Even if you are old, I still have to use my full power against you, it is rare for me to need it, I am impressed." Champion Lucius said, Sprinter chuckles,

"I'll be in my fortress if you need me, you and your family are always welcome." Champion Lucius said, and an explosion of fire and lightning appears and he and his throne disappear. Walker and Runner teleport to Sprinter and check him,

"I'm fine, I need time to recover." Sprinter said, Walker and Runner smile, he pants a bit more and looks at the harpies, vulcans, and onis,

"Were you all entertained?" Sprinter asked, the onis nod while smiling, the vulcans shrug, the harpies shake their heads,

"He attacks you in your blind spots and from behind, how dishonorable." Adetokunbo said, the harpies nod,

"It's how they fight, Adetokunbo." Sprinter said,

"Still, fight like that in our world, and we'd have them executed." Adetokunbo replied,

"You'll have to beat us in a fight first." a blue oni said,

"That shouldn't be too hard." a female harpy replied, the onis snicker,

"Well, if you all are done, I'd like to try to spread friendship to you guys." Twilight Sparkle said while she trots to them,

"Very well, since we taught Walker, Runner, and Sprinter about our culture, I guess we should learn theirs." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Thank you, now come on down from the bleachers and down here." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go to her.

Twilight Sparkle waits for the harpies, vulcans, and onis to come down to her,

"Okay, everycreature, since the last ones didn't work, let's try something else, I'm going to see how you all do with reading books." Twilight Sparkle said, the harpies and onis look at her with confusion,

"Book?" Alexia asked,

"You know, an object used to write down and record history." Echidna replied,

"Not just history, we also write stories for fun." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Do you act out the stories?" a male vulcan asked,

"Sometimes, we just read most of the time." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I see." the male vulcan said,

"Here, give it a try, go on and read." Twilight Sparkle said, and she gives them books with her telekinesis. The vulcans open them while the harpies and onis did not know what to do, they watch the vulcans and copy them, the harpies and vulcans just look on, they hold the books and show it to Twilight Sparkle,

"Is something wrong?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"We do not know this writing language." a female harpy replied,

"How about you vulcans?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Even though it is forbidden to touch of the Books of Behemoth, Leviathan, and Ziz, the language written in them is completely different from this." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"What about you onis?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"We do not know what a book is or how to read." a red oni replied,

"So, you all are illiterate." Twilight Sparkle said,

"What do you mean by illiterate?" a blue oni asked, Twilight Sparkle just takes the books back,

"Alright, since you all don't know how to read or our reading language, let's try something I think you all know how to do: cooking." Twilight Sparkle said, and she gathers sticks together and Spike lights a fire with his fire breath. Rainbow Dash puts a pot on the fire and puts grass in it, a red oni touches grass with his left hand and burns it,

"No, this fire cooks it slowly, so it doesn't burn." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Do you not use fire for blacksmithing?" Elder Hepheasestus asked,

"No, we use magic, unicorns make things with magic, Pegasi make things with clouds, and earth ponies carve things with rocks." Twilight Sparkle replied, the harpies, vulcans, and onis throw things into the pot and it cooks. The harpies, vulcans, and onis watch and wait, Rarity trots to them with outfits while they watch,

"I have made outfits for you females if you all are interested." Rarity said, and they look at her outfits,

"What is that thing you wear below your waist there?" Alexia asked,

"It's called a skirt, the entire outfit is called a dress." Rarity replied,

"What its function?" a female red oni asked,

"It looks good on you girls." Rarity replied,

"Looks impractical." a female vulcan said,

"Excuse me?" Rarity asked,

"Look at it, it's closed in the front, we can't run with that if we are attacked." Echidna replied,

"It is also touching the ground, we have to hold it up to move." Athena said,

"What about you all who can fly?" Rarity asked,

"It looks like it will slow us down with extra weight." a female harpy replied,

"Tell me, how do you all make those straps around your sides and outer thighs?" Rarity asked,

"They're strips of flesh that were worked on to be made into leather." Alexia replied,

"What?! That is very disgusting." Rarity said,

"Well, we need some way to hold our boomerangs onto ourselves." Adetokunbo replied,

"What about you vulcans, what do you all use to make your armors?" Rarity asked,

"Rocks available throughout Chrysaor, they are shaped the way they are through blacksmithing." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Why is yours gold?" Rarity asked,

"It is made from different material." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"What about you onis, how do you all make your outfits?" Rarity asked,

"The metal pads are created by the black rocks in Yomi, lightning is used to make it into metal, and then put over fire to be made into its silver color." a female blue oni replied,

"But what about your pants and boots?" Rarity asked,

"Enemy remains." a male red oni replied,

"What? But you all eat your victims, which is disgusting, as well." Rarity said,

"Our pants and boots are made out of their skin." a female red oni replied, the world's natives scream in shock,

"We also have them put in hot areas to burn them and make them the black color they are." a male blue oni said,

"How utterly repulsive, I have never heard of clothes made from one's skin." Rarity replied,

"It is our way." another female blue oni said,

"I don't care if it's your way or not, you onis are barbarians! Even the dragons and griffons are more civilized!" Rarity replied,

"That's their culture." another male blue oni said, Rarity scowls at them. Attacks are heard and everybody goes over to look, they see liches and souls of the dead attacking Aerostia, Chrysaor, and Yomi, the harpies, vulcans, and onis go back to their homes to defend them while Walker, Runner, and Sprinter teleports to them to help them.

Walker, Runner, and Sprinter fire their guns at the souls of the dead while the harpies, vulcans, and onis fight the liches and destroy them very easily, the three get together and Sprinter opens a portal to the Void and the three enter, they come back out and saw it was almost dark,

"We should call it a day, those souls of the dead and other creatures appear a lot at night." Runner said, the others agree and they all head home, Walker has supper and goes to bed with Runner and Sprinter joining him a few hours later.

Walker wakes up in the middle of the night sensing something off, he closes his eyes and his vision becomes dark blue, he teleports outside and sees a lot of dead pony and animal souls in Ponyville, he looks and sees a bipedal humanoid in Twilight Sparkle's castle, he teleports there and closes his eyes and changes his vision back to normal, he sees Spike laying in bed with his eyes wide open, Walker looks and sees a Shadow walking slowly towards Spike with its head twitching, Spike sweats as it comes near him, Walker summons his pistol in his front left hoof and shoots the Shadow in the head and destroys it. Spike inhales deeply while Walker absorbs its soul,

"You alright, Spike?" Walker asked, Spike nods,

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Walker said, and he opens a portal to the Void and enters, he gives the Shadow's soul to The Judge and opens a portal to his home and it closes, he goes back into his bed and sleeps.