• Published 10th Aug 2019
  • 520 Views, 3 Comments

Alternate to Magic - smirker

A strange family of three comes to Ponyville.

  • ...

Day 11

Morning comes and Walker sees Runner and Sprinter,

"Good morning, Walker." Runner said,

"Where were you two?" Walker asked,

"Another world, we had souls to bring to the Void to be judged." Runner replied,

"Oh." Walker said, and he sits and paints for sometime. Knocking is heard at the door and Walker walks to the door, he opens it and sees Princess Cadence, she looks and sees Walker along with Body Walker, Mind Walker, Spirit Walker, Emotion Walker, his Optimist, Pessimist, Passive, and Aggressive,

"Hello, Walker." Princess Cadence said,

"Princess Cadence?" Walker asked,

"Yes, Walker, it's me, Twilight sent me a letter a few days ago talking about the deal with Spirit and what it does to your family, and if it's okay with you and your father and grandfather, I'm here to act as your surrogate mother." Princess Cadence replied,

"Don't you have your own child to look after?" Walker asked,

"Flurry Heart's with my husband today." Princess Cadence replied,

"What about your kingdom?" Walker asked,

"I have other ponies running it for me today." Princess Cadence replied,

"Look, I appreciate it and all, Princess Cadence, but I already have two guardians." Walker said,

"A mother's love is completely different from a father's love, Walker." Princess Cadence replied,

"Looks the same to me." Walker said,

"Haven't you ever wanted a mother, Walker?" Princess Cadence asked,

"My mom's ghost comes to visit me every once in a while." Walker replied,

"But doesn't she stay to take care of you?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Actually, no, she's in the overworld right now." Walker replied,

"See, if you let me, I can let you know what it's like to have a mother, Walker, her love and affection is one of the most comforting things you can feel in your life." Princess Cadence said, Walker turns around,

"What do you say, dad and granddad?" Walker asked,

"Do as you wish." Runner replied,

"Yes, Walker, your choice." Sprinter said, Walker turns around,

"Alright, I'll give it a try." Walker said,

"Great, I'd like to enter your home, Walker." Princess Cadence replied, and the two walk into the home. Princess Cadence enters the home and sees Walker go back to his painting, she trots to him,

"What are you painting, Walker?" Princess Cadence asked as she trots to him,

"Oh, it's beautiful, Walker." Princess Cadence said,

"Really?" Walker asked,

"Yes, I rarely see such good paintings like these." Princess Cadence replied, Walker chuckles and continues painting,

"Where did you get the inspiration to create this?" Princess Cadence asked,

"My travels through the Void." Walker replied, Princess Cadence smiles as she watches Walker paint,

"Breakfast's ready, Walker." Sprinter said, and he stands up and trots to the table, Princess Cadence sees all Walker had for breakfast was a salad,

"Wait, just a salad, Sprinter?" Princess Cadence asked,

"It's usually enough to get him through the day." Sprinter replied,

"What about you, Runner?" Princess Cadence asked,

"It's enough for me." Runner replied,

"Really? I've brought several treats of my own." Princess Cadence said, and she opens her saddlebag with her telekinesis and takes out cookies,

"For me?" Walker asked, Princess Cadence nods,

"Thank you." Walker said, and he takes them,

"Don't eat too many, Walker, you'll be out of shape for fighting the souls of the dead if you do." Runner said, Walker looks at the cookies Princess Cadence gave him,

"You'll have a delicious taste in your mouth and make yourself feel good." Walker's Optimist said,

"You'll make your own health and teeth worse." Walker's Pessimist said,

"Um, excuse me, you two." Princess Cadence said, Walker's Optimist and Pessimist look at her,

"I understand it's your jobs to list the pros and cons of what he wants to do, but not everyone wants to hear them, especially the cons." Princess Cadence said, Walker decides to eat the cookies,

"Wow, these are good." Walker said, he eats one and saves the rest for later,

"These are heavy, too, I'm full." Walker said, and Sprinter puts them in the refrigerator,

"Where did you three live before you all came to Ponyville for the student exchange program?" Princess Cadence asked,

"In the middle of the woods with no neighbors." Runner replied,

"Why there for?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I didn't want Walker raised the way I was raised." Runner replied,

"I had to do a lot of work to get that childhood home of yours." Sprinter said,

"Yes, I know, but I still didn't like living there." Runner replied,

"Where did you grow up, Runner?" Princess Cadence asked,

"In a mansion with neighbors everywhere." Runner replied,

"I also used my money to have a library with books for Runner to read, and sports equipment for him to use to stay in shape." Sprinter said,

"I liked the books, my favorite one was on the royal guards valuing honor and being fair to others, and chivalry, I made a vow to myself to be like them when I was a foal." Runner replied,

"That's wonderful, Runner, what made you decide to be like that?" Princess Cadence asked,

"My father's behavior, always winning by any means necessary, especially in fights, and there was his whole dating thing, jumping from one girlfriend to another." Runner replied,

"That's because I needed someone to look after you." Sprinter said,

"You did that even before I was born." Runner replied,

"That's because I was looking for a lover, I continued because our deal with Spirit killed your mother." Sprinter said,

"Why didn't you hire a foalsitter for, Sprinter?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I don't think there were any foalsitters around if I remember correctly." Sprinter replied,

"Oh, I see." Princess Cadence said,

"I got Spirit's powers when I was four years old, I became a monster that day." Runner said,

"Why do you say that for?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Because I already had a filly I loved, I made a promise to her to marry her when I got older." Runner replied,

"Did you?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Yes, but we had a few problems, there was one day when we were teenagers and she got possessed and attacked me, so I had to fight back, dad and I then got into an argument with her parents, it stopped when she stood up and was still possessed and attacked her own parents, they apologized for getting mad at us and the spirit left her body and she was back to normal. When she and I got married, we had rings with our names on them, shortly after that, she wanted children, I became upset and cried in my room, my dad comforted me on that day." Runner replied,

"I can't imagine your sadness, knowing that she will die after having a child." Princess Cadence said,

"There's more." Runner replied,

"What?" Princess Cadence asked,

"She wanted two children, a son and a daughter, she didn't care which one came first." Runner replied,

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Did you tell her about Spirit and the deal with your family?" Princess Cadence asked,

"No." Runner replied,

"Why not?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Because it would have devastated her, I had to keep it a secret." Runner replied,

"Why did you go through with it for anyway?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Because I wanted a child, too." Runner replied,

"Oh, what about you, Sprinter, where did you grow up?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Nowhere." Sprinter replied,

"Come on, Sprinter, it's okay to tell me." Princess Cadence said,

"I didn't grow up anywhere, I was always traveling." Sprinter replied,

"Oh, well, what was your childhood like?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Cadence, I do not wish to look back." Sprinter replied,

"Is something the matter?" Princess Cadence asked,

"My granddad didn't have a happy childhood." Walker replied,

"How do you know that, Walker?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Spirit showed me my dad's and granddad's pasts in a dream before I came here." Walker replied,

"Really? Wow." Princess Cadence said,

"You should leave, Walker, you're going to be late for school." Runner said, and Walker looks at the time, he heads outside and walks to school while Princess Cadence follows him.

Fluttershy meets up with her friends and they were at her cottage,

"The scariest thing happened to me last night." Fluttershy said,

"What was it?" Applejack asked,

"I was laying in bed and sleeping, then I suddenly woke up, and there was this tall black shadow standing at my door, it walked to me and was coming to me, I tried to move and call for help, but I couldn't, the thing stood on my bed and looked at me, then Discord made it disappear." Fluttershy replied,

"You sure you weren't half asleep, Fluttershy?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"No, I was fully awake." Fluttershy replied, Discord appears in the room,

"Yes, we had a trespasser last night, I took care of him accordingly." Discord said,

"Who was it?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Do you all remember Walker, Runner, and Sprinter talking about the Possessed, Revived, Undead, and Shadows?" Discord asked,

"What about them?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"That was a Shadow, my dear friends." Discord replied as he changes into one,

"I thought they only appear in dreams." Rainbow Dash said,

"Oh no, there are two types of Shadows, one that attacks you in your dreams, and the more dangerous one, the one that attacks you in real life." Discord replied,

"Wait, in real life?!" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Oh yes, Shadows attack you in your dreams and in real life, they only appear at night, though." Discord replied,

"Wait, then why couldn't Fluttershy move?" Rarity asked,

"That's one of their powers." Discord replied,

"Powers?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, you see, when a Shadow attacks you in real life, it uses its magic to inflict sleep paralysis on you so you can't escape or call out to anybody." Discord replied, Fluttershy and her friends reel back,

"Can inflict sleep paralysis?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"That's right, so unless there is someone to protect you from a Shadow that attacks you in real life, you are doomed." Discord replied,

"That... that's scary." Fluttershy said while quivering with fear,

"Try to relax, my dear, Shadows are very rare to appear." Discord replied,

"But still." Fluttershy said,

"Can't a spell just make them disappear?" Rarity asked,

"Uh-uh-uh, remember, Shadows are still souls of the dead, magic will just go through them." Discord replied,

"Ugh, there has to be a way against them for us." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, you have me." Discord replied,

"But you're not around all the time." Rainbow Dash said,

"Well, they started appearing when those three arrived, so maybe they'll stop coming here when they leave." Discord replied,

"I still want a way to combat them." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I'll leave that to you, I wish you all good luck." Discord replied, and he disappears,

"Come on, let's try to speak to the souls." Twilight Sparkle said, and the six mares walk outside.

Walker works in class and Princess Cadence stands to his left, she cringes from how loud the dead souls were,

"My, they're louder than I thought." Princess Cadence said as the dead souls conversed, everypony tries to focus but only Walker was able to since he was used to hearing the loud souls,

"Walker, I was wondering about something." Sweetie Belle said,

"What?" Walker asked,

"Can you ever have the people from the other worlds come here?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Why?" Walker asked,

"I wanna meet them." Sweetie Belle replied,

"I'm not sure about that, Spirit just doesn't allow anyone into the Void." Walker said,

"Well, can you tell him to let them come here, I wanna meet them." Sweetie Belle replied,

"Me, my dad, and my granddad will have to talk to him about it first." Walker said,

"Sweetie Belle, Walker, it's work time." Cheerilee said,

"Oh, sorry, Miss Cheerilee." Sweetie Belle replied, and the two get back to work.

Runner was teaching the foals how to run and they were all beginning to improve on their running, they finish a lap and the foals pant,

"Good, you're all improving already, let's take a short break." Runner said, and they do. Runner watches his students as they sit and drink water, he senses something appearing behind the foals and summons a sabre in his front right hoof. The foals look back and see a creature appear, it was floating in midair, it was a light blue robe and the creature had a white human skull for its head. The foals scream while the creature opens its mouth, Runner grunts and falls while the foals look at him, they see Runner's soul was being torn out of his body by force, Runner holds his front left hoof out and makes the black skeletal arm come out, it grabs the creature and pulls it forward while the skeletal arm disappears, Runner stabs his sabre into the creature's forehead, the creature floats up and begins to disintegrate while letting out an ear-piercing, bloodcurdling scream, the foals cover their ears'. The ponies hear the scream and run to where they heard it, they look and see the creature Runner fought disintegrating,

"What was that?" a filly asked,

"A lich, they're in every world, they attack me, my father, and my son in an attempt to absorb our souls, when they open their mouths like that, they are literally trying to rip our souls out of our bodies." Runner replied, the foals look on with shock. Runner senses something behind the foals again and he runs there,

"Get back!" Runner said, and they see four more liches appear, the foals scream while Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer run forward. The four liches open their mouths and begin to try to take Runner's soul, Runner makes the skeletal arm come out again to grab one and pull it towards him, he does a swift horizontal slash with his sabre and cuts its head off, he teleports to one and cuts its head off as well, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer try to help by shooting magic from their horns, but their beams go through the liches without affecting them,

"What? It doesn't work on them, either?" Twilight Sparkle asked, they watch and Runner teleports again and cuts off the head of the third lich, he teleports to the last lich and cuts its head off as well, they all float into the air and disintegrate. Runner sighs and looks at the foals,

"You're not going to absorb their souls?" a colt asked,

"They don't have souls." Runner replied,

"Oh." the colt said, the ground erupts behind Runner and he looks back, he sees several skeleton ponies appear to attack him. Runner runs to them and some of the skeleton ponies shoot zaps at him from their foreheads, he jumps over the zaps and makes his sabre disappear, he makes two bladed boomerangs appear, he throws them and they fly around the air and cut the skeletons' heads off while the unicorns fire beams at them and destroy several of the skeletons, one Pegasus flies around to try to outfly the boomerang chasing him, but the second boomerang went in front of him and hit him in the forehead and he falls down. The boomerangs go back to Runner and he makes them disappear,

"Where are their souls?" another filly asked,

"They're Undead, their souls aren't around." Runner replied,

"Then, what brings them back?" another colt asked,

"They sometimes come back on their own." Runner replied,

"Why aren't you eight helping?!" Rainbow Dash asked, they all see her with Runner's Passive, Aggressive, Optimist, and Pessimist, and the four that represented his body, mind, spirit, and emotions,

"We are not to attack the souls of the dead unless they attack the Void directly." Runner's Passive replied,

"You guys don't help him?!" Rainbow Dash asked angrily,

"We are only supposed to be seen by him and the other two, we are not to interfere with mortal affairs." Runner's Pessimist replied,

"Oh, come on, you guys would be helpful." Rainbow Dash said,

"Rainbow Dash." Runner said, Rainbow Dash looks at him,

"It's alright, they're supposed to represent my inner self, they're not supposed to fight the souls." Runner said,

"But still." Rainbow Dash said,

"If you have a problem with it, then you can help me and my family fight the skeletons." Runner replied, Rainbow Dash becomes silent afterwards,

"What were those ridiculous looking robes they were wearing?" Rarity asked, Runner looks at her with disapproval,

"It's a part of their body, the skull acts as their face and weak spot." Runner replied,

"Still, they should wear a more fashionable piece of clothing." Rarity said, Runner just goes back to his class,

"Have you all caught your breaths?" Runner asked, the foals nod,

"Let's continue, then." Runner said, and they run again while everypony left.

Sprinter was teaching the kids combat lessons and his students were down all of a sudden,

"Is something the matter?" Sprinter asked,

"This class is starting to feel pointless." Sandbar replied, the others agree,

"How come?" Sprinter asked,

"Because, all of your enemies are like these souls that are invisible to us and all of our attacks go through them." Gallus replied,

"Not all of them, you all can fight the skeletons." Sprinter said,

"Is that it?" Ocellus asked,

"No, you can also fight the Possessed, since they also take over skeletons and other people, but be warned, when someone is possessed, killing them is usually the only way to free them." Sprinter replied,

"Don't you ever worried about your son and grandson being possessed?" Silverstream asked,

"It's one of my biggest fears." Sprinter replied,

"How did Sprinter raise Runner and Walker?" Yona asked,

"I did my best, I'm still learning how to be a parent sometimes." Sprinter replied,

"Still, it must be hard for them to never have a mother's love." Ocellus said,

"They're still lucky compared to me." Sprinter replied, his students' attentions were caught,

"At least they received a father's love through me, I didn't get that as a child, either." Sprinter said,

"Your father died, too?" Smolder asked,

"No, my father was abusive." Sprinter replied, Silverstream gasps,

"Your father was mean to you?" Silverstream asked, Sprinter nods,

"At least you had a parent, I don't have a family." Gallus said,

"I'd take being an orphan over living with abusive parents any day." Sprinter replied, his students become speechless,

"What effects did your father have on you mentally?" Ocellus asked,

"I still have nightmares about my childhood experiences almost every night." Sprinter replied, his students look at him with surprise,

"Well, do you all want to continue?" Sprinter asked, they shake their heads,

"Alright, class is dismissed." Sprinter said, and they leave while Sprinter sits and meditates.

The day was near its end and Walker was heading home with Princess Cadence following him,

"What do you usually do after school, Walker?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I head home, do homework, paint, have dinner, and go to bed." Walker replied,

"Don't you go see your friends?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I don't have any friends here, well, not yet." Walker replied,

"Did you have any at home?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Well, there was one, but he's a soul." Walker replied,

"What was his name?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Um..." Walker said,

"You can tell me, Walker, I promise I won't be mad." Princess Cadence said,

"Genghis." Walker replied, Princess Cadence stops in her track,

"Wait, do you mean that unicorn who was planning to conquer the other countries outside of Equestria?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Yeah." Walker replied,

"Who else are you friends with?" Princess Cadence asked,

"All of my other friends are from within my travels inside of the Void." Walker replied,

"So, you don't have any friends your age here?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Not really, the only pony I'm basically friends with is buried six feet under the ground." Walker replied,

"What about your old school?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I didn't have any friends there." Walker replied,

"You started having trouble making friends there after your fourth birthday, right?" Princess Cadence asked,

"No, even before I got Spirit's powers, I didn't feel like I had a connection to my classmates." Walker replied,

"Oh, so you never felt like a normal child even before your fourth birthday." Princess Cadence said,

"No, I always felt nervous and uncomfortable in the classroom, but after getting Spirit's powers, I feel even more distanced from them because before Princess Twilight cast that spell, only I could see and hear the souls of the dead in my class." Walker replied,

"Well, we know now, maybe Flurry Heart will be interested in seeing them." Princess Cadence said,

"I'm not sure on that, I mean, you've seen how many evil spirits have attacked me and my guardians." Walker replied,

"True, and your father got attacked again today, I'm sure there are some ghosts around." Princess Cadence said,

"There are, there are some in front of us right now." Walker replied, Princess Cadence looks and sees several light blue and transparent ponies going on with their days,

"Some of those souls look like foals." Princess Cadence said,

"They are, they're like that because they were kids when they died." Walker replied,

"Still, it makes me sad." Princess Cadence said, the two continue walking and they see Pinkie Pie throwing a party for the souls that were foals, and Fluttershy was tending to the souls of the dead animals, the two see Runner and Sprinter walking home together and they go to them,

"You have homework?" Runner asked,

"Yes." Walker replied,

"Let's go home, then." Sprinter said, and they all get ready to head home,

"Wait, Runner, Sprinter." Sunset Shimmer said as she trots to them, the three face her,

"Before you all head home, I'd like to see your pasts, since I already know about Walker." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Trust me, you don't to see my past." Sprinter replied,

"Aw, come on, how bad can it be?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"I moved to living in the woods because I didn't want Walker raised the way I was raised." Runner replied,

"But Sprinter had you live in a mansion." Princess Cadence said,

"That's because I didn't want him to have the childhood I had." Sprinter replied, surprising the ponies,

"Come here, Runner, let me see your past." Sunset Shimmer said, and she touches his right shoulder with her front left hoof while Twilight Sparkle casts a spell to create a screen for everybody to see Runner's past.

Sunset Shimmer sees Runner as a colt, he looked just like Walker, she saw him speaking to Sprinter, he was a young adult in the vision, he looked just like how Runner looks in the present day, the two were arguing,

"Seriously, dad, another girlfriend?!" Runner asked angrily,

"You know I'm too busy to spend time with you." Sprinter replied, Runner grumbles,

"Why can't you just stick to one girl?!" Runner asked,

"Because they keep leaving me, and I'm forced to look for another date." Sprinter replied,

"But you've been having a new girlfriend every week!" Runner said angrily,

"Your point?" Sprinter asked,

"How did mom fall in love with you?" Runner asked,

"Because she genuinely loved me for the pony I was." Sprinter replied,

"What? She wasn't just another girlfriend of the week like the rest of your girlfriends?" Runner asked,

"No, of course not, we wouldn't have married and had you if that was the case." Sprinter replied, Runner groans,

"I'm going to study." Runner said, and he walks away. The vision changes and everybody sees Runner visiting an earth pony filly, she had a light green coat, long pale sky blue mane and tail, and purple eyes, the two hug one another when they see one another,

"Good morning, Runner." the filly said,

"Good morning, Grass Field." Runner replied,

"How are you this fine morning?" Grass Field asked,

"Great, but it'll be better if I got to spend it with you." Runner replied, Grass Field chuckles and the two walk together. The vision changes and everybody sees the house Runner grew up in, it was a fancy mansion, and there were neighbors everywhere,

"Wow, that looks like one expensive mansion." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I must say, I am a bit jealous he got to grow up in a such a lovely house." Rarity said, and the vision changes a bit more and they see Sprinter and Runner were often at odds with one another. The vision changes and everybody sees the inside of the house and saw Runner had access to all types of knowledge through books, and sports equipment for him to use so he can get into shape,

"Ooh, those look fun." Pinkie Pie said,

"Oh, so many books, I'd like to be in there all day." Twilight Sparkle said, everybody sees Runner liked how the royal guards were into being fair and honorable, along with chivalrous,

"Grass Field, I promise, when I grow up, I'll be as honorable and noble as a royal guard, just you wait, I can't say I like the fancy outfits, though." Runner said, and he continues reading. The vision changes and everybody sees the school Runner attended,

"Wow, that's the Canterlot Private School, that's one of the best schools in Equestria." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Is that where you went?" Fluttershy asked,

"No, I went to a different school." Twilight Sparkle replied, and everybody sees Runner's school uniform, it was a white blazer with gold buttons and a black collared shirt under it,

"I must say, that is a nice blazer." Rarity said, and they see the vision change again with flashes of Sprinter having a new girlfriend every week, Runner groans with annoyance every time.

The vision changes and Runner was in the Void, everybody sees Spirit appear and he was floating in midair, which made Runner scream with surprise,

"Hello, Runner, happy fourth birthday, my name is Spirit, Sprinter told you about me a few days ago, welcome to the Void, and it is now time for me to bestow you several of my powers passed down through the males on the paternal side of your family." Spirit said, and dark blue flames appear around Runner, he screams in pain but the flames and pain soon disappear,

"No! I can't believe it! I've become a monster, just like my father!" Runner said,

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Runner, but it's your family, how you handle it is up to you, I'll leave you be now." Spirit said, and he disappears. The vision changes to Runner and Grass Field spending time together, the two now had cutie marks, Grass Field's cutie mark was three green blades of grass, the two were hanging out as teenagers one day and Grass Field gets possessed by a spirit, which made the ponies gasp. Grass Field tries to strangle Runner and he is forced to attack her to defend himself, he punches her with his front hoofs several times to knock her out. The vision changes and Runner and Sprinter were with Grass Field's parents, who was unconscious on the ground,

"Hold on, what's the matter again?" Sprinter asked,

"Your son attacked our daughter!" Grass Field's father replied angrily,

"She attacked me all of a sudden." Runner said,

"And you respond by knocking her out and nearly killing her?! What kind of boyfriend are you?!" Grass Field's mother asked angrily,

"It wasn't my fault, she just tried to strangle me!" Runner said,

"See, there you go, my son acted in self-defense." Sprinter said,

"Liar! Our daughter wouldn't harm a fly!" Grass Field's father said angrily,

"Then why did she just try to attack me all of a sudden?" Runner asked,

"Did you do something to offend her?!" Grass Field's mother asked,

"No, we were just spending time like usual and she suddenly tried to strangle me." Runner replied,

"You still ruined our daughter's beautiful face! Look at her!" Grass Field's father said angrily, the two do and Grass Field groans as she stands up,

"Grass Field, dear, are you okay?" Grass Field's mother asked, she goes to the two and lifts up her front legs, she pushes her mother down and she screams,

"Grass Field! What are you doing?!" Grass Field's father asked as Grass Field begins to punch her own mother, Runner and Sprinter pull her back and she grabs her own mother's neck and tries to strangle her. Grass Field's father pulls his wife back while Runner and Sprinter hit her in the neck to knock her out, Grass Field's mother coughs,

"See? She tried to attack me as well." Runner said,

"My deepest apologies, I'm sorry I got mad at you, she's never acted like that before." Grass Field's father replied, and he and his wife carry her away while the spirit possessing her leaves her body. The vision changes and Runner was now a stallion and Grass Field was now a mare, they have made rings for one another, the rings had their names on it, everybody sees two baby strollers and balloons in the room,

"What's this?" Runner asked,

"Now that we've married, I want children, Runner, I want to start a family with you." Grass Field replied,

"Sure, I've thought about having a child, too." Runner said,

"No, Runner, I want two kids." Grass Field replied,

"You what?" Runner asked,

"I want a son and a daughter, I don't care which one comes first, as long as we have a boy and a girl." Grass Field replied,

"Um, sure, I can do that." Runner said with discomfort in his voice,

"I know we will, I'm so excited to start a family with you, and your father is working extra hard to make more money for us to raise two kids, you have a wonderful father, Runner." Grass Field replied, and the vision changes. Runner was crying in his room while Sprinter comforted him,

"I'm sorry, Runner, but you know what will happen." Sprinter said,

"I know Grass Field will die, but it's just that she wants two kids, and one to be a daughter, our family can't do neither." Runner replied, and he continues to cry while Sprinter comforts him,

"Do you still want to go through with it?" Sprinter asked, Runner thinks for a minute,

"Yeah, I want a child." Runner replied,

"Alright, I'll be taking Grass Field's place as the other guardian then." Sprinter said,

"Thank you, dad." Sprinter replied, and he continues to cry and the vision changes. Crying was heard and everybody sees Runner holding a baby Walker while he looks at Grass Field, who was lifeless, he closes her eyes with his front left hoof and cuddles with Walker and the visions end.

Sunset Shimmer lets go of Runner and looks at him,

"Wow, that was a lot longer than I thought." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Yeah, I still miss Grass Field to this day." Runner replied,

"Walker was supposed to have a sister?" Scootaloo asked,

"Maybe one of us can fill that role." Sweetie Belle replied, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nod in agreement and excitement,

"Come on, Sprinter, your turn." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Oh no, you don't want to see my childhood, trust me." Sprinter replied,

"Actually, I have to, now hold still." Sunset Shimmer said, and she touches his front right leg with her front left hoof and the visions appear.

Sunset Shimmer sees Sprinter as a baby, he was crying on the black wooden floor, everybody was uncomfortable already. Everybody sees a lifeless mare on the ground, she had a purple coat, long light blue mane and tail, sky blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a sword, everybody looks and sees she was covered in blood and bruises, which made some exclaim with shock. Everybody sees a stallion take in Sprinter, he looked just like Runner in the present day, but much more muscular, and his cutie mark were four silver grieves. Sprinter was traveling with a bunch of male ponies who were criminals, the one who took him in beat him and made him cry on a daily basis, the visions pass while the people watching gasp, the pony smiled when he saw Sprinter bleeding and smiled even more when Sprinter cried from the pain, he chuckles,

"Look at yourself, Sprinter, weak, crying from the pain, and a child of a raped and dead mare, isn't life beautiful?" the stallion who took him in asked, shocking everybody,

"Why? Why do I have to be beaten and attacked every day?" Sprinter asked,

"Because you are a weak and sensitive child, I would kill you now, but I need to preserve my legacy." the stallion replied,

"Wait, that guy is Sprinter's father?" Applejack asked, and the stallion beats Sprinter again while he screamed and cried,

"Stop, daddy." Sprinter said,

"No, no matter how much physical and mental pain you receive, it will never be enough, children like you deserve to suffer." Sprinter's father replied, and he keeps beating Sprinter while loud thuds were heard. The vision changes and Sprinter was walking on his own until he saw his father with the gang,

"If any of you are to see my son, you are to kill him on sight, make him scared, so approach him slowly, and if you do subdue him, make his death as slow and as painful as possible." Sprinter's father said, the vision changes again. Sprinter was hiding while breathing heavily, the gang hears him and they try to pull him away, but Sprinter fights back and punched some of the stallions in their faces and eyes, he runs away while panting heavily and several visions appear of Sprinter sweating and nervous around new ponies, he was about to attack them but restrained himself when he saw they meant no harm, and everybody was able to tell from his facial expressions that he did not trust anyone. Sprinter develops a muscular body and physique because of the life had was born into, more brief visions appear and many fillies developed crushes on him,

"Well, that's to be expected from children." Twilight Sparkle said, they all watch and see Sprinter sometimes fought for his dates and would beat up other colts,

"Oh, how barbaric." Rarity said,

"Um, Rarity, Ah don't think he knew better at that time." Applejack replied, and the visions change.

Sprinter was in the Void and Spirit floated in front of him,

"Hello, Sprinter, your fourth birthday has come, my name is Spirit, Jumper talked about me a few times, it is time for me to give you the powers bestowed to the males on your paternal side of your family." Spirit said, and he screams in pain when dark blue flames surround him, they disappear after a few seconds,

"Oh well, this is normal for our family bloodline, my father has it, too." Sprinter said, everybody was surprised by how unfazed he was, Spirit appears in front of him,

"Indeed, it is, and as you know, Jumper has my powers, too, you're lucky he didn't use them when he abused you, but how you wish to use my powers is up to you, I'll be sending you back now." Spirit said, and the vision changes. Several brief visions appear and everybody sees Sprinter killing members of the gang, which made everybody exclaim, he killed Jumper last, but his soul disappeared before he could take it. Sprinter traveled alone and was homeless, fighting any Possessed, Revived, Undead, Shadow, lich, or enemy he came across, Sprinter begged for bits since he was too young to get a job and did not go to school,

"Oh no, he didn't get an education." Fluttershy said,

"Well, that's a first, still that's rough." Applejack said, and he hung out with any filly who had a crush on him, some left him on good terms, some ended with a filly stealing his money and running away, some ended with the filly's brothers and father angry at Sprinter, and he had to defend himself when they attacked him. The vision changes and everybody sees Sprinter entering a race to win bits, he runs the race and got first place, he decides to keep doing it since it was the only way for him to earn money, and he did not do sports because he did not like the rules for most of them, everybody sees Sprinter win his races,

"Wait, is he teleporting?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"He better not be." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they watch him run his races and win. The vision changes and Sprinter had a lot of mares fall in love with him, a stallion approaches him,

"Good job, Sprinter, you're one of the best runners I've ever seen. How would you like to be a professional and have track and running as a career?" the stallion asked,

"I'll do it." Sprinter replied,

"Great, I promise you won't regret this." the stallion said, and the vision changes. Sprinter runs one track after another after becoming a professional runner in Equestria, he dated his female fans as well, Rarity groans with disgust at seeing Sprinter go from dating one mare to another, he is approached by an earth pony mare who had a bright red coat, long pink mane and tail, light purple eyes, and her cutie mark were three blue and yellow pills,

"Excuse me, Sprinter." the mare said, he looks at her,

"Um, hi, my name is Peacemaker, I'm a doctor and I watch track as a hobby, and I heard you've been dating your female fans, can I be next?" the mare asked,

"Sure, I'm single right now." Sprinter replied, Peacemaker becomes happy and trots to him and the two walk together, the visions show Sprinter practicing running and Peacemaker monitors his health, the two work together to improve Sprinter's own performance and the two eventually fall in love. The vision changes to Sprinter holding a crying baby Runner and Peacemaker was dead, Sprinter rubs his snout against Runner and he stops crying. Sprinter continues his track career and dated more of his female fans, Rarity exclaims with disgust,

"Sprinter!" Rarity said,

"Not cool, Sprinter." Rainbow Dash said, and the visions continue, Sprinter eventually had enough bits to buy the fancy mansion Runner grew up in and bought books on every subject to teach himself and left them for Runner. Sprinter continues raising Runner and had to get another job to pay for the house bills and his girlfriends who foalsitted Runner, so Sprinter decided to become a boxer, he wins every match and a lot of his wins involved attacking his opponents from behind and their blind spots and hitting them in the groin, he used the bits to pay the house bills and his girlfriends for foalsitting Runner, all of his opponents had high respect for his reason for boxing and his fighting skills. The vision changes and Sprinter was smiling at seeing a colt Runner reading a book, he goes to him rubs his snout on him and Runner laughs and hugs Sprinter and the visions end.

Sunset Shimmer lets go of Sprinter and looks at him with surprise,

"Wow, I didn't think you had it that rough as a foal." Sunset Shimmer said,

"I did, I have nightmares almost every night about my early life." Sprinter replied,

"Sprinter, I'm sorry about what happened to you when you were a colt, I really am, but that doesn't excuse you from having one girlfriend after another." Rarity said,

"Well, it was mostly temporary company." Sprinter replied,

"No, Sprinter, dating is sacred, it is wrong to go from one date to another like that." Princess Cadence said,

"You should be glad I didn't have a son with all of them." Sprinter replied, Rarity exclaims with shock while the others gasp,

"Come now, my son and grandson, let's get some rest." Sprinter said, and they all head home.

Walker does his homework with Runner, Sprinter, and Princess Cadence helping him, he eats the other cookies with his dinner and finishes homework late, they all go to bed and Princess Cadence tucks Walker into bed and kisses him on the forehead, Walker feels a lot of warmth and affection inside of himself, he falls asleep with a big smile on his face while the other three sleep as well.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were in Canterlot and getting ready for the night,

"Sleep well, sis, leave the night to me." Princess Luna said,

"Remember, Luna, tomorrow's a Sunday, we go to Ponyville tomorrow to see Walker and his family, it's about time we learn about these souls of the dead thing." Princess Celestia replied,

"Agreed, well, I'm going to the dream realm now." Princess Luna said,

"Okay, goodnight, Luna." Princess Celestia replied, and she walks to her bed and sleeps while Princess Luna goes into the dream realm.