• Published 1st Aug 2019
  • 288 Views, 3 Comments

Games Ponies Play: Pranksters Divided - Inactive Pone

An intervention by an unknown force in Nathan's "The Cube" brought him and Twilight on a special friendship mission.

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Not-Your-Usual Friendship Problem

The Cube of Gaming- One of the latest breakthroughs in gaming technology. Being a person who had supernatural gaming powers, Nathan was the creator of the magnificent invention. It was like virtual reality- But think of it as a real environment you’re dealing with.

The usage of this plaything is simple. Just load up the game you want to play on the system of the 50 by 50 by 50 cube, and start the game to begin the adventure. This device automatically sucks you into the game itself, and you can play as any character as you wish. It was like virtual reality, but you are actually IN the game. You are the character, you make your move, and most importantly, you suffer the trouble in the game. Thankfully, it is now developed to a point where you will not feel injuries, as there will be a secret shield to protect you from your actual body.

Users customize the way they play- What game they want, how long they play it for, and for the wildest players, completing a certain objective before they can return to the actual world. It can be dangerous- But some still do it and get out alive.

The ponies have never experienced something like this before- How will they face the more advanced, more powerful and more hardcore players of the human world, or even simply the human created games themselves?

Let’s find out.

Games Ponies Play: Pranksters Divided

"Twilight, you happen to have any explanation on this?"

"N-No… How is this even possible?"

Princess Twilight was with her best friend and inventor of "The Cube"- Nathan. They were looking at the gadget, and what was happening, in front of their eyes- Was something even the creator himself truly couldn't imagine possible. Twilight's cutie mark was floating on top of The Cube, as her own symbol on her flank started to glow. Nathan, completely surprised, saw what seemed to be his spirit self looking right at him. He noticed all of this when he suddenly started to feel an uncontrollable type of magic take over him earlier that day, seemingly ordering him on a mission sent by his own creation.

The two looked at each other.

"Is this… A friendship Problem?" Nathan asked.

"I'm not sure," Twilight replied. "I checked the map- Nothing happened. But as far as I know, the map, displaying all of Equestria, should be the only place that is able to detect friendship problems. How is this possible?"

"I have no clue… Is it a bug? Let me check…"

Nathan analyzes the menu of the cube on his nearby system. He scrolled and scrolled through the various games he had on his Console. Soon, when he scrolled through one particular game, the glow of the cutie mark got more intense.

"Nathan, stop!"

"I know. The magic got more intense… Let me back up a bit."

He scrolled back a few games, and the magic once more got stronger as he scrolled past the game he was looking for. Then he found it. He called Twilight to come and have a look.

"Puyo Puyo Tetris…? What's that?"

"I know this game," Nathan said. "I've played it a long time ago… And I know the characters of the story. I think this is where we are headed."

"Wait, we're going to go into this game to tackle a friendship problem?"

"I think so. And though I have the ability to break through restrictions of goal-setting barriers for us to get back out of the cube, this time, I'm not doing that unless we really need to go."


"Come on, Twi. You're the Princess of Friendship. Is there an argument you couldn't solve?"


The portal dropped them off.

The two friends landed in a forest. They are surrounded by endless amounts of trees. The weather was generally nice- Sunny without any clouds in the sky. Nathan can feel the refreshing air of a game he had played long ago, and still occasionally played in the now.

He put his hands on his waist.

"I wonder how the developers made The Cube version of the game. Maybe it's a free roam game or something?"

Then, he heard Twilight screaming.

"Gahhh! Get off of me! I'm a princess, for crying out loud!"

Nathan turned back, to see a familiar figure seemingly riding Twilight, as she is kinda a pony after all. The teenager, who looked like a knight or some sort, was a guy with white hair, his armor was mostly dark blue, with a pair of silver boots to complete the set. He was even holding a legitimate sword!

"Hey! Get your hands off of my friend!" He yelled.

The teenager was thrown off by a now pissed off Twilight, who came back with a hmph.

"Does one want to challenge the dark mage himself?"

He drew his sword, ready for a fight.

"Who in Equestria are you, anyway?" Twilight interrupted. "Such rudeness to ride me!"

"Twilight! Be a good delegate to new game characters, won't you?"

Nathan nudged his friend, as she nudged back.

"What do you mean!?" She whispered, "Look at what he did!"

Nathan sighed.

"Fine," He whispered, turning to the teenager. "My friend here may not know you, but I do. Indeed- The Dark Mage himself, Schezo."

Schezo was taken back by his knowledge.

"How does thou know yours truly?"

"Hmph, you challenging me, the creator of The Cube himself? And I'm not going to mention I was once a pro."

Nathan got his magic ready. But then, a fourth person joined the ring.

"W-Wait!" Someone came rushing from the woods. "*sigh* No! That is not how we do things here!"

The person speaking was a girl about the same age. She had brown hair, yellow eyes, wore a white and blue skirt, and shoes with matching colors.

"Arle?" Schezo asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Ugh, I could ask you the same question!" Arle retorted, crossing her arms. "You're always so creepy, going out in the woods and searching for traces of dark magic."

"I am not a creeper, okay?" Schezo hmphed. "Anyway, what in the world are you doing, then?"

"*sigh* I'm trying to warn you, that a battle should always be done in Puyo form! Not actual fighting!"

"Whatever. I'm not actually in the mood."

Arle turns to Nathan.

"Oh? Aren't you… Hmmm, I've known you from somewhere…"

"Nathan, creator of The Cube."

"Ah! Yes!" She shook his hand. "Wow… It's so nice to meet you! My name's-"

"Arle. I know you."

"*chuckles* Do you, now? Haha, so awkward~" Both of them shared a laugh. "What brings you to the world of Puyo? And who's your friend here? Wow… So many questions!"

Nathan turned his gaze towards Twilight.

"Oh, this is my friend, Twilight. She's a princess- The Princess of Friendship."

"Ohhhhhh! That's cool!" Arle said happily. "And that's perfect for the situation we have right now!"

Nathan gasped.

"Is there a friendship problem?"

"Yes, actually," Schezo butted in. "I have been observing Arle's new friends from another dimension, who have been visiting from time to time. However, something is wrong."

"What's the matter? We've come to solve a friendship problem. I'll leave the explanation for another time, but do tell us what's the matter." Twilight asked.

Arle and Schezo looked at each other.

"Just… Come with us."

**Near Suzuran Junior High.**

About 10 minutes later, they all arrive at a big school- Suzuran Junior High. It was just a typical junior high school, but what's standing near it was something definitely out of the ordinary- A Spaceship.

"Is that a giant spaceship?" Twilight asked.

"That's the Starship Tetra," Nathan replied, "I remember it… Perhaps we might find our friendship problem somewhere around here."

They walk towards the Tetra as a strange-looking creature on a cloud flies over to Arle to greet her. He was sort of like a giant yellow ball on a cloud.

"*chuckles* Hi, O! What's up?"

O had a frown on his face.

"Pipi… Pipipipi…"

Twilight was confused.

"Uhh… What? I'm pretty sure that's not English…"

"That's how he talks," Arle explained. "But, I can understand him, he's just another new friend that my friend made, who also speaks in a similar way."

"Carbuncle, yes?" Nathan answered.

"Mhmm! He's a cutie~" Arle turned back to O. "So, O, you said something's wrong?"


"What's the matter?"

"Pipipipi, pipipi, Pi!"

Arle nodded, then translated back to everyone else.

"He said that something is wrong with the relations of the tetra crew. I think I was told who it was, but I forgot…"

"Ah! So there's our problem!" Twilight concluded. "So, where are they?"

"They're inside the Starship. I guess I'll see you around, they'll probably tell what's happening."

"Wish you guys the best of luck," Schezo said with a smile. "I don't think they will be an easy pair to deal with. Meanwhile, I'll go back to doing my own stuff."

**Starship Tetra.**

Twilight, Nathan, and O boarded the Starship Tetra and heard someone panic.

"This is not good!"

Nathan recognized the voice.

"Ringo? Is that you, by any chance?"

A second later, a girl popped out from the corridor in front of the trio. She had red hair, dressed pretty nicely in a gray sweater over a yellow sweater vest, and red dress, with white and red boots to accompany, like a typical junior high student. She came out to say hello.

"Oh, O, new visitors?"

He nodded as she turned to them.

"Who's the one that called?"

"Me," Nathan rose his hand. "I'm Nathan. Story on why I know you another time."

"*laughs* Okay. I'm Ringo, you may know my friend Arle."

"We just ran into her," Twilight said. "I'm Twilight, by the way. As the Princess of Friendship, I detected that there is a friendship problem in this game you're in. Yes, sounds crazy, I know."

Rings was about to explain when they heard shouting coming across the halls.

"I hate you so much!"

"Oh!? Well next time, don't you mess up my pranks!"

"I messed up!? You're the one who messed up and got the captain to yell at us!"

Ringo sighed and facepalmed herself.

"See the problem now?"

"That does sound like one," Twilight said. "Should we investigate?"

The quarrel was happening at the Lounge. Nathan, Twilight, and Ringo all poked their head in the room. They saw two people arguing loudly with each other. The boy was wearing all blue clothes and had slightly lavender short hair. The girl was more or less the opposite- Green curly hair, a set of red clothes.

If you wanna know how they look click here, lazy to put a good pic in for the scene.

"This is the third time you tried to prank me this week!"

"Serves you right for messing up!"

"I did not mess up, Elle!" The boy yelled. "You're the one who blew it!"

The girl hmphed. "It was a stupid prank anyway. And you made things much worse, Jay!"

"As if you weren't responsible for anything…"

"*sigh* Can you stop being in my way, brother?"

"Not until you do, sister!"

The two siblings continued having a Firey quarrel as the trio pulled their heads back to the hallway for a discussion.

"Does this happen often? They seem to be siblings," Twilight enquired.

"*sigh* No, Twilight. They're usually very close."

"Mmm, best friends fight too, I've been there. This should be easy."

"I won't bet so much in that, Twi," Nathan said nervously. "This is Jay and Elle we are talking about."


"Jay and Elle are by far the most mischievous prankster duos I've seen yet," Ringo explained. "I don't understand how that one incident tore them apart just like that… They're always so close and friendly with each other, being twins and all."

"How long has this been going on for?" Twilight asked.

"About a week or so."

"Dang, a week of them trying to prank the hell out of each other?" Nathan enquired. "That doesn't sound good."

Ringo nodded. "And they're clever at lying. It's not going to be easy for you two to persuade them to forgive each other. Your plans may even backfire."

Then, a slap was heard.

"Ow! Hey! That's over the line!"

The three look back into the Lounge, to find Jay retaliating on Elle's slap- They were about to fight!

"Hey! That hurt!"

"Hmph! You're such a meanie, Elle!"

You're such a meanie, Jay! Hmph!"

The two were close together and were pushing each other, their hands gripped on each other's shoulders for a fight.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Ringo rushed in to mediate the conflict. "Guys! Calm down!"

The two looked at each other with narrowed eyes.

"*groans* Fine. You better not be in my way, Jay!"

"Tell that to yourself, Elle!"

They both hmphed and Elle walked out the other exit. Jay threw himself on the couch nearby and crossed his arms. Nathan and Twilight stepped into the scene.

"Phew, nice save, Ringo." Nathan gave her a pat on the back.

"Thanks," Ringo nodded, turning to Jay. "So, Jay, let me introduce you to someone. This is Nathan, creator of console ‘The Cube', with his good friend Twilight."

"Sup?" Nathan said in a chill-out attitude as he sits next to him.

"*sigh* How much did you guys see?"

"The whole thing," Twilight replied. "What Exactly is happening between you two?"

Jay stayed in silence, so Ringo spilled the beans.

"For what I know, a week ago, Jay and Elle had a fight with each other because they messed up a prank and were arguing who was to blame."

Jay looked at her.

"Captain told you, huh?"


"*sigh* Well, I guess there's no use to hide it anyway," Jay said, before talking about their fight.

**A Week Ago…**

"This is going to be so fun!"

"I know! It's gonna be fun!"

Jay and Elle were silently giggling about their little plan. They were just outside the control room, and once they saw the captain was not anywhere in sight, they slithered over to the control panel.

"I gotta say, Jay, that diversion you made was awesome!"
"Ha, it's nothing. Just a fake love letter and date proposal from Ringo to Captain, seeing as Ringo's friends suspect that of her. I didn't expect it to work!"

They shared a hearty laugh.

"Ringo and Captain, sitting on a tree~"

"K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Elle replied.

They laughed even harder, even high-fiving each-other.

"Right, down to business," Jay said, rubbing his hands. "Hmm, I know how to control this thing but never on my own…"

"Don't worry, I know too. Let's work together!"

So Jay and Elle both nodded, deciding to pilot the Starship together. With no permission, they found a way to get the Captain off the Starship to allow them to get free access to the control room. And frankly, no one was there- The Captain fell for the trap so quickly he didn't even assign someone to be on guard.

Jay pushed a button, and the entire craft levitated in mid-air. Carefully, Elle started to steer and move the ship once they've gotten high enough. In order to keep themselves out of trouble, they didn't go too fast, but that didn't stop them from going up. Just so they can explore a little bit.

As the twins guided the Starship above the town, they looked out the window of the control room, seeing the beautiful view- Suzaran High, Primp Town, and some other places. They both worked together to make sure the ship was in order, and they're happy because this had been something they've wanted to do for a long time- To drive the Ship without their Captain yelling at them.



"What the-!?" Elle asked.

The alarms started ringing, red lights went off, and the system was not responding well.

"System Failure. System Failure." The announcer said.

"What's happening!?" Jay yelled. "Elle, what did you do this time!?"

"I don't know! The controls aren't working!"

"Deploy emergency landing, then!"

Jay frantically pushed a big red button on the console that read "Emergency landing". However…

"Access denied. Unable to deploy."

They gasped.

"What do you mean, unable to deploy!?" Jay roared.

"Checking the reason now…"

"Access Denied. You do not have permission to access this log."

"Oh, for Ex's sake!" Elle slammed the console.

The ship started to go out of control, taking sharp turns and boosting and slowing down every few seconds. The siblings were tossed around the room with no chance to set things right- At one point they even crashed right into each other because of the turning.

"Uh Oh…" Jay said nervously.

**Back on flat ground…**

"*sigh* Sorry, Ringo. I didn't mean for it to happen."

"It's alright, Tee. I know we're friends and all, not hard for someone like them to play jokes on us."

Ringo was walking with the Starship Tetra's Captain, Tee, along the streets back to Suzaran High, after a round of confusion for her suspected secret feelings for Tee. She put an arm around him.

"You're my friend, that's all that matters," Ringo winked. "Let them ship us however they want, don't worry about it!"

Tee chuckled. "Thanks, Ringo."

As they glanced up the sky, originally wanting to look at some clouds, they saw some kind of vehicle up above.

"What in the world?" Ringo asked, pointing to it.

Tee gasped.


"It seems to be getting bigger and bigger too…" Ringo elaborated. "Wait, that isn't the-"

"*gasp* NONONONONONONO!" Tee panicked, cutting her off. "The Tetra!"

"What!? The Tetra is crashing!?"

"Can't you see!? Come on!"

**Primp Magic School.**

The crash looked like it was going to happen at Primp Town Magic School. So, that's where the duo went. When they got there, the ship was closer than ever. They saw two people using magic to reduce its speed. One of them was a blond-hair girl with a blue dress and a blue magic hat. The other looked like some kind of demonish wizard with green hair and a majestic cape.

"Witch! Dark Prince!"

"No time to talk!" Witch grunted as she focuses her magic. "The Tetra is about to-"

"We know!" Tee shouted.

"*grunt* This Starship you've built is really one hell of a problem," Dark Prince growled. "How fast is this going? Even I, the Dark Prince, need to channel all my powers from the underworld to stop it!"

Ringo giggled with a blush.

"Uh… I'd say that's an exaggeration."

"*grunts* I'm trying to hold it off… But I can't do it forever! Someone needs to come and somehow save it!

The ship was just about a few thousand feet up and was totally visible from ground level. Although it was drastically slowed down thanks to magic, the crash seemed inevitable once Witch becomes too exhausted. Suddenly, a teenage boy, wearing glasses in purple school uniform, came to the scene with what seemed to be a spell book in his hand.

"Hey, guys! I got this!"

"Klug! Just in time!" Ringo was relieved.

Klug flipped open his spellbook to a certain page. He frantically started popping puyos after creating pairs of them, falling from the sky. He channeled a massive chain- Giving him enough magic for the spell.

"GRAVITY STRIKE!" He shouted.

In a flash, magic wrapped around the Tetra, just around 10 seconds after Witch released the spell. With the new spell, it stopped- and floated in mid-air after a sudden jolt upwards. Carefully, he settled it back down with the help of Witch and Dark Prince joining in.

"Gee, Thanks, guys!" Tee sighed in absolute relief. "I was so scared!"

Klug chuckled nervously. "I was nervous too, you know. Thought the Tetra is gonna crash straight into Primp Magic School for a second! I can't stand silently and watch!"

The group shared a laugh.

"Alright, jokes aside, I think I know exactly who did this. Oh, they are going to regret trying to divert my attention."

**Back in the Tetra.**



Tee burst through the door of the control room with anger. Jay and Elle were still trying to get their heads straight after that dizzy drop of the Starship. As soon as the siblings saw him, they knew- They're toast.

"Oh, my, freaking, god," Tee facepalmed himself. "Did you know how close the Tetra was to crashing, you idiots!?"

Jay and Elle couldn't help but gasp. They've never seen him this harsh on them before.

"Th-The System was hacked!" Jay quickly explained. "We can't do anything!"

Elle nodded. "We're not lying, we swear!"

Tee groaned. "But you both started the ride, didn't you?"

With a blush, they both nodded shyly.

"Oh, for heaven's SAKE!" Tee can't help but smash his fists right onto the now-switched off keyboards for the system. "You two just don't know when you're going too far with your pranks!"

"W-We just wanted to have a chance at steering the ship…" Jay looked down.

Elle frowned. "Yeah, I wanted to get an Arial view of the Puyo world too…"

Tee sighed.

"Well, you could've asked me. This is why I never let you guys steer the wheel in the first place. Look, I don't want to get in trouble. This Starship has taken one huge blow already, and it might not take the second," He explained. "Now, according to Tetra Crew Rules, No. 17, ‘Members of the Tetra Crew are not allowed to steer the Starship without the captain's consent and supervision'. For violating this rule, both of you- Grounded from any dimension rift missions for 2 weeks. With immediate effect, got it?"

The two unwillingly nodded.

"*sigh* Don't you dare prank me like that again."

Tee sighed and left. Immediately, Jay and Elle looked at each other, and started arguing.

"*whines* This is all your fault, Jay!" Elle yelled.

"No, this is all your fault, Elle!" Jay yelled back.

"How so!? You messed up everything!"

"No, I did not mess up the console, Alright! You were the one who suggested the idea first!"

"And you complied, so you don't need to be responsible for your own actions?"

"I can tell you the same thing!"

"*sigh* Great, we got caught, and you're gonna be another big hassle to deal with, huh?"

"*gasp* You take that back!"

Jay and Elle weren't happy about each other. They come close together and start arguing while pushing against one another.

"Will you stop with the lying?"

"As if you aren't doing the same!"

"Stop pretending to be innocent, Jay!"

"Me? You're the one that's playing pretend, Elle!"

"*growls* I hate you being like this!"

"Hmph! I hate this side of you too!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, perhaps we stay out of each other's way!?"

"*gasp* Oh, sureeeee! We're no longer prankster buddies now, are we?"

"Hmph! No way!"

"If that's how you wanna play the game, then I don't wanna do pranks with you anymore!"

"Alright, go ahead! We'll do them on our own, then!"

"Hmph! I don't wanna see you!"

"Oh, you wanna be rivals too? Come on, bring it on."

"Why in the world not!?"

Finally, they blurted out something they'll regret forever.

"I hate you, Elle!"

"Jay, I hate you!"

The siblings started fighting.

**Back to the Present.**

"So yeah, it's been a week now," Jay finished up his story.

Twilight frowned. "It's… Kinda naïve to me… Why are you both so mad just because you failed the prank?"

"It's what they do," Ringo chimed in. "Jay and Elle are pranksters and they love doing pranks with each other, and only each other because they don't want to pair up with anyone unprofessional."

"Yep, what she said," Jay nodded. "I didn't want to work with someone bad at pranking. I don't want to get into trouble, but Elle thought the whole problem lies on me!"

Nathan had a better idea.

"Where did your sister go?"

"How in the world would I know? Perhaps ask others of the crew."

"Right. Twi, let's get a move on."

**Control Room.**

The trio passed through a few different rooms and hallways of the Starship. Along the way, they passed by the control room, and even better, the captain was in there. So, that was a good chance to pounce on for some good info.

Ringo came up to him first.


Tee turned around with a smile.

"Oh, Hey Ringo. What is it?"

"Remember the whole Jay and Elle fiasco?"

"*sigh* Yes, Yes, I know. I'm the one who made them tear apart, after all."

"Oh, don't say that, Tee…" Ringo gave him a brief hug. "Anyway, I may or may not have just found someone we can trust and help us."

She signaled the two to come in. As they enter, they see the Captain, dressed in a tight set of clothes fit for his title of a captain. His captain uniform was mostly white and purple colored shirt, trousers and boots. His hair was slightly lavender, too, and it was plain to see he really did look like a captain of a Starship.

"Tee, this is Princess Twilight," Ringo said. "Don't worry, she's not a mythical creature trying to kill us, it's all good."

Twilight giggled. "Where did you get that impression?" She whispered to Ringo. Then she turned to Tee. "*clears throat* Hi! I'm Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship. This is my friend, Nathan, creator of console ‘The Cube'."

Tee hums in interest.

"I know you from somewhere, Nathan. Probably there's my answer."

"*titters* Ah, you know me, huh? Nice," Nathan insisted on shaking his hand. "You're Tee, Captain of the SS Tetra and the Tetris King."

"Affirmative," He said formally.

"So…" Twilight broke the ice, "What's with the whole Jay and Elle stuff? We got to know them and they are really angry with each other. Matter of fact, they don't even want to see each other!"

Tee sighed.

"It's kinda my fault in a way."

Ringo put a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, come on, Tee! What did I tell you?"

"*sigh* I didn't expect that they actually, for once, took the orders with such a serious piece of mind. I heard them arguing just a minute after I left. When I realized where it's coming from, and went there, I saw Jay and Elle fighting! I have no idea why they fought until a while later, but they must've blurted out some pretty hurtful things to get each other that angry."

"They are pretty close, aren't they?" Nathan asked sarcastically for confirmation.

"Oh, they're really close," Ringo replied. "Practically peas from the same pod. They are twins, after all- And they spend so much time having fun with each other, from what I know. Of course, not the best way of having fun, but their friendship is practically brought upon through them pranking with each other."

"Indeed," Tee said, crossing his arms. "They were really playful and annoying, but to tell the truth, Jay and Elle are best friends and they've always been like that. Always pranking together and having fun. So when they fought, I was really shocked. It's not even because they pranked each other!"

Twilight started to think about Ringo's words. Suddenly, an idea sparked into her mind.

"*gasp* Aha! Idea!"

"Go on," Nathan said.

"Waitwaitwaitwait, Not now. Tee, mind rounding up the whole Tetra crew so we can discuss it? Just not Jay and Elle. They don't need to know yet."

"O-Okay. Everyone should be around somewhere. There, just sent a message calling them. Let's just wait."

The four stood around and waited. After a few minutes, a few other people came. O came flying over, followed by 3 more. One of them was a giant robot with some kind of red blocky symbol that looks like a rotated Z block. Another was some kind of professor but looked like an anthropomorphic dog. His clothes were mostly white with a tint of blue, making him really look like a professor. The last was a teenage girl with curly green hair, wearing a white dress with a tint of grey around its sides.

"Introductions first," Tee said. "You guys know this little buddy?"


"I see, O. Met them already, huh?"

He nodded.

"This big guy is Zed," Tee said, pointing to the robot. "He's constructed by the former Tetris King, and he's a great member, evident from his loyalty."

"Thank you for the compliment, Captain."

"My pleasure," He replied, walking to another. "This is Ai, our ship's engineer. He's really smart, but he does get targeted a lot by Jay and Elle because he's kind of an animal, per se. You don't wanna mess with him too much."

Twilight couldn't hide her giggles. "Interesting. Looks like there's someone I can relate to."

"I appreciate that, thanks. Sometimes animals are smart, don't you think so?"

They all have a big laugh.

"Finally, there's Ess," Tee put an arm around her. "She's… Well…"

"Oh, don't you dare talk about me in a bad way!"

"*chuckles* What? No! I'm just saying you're a good friend and member of ours," Tee blushed and turned. "She's a great helper when I have trouble, but… *chuckles* Also a bit of a hassle sometimes."

"Oh come on!"

Ess nudged Tee As the latter laughed.

"It's nice to meet all of you," Twilight said, putting a hoof to her heart. "My name's Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. Beside me is Nathan, he's my best friend and developer of ‘The Cube'."

"Sup Guys?" Nathan gave them a wave.

"Anyway, I know you're all worried about Jay and Elle. Well, I thought of something just now, and I'm not sure how you're going to react to it. Let me tell you about it…"

**Elle’s Room.**

Elle was sitting on her bed in her room inside the Tetra, still mad at what happened.


"If that's you, Jay, go away," She hmphed.

"No, it's not. I'm a friend of Tee's. I want to talk to you."

Elle moaned and opened the door. Princess Twilight was standing in front of her. Elle was genuinely surprised, and let her in. She closes the door as Twilight introduces herself.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said. "But just call me Twilight."

"Mhmm, Okay. So… What do you need me for?"

"Well, I've been observing you and Jay just now. You two seem to really not get along for some reason."

Elle crossed her arms.

"It's his fault that we're split up."

"I thought you two were twin siblings from what I know," Twilight said. "Save the details, but… Why blame on each other?"

"Because we never messed up!" Elle said. "We've never messed up a prank together and not get away with it! And since I didn't do anything wrong to mess up the Tetra, clearly he's the one who messed up!"

"I'll be the judge, Jay feels the same way about you too."

"Hmph, he just wants to evade responsibility for the fiasco."

"And you're not doing the same thing?"

Elle started getting annoyed.

"Listen, I'm a playful girl and all but if you're trying to imitate Jay and argue with me, I am not going to go easy. Also, Pfft, you're so bad at spying- I know exactly why you're here."


"You're here because you want to gather some information about me, possibly how I feel about the incident, pass it to my brother, and convince us to make up. To that, I think you have a misconception because I don't want to be around him just to get into more trouble than I need to when pranking alone, without him messing it up."

Elle seemed very determined to keep her stance that she didn't do anything. Twilight was pretty impressed- But not all the way through. The prankster may have broken her initial cover, but she didn't crack out how Twilight will get them back together.

So it's time for Plan B.

"You know what?" Twilight asked in a friendlier voice, "I have an idea to get your fury out of your head."

"Go on."

"How about we do some pranks, Hmm?"

"Oh! Yeah, sure!"

"But one tiny catch- You will have a partner, and they are really good. Just a friend of mine. In fact, they're so good, I don't think you'll ever notice them!"

"Hmmm, So it's not Jay."

"Nope! Don't worry."

"And I'm working with someone so professional that they won't leave a trace?"


"Ha, Twilight, your friend better not disappoint me! What's the plan?"


Twilight and Elle, in typical espionage mode, sneak right into The bedroom of their first target, Ess. Ess was known to be a neat freak and a makeup artist. So, they thought they would sabotage the process.

Her room was a pretty practical and normal bedroom, sans the big mirror on the wall and her seat for doing her makeup.

"Okay, let me ask you one question," Twilight said. "You know how to put on makeup?"

"I guess I do, but not often."

"We'll just do the best we can. So, I'll first sabotage this mirror…" She blasted her magic at it. "That way, it'll fake Ess into thinking her makeup was good. What you're going to do, is do a very messy job, that or use the weirdly colored makeup. I'll change the items temporarily."

"Haha! That sounds fun!"

"Come on, I have another target."

"For Zed, you're doing the hard part. You're gonna need a bit of finesse."


"What you're going to have to do, is get him to chase you. Maybe insult him once or twice."

"I can do that, sure."

"Good! Then run to this very room."

"The engineering room? Okay! What's going to happen, then?"

"You'll see. Oh, and remember to go around the sides. That will be explained when you do the prank."

"Let me guess, you want me to piss off Ai in this playroom, huh?"

"I've heard that Ai is a bit of a scaredy-cat, haha. What you're going to do, is hide in one of the cupboards. Then wait for the signal."

"What's the signal?"

"Your partner will turn off the lights. Theoretically, and hopefully, too- This would trigger Ai's anxiety."

"Ah! Okay! Then once he starts being scared and whining like a puppy, *chuckles* I jump out and scare him!"

They both let out a fit of laughter.

"What about O and Tee?"

"O should be easy. From Tee, I heard he likes candies for some reason, haha. I have a simple trick to get him absolutely annoyed."

"*coldly* Oh, do say it."

Twilight teleported in a random Puyo that Ringo had given her. She turned it into a giant candy with magic. Elle gasped and started licking her lips.

"Oh, boy! He is not going to resist that!"

"Oh, no he wouldn't. You and your partner are going to run around the Tetra endlessly, trying to get O to follow you. You'll be holding the candy by a string and drag it across the hallways. I'll help you teleport when it's time for your partner to create the diversion."

"That's going to be so hilarious!"

"And for Tee… I'll keep it a secret for now. Just wait."

**Even Later…**

During the afternoon, the ultimate chain of pranks began.

Ess just walked into her room, and just as Twilight predicted, she wanted to change her looks. Elle was already waiting.

"Hi, Ess!" Elle waved.

"Hey, what's up, Elle?" Ess asked. "Ugh, I really need to change my look again."

"Really? *chuckles* Can I help you?"

Ess was a little intrigued, but since she thought she couldn't possibly screw it up, she agreed to it. So, just like how Twilight had told her, Elle tried to mess up everything. Firstly, the foundation she chose was a brown one- Completely different from Ess. She didn't do a good job on coloring either. Then she proceeded to mess up the eyeliner and eyeshadow by doing horribly. The blush was not a problem but the lipstick looked like it was colored by a five-year-old.

But with the mirror, all of that will be unknown to her. All she saw when Elle was done ‘Pranking' her was her normal, beautiful face.

"You like it?" Elle asked with a giggle.

"Sure I do! You do a good job, don't you?"

"Been practicing. I'll just go for now while you do your own thing."

"Okay! I'll be out in a minute anyway."

So Elle walks out the door, but a little awkwardly as she crawls from about the lower half of the exit before walking away into the corridor. A while later, Ess did walk out the door, but unknowingly, she slammed her head right into a literal wall of transparent tape and fell down from the imbalance.

"Owww!! Hey, that hurt!"

An uproar of laughter was heard. Nathan came over to check the scene.

"Works every time," He laughed. Then he saw Ess' face. "Holy Celestia, What the absolute hell did they do to you, Ess!?"

Ess was confused. Nathan held out a normal mirror to her.

"WHAT THE-" Ess screamed in horror and ran out the door, including hitting the wall of tape a second time.

Nathan just stood there and died laughing, rolling all over the floor.

"Hey! Big guy! I bet you can't catch me!"

Elle yelled to Zed in the control room. The robot turned around.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Yo, Zed?" Elle giggled. "You're so huge, I took a picture of you 3 months ago and it's still printing!"

Zed was immediately triggered and proceeded to chase Elle down the hallways, straight to the control room. When Elle got there, she saw what's going on- She did as she was told, and ran around the sides, as Zed came behind and slipped on a giant water puddle, his big body skidding on the floor.

Elle started giggling and went on to find her next target.

A little while later, Ai was in the playroom, just relaxing. Suddenly, all the lights turned off. As expected, Ai was frightened from the sudden power shortage. He started to whine in fear. He couldn't escape for some reason, either- The doors were somehow locked.

When he finally got close enough to the cabinet Elle was in…


"BOO!" Elle screamed.

Ai was scared to death and almost passed out. Elle just started dying of laughter as the doors were unlocked and the lights flickered back on. Not even a minute later, O came rushing over.


He saw Ai looking very threatened. He was not happy, and his cloud turned into some kind of thundercloud!

"Pipipipi! Pipi Pipipipi! PIPIPI!"

"Settle down, O…" Elle chuckled as Twilight, from behind the door, levitates the giant candy in. Elle held the string in her hand. "You want this?"

O stopped being angry and instantly obeyed her like a puppy.


"*laughs* Come on, try to get it then!"


Elle started dragging the giant candy out across the hallway as O tried to keep up. Elle walked past an intersection to other rooms of the Tetra, and as soon O got to it…

"Hey O! Over here!"

O followed the sound of someone else, who was also dragging along a big candy just like Elle did. This turned into a very annoying game of cat and mouse for O, considering he was always just out of reach and always switched targets due to clever diversions of the team trying to prank him.

10 minutes of running around later, O was exhausted. He had to take a break as he was running across the Tetris Academy.

"O? You okay?"

Tee was around the corner, and he couldn't help seeing his best sidekick being so tired. He went over to comfort him.

"*panting * Pipi…"

"What happened?"

"Pipipi…. Pipi…"

"You know who tried to troll you, huh?" Tee asked, patting O's head. "Don't worry, I'll deal with it. Take a rest, Alright?"

O nodded as Tee stepped up to the front stage.

"Hey!" Tee exclaimed, crossing his arms, "I know you guys are there! You better show yourselves this instant and admit to your pranks!"

There was silence for a minute or two.

"Oh, Gladly."

Coming in from the left side, was Nathan. He stepped down towards a shocked Tee.

"You're the one who pranked all of us?"

Nathan shrugged. "Guess you can say that."

"But why? I thought you're on our side?"

"*chuckles* I didn't actually do the prank, but I planned it. With Twilight.


Nathan started laughing. "Oh come on, Tee. Quit the act, you know this is happening."

Tee smiled and chuckled.

"Hey, guys! You can come over now!" Nathan spoke into his voice transmitter.

A minute later, Twilight and Elle showed up and came to the front. Twilight put a blindfold on her as soon they got into position. At the same time, Nathan went to get another person in, also wearing a blindfold.

After getting the two to stand in front of each other, Tee was already smiling in pure cheer, confident the plan will succeed.

"You guys want to know who you've been working alongside this whole time?" Twilight asked.

The two nodded.

"Well," Nathan chuckled, "I didn't expect you guys were so oblivious. Take off your blindfolds."

As soon the two did, they gasped.



Jay and Elle stood right in front of each other, and realized- They've been working together the whole time!

"Wh-What!?" Jay asked. "It can't be! How were you-"

"Wait, let me confirm," Elle cut him off, "Were you the one who pranked Ess by sealing the door with tape?"

"Y-Yeah! You must be the one who scared Ai!"

"I was! And the chase prank with O…"

"We were working together!" They both said to each other.

Twilight let out a giggle and walked between the siblings.

"Did you two have fun?"

They started to blush, feeling like they were the ones getting pranked.

"So… This was all a setup, huh?" Jay asked.

"You guys pranked us back, and made us work together without telling?" Elle followed.

"*laughing* Yep! Exactly," Twilight looked at them both. "But it's not really a prank, per se. I wanted to find a way to get you two back together. Jay, Elle, Listen… You two are a great team. You may be annoying to others sometimes, but pranking as a duo is what makes your bond as siblings so strong. You guys are amazing and have so much in common."

Jay and Elle continued to blush, trying to keep their gaze away from each other.

"Siblings fight all the time. But through it, they love each other a lot too. Your case was similar- One of you messes up a plan you both discussed, you argue over who was to blame and don't want to talk to each other. I knew you guys were clever in detecting hidden meanings in conversations, so I needed to devise a more secret method to repair your friendship."

Tee nodded and walked to them.

"You guys are a great pair of siblings. I'm sorry I yelled at you guys so harshly, though I had the need to. I didn't expect you guys to fight. Please don't be mad at each other because of something so small compared to the love you have for each other, Alright?"

Jay and Elle looked at each other, eye-to-eye, and both let out a smile.

"Hey, Elle…"

"Yes, Jay?"

"*sigh* You know what, I did feel a little bad for yelling at you after that day."

"Mhmm, me too…"

"And I heard from Zed a while ago, he said the malfunction of the control panel was because an outside hacker came into play. So it wasn't our fault the whole time."

"Well… *chuckles* I guess it's our fault that we decided to drive the Tetra. Gone too far with our pranks there."

They both chuckled with a blush.

"Still… I'm sorry, brother. About what I said to you and fighting with you."

"I'm sure we can agree we're both wrong, sister. I'm sorry too."

"*titters* Still, that prank we did secretly together, was so good."

"Oh yeah, you did amazing."

After having another laugh, they both pull each other into a warm hug.

"Oh, I love you, Jay."

"Haha, love you too, Elle."

Nathan, smiling with glee, even let out a tear upon their apology. Suddenly, Twilight's cutie mark started to glow and Nathan saw his spirit nod to him. This startled everyone in the room.

"What was that?" Tee asked.

"Oh, just a signal saying that our mission is complete," Twilight explained.

Jay and Elle let go of their embrace and put an arm around each other.

"So it was us, huh?" Jay asked.

"I guess so," Nathan replied. "Gonna miss this place, I used to play this game a lot."

"Haha, don't worry, you can always come back anytime!" Elle giggled.

Just then, Tee received a call on his voice transmitter.

"This is Captain Tee of the SS Tetra. Something's wrong?"

A jumble of words was faintly heard by everyone else, and then Tee let out a gasp.

"WHAT!?" Tee yelled. "Don't worry, on my way right now! I'm bringing some friends, too! No time for introductions, bye!"


"What's wrong, Captain?" Jay asked.

"It's Ex! He's in trouble!"

Nathan gasped- He knew who Ex was.

"The keeper of dimensions? It must be a really big problem."

"Yes, it is! Come on! We gotta get to the portal!"

The group was rushing out, with no time to gather the rest of the crew.

"Wh-Where are we going?" Twilight asked.

"The edge of spacetime," Tee replied. "There's a portal in this Starship that can take us there right away."

But when they got there, they found the portal was disabled, with the group ending up crashing right into one another as they try to go through it.

"Darn it!" Elle cried, banging on the glitchy portal. "There's no way we'll get there in time!"

"It will with me," Nathan giggled. "And Twilight. She has pretty strong magic."

"Huh? Oh!" Twilight joined in, "Let's get to the control panel and set off. If we can go fast enough for me to blink us out of existence, maybe I can teleport us straight to the edge of spacetime! Maybe Nathan can help, too!"

"What in the world are we waiting for then?" Tee asked, rushing out. "Let's go!"

At the edge of spacetime...


"Pathetic gatekeeper. You can't stop me from breaking the fourth wall up in here?"

Just at the edge of the universe, Ex was torn to shreds and beaten up by a mysterious man, presumingly a hacker. He has shown no respect for the almighty keeper of dimensions.

"I'm warning you, if you tear a rift between this dimension and yours, chaos will reign on your world. Fixing it is out of anyone's control. You must stop at once!"

The man didn't bother and continued to use magic to try tearing open a rift into the gate connecting Planet Earth and the Puyo World.

"Oh, but I do want chaos."

*coughs* Wh-Why…?"

"Creator of ‘The Cube', Nathan… A pathetic weakling against me and my gang. He only got lucky last time. We stop at nothing to tear him down to dust. By my actions this day… I will doom his creation. No one will respect him anymore for making such a huge mistake in his creation. Laughter will be there to stay against him for such a sin."

He charged a ball of magic in his palms and fired. But before it can reach Ex...

”Brave Heart!”


Nathan dashed right before Ex and set up a heart forcefield, protecting him from the incoming attack. When it’s done, he dispelled the shield.

“Back from the dead?” Nathan smirked, “You’re hungry for me, huh.”

“Who is that?” Ex asked, able to stand thanks to Nathan’s assistance.

“The leader of the Black Hand...” He sighed. “Winston.”

The mischievous man continued levitating in mid-air as the rest of the crew came out, ready for payback. As soon as Winston saw the siblings together, he raised an eyebrow.

"Shocker- You two made up?"

Tee growled. "Was it you who hacked into the Tetra and almost caused it to crash!?"

"Mmmm, Yeah, So?"

Jay and Elle gasped.

"Hey! No one insults captain like that!" Elle yelled.

"You tell him, Sis! Nobody except us can make fun of him!"

Winston laughed and started imitating their squeaky voices. Tee was absolutely furious, resisting as hard as he could on slapping him.

"Oh, for God's sake…" Tee growled.

Nathan gave him a pat on the back. "Easy, Tee. He wants to get into your head. Succeeded for me once, long story short.”

But, to his surprise, Tee shook his head and exploded.


Everyone gasped.

"Ooh, going against someone powerful like me, huh?" Winston reached for his sword. "Ha! Worst choice you've made, ‘Captain'. That's how you guide your team? Making such horrible decisions? No wonder the two comrades of yours broke up so easily under our team’s diversion plan. You're not going any-"


"You're the one that's not going anywhere," Nathan chuckled coldly.

In a flash, Twilight blasted her magic at the man's sword and incinerated it, leaving him startled.

"Our game, our rules," Twilight winked. "Right, Tee?"

"Indeed," The captain nodded. "However… I'm not the one doing this fight. Jay, Elle, come."

The siblings gasped again.

"You want us to do the Tetris battle!?" They both yelled.

"Affirmative," Tee said confidently. "I want to make sure you two truly made up. Let's see if you both can cooperate as well as you did before- And as a chance for me to see how good you guys have gotten."

The two looked at each other.

"C-Can we really?" Elle asked.

"I don't know, but no matter what, we can't let him tear that rift into another dimension!" Jay replied. "Now come on. Are you in or not?"

"But… It's been a while since we did one together…"

"Trust me. We can win- together."

They nodded to each other and held hands. They brought up their Tetris board with magic, so did Winston as he was being challenged.

"What!? This is NOT fair!"

Nathan laughed and stepped up as the attacker.

"*chuckles* Well, the option to surrender is always there. Just leave the game."

The villain shook his head and called for his backup buddy Oscar. He was not willing to surrender.

“W-Winston? How are you-”

“Shut up, poo-poo head is here.”

“Ah. Yes, my friend, I know exactly what you want.”

And so, the game began.


Right of the bat, Jay and Elle maneuvered the Tetris pieces one at a time, and at a tremendous speed, a few times faster than Oscar could react. The more lines and tricks the players perform, the better spells the attackers can cast upon each other, with increasing amounts of power. It was like an RPG style of battling- Which made Winston very frustrated as he can not guarantee the first hit.

As Oscar struggled to keep up…

**TETRIS for Jay and Elle**

"Alright! Sweet!" Nathan applauded.

With the newly gained magic, he managed to get the first attack.


Nathan landed a number of hits with a magic sword, leaving his opponent defenseless. At the same time, Oscar's board got a few extra lines of garbage.

"Hey! Alright, you asked for it!"

All of a sudden, the garbage was seemingly deleted! And to make matters worse…

**TETRIS for Oscar**

"What the heck!?" Jay yelled. "Where did his garbage go!?"

And it didn't stop there- Behind the scenes, Winston's team was hacking into the game they're in, giving them a repeated set of blocks to squeeze out multiple numbers of Tetris, giving Winston a huge upper hand. Nathan started to fall back with less magic on his side as the game carried on.

But soon, he realized what's going on, and had an idea.

"Aha! Hey, if you guys are going to hack, then we will too!" He roared. "Comrades, let's rock this one!"

With a bit of hacking, he quickly added slots for more people to join his team to fuel him with magic. Immediately, Tee stepped up to play alongside Jay and Elle. Then Ex did as well. With two Tetris kings, Nathan knew he had to win. As Twilight was not in the battle, all she did was cheer on for the home team and try to seal the base of the rift.

The crew continued to push back against the troublemakers with more Tetris clears and T-spin clears. The fight was getting more and more physical though, as the two sometimes sparked a sword fight with similar spells, or they literally go into bare-handed combat. Ultimately, though, Nathan was able to break the stalemate and resumed fighting.

**30 minutes of Playing later…**

*panting* Burst!"

Nathan fired off another ball of energy against Winston. It's literally been 30 minutes and there was still no victor. Both of them were very exhausted and some battle scars from the physical fighting were seen. With the bad guys hacking in the most ludicrous way possible, it seemed as if there was no way for the Tetra crew to beat them in one go.

Until the ultimate miracle happened.

"No way!" Tee exclaimed, looking at the three boards.

Even Ex was surprised. "Nathan! You can beat him!"

"*chuckles* You've been saying that for forever, Ex."

"No! I'm serious! We're about to get 3 Perfect Clears!"

"WHAT!?" Both attackers exclaimed.

Jay and Elle nodded to each other, then at their comrades, and led the attack. They slid a J-piece and did a J spin, Tee with the Tetris Perfect clear, and Ex with an O piece.

**PERFECT CLEAR for Jay and Elle**



All of a sudden, Nathan felt like all of him was breaking loose with the amount of magic he's getting. The amount of energy he just got was indescribable- Enough to land 3 ultimate attacks in the game. Despite the hacking, it was impossible for Oscar to delete his garbage- and he topped out.


"Alright! Time to finish this!" Nathan proclaimed.

He quickly burst up into the air with a bit of magic, and the barrage came.


A shower of fireballs came crashing down, and Winston had no chance to escape the attack, surviving with a slither of health already.

"Hey, Jay and Elle! This is for you… Ultimate Illusion!"

Nathan unleashed a huge amount of magic, creating illusional figures of himself and beat the living skull out of his opponent, now unable to stop himself from crying in pain.

"Finish him, Nathan!" Twilight said after sealing the rift completely.

"You got it! My favorite attack!"

With the illusions clearing up, Nathan reached for his magic swords with spells, raise them into the air to form a cross, channeled out the remaining magic he had for the attack, and performed it beautifully.

”Principal Star!”

A huge golden star blasted out from the spark at the intersection of his swords. It left a huge explosion- Enough to send Oscar back out of ‘The Cube', but not enough to blast open the dimension door because that would be really horrifying. However, to the group’s surprise, Winston was defeated, but he seemed to have left a weird crimson blot of magic that resembled his body just seconds ago.

Well done indeed, my characters.

They all gasped.

“Who’s speaking?” Tee demanded.

Oh, who else than your one and only creator...?

The magic started to take form. Everyone was ready for a fight, and when the figure materialized, he let out a smile.

”Hello, everyone. Had fun?”

“Wh-What?” Nathan asked. “H-How... You look exactly like me, just several years younger... How is this possible?”

He shrugged. ”There is no need to know. I came for someone special.”

The figure stepped towards Twilight.

“Huh? What about me?”

He smiled.

”Princess Twilight,” He gave a wink. ”How much fun you and your friends were in just now. Well, thank me for that.”

Twilight gasped. “Hold on a minute, Winston’s dead, so you were the one who did such a thing!”

”Correct. This story would not be fun to read without some proper action, am I right? So I went the extra mile after almost plunging your starship into certain doom, and try to cause some neat trouble.”

Jay and Elle gasped. “What!?”

Then Tee gasped too. “YOU DID NOT!”

They recharged their magic and fired once more.

”Twin Hyjinks!”



”Love Shine!”


However, before any of the attacks could reach their prey, the mysterious man seemed to have summoned a huge staff, and its spinning in mid-air somehow held off the attack of Jay, Elle, Tee, Ex, and Nathan all at once. When the smoke cleared, the group could stand in confusion and shock as he had his staff in hand.


A shockwave with the same amount of power as the attacks pushed everyone except Twilight to the back of the hallway.


The man let out a hmph and stepped towards her. Twilight wanted to fire as he got close, but he dismissed the magic with a snap.

”Soon...” He said.


”Soon, you will bow to me... The Creator...”

And with a snap of his fingers, he was gone. And frankly, everyone’s memory of what happened vanished just as suddenly as the Creator did.

But that did not matter- For their intended mission, it has been done.

**Back on the Starship Tetra.**

"I haven't got to know you two a lot, but I'm glad you came to help."

Ex was chatting with Nathan and Twilight, after a bit of introduction. He thanked them deeply for the support.

"Oh, pssh, no problem, Ex. He's a fudging handful all the time- Trying to crash my console and pushing my reputation to the ground."

Ex laughed.

"You two had your differences, I suppose?"

"Yep, he's also the reason why Nathan likes being with me so much because I supported him through his worst times with those jerks."

"Aww, Twi."

Nathan kindly gave her head a little rub.

"Would you be up for a challenge someday? I am pretty good at Tetris."

"Are you kidding? Of course I'll accept. Just come back anytime. I don't have a lot to do for my job most of the time. Now, I must return to my post. Thank you."

"Alright, see ya," Nathan said, waving a hand.

Twilight chuckled. "So, Nate, I wonder how Jay and Elle are doing now that they've made up and all?"


Tee came over to the portal room.

"I've set the ship to autopilot, and Jay and Elle wouldn't possibly mess it up this time."

They all shared a laugh.

"Jay and Elle are doing great. They may have made up just an hour ago but I think that game really boosted their confidence in each other. Just went to withdraw issuing that grounding command on them, too."

"That's good," Nathan said.

"Where are they, anyway?" Twilight asked.


Jay just entered the playroom after resting a bit. Elle asked him if he wanted to have a little chat, just to talk about the game they had.

"Hey, Jay!"

The siblings gave each other a high-five.

"Hey, Elle. Yo, that game was awesome. You did amazing!"

"You did amazing, Jay!"

They shared a good laugh.

"No, come on. You did way better than I did, having more t-spins and all."

"*chuckles* No, you did, sis! You were doing so many good Tetris placements."

"Haha, okay okay, how about we just say we both did well."

"Mmmm, works for me. We really were a great team, weren't we?"

"Yeah, I guess, brother."

The two sat close together on the couch. At first, they were a little bit shy to talk with one another after that fight with each other and all, but they soon opened up.

"You know what, Jay…"

"Yeah, Elle?"

"We were being naïve when we fought, weren't we?"

"Haha, I think so too. I guess even pranksters like us fail too, huh?"

"Mhmm, Yeah. Can't believe you actually fought with me!"

"*giggles* That was the funniest part, I can agree with that."

They both put an arm around each other.

"I guess friends sometimes have their fallouts too," Jay shrugged.

Elle nodded. "Yep! But working past our mistakes together is so much more fun than doing it alone. We had lots of fun today, pranking with each other, no?"

"It was all a plan, and we completely fell for it, didn't we?"

"I guess we did. Nonetheless, it was very fun."

They smiled and blushed a little bit. They both wanted to hug each other, just to say sorry, but were both really shy despite working so well in harmony together during the Tetris battle. They started to shuffle around and tickle each other.

"*chuckles* Elle?"


"Can I… Can I give you a hug? Just to say sorry?"

"Aw, Jay… Why didn't you say so?"

Elle kindly wraps her arms around her brother. Jay, in a hint of surprise, returns the embrace for his sister. Shuffling a bit in the hug, they felt very happy and started talking about their bond as siblings.

"We were always a perfect, inseparable and awesome pair of twins. Don't you think so, Elle?"

"Yup, of course I did. Because of this… I felt so bad for arguing with you. I didn't realize it at first, but after today, I realized how cooperative we really are. It's fun to play pranks with you, Jay. And I want to keep that feeling because if I did it myself, I don't think it'll be fun. No one to share the joy with, don't you think?"

"I'm just glad we're not fighting anymore, and back together. However… If you wanna come over to my room for a sleepover and a playful, friendly fight, I don't mind. We're both pretty naïve all the time anyway."

Parting away for a tiny bit to look at each other, they both giggled. That continued with them trying to nuzzle their cheeks together.

"Best friends, Elle?"

"*chuckles* Sure. Love you, Jay.

"I love you too."

They pull each other into a very tight hug, squeezing each other as much as possible.

"*chuckles* Haha, Ow! Stop that, brother!"

"No, you stop, sister!"

"Hmph! Such a meanie, you are!"

"You're the meanie here!"

They both let out a laugh.

"Oh, the bickering we have all the time, Jay."

"Can't agree more, Elle. Just… Don't make us argue and fight again."

"I wouldn't. I promise."

"Good sister…"

Jay started playing with her bushy hair. Elle chuckled and ran her hand along his back. They didn't want to leave the hug- But they did when they agreed to for another purpose.

"It's gonna be evening when we get back," Jay said. "Dinner's on me once we land?"

"Nah, I'll pay for my own. What do you wanna do in the meantime?"

He tilted his head. "You know what I'm thinking?"

"*chuckles* Another prank idea? Yeah, sure! Discuss at my place?"

"If you don't mind."

They got up, held hands and walked together happily.

**Back With the Group.**

The three were watching the two from a tablet that connects to the cameras around the tetra. They all smiled.

"Awwwww, they're so cute together," Twilight giggled.

"I can actually agree. I've never seen them being this friendly and close with each other- Well, Maybe once or twice, but not like hugs kind of close." Tee commented.

Nathan chuckled. "At least that means our job here is done. Leaving when we get back, actually."

Tee shook his hand.

"I see. Thank you both for helping. Been a pleasure to put on the act."

"Haha, that's only because you're the only one that didn't get pranked! I'm sure everyone else was mad at them."

"*chuckles* Right…"

Twilight joined in the tittering. "So Nate, wanna go find them and see what they're up to before we get back home?"

"Of course I do. Fruits of our labor, you know? *coldly* Haha, and I get to tease them to be cheesy with each other."

Twilight laughed. "You're so naïve sometimes, Nathan."

Author's Note:

Whoa. 10,000 word one shot again? That’s gotta be an academy record

Originally, this story was written for my best friend MoonlitHope (Who I’ve credited for ideas and assisting with some stories briefly before) back in December last year, and she really liked it, so I thought I’d bring it to the actual site to share to all of you.

I just kinda wanted to write an actual Games Ponies Play for a crossover with the Puyo series.

As I mentioned in the synopsis page, if you haven’t read my official Puyo Puyo crossover with Pony and coincidentally my main work of 2019, Power of Love, please give it a read, I worked extremely hard on it and I still have about half the story left to post as of now (August 1st, 2019.)

The next story will be released pretty soon, and maybe even right after Power of Love ends. As for the content, I will keep it a secret for now. Goodbye!-

The change shall happen...

Comments ( 3 )

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Based on the title "Not Your Usual Friendship Problem", it is possible that this is a situation or story in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe that I have not been updated with. However, based on the title, it's possible that this is an uncommon or atypical friendship problem.

I have one thing that makes you not want to leave here, it's Friday Night Funkin Fnf Mods. Have fun .

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