• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 2,636 Views, 154 Comments

I've Got PONIES for ROOM MATES! - Daaberlicious

A Brony wakes up to discover the ponies he loves are REAL. He has mixed feelings...

  • ...

Chapter 3: Unhappy

Chapter 3: Unhappy

"Louis Anderson, what in the name of all that is good and merciful was that racket?" The land lord had presented Louis with the reason for his ire quite suddenly.

"Um-" Louis stalled.

"Yes. I heard it. Me and every other tenant within 10 rooms of you. It's only 7:00 AM! You do not need to go bumping around and yelling for any reason at this time!"

"Wait wait wait wait wait! I have a reason!"


"...Sleepwalking!" Louis, you moron. That'll never fly.


"Y... Y-Yeah!"

"You fell down at least twice and left your apartment because of sleepwalking."

"You try actually seeing when you're dreaming!" Roll with it. It may just work!

"You were yelling at Tara Strong to get out of your apartment, according to some witnesses."

"In the haze that was my dream, I thought she was there!"

"...You're either drugged up, drunk, or I don't know what."

Louis scoffed. "With due respect sir, you came to talk about the noise I was making. I gave you my case. You do not need to accuse me of being high."

"If this happens again, you are going to be evicted." the land lord said simply. Louis wondered what happened to "three strikes and you're out".

"O- okay. I'll make sure it doesn't." Pleeeease go away now... I have a pony in my hoooouse, and I don't want you to seeeee her...

The land lord threw a parting glare at Louis, turned around, and walked off towards his residence. Louis discretely flung himself into his own apartment and slammed the door.

"THAT WAS CLOSE- Twilight, why were you right outside the door?"

"I wanted to know what was going on."

"Did you hear that guy? He's my land lord. According to the contract I signed to get this apartment, I am supposed to let him enter it, should he think he needs to. He could have seen you!"

"Why is this a problem again?"

"Twilight, there is something you must know: the fact is that humans have a strong tendency to distrust anything that isn't them. This has nothing to do with me, but the main problem is I'm worried about you."

"What? Why would he want to hurt me?"

"The most terrifying aspect of that is that I don't have a CLUE. I don't even know if he'd... throw a party for you or something."

Some distant look appeared in Twilight's eyes at that moment.

"Are you okay, Twilight?"

Suddenly, Twilight jumped up and put her fore-hooves on Louis' chest imploringly. "Louis! You said you know me from somewhere! Do you know my friends?"

"Woah! What? You mean, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?"

A sparkle flashed in her eyes as her mouth curved into a hopeful smile. "YES! Have you seen any of them?"

"Well, other than on the TV and all over the stinking place on the internet, I have not seen hide nor hair of them."

"Oh..." She sat down on the spot, her hopeful face having changed into a disappointed frown.

Then she put a hoof to her chin and muttered to herself, "If only I had enough magic..."

"Magic for what?"

"There's a spell I thought I'd never use practically, but I've been secretly dying to try it! It's called 'StarTtrotter', and from what I can tell, it seems to be meant for space travel."

"I don't think that would do you much good, Twilight."

"Why? It's perfectly logical to presume that my friends are still in Equestria, so if I could remember the basics to the spell, I could use it to get back home!"

Louis shook his head. "That won't do you any good, Twilight, because I don't think you're even IN the same UNIVERSE as Equestria."

She stopped and stared, wide eyed and gaping mouthed. "...No."

"I... Really have no idea, of course, since we haven't even gotten out of our solar system yet, but you are pretty much the spitting image of a fictional character, in a show remade from a show that got old very fast, which has many aspects based on human myth. If you met anyone on the street, they'd think they're hallucinating, drunk, or high... Unless I said I saw you too, or something."

"I... I know that, but-"

"What good would it be if the world knew you were real anyway? I have no idea where you came from! You showed up while I was asleep, from what I can tell. No witnesses, no evidence... Nothing..."

Shock and agony showed starkly on her face as tears trickled down, sympathetic to the hopelessness their maker felt. "I... Okay... I'm sorry I asked..." She choked out slowly, now quite uncertain what to do with herself.

That was... A bit too blunt, I think. Okay, brain. How do I cure a pony struck with hopelessness?

Wait. Twilight? Where'd you go? Okay, brain. Just get back to me later, alright-

A small lump was once more underneath the blanket that was draped over the futon, emitting soft sobs and sniffling. Louis decided it would be best to leave her alone, instead contacting his girlfriend once more to persuade her not to visit.

It seemed easier than pulling an inspiring speech out from his hat and giving it to Twilight.


"You're not going to change my mind. I have everything packed and in the car!"

Double-Crap. Louis winced. Plan B, then.

"I have an emotionally unstable miniature equine of the purple shade currently crying on my futon."

"Um... are you sure you're actually okay? Not just sick or anything? No. That's not it. You're just nuts, right? Too much coffee, or something? I get nuts when I have too much caffeine too. You should hear the things I say to my roommate-"

"No. Too much emotionally unstable miniature equine of the purple shade crying on my futon. Really. This isn't good for her. Please don't come here!"

"Holy frick, you're serious."

"YES I am, I woke up with her randomly next to me and made a racket running away from her, then made another racket trying to make peace with her, woke up 10 people and the landlord, lied to the landlord to get out of it, and broke Twilight's poor heart by telling her where I think she is and now I realized just how stupid it is to be talking to you about this over the phone. You're going to have me put in the mental hospital, aren't you?"

"Uh... Not unless you're lying...?"

"Goodyouunderstandokaythanksbye!" Louis hung up abruptly, and then hastily, yet quietly went down the stairs to attend to his despondent unicorn guest.

"Hey... Twilight..." Louis spoke softly, flipping up the blanket to reveal the unicorn's head, "Is there anything I can do?"

Twilight lifted her puffy eyed head up from the tear stained futon. "...What? ...Let me regale all my sorrows and woes to a stranger while I make a teary mess upon their furniture?" She scoffed.

Louis was serious, however. "Yeah. Exactly that, if you want. You've got the 'teary mess' part perfectly so far. No hard feelings."

She sniffed. "... Everyone."


"Yeah... Everyone. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, the Princesses, Spike... I'm sad that I won't see them again."

"Horribly broken?"

"Dispirited. Downcast. Downhearted. Name it." *Sniff*.

"...I don't recall saying that you'd never see them again... When there's an effect, there is a cause, right?"

"You said, 'No witnesses, no evidence'."

"Uh... 'No evidence' yet, seems to be more accurate."

A hopeless whine.

"Will you accept my help in finding the cause?"

"... Sure... For what it's worth-" She then broke into another wave of shaky sobs. However, Louis would not stand for sad ponies in his humble abode any longer, so he did the first thing that came to mind: Hug sad pony. Now.

Louis did just that, and Twilight returned it once she realized just how badly she needed it, finally letting go of the pent up sadness through her tears and sobs.

It was a very good, healing, teary mess, and Twilight needed to make it, so Louis took it quite well as she made more tear stains on his shirt. When the ordeal was done, a bond of friendship formed between two complete strangers, one knowing a little more about the other, although he had a lot more to learn of her.

"I'm touched! For reals it's a train-wreck of feels! You know, if the bronies find out about this, it'll be the talk for weeks and-" Pinkie said suddenly, moments before Twilight pounced on her and squeezed her to an inch of her life out of relief and joy.

"Pinkie, I'm totally going to kill you for not showing yourself earlier!"

"I'd rather die than be killed by you! Oh, and, 'Hi Twilight! Good to see you too'!"

"It's better to see you, Pinkie!"

"Nuh-uh! You have no idea how much better it is to see you then you to see me! I saw you first! Ooh! 'See-Saw'!"

"May I interrupt for a minute?" Louis raised a finger to silence the ponies' reunion. They both turned towards him, making for an adorable scene which his brain was eager to point out.

"Where in my house did you come from, Pinkie?"

"Oh, that? The spice cabinet! You know, I was cooking another thing for the Cakes when I couldn't find the rosemary. I jumped in, and next thing I know, I'm upside down and everything smells like rosemary!" A cloud of spices shot from her nose as she sneezed (Thankfully, away from any bystanders), eliciting a giggle from the two ponies. "Oh! That's why!"

Louis attempted to take this in stride, but couldn't help but crack a smile. "Really? I thought you'd have come out sooner."

"Don't worry, I was just waiting for the right Thyme to do it." Pinkie smiled.

"...You didn't just-"

"Yupperooni! I made a pun!" Her smile got bigger, then she turned back to Twilight and returned the forceful embrace with equal force. "Here's a taste of Neighton's Third Law!!"

Sheesh. Their combined PSI could kill a man... And I've had Annatto this silliness anyways.

Author's Note:

Hey! I'm on a creative schedule now, so I'll be working on fan fiction nonstop every Tuesday! Interpret this fact as you will, but now...



(A bit easier this time.)
On hoofed legs they stand, tall and respected.
they make those who are weak turn strong.
But when things turn ill, and they most certainly will,
they aren't against seeing their wrong.

Who is it?