• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 2,636 Views, 154 Comments

I've Got PONIES for ROOM MATES! - Daaberlicious

A Brony wakes up to discover the ponies he loves are REAL. He has mixed feelings...

  • ...

CHOLD Chapter 13: Things are STARTING to go WRONG!

Chapter 13: Things are STARTING to go WRONG!

I woke with a cyan hoof poking my face.

It was at first a mere inkling of a sensation deeply enshrouded in my heavily exhausted dreams, but once it had brought me back to reality, it was brutal. Three things were just WRONG.

I'm not in my bed at home. Indeed, having only been away from home for one day, I could not possibly have gotten used to the possibility that the place where I lay down at nights could change. Brutal reality revealed that I had fallen asleep in some random stranger's back yard, rather than my familiar bedspread. Why I kept forgetting things had changed was completely beyond me.

Extreme shock coursed briefly through me until I realized what had happened, then bam! The next thing hit me.

I fell asleep during watch. With the possibility that 8 other individuals could be depending on my early danger warning for survival, I did not feel like a good person for failing them. Guilt hit me like a brick for a moment, until something nastier struck my head.

I'm holding Rainbow Dash. Cuddling, rather. I had fallen asleep in a sitting position with Rainbow curled up tightly on my chest. It was almost the exact same way as I had done when I met Twilight.

The one major difference was that she would probably break my face beyond repair.

"Why are you sleeping? We're supposed to be on watch!"

I blinked rapidly at the deep magenta eyes of the pegasus who had somehow become my teddy bear. However angry she was, it probably didn't show because she had just woken up. Despite this proclamation and rebuke, she did not seem to wish to take responsibility for her act of falling asleep either.

"Okay, sorry, but why haven't you punched me yet?"

"And make you drop me? Heck no! It's freakin' cold out here! ...Why would I punch you?"

"Because I'm holding you, and from what little I saw, even the slightest bit of affection towards you provokes your aggression."

She nervously chuckled. "I'm still sorry for that first nosebleed, Louis... It's not like I'd hate someone for 'displaying affection'. Oh, and I think I made you hold me."

"Really? The speedster pegasus with a strict 'no-touch' policy cuddled for warmth?"

"It's... Happened before. You should of seen Fluttershy on our first sleepover!"

"How embarrassed was she?"

"Not at all. Just laughing so hard that she couldn't breathe! 'I n-n-never thought you l-l-liked hugs, Rainbow!'" She imitated Fluttershy perfectly, "Just watching her made me laugh."

"I wish I had seen it. What set her off?"

"I don't really get what did... I think it was cuz I said, 'Um... Hi there?"."

I barely managed to silence my laughter. I never though she was such a good story teller, but these ponies are surprising me more and more... And that's funny, because I saw "Sleepless in Ponyville". A bad storyteller couldn't have scared ponies.

"Yeah! I thought it was funny too!" Before I could ask why Pinkie was up, my vision was obstructed by something warm, poofy, and a bit heavy.

She trotted merrily towards Rainbow and I, then looked confused.

"Where'd they run off to? Shirking their duties, obviously... I should have made them Pinkie promise!"

Rainbow squirmed out of my arms and poked her head out of what I determined to be two sleeping bags. "Are you kidding, Pinkie? We're right here."

"Not kidding at all, Rainbow! I can't seem to find the two of you anywhere!" She replied mischievously, grinning from ear to ear. Feeling obligated to respond to her for being such a dork this late in the night, I threw her in one of the offending articles of camping gear.

"Ooo! Toasty! Nice pitch, Louis! Keep that up, and you'll make the league someday!"

I rose a finger in questioning. "What's the league, Pinkie?"

"It's rather ambiguous. Hold still, guys!" Before I could say "Pinkie sense", Rainbow Dash and I were each wrapped up comfortably in our own sleeping bag. The pink earth pony nonchalantly trotted between us and laid down.

"...You probably can't explain specifically, but how'd you do that?"

What? You would have asked too. Don't deny it.

She just winked at me anyway.

"Right. 2nd question. How are you still awake?"

"Sugar and adrentamince."

"...How can you say 'shirking', but not adrenaline..."

Rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes and burrowed into her sleeping bag.

"*Giggle!* Aww, Rainbow is asleep again!"

"Or you can dodge the question..."

I decided to resume my watch duties, thankful that only 15 minutes had passed since I had fallen asleep, only to be struck motionless by the spectacular display of the night sky. There was no doubt that I saw at least 10 stars of each color in the rainbow. They formed spirals and wisps, nebulae, and I swore I could have seen some novas in there too. It wasn't the calm, purple haze in the show... Far from it, but Equestrian sky none the less. If this was a side effect of the chaos Tirek had been spreading by... Doing whatever he was doing, I was willing to keep it.

"I'm so glad to see it again, Louis." Pinkie's courteously hushed proclamation did not surprise me.

"I can see why..."

"You know... That rock farm wasn't all bad. Sure, we worked hard, and I mean, very, but it's not like it didn't have it's moments."

As she gazed into the sky, the laughter lines in her face took on a thoughtful form. This seemed like one of those rare moments for her, so I listened.

"The geodes we dug up, Mom's cooking, and the night sky. I lived for those... The sky the most. ...Can you imagine growing up with this? A pretty, safe looking, cheerful sky full of rainbows..."

"...It would probably feel normal."

"It doesn't right now, does it?"

"...No. I could probably stare at this all night. They literally twinkle!"

"Good. Just remember; You can keep looking out, and you can still look down, to the side, behind you, whatever... But don't ever forget to look up. It'll tell you how important you are... Even if you're small."

Pinkie Pie got up, threw me a little smile as she ruffled my hair, then re-entered the tent.

...Remember how significant I am, despite my size? I'll try to keep that in mind...

I twiddled my knife as I stargazed, wondering if Luna had anything to do with this nighttime tapestry, and if I could keep Pinkie's words to heart.


Morning light teased my eyes open as I realized I fell asleep again. Clearly I was not a reliable guard. ...Perhaps Chelsea could do it instead next time? Nah. That wouldn't work.

I pried myself from the impossibly comfortable bedspread, got up, stretched, and glared into the sunrise... Mostly because it was glaring at me too. After rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I faced the tent and woke everyone.


"Ooh! He rhymed!"

"...Time to buck the apples... Wait. Nah. No apples to buck. Heh."

Fluttershy yawned high-pitched and quiet. "Morning everyone. I hope my snoring didn't keep you awake..."

"What snoring, dear? In utmost respect, I do not think you're the type of lady to ever snore. ...I just need to apply my makeup, Louis, then I'll be set!"

"I didn't pack the makeup, Rarity. Just run a brush through your mane a few times."

"YOU DIDN'T? I THOUGHT YOU HAD A CHECK LIST! ...I suppose I'll have to settle for something like your natural good looks then, Twilight."

"From scorn to flattery that quickly? Rarity, you amaze me. ...Chelsea! Your boyfriend just called you gorgeous! Why don't you say hi?"

I could almost hear Chelsea's blush. ...Then Starswirl The Bearded got up.


The tent emptied and my ears rang. Did the old man- uh- pony somehow use the royal canterlot voice?

While everyone in the tent sat back to regain their hearing, Applejack and I set to taking the tent apart. She did most of the work, but I feigned confidence when I could... I can never get those stupid things taken apart. Not sure why, since you'd think assembly would be easier...

Of course, while we were in the process, Applejack revealed that she had noticed what went on during my less than productive watch.

"I saw you talkin' to some of the girls last night."


"Don't look like much of a very good watch, hmm?"

"I'm aware."

"Yup. You seemed kinda distracted. Did Rainbow catch your fancy or somethin'?"

Clatter! Tent poles fell out of my hand.

"You know that wasn't what happened."

"I was half asleep, an unless you spill, your girlfriend is gonna be mighty upset, doncha think?" She retorted with a chuckle.

"'So what happened out there, Louis? I'm curious!' Why couldn't you say something like that?"

"C'mon... Tell me what happened! She's my friend too, ya know!"

"She asked me to help look for Scootaloo."

"I knew about that! Silly filly wouldn't shut up about their little newly formed sisterhood!" A well placed glare from Rainbow Dash at the words "silly filly" caused the country mare to cringe a little.

"Oh! The other thing. She got cold."

"Would I really believe that?"

"You tell me, Applejack."

"Okay! Tent's all packed! Don't matter no more! Let's git goin' again. ...Nice job Louis. For a city mouse, you don't pack a tent too bad."


Everyone stopped their hustle and bustle, and those who had big ears perked them up. Such a noise could not have been missed, and it didn't sound like anything that either regular person, pony, or even a brony would recognize. Simply put, that sound kinda spelled doom, despite it's only letters being one G and a bunch of R's.

Starswirl seemed to recognize it... And that disturbed me. Various horrible thoughts flew through my head as to what nasty thing could possibly possess such a roar.

"...Basilisk!" He swallowed harshly. "...Everyone, you will not be able to run away from this threat."

Twilight shuddered in fear. "You're kidding Starswirl! Basilisks have been made extinct!"

"Twilight, Tirek can theoretically break holes in dimensions. Reviving an extinct species is CAKEWALK to that. Do you understand what we might be up against?"

"Ohh, If only I had my first century bestiaries with me!" Best pony began to moan.

"Alright, all of you who can fight, listen: I don't know much about basilisks, but what I do know is that their stare causes INSTANT petrification."

Fluttershy became petrified... In the figurative sense.

"The eyeronic thing is that this stare is also their weakness. It will open it's eyes wide before using the magic. Strike them and bring it down."

"Oh! Eyeronic! I get it!" Pinkie piped in.

"Lemme at 'im! I'll teach it not to mess with us!" Rainbow Dash showed bravado as usual.

Everyone who could fight seemed eager to protect us from the monster, but I happened to hit a new wave of terror. Remember when I threw that gnome a mile high? Can't do that anymore! The knife itself seemed to get weaker since then! I even checked!

"I-I-I don't know how to fight like you." The words inched their way out of my lips as I got nauseous from the impeding battle. I could now see it's silhouette in the clouds as it sniffed the air hungrily.

This is it. End of the line. I'm going to be turned into stone or something, and the ponies will never make it! Darn it! If only I had that crazy calm I always had with me up till now!

"Louis. I made that knife for you. It'll work." The chocolate brown unicorn looked me in the eye from two feet away.

"Louis. Look at me. Pinkie told me that calmness at crunch time was not your strong point. Is that right?"

"I'm beginning to t-think so..."

"Well if you're not scared, you're not human! Do something for me, Louis. Get up and picture a sword."


"Hard as you can! Do it!"

So I did. I imagined a perfect long white blade that glowed with power. I imagined the heavy weight of the sturdy metal, and the effort it took to swing it. I imagined it's resistance to the wind as I swung it, and the satisfaction I would have to use it against those who would hurt those I cared about.

Then a thought struck me. "Kinda like a sonic screwdriver" was the thought. Pushing magic into my knife, I requested the same pure weapon I had pictured.

In response, a column of green stuck out from the blade. It glowed just as bright as I pictured it, but it was light and seemed far more eager to fight for those I cared about than the hunk of metal I depicted.

"Good, Louis! Now hit something!"

Sweat poured down my brow from effort and exhilaration as I gazed at the knife... Then I swung at the picket fence of the backyard.

A resounding gunshot noise cracked as the green column tore through it. The knife buckled but did not even leave my grip.

"That's the key! You got it to work because you're a natural!"

"This is crazy. I'm not this strong. I haven't even seen a single pony in the show do this! Why can I?"

"Because a unicorn has entrusted their strength to you. Twilight Sparkle halved her power to double yours, and she knew so."

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! A gigantic rooster/hawk/dragon creature fixed it's eyes on the campsite, daring anyone to look into it's piercing slitted yellow eyes. A foul stench of death came from it's fanged beak as it stood easily at 16 feet tall on all fours. It swung it's tail viciously and knocked over some trees trying to decide which small creature it should kill first.

She trusts me that much? We just met! Do I really mean that much to her as a friend already?

It was so unexpectedly touching that a true courage rushed through me right as I found out. Not fearlessness. Just the strong force that makes one go on, despite a seeming certainty that they're going to die.

Nopony had even started exchanging blows with the behemoth yet, but I initiated the fight with a hard hit to the lower foreleg. From there, Rainbow bolted up and hit it's jaw with brute force. The beast was hardly shaken by just these two hits, but it swung it's birdlike claws at the nuisances, clipping Rainbow's feathers and knocking me for a loop.

Applejack seized the opportunity and bucked the cut on it's foreleg. For her trouble, she received it's stare, becoming stiff and white as a ghost. I got up from my mostly dizzy state and hit the cut again.

The basilisk was currently focused on an annoying lavender pony who would not stop shooting it in the face. As much as it swatted, Twilight always had another teleport spell ready to get out of the way and keep shooting. It eventually landed a crushing blow to the patio of the abandoned house, dragging it's claw through the debris and scattering it on it's assailants.

With another frustrated roar, the monster turned on Rainbow Dash, who had been hitting it repeatedly and precisely in the left flank, and shot a beam of vicious red fire.

"They couldn't do that!! Since when can they do that!?" Starswirl shouted over the din. He had been doing the same thing as Twilight, but with less success.

Then it grinned wickedly and laughed. LAUGHED.

Fire shot everywhere as it swept the area with it's beam.

I stood under it's hulking frame as those who were fighting to the side screamed in terror. My brain racked for ways to make sure it didn't stand again as I switched to hitting a different leg, very much resilient like the first.

I missed and hit a back toe, causing it to roar in intense pain and shoot fire under itself. Idea!

"Let's see how Twinkle-toes does with less toes to twinkle..." A new power surged into my arm as I viciously swung at the same back toe.

CRACK after satisfying CRACK rang through the air.

My arm became horrendously sore.

Fire blew past me without mercy, and massive claws ripped at my jacket, just missing my skin.

CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Sweat poured down all parts of my body as I swung. I would NOT die. I had friends to help back home.

CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK! My arm swung faster and faster as my determination grew stronger...

Horrible roars rang through the air.

Fire shot and ponies were knocked for a loop.

Sound stopped registering as I focused on hitting the gigantic toe.

Finally, bruised, cut and beaten, the huge monster ran away trailing unbelieving tears of shock as it made craters in the ground.

The elements of harmony ran together for a group hug, each one of their faces looking as though they had barely survived through the apocalypse. There could be no question that it was a close fight. All fights in the show guaranteed a good outcome, but I was not certain I could have made it.

After a quick headcount, I ran straight for Chelsea, who was with Fluttershy and Rarity, watching the whole thing take place helplessly.

I don't think I ever held her so tightly.

"Hmm... Interesting." Tirek was rather pleased by his time consuming distraction that he had placed this morning. Really. A Basilisk! Who'd expect that?

However, his mood was switched to neutral by the sight of his pet having been beaten to the point of tears. That wasn't so nice. After all, it kinda stinks to have a pet get their buttocks handed to them.

"I think, Brutus, that I will have to commend you for finding them so quickly... However, your performance as to eliminating them was... Less than satisfactory."

Brutus was not unfamiliar with what evil overlords did to those that failed them. He winced, anticipating the end, and tearfully regretted that he didn't spend more time with his wife.

"I overestimated you. You have my apologies."


"Instead, I will have you causing more of a mess for the inhabitants of this world, just as I assigned the others of your kind. Is this acceptable?"

Brutus nodded his head vigorously. Tirek examined the large amount of bruises and cuts his basilisk had received and let off a disappointed sigh. He did not like the prospect of what he had to do next... Namely because it was tedious.

"Good to see it. I'm permitting you to take shelter in one of the nearby caves until your wounds heal. Kick out any occupying dragons if necessary."

Brutus liked that thought. Basilisks, after all, are much stronger than dragons. Not only are they well matched in size, a basilisk is superior to a dragon in magic... and as a recent development, fire breathing. He ran off into the distance as his master looked on with concern for his pet.

"I was really hoping I wouldn't have to make my own creatures. Shame for you, Starry Lanes."

Shut up, Tronface! You don't care about me, so stop saying you do!

"...I still don't get it... Let me remind you, however, that it is within my best interests to keep you alive."

You said so before! I'm your TOOL and I hate you!

"Precisely. Listen, colt. Would I wish for a tool to be worn out or broken?"


"Exactly. And the feeling's mutual, Starry. You're just like the rest." Spiteful hatred oozed from every word of his voice.

..."Like the rest"?

"Yes. Not a single one of you will take the time to look at something beautiful if it's outside of your schedule. So much goes unseen and unrecorded because of your stubbornness."

How can you talk about beauty when you make so many ponies feel bad? How?

"Because my mentor has been DISGRACED, and only through violence will you ever see what you have done!"

Yeah, if there are ANY LEFT TO SEE IT, YOU MORON!

B̸̍̆͏̣̗ͅE̛͎͇̖̼̲͙̪͂̓ ̴͙̞̯͎̜̲͈͍͉̓ͭ̑̅̽̌̑͆̕S̷͋̎̑͂ͦͥ̑͏̭Ị̤͖͓̓L͈͎̹͍ͩͧ̏̌E̸̡̞͔̩̠͍̻̹̜͌͆N̳̆͆ͥͩ͋̇ͦͬ͢T̢̖̺̯̲̼̤̖ͩͨͬ̐ͅ!̖̬̪̲̠͔̮ͣ͊̍ͭ̾̿͑͌!̷͙͓̝͉̹̖̾ͫ̑̑͋̎͜!̶̝̳̯̪ͧͥ̈́ ...One as young as you cannot possibly posses the ability to understand...

Tirek fell silent as the little colt was shocked, not by the volume, but by the nature of the outburst.

...You really don't know me, Tirek.

"What is there to know? You are only a tool to me..."

My parents called me smart and compassionate. If you're going to keep me in a bag and force me to help you when I don't want to, I'm going to go the whole way! Try me!

Tirek face-hooved. Fantastic. I've bagged a psychologist.


"C'mon, Louie! Smile! It couldn't hurt!"

"Pinkie, get off my head and let me be emo."

"NoIcannot!" Pinkie countered loudly. "I just gotta see everypony and human smile!" Pinkie was perched on my shoulders, stomach touching the back of my head, her head resting on top of mine, and both forelegs wrapped around my forehead, looking something like an exotic party hat. It's hard to stay depressed when you look so silly, but I was rather determined to try.

So... Louis Anderson is bummed out? Big surprise, considering the looming feeling that the bassilisk was not going to be the toughest thing I'd face on this journey.

Okay, quick update. We have been walking for 30 minutes now into denser forest, and had paused to let Chelsea raid a house for a pistol; She had enough experience to not use her own hand as a bludgeon against the glass door, thankfully. While it only was filled with one magazine, the house she raided happened to be a 2nd amendment adoring house, and she also got a bow, a quiver chocked full of arrows (probably 30 in there!), and a pretty big hunting knife.

...She's a hunter too, so she knows how to use this stuff.

You wouldn't think a psychology major would go off for deer season every once in a while, but that's a good reason why I became so interested in her.

Anyway, current events.

"You know, Louis, I think my energetic friend there is making a good point." Twilight, situated at the front with Starswirl, shot me a small grin with eye-roll accompaniment.

"I'm sorry. Almost getting eaten is hardly going to earn any quick smiles from me," I spoke slowly, my face stoic, yet angry. Attempted stoicism?

"You kiddin'? That happens to me once a week!" Applejack quipped.

"No it doesn't. It's written all over your face, you terrible liar."

"Heh. Gotcha to grin."

Dang it.

"...This is a little bit far-fetched, but I think you might have a little more on your mind than our sudden battle." Chelsea, who had remained quiet listening to Twilight and Starswirl talk with each other, wrapped her left arm around my shoulder.

"Five years together, Chelsea. You don't give yourself enough credit."

"Tell me, then."

"It's... complicated."