• Published 7th Jul 2019
  • 492 Views, 2 Comments

Before it's too late - crazyredemu

Sunset Shimmer get's Big Mac to talk

  • ...

Foot in the face

Sunset Shimmer woke with a start, something soft but cold was pressed against her face. Sunset moved her head back, blinking the sleep away she tried to focus on the object, it was pink.

“Oh sweet Celestia.” she muttered quietly when she realized it was Pinkie Pie’s foot.
It was all coming back to her, the girls were having another sleepover, this time at Applejacks house, and she had made the mistake of sleeping within leg reach of the pink one.

“Does she ever stop moving?” She asked herself, and as if to answer Pinkie’s leg swung over the other direction kicking Dash.

“That all you got?” Dash muttered in her sleep.

Sunset got her feet as quietly as possible, she wanted to get a drink of water without waking everyone. She took a look around Aj’s room, it was very, she wanted to say ‘earth pony’ but in this world they would describe it as “county”. The path to the door was only blocked by three of her friends, that shouldn’t be too hard she figured. Five minutes later she made it to the door.

After walking down what had to be the squeakiest stairs in this universe she made it to the kitchen, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Relaxing she reached out feeling the cold handle of the fridge door she gently pulled it open. The light spilled into the room illuminating her and revealing the other person standing in the room.

Sunset nearly screamed as she jumped away from the large dark figure but it got stuck in her throat as she slipped on the kitchen title and started to fall. Inside Sunset Shimmer’s head everything started moving at a snails pace, the adrenaline had sent her brain into overdrive, she could see the person lunging at her with arm outstretched. Suddenly everything was back to normal speed, she realized she wasn’t on the floor, the guy had caught her arm and was helping her up. It was Applejacks big brother Big Macintosh, she could see him clearly now in the light of the fridge.

“Thanks.” She she got out as she took several deep breaths. “You startled me, I didn’t see you there.”

Big Mac was rubbing the back of his head a little embarrassed in his other hand he held a glass of milk. “Sorry, I wasn’t sure what to do when you walked in, I was just going to stay quiet.”

Sunset looked at him in surprise. “So you can talk!”

“Eenope!” He clammed up.

“Too late big guy, your secret is out!” She joked. By now she had found a glass and was back in the fridge looking for a pitcher of water. She found it on the bottom shelf, bending over she grabbed it then straightened back up to pour it and noticed Big Mac looking the other way, his face red.

It took her a moment to get it. “Hey, stop starring at my cutie mark mister.” She teased, but Big Mac just had a confused look on his face. She face palmed. “I’ve been writing back and forth with Twilight and I’ve started picking up my old speech habits.” “The other day I said everypony instead of everyone.”

Big Mac was willing to cut her some slack, but there was something bugging him. “This other universe.” Mac paused, thinking of the best way to ask. “Is everyone really a pony?”

Sunset smiled at his question. “Most of the people at school are, but there are a few that Im guessing are griffins, and that big kid who is your size but a freshman, I think he is a minotaur.”

Big Mac raised an eyebrow. “Interesting…what’s it like over there?”

“All of Equestia?” She scrunched up her nose. “Im not sure where to start.”

Big Mac gestured around in the kitchen and the room beyond. “Start with your home, well before you got here that is.”

“Well, right before I got here I was living in a dorm, I was a student in Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns.” She took a seat at the round kitchen table, Big Mac took a seat next to her. “It was a lot like the dorm rooms at collages here.” “But before that I was living at home with my parents…” Sunset stopped, she was staring into her glass, taking a deep breath she looked up into Big Macintosh’s eyes. “We lived outside of Canterlot, it was a beautiful little one story home, swing set in the back yard, white picket fence.” She paused for a bit again, her face turned sad. “They…they loved me, they were good parents.” “They never abused me, it’s not their fault I turned out like this.” She was fighting off tears. “I haven’t talked to them since the day I got here.” “I’m too afraid, I can’t face them.” She lost her fight against the tears. “I’m sorry Big Mac, I’ll go.” She planned on going to the bathroom to collect herself when she sudden felt a hand on her shoulder stopping her.

Sunset could see the pain in his eyes, and as he spoke she could feel the weight of old wounds upon them. “Mis Shimmer, you need to speak to them, please.” “One day you will not be able to speak with them ever again, and you’d be willing to do anything just to tell them you love them.”

Neither one said anything after that, after a moment Mac returned to his room and Sunset to AJ’s.

The next day Sunset Shimmer pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and started to write a letter.

Dear Mom and Dad-

3 Months Later:

"Thanks again Big Mac, who knows when I would have made up with my parents if it wasn't for your encouragement." Sunset was about to return to Equestria to visit her parents during summer vacation after writing to them and telling them all that had happened. They of course still loved her and wanted to see her again.

Sunset turned to portal to step through then stopped for moment, turning quickly she grabbed Big Mac's shoulders, stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Lets go see a movie when I get back, ok big guy?"

Big Mac was too shocked to even say eeyup as Sunset hopped through the portal to the other world.

Author's Note:

Had this story gone on longer it would have had Big Mac and Sunset fall in love, but it didn't. Correction, it was short of a 1000 words so you all get an epilog, lucky you.

Comments ( 2 )

Love your story, I'm a fan of this ship and got one of my own running, check it if you like, hope to see more of this. :eeyup:

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