• Published 7th Jul 2019
  • 821 Views, 9 Comments

Alicorn incidents - Galaxy Swril

Twilight tries to crete her owns spells but fails. In the past Spike has assisted her but always has to deal with the consequences if the spell fails. Again Twilight convinces Spike to help her and he agrees, what will he be in for this time?

  • ...

Buck science...

Alicorn incidents

By Galaxy Swirl

"SPIKE!" Twilight shouted as she was coming to Spike's bedroom to wake him up. Spike never liked being disturbed while sleeping. He was never a morning person but could always stay up at night doing celestia knows what. "Spike!" Twilight shouted again opening his bedroom door.

"Rarity...I will always love you..." Spike mumbled in his sleep. Twilight couldn't help but giggle quietly to herself. She liked seeing Spike sleep talking because she found it very amusing.

"Wake up now Spike, I need your help with something." Twilight tried to convince Spike to get out of bed but he refused. Spike groaned and chucked a pillow towards Twilight. "I know you can hear me!"

"It's two in the morning Twi, go back to sleep..." Spike muffled and started to snore loudly. Twilight sighed and went over to Spikes window to open the curtains. Spike hissed and wrapped himself up in his blanket and held his plushie of Rarity tight.

"Get. Up. Now." Twilight demanded.

"Growing boys need their beauty sleep just like girls..." Spike wailed. Twilight sighed again and stood in Spikes room waiting for him to wake up. Twilight had to think of something to drag Spike out of his bed. A couple of minutes later Twilight came up with an idea. She flew over to her kitchen and grabbed scarp's from last night's dinner. Then she put them all in the oven and set it on the highest level so that there would be something burning. She flew back over to Spikes room to tell him what happened in the kitchen.

"SPIKE! SPIKE! Something's burning in the oven I need your help! Now!" Twilight said as she pretend to act innocent and dramatic as possible but Spike didn't believe her at first.

"Go sort it out yourself," Spike shrugged and flopped onto the floor with his blanket on his face.

Twilight glared at Spike, "This is serious. I tried myself but nothing is working. I need your help Spike," Twilight pleaded him. Spike sighed in defeat and agreed to help Twilight with her situation.

Ten minutes later, Spike and Twilight fixed the problem. Spike wanted to head back up to bed but Twilight insisted for him to stay here just incase if anything else happened.

"You owe me one though, and you owe me big time Twilight." Spike sighed in defeat.

Twilight's eyes sparkled and gave Spike a big hug. "Ok! Also I need another favour. I'll owe you triple as much as I owe you now," Twilight attempted to convince Spike to do something else for her. Spike sighed again and rolled his eyes knowing that he won't win from Twilight because Twilight had a way of convincing Spike to do something for her.

"What do you need?" Spike asked Twilight softly.

"Well, I wanted to experiment with some light and dark magic and see if I could create a spell using both which won't be harmful. I don't want to make the spell too dangerous at first because I don't want to endanger myself or anypony when I'm doing this particular spell..." Twilight explained to Spike.

"Particular spell?" Spike questioned her.

"Sorry. I meant to say I didn't want to endanger anypony while doing the spell, not a particular spell. So, will you help me?" Twilight asked nicely.

Spike laughed and placed his hand on Twilight's shoulder, "Twilight, Twilight, Twilight, of course I'll help you. I mean sure it's not like I'll have zits and all sorts of gross stuff on my face. Like the last time. And which took me a long time to get rid of." Spike sarcastically replied. Twilight snarled.

"Are you kidding me?! I promise it won't be like those last times." Twilight begged Spike.

"Yea, no. I don't trust you with this at the moment. Remember what happened last time when you tried to make a new spell..."


"Ok Spike, this is it. I'm ready to test this new spell!" Twilight said with excitement.

"Just try not to kill anypony this time," Spike sarcastically commented.

"H-Hey! I never killed anypony!" Twilight raged at Spike.

Spike laughed, "ok, ok, ok, I'm sorry. Somepony had to say it though." Twilight groaned.

"Ok, time to see if I can turn a dragon into a pony. Test number 1 here we come!"

One hour later...

"OMG WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE?!" Spike yelled.

"D-Don't w-worry. I-I can f-fix this..." Twilight struggled to reply having no answer to solve the situation.



"This is now Alicorn incident number 96."

"You keep track on this?!"

End of flashback

"Do you remember now?" Spike asked Twilight. Twilight seemed very confused and couldn't put her hoof down on the situation Spike described. Spike sighed and tried to rekindle Twilight's memory, again. "Perhaps I need to rekindle your memory, again."

Another Flashback...

"Ok Spike, this is it! Let's see if I can finally do that duplicating spell on another being!" Twilight said with excitement, again.

"Yea, let's not try to go for the half pony and half dragon look, cause that looked like Celestia and you made out with Discord and then had a baby gone wrong," Spike sarcastically replied, again.

"Spike! What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I just described what happened. Is that such a crime?" Spike asked.

"Then again, your face looked like my graveyard..." Twilight muttered.

"What was that?" Spike asked.

"UH LET'S GET TO IT SHALL WE!" Twilight annocned and performed the spell on Spike.

One hour later...

"OMFG TWILIGHT FIX THIS BULLSHIT!" Spike yelled as he continued to freak out that he has four eyes, three feet and only one hand now.

"I'M TRYING TO SEARCH FOR A SPELL THAT MIGHT HELP WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING?! MAKING OUT WITH CELESTIA'S MOTHER?!" Twilight yelled back at Spike while dealing with the pressure of changing Spike back to normal.

"Alicorn incident number 97..." Spike muttered


Another hour later...


"STOP TALKING OR I WON'T CHANGE YOU BACK!" Twilight yelled back at Spike.


"Ok ok, I think I've got something. Now hold still..."

End of Flashback

"Do you see what I mean Twilight?" Spike finished explaining to Twilight what happened in the past.

"Oh yea, I see. But I promise--" Twilight was interrupted by Spike.

"I'm sorry Twilight but I don't wanna be your lab rat. I know this is important to you, but it is important for me to look good and sexy for those girls in the Crystal Empire who want me. Please just try to understand I can't go walking around looking like a guy with four eyeballs, three legs and one arm. That's just not right is it?" Spike explained.

Twilight sighed and then made a cheeky smile on her face, "Wow, thats too bad. I was going to ask Rarity to come over and have dinner with us tonight. Oh well, I'll just have to tell her that your not interested." Twilight tried to bribe Spike into being her little lab rat. Spike's heart skipped a heart beat and his tair was shaking like crazy. His whole body was shaking and his face was flustered. He made a girly fan girl scream, letting all his excitement out into the open.

"No, no, no! Please I'll do anything just please! She can come tonight here! I'll be your lab rat just please I beg of you let Rarity come here." Spike begged Twilight.

"Alright! We have a deal then! Just meet me in the library in an hour." Twilight replied.

Spike continued to express all of his excitement that Rarity was coming over tonight. He flew over to his room and landed on his bed, picking up his plushie of Rarity and started kissing it. He continued to do it for a very long time until he realized what he got himself into. Oh. My. Celestia. What did I get myself into just to see Rarity. I-I mean I could've just gone and visted her but Twilight sounded like she was serious. I just hope she didn't bribe me just to help her with one spell. I think I'll head over to the library now since I have nothing else to do with my life right now. Spike got up from his bed and flew over to the library.

Spike was fifteen minutes early before he had to help Twilight with her experiment, so he tried to find a way to entertain himself so he wouldn't be wasting time doing nothing. Spike decided to have a look at some of the books in Twilight's bookshelves and found a magazine named 'PlayBoy'. Spike knew what the magazine PlayBoy was and he wondered what was it doing in Twilight's bookshelf. Spike didn't want worry about it, but he still pondered it at the back of his mind. He then found a book which was written by Star Swirl and decided to read a few chapters to see what he liked.

The book explained many different types of spells, instructions on how to do those spells, how to increase your magical ability, how to create potions, and a whole lot of things relating to magic. Spike read the first chapter and found it quite interesting. He was reading about the origins of magic and found it very fascinating. The book said that a long time ago, before Equestria was founded and millions and millions of years ago, a lord was created who was the Lord of life and another lord who was known as the Lord of death. They also were the Gods of all good and evil, creation and destruction. They were brothers and it was their destiny to balance all light and dark magic. A prophecy states that one day, one Lord will die due to the other Lord murdering him. Everything will imbalanced the universe and all magic will be lost forever, and then the world starts all over again.

"Oh Spike, there you are! I thought you'd be running later or something." Twilight said.

Spike stopped reading the book and turned to face Twilight, "oh hey! Sorry I was just reading something I found in your bookshelf. I hope you don't mind having a little read of it."

Twilight smiled. "I have no problem with you looking through my bookshelf. But just asking out of curiosity, what were you reading?" Twilight asked Spike.

"I was reading that book about Star Swirl, I can see why you like him so much. I was just reading the first chapter, origins of magic. That sounds kinda scary but really awesome!" Spike answered.

"Yea, when I read that at first I was shocked as-well. But at least we're not going to die anytime soon." Twilight chuckled.

Spike took a deep breath and spoke up. "So you wanted to test something..."

"Oh yes I did! Don't worry this won't be to extreme then those other test I've put you through, I apologize for all of that. Since I already know a bit about dark magic and I was just practicing earlier how to control it without being possed, I predict that nothing major should happen to you when I experiment the spell on you." Twilight explained.

"Wait, on me?" Spike asked. Twilight could see Spike's bewildered look on his face.

Twilight sighed, "I think I forgot to tell you that I was experimenting on you..."

"Please tell me I'm not going to die..." Spike mumbled.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "you are not going to die. I just wanted to see if somepony can be mind controlled with light and dark magic, I've made a hypothesis. Usually mind control is a bad thing and it usually comes from dark magic so I thought I'd add in the light magic to see what the outcome is. I expect the outcome to be the victim not being violent while under the spell and not experiencing anything else, which could lead as side effects." Twilight described her spell.

"You do realize this is risky right?" Spike cooed.

Twilight walked over to Spike and lifted his chin up. "I know it is but I really need to test this." Spike tightened one of his fist and removed Twilight's hoof from his face.

"So your spell is more important then me?" Spike asked with a concering look on his face.

"Spike, your so important to me. I can't imagine my life without you. The reason why I've been doing all of this is when a new threat comes to Equestria and if the elements of harmony is destroyed and also if something happens to our friends, at least I have a way to stop them doing harm to Equestria." Twilight answered while starting to nearly cry. Spike wanted to say something to Twilight but paused because he couldn't find the right words to say to Twilight. He understood and didn't understand where Twilight was coming from. Spike looked very bemused. He didn't like the feeling of being exposed to something and not knowing what opinion he should have on it.

Spike took a deep breath and looked Twilight right in the eye, "I can't put my claw on answer right now, but I'm happy to help you. Besides I'm your number one assistent right?"

Twilight smiled and hugged Spike, "I knew you'd understand. Thank you." Twilight whispered the last part. Spike hugged Twilight back and then broke the hug. "So are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be..." Spike skittishly replied.

"Your nervous aren't you?" Twilight said.

"Pfft! I'm fine," Spike shrugged trying to hold a fake smile.

"Don't be nervous, you won't feel anything I promise..."

A painful 15 minutes later...


Twilight was stressing because she just attempted to test her spell on Spike but ended up a big fail. "I-I can f-fix t-this..."

"YOU CAN'T FIX THIS BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID THE LAST TEN TIMES! Now Senpai will never love me" Spike continued to wail and whine.

"You watch too much anime Spike..."


"ok, ok I'll fix it..."

Another painful 15 minutes of screaming and maybe Spike dying in the corner...

After Twilight had done her testing on Spike, she found a spell which would get rid of the fire but the damage that the fire did to Spike's spikes still remained vandalised. Twilight apologized many times to Spike but Spike did not want to tolerate Twilight's apologies at the moment. Spike knew that something like this would've happened yet he helped Twilight anyway. He was disappointed that this happened and he didn't want Rarity seeing him like this. Twilight felt bad about what just happened as-well and tried her best to make it up to Spike. Spike wanted to tell Twilight his true feelings on her testing spells on him, and was finally brave enough to tell her the truth.

"Just face it Twilight, your just not at that magically ability where you can create spells like your own. I know I sound very mean but I think if you continue doing this on me, you could endanger me even more. I feel really scared when you do this on me because I don't know what might happen to me while your doing this." Spike explained.

"You could've just told me the truth, why did you not tell me this earlier?" Twilight asked Spike.

Spike bit his lips as he pondered on what he should say to Twilight. "Because I didn't want to sound mean and come out as selfish or anything like that. I wanted to support you while doing this and I support you with everything but this is the point where I put my foot down and say that I don't wanna do this anymore. All I wanted to do was make you happy and also we don't spend a lot of time with each other because your busy with the school and princess stuff." Spike answered.

"I understand, but it's not selfish to say that I feel uncomfortable with this and I need you to stop doing this because i don't like it. Maybe you can learn a friendship lesson from this." Twilight replied.

"That showing your true feelings to somepony is what you should do to keep yourself happy and not afraid of anything?" Spike guessed.

Twilight nodded her head, "you are absolutely right Spike. And you might want to consider that with Rarity as-well"

Spike shrugged, "she doesn't love me like I love her. Deep down I know it's never going to happen and I accept it, all I want is for her to be happy. But you are right, I need to tell her before I hold a grudge against it."

"So does that mean your cool with Rarity not coming over tonight?" Twilight's bones became very brittle and fragile as she nervously said her sentence.

"Wait what?"


"You didn't..."


"YOU ARE SO DEAD TWILIGHT!" Spike shouted.


"YEA BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WANT TO SEE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" Spike raged at her and threw a pillow at Twilight.

"Why...?" Twilight asked herself quietly.

"Buck you. And buck science. Also this is alicorn incident number 98, two more to go and we'll be at one hundred."

"...why must they all be like this? It could've been someone who is lovestruck, but no! Instead it is both lovestruck and completely stupid." Twilight complined.

"Do not judge how I was made, nor I know why I'm like this." Spike replied.

Author's Note:

Soooo I hope you enjoyed that short story I just thought of and wrote at midnight... :raritystarry::moustache::facehoof:

I just decided to write a story about something different from what I usually write because usually I write romance and things started to get a bit sappy :applecry::raritydespair::twilightblush:

But anyways, thanks for reading this story and go check out my other stories I have made and share this with your friends. :pinkiehappy::trollestia::moustache:

Peace out ✌:coolphoto:

Comments ( 9 )

"YOU CAN'T FIX THIS BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID THE LAST TEN TIMES! Now Senpai will never love me" Spike continued to wail and whine.

Now Rarity-senpai will never look at the same way Spike-chan

:moustache: One hundred... You did it Twilight screw up number one zero zero
:twilightoops: I'm sorry really , I'll fix it......
:raritystarry: What did you do to my Spike!
:moustache: Rarity!
:duck: He's a penis.
:twilightsheepish: Honest it was just an attitude spell and Spike was being a. . .a,,, a
:moustache: dick
:duck: DON'T DO ANYTHING MORE TWILIGHT Not for the next few hours....
:moustache: yeah baby

Spike should send a message... Of what he learned today

:moustache: Dear Princess Celestia (Or Luna) Today Twilight awakened me at 2 AM after a long day working for her, to stop a fire the made in the kitchen, as that was not enough instead of let me return to bed and sleep she blackmailed and used dark methods, to force me to be her experiment again for 98 time...


All you people give me these ideas now?! WHYYYYY?! But srsly that is gold :rainbowlaugh:

You know what Spike should do? Move on from Rarity and go to the next best thing.

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