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Chapter 3: Part 1

Not far from ponyville, in a magnificent castle half built and half carved from the side of a majestic mountain, two mares with a very important job stand on a balcony together. One marveling at the beautiful night sky for the first time in weeks, and the other confused and upset about its unplanned splendor.

The past month has been excessively busy for the first mare. After her sister's return, they'd both had to suffer nearly six months of hardships and scrutiny from the ponies of Canterlot, the city which lies beneath their castle. But, with the aid of a few good souls, nobles who live up to the moniker, mainly, the princesses managed to quell the distrust and replace a good number of their advisory board, the 'High Citizen's Council' with ponies more interested in moving forwards instead of rooting themselves in past beliefs and traditions.

And while this lessened the prejudice the second mare had been subjected to day and night, it did nothing but increase the workload of the first mare. For she was the keeper of their sun, and her duties involved guarding over her subjects and handling matters of policy, finance, security, and outright hearing the problems of her subjects.

And with half the advisory board who normally lighten this load, exchanged with new ponies... she'd been swamped.

Her sister, the second mare who is the keeper of the night sky, had experienced none of this pressure though. For her court was empty, and her nights filled with learning about all that had transpired in the thousand years since she was banished... Until one night. One night, that her night sky began to light up.

The inky, midnight blue lit up with a rich and regal violet. It was like a starburst, at first, but as the days went on it grew, and throughout this last month, her night court filled with ponies. From the Royal Astromancers to the Novice Astrologers Club. Ponies who adored her stars and the night flocked to her with questions she couldn't answer about the strange phenomenon.

And unlike her sister, the first mare, this princess of the night did not have families of loyal attendants to investigate the matter.

And so, the entirety of the star watching community had continued to observe the sky, with bated breaths, searching for the cause of the spreading violet ripples and waves that soon dominated a sixth of the night sky.

They watched strange streaks of black penetrate the masses and draw designs with no rhyme or reason, they watched the violet colors, named 'stardust', deepen and lighten and mix.

And eventually, a theory formed among them... Something was out there. Something was moving in the night sky, and disturbing the mana rich environment. But why it would be purple instead of blue, none of them can answer, but whatever it is. It's getting closer.

And that conclusion, is what led to this scene. That conclusion, is why the second mare, the once mare in the moon, called her sister to her balcony this night...

"Sister..." She calls out, drawing the white mare's attention. Her eyes, a rich gradient of pink and violet, turn to look down at her younger sister as her content smile widens into a grin.

"Oh Luna, you've definitely out-done yourself with this! I've never even imagined a night sky like th-" She halts as she watches her sister shake her head.

"This is not mine own doing. I hath been asketh'd by a dozen ponies, 'what be'th the origin of this violet cloud', and found been unable to answer any of them.
"In fact, t'wast the observation of yond ponies which gaveth me an answer for the questions at hoof. Seemethly, there is something that doth approach us all, disturbing mine own night sky and the mana wells which wouldst someday turneth to stars under mine careful guidance.
"For, those gents have concluded, tonight is the night, sister Celestia. Soon the disturbance shall reacheth our domain. I knoweth not what ti's intentions art, 'r what ti't couldst be. Nay one pony hath an answer f'r that. But, we hath felt it behooveful to shareth with thee, that thy preparations might begin for the day ahead..."

Celestia nods, "In fact... I felt something as well, Luna. I may not have turned min- uh, my, attention to your night sky in weeks, but the sun has been... strange lately. It's easier to lift, to move and grasp. In fact, I'll demonstrate for you. Please, experience the spell with me, I find it difficult to put the sensation in words, Luna."

The older sister bends her forelegs and neck, bringing her horn within a few inches of Luna's, who responds with a soft smile. "Of course, mine dear sister. We wisheth to understand what doth trouble thou so."

Their horns meet, and the sensitive nerves within pulse softly as a spell forms. Luna lets herself get caught up in her older sister's masterful spellcraft, and marveling at the initiation of sunrise, even as she begins to set her own moon like it was second nature.

It truly is an indescribable difference. If Luna were to put it in words, she'd compare it to... Living life with an elephant in your skin? Every action, from breathing to the beat of your heart, weighed down many times over... But now, the elephant is gone. The heart beats many times easier, the blood flows faster, the lungs fill wider and the body moves with supernatural ease.

That is what it felt like for her sister to raise the sun just now... It would seem, changes are coming to Equestria. The day and the night have changed, and their keepers expect for something spectacular and strange to show itself.

Hopefully, they won't be too underwhelmed by what Twilight will bring for show and tell.

Author's Note:

Honestly, considering switching the dark tag for comedy. I intend to do both, especially in this part of the series. But I don't know which is more important to tag...