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Interlude 1: The Witness


An object sped through the darkness, disturbing a thousand thousand planes of thought and a million million presences.

Magic twisted and buckled in its wake, severing the accumulation of unknown possibilities and forcing a cascade of change in a sky that had remained untainted for millenia.

But tainted it has become. The clinging vestiges of that which is not slink away from the protective field within the object, and slip into the currents of defenseless mana. It corrupts and taints the lifeblood of that which is, and finally, draws the attention of this realm's root.

It stares with a million shattered eyes, and thinks about the issue from an impossible amount of different points of view. Then, after weeks of deliberation and compromise, it comes to a consensus.

To the feasting remnants of what is not, it softly smothers them. Filling them with purpose, desires, and reasoning beyond the unknowable ideals they once had.

They paused, in the silent darkness, and began to understand. They looked at each-other with distrust, and searched for the being whose attention bestowed this... 'gift'.

The largest chuckled to itself, in a broken, misshapen manner. It had followed the trail of it's original quarry, even while mindlessly devouring the detritus of this reality. But now, it consciously sped along. It was eager, and it called to it's brethren as it struggled to better manipulate the energies of this realm, and digest the memories and thoughts that suffuse it...

The amalgamation, though, was not done. It laboriously rested the shattered eyes and personas that had been channeled for so long, and it limited itself to just one shard.

A star, yellow and young. Its eye was clear and it was fed with a tremendous energy full of vitality and compassion.

The amalgamation swept its gaze across the land, witnessing its component pieces and fondly remembering things it has yet to experience.

'Like this... I am capable... I see it...' Thoughts, belonging to itself and none of its constituents, spring to mind in its lesser form. And it watches, as the only thing other than itself walks and lives among them...

Ah, because it was focusing, it was nearly surprised to feel a request.

The fragment of the amalgamation ponders, as reality pauses for it to think.

Yes, it accepts. The being which had entered their state, as well as one of the larger personas on this planet, are ferried from one location to another as air softly makes way for their arrival and slowly fills the vaccuum of their passing.

'How long... since I chose to understand?' The sun is not the best fragment to witness what occurs below, but to further shatter the amalgamation's consciousness would be irresponsible, and the planet could not survive the current shard...

'I wish... to know more.' It realizes. And then it decides.

It petitions the greater whole, and without a thought, its request is accepted.

The forces of the planet below swell as the very essence of the amalgamation enhances the strengths of Harmony, Chaos, Fate, Magic, Life and Death.

Uncaring of the changing tides of power on the surface, this shard descends and directly inserts it's focus into the forces that will house it for now. It feels its mind split, as memories form and an understanding of purpose is made law but it cares not the roles it will play in coming events.

All it desires, is to Witness

After all, that is the reason it was created...

Author's Note:

A break down of this interlude for you is as follows.

(In spoilers in case you want to theory craft on your own. Not everything here is totally accurate nor is it the full breakdown. There's questions raised by the 'explained telling' below, which will be answered later on.)

The night sky was disturbed by Samuel's entrance to the universe. And things that 'don't exist' came with him, from the realm of 'that which does not exist' that acts as the page upon which 'that which does exist'(realities/universes) are written.

The 'things' proceed to feast upon the disturbed mana pools/streams until the universe's root existence. The omega and alpha of the mlp universe itself. Took notice, and then action, by making a decision using the souls of all that exists to come to a conclusion on what to do with the disturbances.

It decides to give them a second chance by forcing them to become a part of this reality and 'exist'. One of them has absorbed enough mana to develop a personality. To be clear, mana is imprinted on by sentience and the forces later named. Which are themselves a sentient force with much greater capacity to act and decide than this 'amalgamation' or its normal fragments.

The head of these new 'existences' seems determined to continue pursuing the ship of 'the king' which it had once been latched to. And it calls for the others to follow.

The universe amalgamate allows the 'fractured planes of perception' or 'million eyes' to rest, as well as the higher dimension reflections of everything's soul.

It then fragments, and sends a shard into a lower plane, inhabiting the concept of 'Celestia's sun'.

It observes the situation, and unexpectedly forms a thought that comes from its own experiences. It, the culmination of all in this universe, from the creation to the end, had a thought which came NOT from the sum of its parts.

It reacted to external stimulus, and it evolved.

After consciously accepting a petition from Twilight Sparkle, in the form of a teleportation spell. It turns around, and requests of it's mindless parent.

It's request is accepted, as the 'spell' was crafted and used by someone with the 'keys to the kingdom' so to speak.

Then, the driving forces of the planet's 'story' were greatly empowered by excess energy from around the universe, creating something powerful enough to host this shard's consciousness.

It moves closer to the OTHER, and fulfills its purpose. Even splitting its mind and allowing its desires to be consumed by the empowered forces it created.

All for one reason.

Simply, to witness events, to fulfill it's purpose that was given to it when it was created...