• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 668 Views, 124 Comments

A day at Equestria Land - The Blue EM2

  • ...

Potential Breakup Chapter

Moments after being zapped, Pear and Apple Bloom suddenly found themselves in a vast, white room. It seemed to stretch for all infinity with its vastness, thought it was clearly defined as a cube of sorts with the roof clearly visible. Also clearly visible were the ceiling and walls, as well as the floor which they had landed on with a bump.

Apple Bloom pulled herself up with a groan. "That was a rough landin'," she said, to nobody in particular, and extended her hand to pull Pear up. "What in the world just happened?"

"Ah have no clue," Pear replied. "But it confirms mah hunch. Vignette ain't good. She's nothin' but a pile of trouble!"

"I'm assuming you're not familiar with the whole 'Equestrian magic' thing," Rainbow Dash spoke up, and said to them. She glanced over to Fluttershy. "Are you ever going to eat that salad? It'll go off at this rate!"

"I don't think digital food can go off," Fluttershy countered. "Unless it can be programmed to go off..."

"We're digital?" Apple Bloom asked. "No. That's absurd. It's like somethin' out of a bad science fiction film!"

Pear had fully gotten up by this point, and looked at the two older girls who ever so happened to be friends with her middle child. "Can ya explain what's goin' on here? 'Cause Ah wanna know."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "I don't know if AJ told you, but we're having an ongoing issue with Equestrian magic around here, you know, the stuff leaking from the portal?"

Pear shook her head.

"The Fall Formal? The Battle of the Bands?"

Pear shook her head. "All Ah heard was that a gas line ruptured at the Fall Formal, and Ah sure as sugar don't remember no Battle of the Bands."

Rainbow Dash nodded and held her head in her hands. "Well, the gas line story was to cover for the fact that Sunset Shimmer used magic to turn into a demon and we changed her back. We've been 'contaminated' with Equestrian magic since, for lack of a better term, and all sorts of crazy stuff has happened since, such as the Dazzlings turning up and using their magic to control everybody except us, and some stuff that happened up at Camp Everfree (don't worry, the railroad Apple Bloom restored is perfectly safe). I can only assume that somehow Vignette's phone has been affected by the magic and now we are trapped in it, with no readily obvious way out."

Pear sighed. "This is givin' me a headache. Anyways, this weren't how Ah wanted a Saturday ta turn out, so if anybody has a solution to this problem, Ah'm all ears."

The blank looks on their faces told her all she needed to know, and she facepalmed.

"Ah know!" Apple Bloom said. "Let's play 'Ah Spy' ta pass the time! Ah spy with mah little eye, somethin' beginnin' with-"

"Wall!" Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"Yer good!"

"There isn't exactly much variety to this room, Apple Bloom!"

Apple Bloom facepalmed. "Dangit!"

Meanwhile, in the backstage area at Equestria Land, Rarity and the other girls had assembled for their sound check, which appeared to be going less than well as three members of the band were not there. Rarity was busy pacing up and down in annoyance. "I suppose Applejack has better things to do than final fittings and sound check!"

"Don't be mad at her," Sunset told her. "She's still out trying to find Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who aren't here either, by the way."

"Do not tell me who to be annoyed with!" Rarity snapped. Pinkie looked over in concern.

"I know you're stressed, Rarity, but I'm sure you've got something totally amazing up your sleeve!" She paused to look up hers, before realising that she was wearing none herself. "You did remember to wear sleeves with amazing things up them, right?"

Just then, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran into the room, puffing and panting as if they had been running for a while. "You have to stop Vignette!" Sweetie Belle said to her sister.

"Whatever for?" Rarity asked. "Is this some sort of game? Because if it is, I really have no time for it."

"Vignette is using her phone to vacuum up anybody she doesn't approve of!" Scootaloo shouted. "She's done it to Rainbow Dash! I saw it on the cameras, and you can check them if you want!"

Then, as if to add to all the hubbub, another voice entered the crowd. "STOP!" called the voice of Applejack. Several members of staff looked over in confusion.

Applejack waved her hand. " Oh! Uh, not everybody stop. I just meant my friends. Y'all keep doin' what you're doin'. Sewin' up them, uh, clothes."

"Where have you been?" Rarity demanded.

"Nobody goes anywhere with Vignette, understand?" Applejack responded, engaging in the bad habit of answering a question with a question.

Everybody except the two freshmen shook their heads in confusion. "You can explain yourself after the parade," Rarity started. "I'm sure-"

"No, Rarity. Vignette is evil!"

Sweetie Belle stepped over to Applejack. "We've just explained that to the-"

Applejack ignored her and continued speaking. "She's done somethin' to Fluttershy. And Ah saw her from the security office when she made Rainbow Dash disappear with her phone! Ten eggs in a chicken coop says it's Equestrian magic."

"She also made Apple Bloom and Mrs Smith disappear!" Scootaloo added. "Something about them ruining her perfect park or something like that."

"Oh you three," Vignette laughed, emerging from a nearby office, "delusional isn't your colour. You're an autumn."


Autumn Blaze, stop breaking the fourth wall!

Applejack swiped her phone from her.

"That's not the-" Scootaloo started, only for Applejack to interrupt, again.

"If yer so innocent, then how do ya explain this?! Say goodbye to yer mannequin thingy!" Applejack took the picture, and nothing happened. Looking in confusion, she tried again. "Uh, hang on. Watch it... disappear!" Still utterly perplexed at the fact that nothing at all had happened, she stared at the screen in confusion. "Uh, Ah think Ah hashgabbed my SnapTag or all in the- Ugh. Ah can't figure out these new, fandangled apps. Ugh. Ah sound just like Granny Smith!"

Sweetie Belle tapped Scootaloo on the shoulder. "Next, she'll be asking where you put the roll of film in."

"I just saw your friends. They're in wardrobe, and they're fine." Vignette smirked.

"That's not true!" Scootaloo shouted. "The CCTV shows you making them vanish!"

Vignette hit a button to playback the CCTV recordings on a monitor. There was nothing showing her doing such a thing, or even going anywhere near the security booth.

Sweetie Belle looked confused. "Huh? She must have deleted the footage!"

Rarity looked over at her younger sister. "Honestly, Sweetie Belle! Lying about somebody with no evidence! This is appalling, and mother and father shall hear about it."

"You're just choosing to ignore us because we're kids," Scootaloo protested. "You're making a big mistake, Rarity!" Both of the younger girls then ran off, frustrated.

Rarity turned to Applejack. "Applejack, the parade is less than an hour away, and-" The CMC couldn't hear any more as they headed off into the distance, but suddenly they heard Applejack shout loudly.


Moments later, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle reached a bench and sat down. "It's not fair," Scootaloo grumbled. "This place is in danger from a lunatic with magic, and they seem to think a dumb parade is more important than people's lives!"

"Rarity's always been like that," Sweetie Belle sighed. "This is just like that time Opal escaped again. Rarity was convinced I'd hidden her on purpose, and then they found her in the neighbour's garden. Talk about guilty until proven innocent."

"What happened next?" Scootaloo asked. She'd never heard this story before.

"I was given enough ice cream to last us both for the next fify years."

Rarity had disappeared for a work break and came back in to find her friends looking very odd indeed. "What? What is this? What am I looking at?"

Vignette smiled evily at her. "Your friends, but better! Now we can make the parade exactly how I want it!"

Rarity was baffled. "How you want it? You said you hired me for my vision!"

This was soon shown not to be the case, as Vignette snorted at her. "Well, I needed your vision to bring out my vision. But now there's an app for that."

Rarity was now very worried indeed. "Vignette, wh- what is going on here?" she asked. "Where are my friends?!"

"Like, trapped in the internet as zeroes and ones or erased from existence or something? Something like that." Vignette went on, committing the villain offense of monologueing. "See, like, my phone became magique or something, and now it has this power where whenever I take a picture of something and it disappears. And then I can customize them with a swipe of my finger and make them real again, or... real enough, but hey, blah blah blah, O.M.G., I'm boring myself to death just talking about this stuff."

Rarity was furious. "Bring back my friends this instant!"

Vignette smirked. "Fine. If you wanna be with them so bad, I'll do you one last favour. You're welcome." And she took a snap.

Author's Note:

Can Vignette be stopped? Will the park be saved? Find out tomorrow, as our Day in Equestria Land comes to an end!