• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 798 Views, 58 Comments

The Power Ponies - MrBiteo

The Mane 6 must join forces with the Power Ponies to return to their world.

  • ...

Issue 3

On the outskirts of Maretropolis was the city's most infamous mental institute/prison, Balkham Asylum. Here was where all of the Power Ponies' most dangerous foes were locked away, including some that were currently having a little meeting at a round table.

"So, Smudge, those accursed Power Ponies stopped your latest scheme again?" Pharaoh Phetlock, an Ancient Egyptian-style villain, asked Smudge, who was made of black slime, but had a red outline. Pharaoh was an amberish gray stallion with a black mane and tail and wore a blue prison uniform.

"Mnuuuurgh." Smudge merely replied, unable to speak.

"What a shame. Just think of how much delicious despair there would have been if you'd managed to pull it off..." Long-Face, a villain dressed like a mime, remarked with a sinister smirk. He was a white long-faced pegasus stallion with a black ragged mane and tail. His eyes were pure scarlet with black makeup around his eyes. "Ah, it would have been beautiful!"
"Ah, and Miss High Heel!" Pharaoh spotted and then greeted another villain walking up to the table, High Heel, a shoe-themed villain. "So good of you to join us!"

"Spare me your jokes, Pharaoh." High Heel responded to Pharaoh's greeting having reached the table. She was a pale, light grayish amber Earth pony with a dark heliotrope mane and tail and was wearing a red prison uniform. "Those blasted Power Ponies... You've been caught by those dratted do-gooders as often as I have."

Neither one of the three hated to admit it, but she wasn't wrong.

"We've all been stopped by the Power Ponies many times. Which is why..." Another voice said to the group, who turned out to be the Mane-iac approaching their table. Similarly to Pharaoh, Long-Face and High Heel, her uniform matched the color of her regular supervillain outfit. Her mane was also now wrapped entirely in locks and chains to keep the appendages of her hair from moving. "...I suggest we try something new."

"M-M-M-Mane-iac! How w-w-wonderful to see you..." Pharaoh nervously greeted Mane-iac, trying to not upset her over fear of what she would do to him.

"Likewise, Pharaoh." The Mane-iac greeted herself to Pharaoh arriving at the edge of the other side of the group's table. "As Miss High Heel just said, we've all been burned by that blasted battalion. And it seems like they have new allies on their side."

"What kind of allies?" High Heel asked Mane-iac.

"As I attempted to steal the Electro-Orb, I encountered a couple of ponies and their pet dragon who claimed themselves to be from another world. And since they're now with the Power Ponies, why don't we try the same thing?"

"What do you mean?" Long Face asked Mane-iac confused.

"Simple, my fellow felons: we all join forces and form a team of our own." Mane-iac then proposed to her inmates.

"Our own team. A combined power that could potentially reprehend the Power Ponies? Why, that's brilliant!" Pharaoh said seeing through the Mane-iac's plan and immediately agreeing to it.

"Glurgh!" Smudge replied also agreeing to the plan.

"It's an intriguing plan, Mane-iac, but I believe we'll need to escape before we put it in motion." High Heel soon pointed out to the Mane-iac.

"Oh, don't worry about that little detail, High Heel." The Mane-iac reassured High Heel confidentally. "My escort, Shadowmane, is already waiting outside right now."

Outside the asylum's front gates, on top of the branch of a nearby tree, there stood a cloaked pony whose face was hidden in shadow with only glowing yellow eyes shown, along with her mouth being covered by a purple mouthguard.

"You see, I always have somepony to help me break out every time I get locked up in this wretched place. And I've now recruited her as a member to our little coterie" The Mane-iace explained offscreen while it showed Shadowmane infiltrating the prison by jumping over the wall and making her way to the Mane-iac's cell. "She is the finest thief in Maretropolis, after all. And she hates the Power Ponies just as much as we all do."

It then cut back to the Mane-iac with the other villains. "So I asked her to drop by and help us break out. She should be arriving here in, let's see, three, two--" Just as the Mane-iac predicted, one of the walls in the room exploded, covering the whole room in smoke.

"Special delivery." Shadowmane said to the villains after the smoke cleared and revealed her presense. She handed to each villain a saddlebag that she carried on her back.

"My costume, my gadgets, all of my things are in this bag." High Heel said looking into her bag.

"How kind of you, Shadowmane!" Pharaoh thanked Shadowmane after receiving his bag, though she didn't respond.

"And now, my villainous friends, let's have some fun." The Mane-iac said to her new teammates as Shadowmane unlocked all the locks keeping the chains in place around her mane and all the locks and chains drop to the ground soon afterwards.

Minutes later, the villains were fighting off guards while making their way through the prison to escape. And they were having the time of their lives in the process.

"Try these stilettos on for size!" High Heel stated to a guard she was fighting, pinning the sleeves of her uniform into a wall behind her with shoes that act like shurikens.

"Ha ha! This 'team' idea is proving quite fun!" Pharaoh said enjoying the fight as he kicked one of the guards in the latter's behind.

"Indeed." Long Face agreed throwing a test tube of his gas at one of the guards, causing him to break down crying uncontrollably.

After taking out all the guards, Smudge manages to bust a hole in the wall leading to the outside of the prison and allowing the villains to escape.

"Yes! Freedom! Ah ha ha ha ha!" The Mane-iac cheered over their victory.

"Yes, we're free......now what? Shall we take on the Power Ponies and their allies?" Long Face asked soon afterward.

"Not just yet, my cheerless comrade." Mane-iac answered. "Our revenge must be carefully planned and flawlessly executed. But soon, those hapless heroes will find themselves defeated by...."


The Mane-iac let out an insane giggle at how clever she thought it was.

"'League of Villainy'? Rather generic, don't you think? Maybe 'alliance'?" High Heel then commented on the name the Mane-iac came up with and being unimpressed by it.

"What about 'malevolence' instead of 'villainy'?" Shadowmane then suggested.

"We'll discuss this at the meeting." Mane-iac told her teammates as they fled from the prison.

We then returned to the Mane 6 and the Power Ponies. The Mane 6 had already explained their situation to the Power Ponies, who were all somewhat dumbfounded by their story.

"Let me get this straight. You ponies were sucked into our world by some kind of...magic comic book?" Mistress Mare-velous asked the Mane 6 trying to wrap her head around what she was told.

"Yep. I mean, I was already awesome in my world. But you guys all have superpowers!" Rainbow Dash said excited about them teaming up with the Power Ponies despite seeing what they're really like.

"Almost all of us have superpowers." Zapp then said smugly referring to Hum Drum in a demeaning manner.

"But he's gotta have some powers, too. He's even wearing a cape." Pinkie suggested holding up Hum Drum's red cape.

"Yeah, but capes don't always mean you have superpowers. Hum Drum is pretty much useless..." Fili-Second pointed out to Pinkie while lying down on the couch as she and the rest of the team all laughed while Hum Drum looked down to the floor in shame.

Spike didn't understand why, but he couldn't help but empathize for Hum Drum, especially as he had faced similar experiences in the past and with how his own teammates treat him.

"Good thing you're not like him, huh?" Twilight whispered to Spike, who nervously agreed.

Suddenly, the tower's "General Badness Alarm" went off, alerting everypony.

"Ah, the alarm! Our services are needed!" Zapp declared.

"Oh, joy, I was almost getting bored." Fili-Second complained.

Twilight looked around and saw that Rarity wasn't with them. "What happened to Rarity?"

"In the bathroom, darling!" Rarity shouted offscreen, "Radiance was showing me the tower's bathroom and we're sharing a relaxing bath together!"

"Is that the alarm? I'm not getting out of the tub unless there's an alarm!" Radiance also shouted from the bathroom offscreen.

"Trouble, team!" Masked Matterhorn warned everypony.

"Mane-iac had just escaped Balkham Asylum." Mistress Mare-velous reported what she saw on the monitor, "And if we know the Mane-iac, she most likely retreated to her secret base."

"Masked Matter-Horn, where is the Mane-iac's secret base?" Twilight asked the Masked Matter-Horn.

"Sparkle Labs." Masked Matter-Horn answered. "We need to--"

"We'll take you ponies there." Mistress Mare-velous soon cut off Masked Matter-Horn and said to Twilight. Behind them, Radiance and Rarity exited from the bathroom with towel on their heads. "Fili-Second, you're on reconnaissance! Zapp, you're air support!"

"Hey! I'm team leader! So I give orders!" Masked Matter-Horn soon intervened and butted heads with Mistress Mare-velous over who was in charge while Radiance and Rarity were both drying their manes in the background.

"So hurry up and give them already!" Mistress Mare-velous insisted.

Masked Matter-Horn was then about to say what she wanted to say to her teammates, but felt that Mistress Mare-velous had already beaten her at coming up with a plan. "Do what she said..."

Mistress Mare-velous immediately dashed out of the building without any hesitation.

The team arrived at the Mane-iac's lair, Sparkle Labs. It was an abandoned factory, which seemed to still have a working neon sign of a pony getting her mane washed with shampoo on repeat. Unbeknownst to both the Mane 6 and the Power Ponies, Shadowmane was looking at them from above the building. She then went inside after spotting the Mane 6 and the Power Ponies to inform her teammates.

"Here we are." Masked Matter-Horn informed the Mane 6 of their destination.

"Is that a...shampoo factory?" Applejack asked confused by the villain's choice of setting up her lair in said factory. Just as Applejack asked the question, Fili-Second returned.

"Fili-Second! Report!" Masked Matter-Horn ordered Fili-Second.

"Nothing on the perimeter, but someone's inside the building." Fili-Second informed Masked Matter-Horn.

"Alright, Power Ponies, here's the plan." The Masked Matterhorn told her teammates, "Radiance, you, me and--"

"Come on out, Mane-iac!" Rainbow Dash yelled offscreen as everyone turned their heads to the direction the yell was heard. Rainbow was flying near the building. "Or the Power Ponies are coming in!"

"So much for the element of surprise." Twilight said.

"Hum Drum, you stay here with the dragon." Mistress Mare-velous ordered Hum Drum.

"And leave the rest to us." Zapp then said as both the Power Ponies and Mane 6 walked away leaving Spike and Hum Drum alone.

"Oh, I don't think she's home." Fluttershy suggested hoping she was right. "Maybe we should just come back later."

Unfortunately for Fluttershy, her theory was quickly disproven when the Mane-iac's maniacal laughter echoed from within the building.

"She's home." Rarity pointed out to Fluttershy also showing second thoughts about fighting the Mane-iac as the factory's garage door opened.

"Okay, team: Formation Alpha-Delta-1Z!" Masked Matter-Horn ordered her team as they charged toward the opening garage door. "Halt, Mane-iac! Or face the Power--" However, she, along with the rest of the Power Ponies halted on their tracks immediately by what they soon saw on the other side of the door. "Oh, fudge."

The garage door fully opened to reveal that it was indeed Mane-iac, but the Power Ponies weren't expecting their other enemies standing by her side.

"Hello." The Mane-iac greeted her long-time enemies.

"Fili-Second! Get Princess Twilight and her friends out of here!" Masked Matter-Horn ordered Fili-Second.

"Roger!" Fili-Second responded using her superspeed to take the Mane 6 away, but she was soon dispatched by Shadowmane.

"Hold on, Fili-Second! I'm coming!" Pinkie called out to Fili-Second rushing over to her aid, only to be dispatched by Shadowmane as well.

"Saddle Rager! Get angry!" Masked Matter-Horn told Saddle Rager.

"I can't! I'm too SAA-HAA-HAAAAAD!" Saddle Rager merely told her leader revealed to be infected by Long Face's sad gas.

"ME, TOO-HOO-HOOO!" Fluttershy said also infected as she cried her eyes out.

"Radiance, help--" Masked Matter-Horn asked Radiance.

"My outfit! It's ruined!" Radiance fretted while being engulfed by Smudge along with Rarity.

"Zapp, can you--" Masked Matter-Horn almost asked Zapp before seeing her and Rainbow Dash each getting blinded by a giant shoe over their heads by High Heel.

"Mistress Mare-velous--" Masked Matter-Horn called out to Mistress Mare-velous, who along with Applejack were being overwhelmed by Pharaoh's mummy minions.

"Uh--- Any other heroes you know might help, Masked Matter-Horn?" Twilight asked.

"Uh...no...I don't..." Masked Matter-Horn confirmed regrettably.

"Just you two." The Mane-iac then stated to Twilight and Masked Matter-Horn closing in on them. "Would you both care to surrender?"