• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 798 Views, 58 Comments

The Power Ponies - MrBiteo

The Mane 6 must join forces with the Power Ponies to return to their world.

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Issue 2

Spike was the first to regain consciousness and found that he was lying on a sidewalk with some citizens walking past him and the Mane 6 to places they needed to go to. As he got back up on his feet, he looked around him and saw that he was in a city of sorts in the middle of the day. The place looked as though it were Manehatten, at least from the architecture. But as he took a closer look at the museum right before him, he began to realize right away.

"Is this...Maretropolis?" Spike said to himself staring at the museum. He heard a couple of groans from behind and realized, after turning his back, that his friends wre also brought to this world as well. "Twilight! Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, I think we're all fine, Spike." Twilight responded to Spike's question as the latter helped her back up and then moved on to the others.

"Somepony mind telling me what the hay is going on?" Applejack soon asked obviously confused by their situation.

"Th-This is the city in my comic book! It somehow zapped us all in here!" Spike speculated.

"So, somepony zap us back out!" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"I wish I knew how, but I think if we want to get back to Ponyville, I think we have to help the Power Ponies stop the Mane-iac from using her doomsday device to destroy it." Spike soon speculated.

At that moment, an explosion went off from at the entrance to the museum and Spike and the Mane 6 turned their attention to the now destroyed museum entrance while every citizen in the area immediately ran away soon afterwards. The entrance to the museum was completely demolished, leaving a giant gaping hole in its place. What appeared to green tentacles then emerged from the smoke and latch onto the museum and the street.

"So, you're with the Power Ponies? *laughs maniacally* How kind of you to join us." An ominous voice said to the Mane 6 from within the smoke before it cleared up and revealed to be the Mane-iac herself having successfully stolen the Electro-Orb.

"Who's that?" Fluttershy asked Spike intimidated by the presence of the Mane-iac.

"That's the Mane-iac! The Power Ponies archnemesis!" Spike informed the Mane 6.

"My, I appear to have a fan. It's such a shame that you will all have to be destroyed." The Mane-iac said where her mane's appendages soon charged directed at them.

However, the Mane-iac's mane was soon frozen solid by a beam blasting at her from above before she could even have a chance.

"Nice job stopping the Mane-iac, Twilight." Spike congratulated Twilight on what he thought was her work.

"I didn't do that." Twilight pointed out.

"Oh? Then who did?" Mane-iac questioned Twilight.

"The Power Ponies did, Mane-iac!" Another pony's voice called out to the Mane-iac, directing both Mane-iac and the Mane 6's attention to the top of the building behind them. Standing intimidatingly on the rooftop were the superhero group of Spike's comic, the Power Ponies. "Okay, Power Ponies-- let's go!"

"They're the...Power Ponies!" Spike exclaimed over getting to see his heroes in person, who then landed on the ground safely and charged into battle. "So, that means the Masked Matterhorn must've been the one who froze Mane-iac's mane!"

"Who did what?" Twilight asked Spike in confusion over what he said.

"That's the Masked Matterhorn!" Spike then explained pointing to the pale light grayish rose unicorn with the grayish heliotrope colored mane and tail. Her Power Pony outfit was red violet with white boots and wore gold framed goggles. "She can shoot all kinds of power beams from her horn!"

"Time for the 'Mane' event!" The Mane-iac remarked while also making a bad pun. Her mane then shattered free from the ice and its appendages sprung directly at the Power Ponies.

"Your mane is last season, Mane-iac!" One of the Power Ponies remarked to Mane-iac using her lasso on several of the latter's mane appendages and tying them up together. She was a light goldish gray Earth pony with a light azure mane and tail. Her Power Pony outfit was a red jumpsuit and she wore both black boots, a black headmask, her mane was wrapped in a green hairnet, along with her tail and she carried around with her a utility belt containing horseshoes (which she called 'Hooferangs') and a compartment for her lasso.

"Mistress Mare-velous!" Spike stated watching her and then explaining to the rest of the Mane 6. "She's psychically connected to the lasso she uses."

"That's right, citizen dragon." Mistress Mare-velous said to Spike. "And it also acts as a hair tie!"

Some tentacles were charging directly at Fluttershy, only to be stopped by a light grey pegasus with a light brown mane and tail, who stood her ground against them. Her Power Pony outfit was green and she wore a purple mask to conceal her identity.

"Um... you tentacles better st-stay away from her." The pegasus warned the living hair, though she was a bit nervous in her tone. "I-I might get angry!"

"Don't worry, Fluttershy! That's Saddle Rager! She'll lose her temper and turn into a huge, super strong monster!" Spike called out and informed Fluttershy about the pony that was saving her.

"Oh, gosh! That wouldn't be polite!" Fluttershy commented on Saddle Rager's method of stopping the hair.

The appendages then pressed on toward Saddle Rager and Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash saw the hair about to attack Fluttershy and Saddle Rager and dove down as fast as she could to their aid. But just as she was about to tackle the hair, the latter was soon struck by what seemed like a stray bolt of lightning. Rainbow Dash knew that there wasn't a single cloud in the sky from when she and her friends arrived in this world.

"Taste the fury of the storm, thou cursed mane!" Someone cried out from above, to which both Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Saddle Rager looked up and saw that it was a pale blue pegasus with a purple mane, who had summoned a thunderstorm to strike at the hair. Her Power Pony outfit was black with white boots, white collar and wore a black and white headpiece on her head and a thunderbolt necklace around her neck, which she held in her hoof.

"Whoa! Who is that?!" Rainbow Dash asked awestruck by the pony that had summoned a thunderstorm.

"That's Zapp!" Spike informed Rainbow Dash. "Her superpower is controlling the mighty forces of nature by holstering the Thunderer!"

The Mane-iac then decided to play dirty as she pulled up a mailbox from the sidewalk and threw it directly at Pinkie, making contact before the latter could get out of the way. However, by the time the dust settled, Pinkie was actually gone.

"Pinkie! Where'd she go?" Rainbow Dash asked wondering what happened to her friend.

Their question was soon answered as Pinkie was letting out a wee while being carried away by a light lime green Earth pony with an orange mane and tail, who managed to save her in the nick of time with her superspeed. The pony's Power Pony outfit was white with purple arrows and lock of her hair stuck out at the top of the hood.

"Hee hee hee. I'm already starting to like this pony." The super fast pony remarked about Pinkie's bubbly personality.

"That was Fili-Second! The fastest mare in all of Maretropolis!" Spike informed the Mane 6 about Pinkie's savior. "She's probably taking Pinkie far away from here as possible."

Rarity was then saved from some creeping appendages by pink energy constructs in the form of hair curls. The constructs were made by a light yellow unicorn with mane and tail, whom Rarity had shown gratitude and admiration. Her Power Pony outfit was dark blue, along with her mask, where it featured some blue diamond patterns, as well as some in her mane.

"That's Radiance." Spike informed Rarity. "She uses her jewelry to create attack constructs."

"What's an attack construct?" Rarity asked Spike.

"She just thinks of something (anything, actually) and her bracelets make it appear." Spike further explained pointing to the jewel bracelets Radiance was wearing.

"Your hair really needs fixing, Mane-iac. Because it's all getting tangled in knots." Radiance said to Mane-iac while she used construct hands to braid all the appendages together, preventing it all from attacking the Power Ponies and the Mane 6 any further.

"You think this will all stop me?! I still have the Electro-Orb! And I'll still be able to--" The Mane-iac then goated the Power Ponies and Mane 6 before a forest green colt with a brown mane and tail landed on top of her, having fallen from the same building the Power Ponies were on earlier. He wore blue boots,, a blue belt with a gold buckle, a red cape and a black mask. This then knocked the Mane-iac out cold just as the colt rose up to face the others.

"Uh...did I screw up again?" The colt asked everyone.

"And...that's Hum Drum..." Spike pointed out to the Mane 6 in disappointment.

Later, the police arrived and transported the Mane-iac into a police van while the Masked Matterhorn discussed with the city's police commissioner, who was a blue Earth pony wearing a trenchcoat and glasses and had a white mane, tail and even a moustache. At that moment, both Pinkie and Fili-Second returned to rejoin the group. Later, the Mane 6 were invited by the Power Ponies to a ceremony Maretropolis held for their victory over the Mane-iac. The citizens in the crowd cheered on for their saviors with excitement and gratitude, much to the Mane 6's astonishment, who all started to grow admiration for the heroes after having seen them in action not too long ago.

"Yes, whenever there is a crime or crisis in Maretropolis, who else will save us than the Power Ponies?" Maretropolis's mayor said to the crowd on the podium. She was a pale light grayish azure with a white mane and tail and was wearing small circle-framed glasses, a blue blazer-coat with a white sash which had "MAYOR" written on the front and a red bowtie. She stepped off the podium and walked up to the Masked Matterhorn taking out and presenting a giant key. "For your tireless efforts in defending this city, I would like to present the Power Ponies with yet another key to the city!" The Masked Matterhorn then accepting the key from the mayor without much hesitation.

"Thank you, Mayor Blossom!" The Masked Matterhorn thanked the mayor as she turned her attention to the crowd. "And we Power Ponies are proud to serve the citizens of Maretropolis! We'll never stop fighting for truth, justice and the Maretropolis way!"

"Excuse me, Miss Matter-Horn! Inky Quills, reporter for the Maretropolis's Gazette!" One of the reporters asked the Masked Matterhorn in the crowd. "Can you tell us the secret to the Power Ponies' success?"

"Indeed I can, Mr. Quills!" Masked Matter-Horn replied back to Inky Quills's question gladly. "The reason we're such an effective group is simple: teamwork!"

Twilight saw how Masked Matter-Horn was and with that, she knew right away that she was a brilliant and tactical leader.

The Mane 6 then looked for the Power Ponies' headquarters in the city after the ceremony. They decided to have Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fly up and search for the building.

"Alright, Spike. Which building am I looking for?" Rainbow Dash asked Spike.

"It should be the one with the two Ps on the front. You shouldn't miss it." Spike informed her.

"You mean like that one?" Fluttershy asked pointing her hoof at said building with two Ps on top, to everyone's surprise.

"Uh, yeah. That's the one." Spike answered confirming it was their destination.

The Mane 6 then traveled to the Power Ponies' headquarters, having arrived at the entrance and entering inside. There were confident that this world's heroes would help them return to their world as they approached the Power Ponies, who had just returned.

"Excuse us, Power Ponies. My friends and I need your--" Twilight greeted herself and the rest of the Mane 6 to the Power Ponies.

"This team stinks!" Mistress Mare-velous stated bitterly to her teammates, who were all sharing an equal amount of bitterness. The Mane 6 were shocked at Mistress Mare-velous's statement. "I don't know why I waste my time with you losers! I should be out there fighting crime on my own!"

"And that lame ceremony, bleh! So, boring!" Fili-Second commented boredly. Pinkie took offense to Fili-Second's insult, knowing how hard the ponies of Maretropolis worked on the ceremony.

"I hardly got appear at all!" Radiance complained.

"Cease your complaining, Radiance!" Zapp told off Radiance. "Your visage has already grazed three magazine covers this month!"

"Stop it! I can't take all this fighting!" Saddle Rager pleaded getting a headache from Radiance and Zapp's arguing and almost turning into her monster form.

"Cool it, everypony!" Masked Matter-Horn ordered her teammates, getting their attention. "Just don't argue in public, all right? As long as we stop villains and act like a team, you can shout at each other in the headquarters all you want!"

Instantly, all six of the Power Ponies retreated to their rooms in a desperate attempt to get away from each other. The Mane 6 were left stunned at what they just witnessed. What seemed like a team of superheroes turned into a group of jerks who couldn't stand one another. Were they really like that the whole time?

"Don't worry, it's a regular thing here." Hum Drum informed the Mane 6 about what just happened. He was the only one who stayed behind.

"You mean to tell us they always act like that?" Applejack asked Hum Drum.

"Yeah, but it wasn't always like this. They used to get along so well with one another. Nowadays, they can't even stand to look at each other without arguing. Anyway, if you want the Power Ponies' help, then follow me. I'll take you to the Masked Matterhorn."

Hum Drum lead the Mane 6 to the Masked Matterhorn, who was just about to enter her room, but stopped when she noticed Hum Drum arrived with the Mane 6.

"Excuse me, Masked Matterhorn, these citizens need our help." Hum Drum informed his leader.