• Published 12th May 2019
  • 631 Views, 5 Comments

Time For Fashion! - Jhoira

Rarity finds a new model for a dress, and then-some.

  • ...

First Date Double Date (”Not The Obvious Answer” crossover.) (May 11th, Saturday afternoon.)

Applejack knocked heavily on the door to Carousel Boutique only to hear a loud crash and a shriek. She barged through the door whirling around to see what trouble might be lurking but she was greeted by a very unexpected sight.

”Stay away from me you beast!” Rarity was galloping pell-mell away from Minuette, followed close on her fetlocks by a giggling Coco. Minuette had a long thin plastic tube couched at her side with her magic. Applejack was simply standing there grinning like an idiot. Not only was this highly amusing she was very happy to see that Coco seemed a bit less high maintenance than her fashionista friend.

She took a few steps into the room and cleared her throat, causing the three mares to cone to a halt. ”I hate to interrupt the fun but we have reservations.” The reactions were all positive, Coco smiled shyly at her and Rarity absolutely beamed at the words. Minuette’s smile, however, was more on the mischievous side.

With a leap over a nearby mannequin, a rather impressive feat, Minuette was at Applejack’s side in a flash. She'd never have pegged Minuette as so athletic. ”Ooh! Where are we going then?”

Applejack shot a worried look at Coco, concerned she’d take the joke poorly. But she’d evidently been around Minuette long enough to know she cracked as many jokes as Pinkie Pie. ”Well Coco an’ me are havin’ dinner at... Uh... That prench place down the way.”

Rarity’s face was stuck somewhere between a disapproving scowl and an approving smile. The venue was perfect for a first date. However, forgetting the name... ”Pâturage De Fleurs darling. It will be an excellent place for you two.”

A further explanation floated out of the kitchen. ”Pasture Of Flowers.” They all looked around and found that at some point in the last five seconds Minuette had made her way into the kitchen.

”How does she do that?” Coco hissed to Rarity.

”I don’t know darling, I think she's distantly related to Pinkie Pie!”

Applejack grinned widely at Rarity who gave a suspicious glare in return. Applejack raised her voice to be more easily heard in the kitchen. ”You speak prench Minuette?”

Rarity narrowed her eyes in annoyance at the other mare. ”Oh yeah, I learned it so I could talk to the head of our order more easily.”

”Uh... Your Order?” Applejack was as confused as Coco looked.

Rarity didn't look so confused, giving an unconcerned shrug. ”Probably some game she and Pinkie play.”

”Oh yeah, the Most Serene Order Of The Knights Of The Invisible Moon.” Minuette trotted out of the kitchen munching on Celestia knew what, only to stop as three pairs of eyes stared at her causing her to slowly come to a halt saying through a mouthful of apparently daisies. ”What?”

”A knight!?” Coco and Applejack exclaimed together.

”You're Luna’s knight!?” Rarity exclaimed.

Minuette took the time to swallow and nodded. ”Yes I am A knight but I'm not Luna’s knight, it was more ceremonial though.” Rarity let a sigh of relief until Minuette added. ”I’m Twilight’s knight now.”

”YOU’RE WHAT!?” Rarity shrieked, staring at Minuette. Applejack’s own question overruled by Rarity’s.

”Well yeah, all the princesses have knights you know.”

Rarity just spluttered and Applejack stepped forward. ”I think what had Rarity so baffled sugar cube is that Twilight never mentioned it.”

”Oh because she’s not a fan. You know the princesses purposed making an order for the elements of harmony but Twilight managed to convince them not to.”

”I... I would have had my own knights?” Rarity asked breathlessly and fell back onto a conveniently placed chaise lounge. ”How could Twilight do this to me!?

Applejack scowled at her overdramatic friend. ”Well I for one appreciate not havin’ no knights.”

Coco simply sat there at a complete loss at what was going on at the moment, but she was curious. ”What do you do Minuette?”

Minuette giggled. ”I lay down my life to defend the princess, her honor, and Equestria! In that order! At least in theory, since Twilight doesn't let me follow her around I've never been in the right position when you all are in danger, so practically nothing.”

Applejack nodded. ”So it’s more ceremonial?”

Minuette nodded. ”Pretty much. Though I can use my position as the head of a knightly order to get access to the princess's whenever I want!”

Luckily Rarity was already laying down so she couldn't collapse backward again. ”Whenever you want!”

Minuette snickered. ”Now don't you two have reservations?”

Applejack sat up straight having forgotten in all the hubbub. ”Oh right! You ready Coco?”

Coco smiled widely and nodded vigorously. ”Oh yes!”

Applejack grinned watching Coco squirm with nervous energy, leaning in Applejack gave her a gentle nuzzle. ”Calm down sugar cube it'll be fine.” Coco nodded, giving her a slightly more confident smiled. ”Good girl.” Applejack stood up and waved a hoof to the other two. ”See you two later.”

Minuette grinned at Applejack. ”Bye! Too bad you didn't tell us earlier, we could have booked two more seats! First date double date! Red date blue date!” Minuette snickered at her own joke. Referencing obscure things like children’s books always amused her.

Applejack’s eyes went wide and her smile widened a little. ”Oh!”

It took a moment too long for Rarity to register Applejack’s tone and her, ”Applejack!” was too late to stop Applejack’s next statement.

”Rares told ya about her crush?” Rarity’s cry unfortunately immediately told Applejack of her mistake. ”Oh horseapples!”

Minuette slowly turned her head to look at the now retreating tail of Rarity up the stairs to her private living quarters in the boutique. ”She sure can move when she wants to.”

Applejack had paled in the time it took Minuette to look back at her. ”I-I should go talk ta her...” She tried to take a step forward only to find herself stuck in place with magic.

”I have a feeling she might be less than keen on seeing you right now Applejack.” Applejack couldn't think of a time she’d seen Minuette look or sound so serious. But then her tone lightened and smiled returned. ”And besides, you two have reservations.”

”But I...”

”I'm sure that Rarity would be even more cross if you cheated her friend out of a nice first date anyhow.”

Applejack looked over at Coco who was trying to look as small as possible. ”Uhh, no that's ok...”

”AND...” Minuette interrupted, drawing a glare from Applejack that Minuette ignored. Though the glare faltered at the grin on Minuette’s face, it was almost... Predatory. ”I think I’d like some alone time with Rarity.”

This statement caused Coco to blush crimson, even Applejack blushed faintly. ”Uh... Coco we should go.” Applejack nudged the younger mare with her nose getting her to move hesitantly.

Coco whispered. ”Is Rarity going to be okay?”

Applejack nodded confidently. ”Yeah, she's a grown mare she can take care of herself. And Minuette would never do anything bad.” Coco nodded and trotted ahead a little more confidently. Applejack trotted after, shaking her head to herself. Now that she had a moment to think she was fairly confident that Rarity had run off on purpose, she did like to be pursued, like a proper lady.