Time For Fashion!

by Jhoira

First published

Rarity finds a new model for a dress, and then-some.

Rarity seeks inspiration for spring among her energetic friend Pinkie and her friend Minuette. She gets inspired and starts to work on her new spring line! Though she may have found a bit more than just inspiration from Minuette.

So this current series is a series of three ships of the main six with background ponies, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. These three are "get together" stories for them. There'll be another series where I continue these stories and add in the other main six, probably. I can't guarantee anything since I haven't planned them out! :D

I've added an in story dating system to the stories as the stories are actually somewhat intertwined so for any of you who are reading all of them they'll be easier to line up.
Note on crossover chapters. They are the same chapter in two stories because they are relevant to both. They will say with what story they cross over and have the same (or very similar) titles.
Rainbow Dash and Flitter: Over Protective Sist... Friend
Applejack and Coco: Not The Obvious Answer

Too Much Energy (May 6th, Monday evening.)

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"Ooh! This is a pretty dress Rarity!" Pinkie Pie has somehow managed to replace one of Rarity's mannequins without having disturbed the dress from its place. Now Pinkie was up on the stand and somehow the mannequin was back in the storeroom. Rarity was just thankful this was all after she'd closed for the day, so that even though it was a mild annoyance it wasn't presenting a bad face for any of her customers.

Rarity turned her head to see that Pinkie's friend had set up her mannequins into what seemed to be some kind of line facing each other. Though she couldn't see the culprit anywhere. "Minuette, darling, where are you?"

Minuette poked her head out of the storeroom. "I'm back here, watcha need?"

Rarity motioned to her moved mannequins. "What are you doing with my mannequins?"

Minuette grinned and marched out of the back room with thin rolls that cloth came wrapped around. "I'm getting them ready for battle!" She levitated the rolls over to the mannequins and started to tape them to the mannequins. Rarity sighed, at least Minuette was taping them to the actual mannequins and not the dresses.

"Ooh ooh ooh!" Pinkie Pie squirmed on the stand until as Rarity had known was coming she fell over with a loud crash, popping back up instantly and hopping over to help Minuette secure the rolls like lances on the mannequins sides. Rarity couldn't stop herself from face hoofing and groaning as she watched the two proceed to charge at each other with the mannequins.

Rarity had wanted the inspiration of energy and she certainly had it, two mares making an absolute mess of her boutique, she really misstepped when she told them to 'just have fun.' She went back over to her sketch pad and tilted her head to the side as she examined what she'd sketched. These actually weren't too bad now that she gave it a second look. She flipped a few more pages and nodded to herself. Actually yes, she could very well work with these. Perhaps a bit of mess in her boutique was worth such flowing designs. Though she flinched at another loud crash and she looked up, frowning as the two hyper mares managed to somehow get two of her mannequins stuck together, maybe they weren't worth it after all...

She surveyed the other destruction left in the other two's wake, assisted slightly by Sweetie Belle before she ran off to do something with her friends. Resting her head in her hooves she bit her bottom lip, how did two mares do all of this in only thirty minutes? She commended their energy, that was why she asked them here to help her with her new spring line about new birth and energy but it was a little ridiculous that they could pull all this off in such a short period of time, at times she was positive there were at least two of each of them. "Well darlings, thank you for your help but..." She blinked as she looked up and saw that neither of the mares she was speaking to were present in her showroom. She frowned until she heard a crash from upstairs and she groaned, what were they getting into now...?

Rarity walked up the stairs and looked about, they weren't in her kitchen, or the sitting room, or her bathroom, thankfully. She groaned again as she heard another crash, of course, it was in her room, the only thing that redeemed that was that it wasn't in her design room. Pushing the door to her room open she saw Pinkie bouncing happily on the bed. "Thank you darlings for your he... Wait, where's Minuette?" She looked about and what she had first mistaken for Minuette was actually a mannequin in a blue dress.

Pinkie grinned as she continued to bounce. "Oh! I defeated her in pitched battle so she had to retreat to gather supplies!"

Rarity blinked. "Suppl... Oh dear." Rarity whirled and galloped to her design room, to find the door open and Minuette tangled up in her measuring tapes and a roll of blue cloth.

Minuette looked up and smiled widely, calling out. "Oh mistress of design your traps have foiled me! Release me and I shall be your loyal servant!" After a few moments of Rarity just staring Minuette tilted her head. "Hey, Rarity? Help a mare out?" Minuette smile widened as Rarity rushed towards forward!... But it failed when she rushed passed Minuette and went to immediately went to the large sketch pad, starting to furiously draw on it and Minuette stared for a few moments before calling. "Pinkie! PINKIE! Help! I'm trapped with a mad designer!"

Rarity didn't even blink at being called mad. Pinkie made her way into the room and started to unwrap the trapped Minuette before both mares walked over to peak at what the white mare was madly designing and ignoring the entire world in the process.

Minuette snickered and nudged Pinkie Pie. "You know it's pretty weird that she started by drawing me naked then when we came over she started adding clothes."

Pinkie blinked at Minuette before grinning wide. "Oh! Yes! I bet she's just hiding something!"

Minuette nodded. "Oh definitely, she's secretly planning to dissect me for science! Oh wait, that'd be Twilight, what do you think her plan is?"

Pinkie snickered at the Twilight joke. "Probably secretly in love with you."

Minuette nodded. "That was my assessment exactly! should I at least ask for flowers before I let her draw me naked again?"

Pinkie Snickered. "Well, I think..."

"Girls please!" The interruption was from Rarity causing both mares to looked at her in surprise. "I'm creating!" The two mares shrugged and turned to start trotting out of the room, grinning at each other, they couldn't tell if their jokes even made it through to Rarity but they were amused by them.

"Sugar Cube Corner?" Pinkie grinned at her own suggestion.

"Of course! Donuts!" Minuette started to gallop out of the boutique with Pinkie Pie following close on her fetlocks.

A New Muse! (May 9th, Thursday evening.)

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Rarity ushered the blue pony she’d invited back into her boutique. ”Thank you so much for coming Minuette. I was very grateful for your and Pinkie’s assistance the other day.”

”Oh no problem Rarity it was loads of fun! Do you need more help? I dunno where Pinkie is but I can certainly set something up on my own!” Minuette looked around as if already planning on how she could make a mess of the boutique this time.

”Oh no darling! Thank you but I already got everything I needed from you the other day. That's actually why invited you over Minuette. I was so inspired by your... Energy I actually designed a dress just for you, if I may?” she motioned up to her own personal living area and Minuette nodded with a wide grin, letting Rarity lead the way upstairs.

Minuette trotted happily into the fashionista’s design room to see a number of half made dresses, though one that had been placed in the middle of the room to draw the obvious attention of everyone entering the room. It certainly drew Minuette’s attention and she instantly trotted over to it to examine it. She ooed over it making Rarity grin as Minuette appreciated the dress. ”This is very nice Rarity!”

The dress was a deep blue, matching Minuette’s mane, half of it at least. The accents matching the silver half of her main. The accompanying jewels were almost the exact same shade as her coat, just enough off to be easily noticed against that said coat. Also, there was the most adorable set of slippers to go along with the dress. Monuette nearly squealed in pleasure she quickly turned to Rarity. ”How much?”

Rarity chortled and shook her head. ”Oh darling it's free, a thank you for being my inspiration for all of these other dresses! Though... I wouldn't mind if you might want to repay me with being a model for me?”

”Deal!” Minuette clapped her hooves together happily bouncing absently in place. ”Can I try it on now?”

”I don't see why not darling.”

Without any need of further prompting Minuette grabbed the dress off the mannequin and proceeded to put it on with such speed Rarity might have suspected time magic might have come into play. Minuette grinned as she trotted around the room in her new dress and slippers grinning widely at Rarity. ”And I can still run around in it! Great!”

Rarity smiled as she watched the other mare hop around in excitement Rarity couldn't help but admire the carefree nature of the mare. She obviously didn't have any concerns about her social standing or what other ponies thought of her. She was just here to have fun. Rarity grinned a little go herself. Minuette was a lot like pinkie except that she toned down Pinkie’s crazier side. Everything she did had a logic to it. Admittedly it was Minuette logic but it was still logic, at least more logic than Pinkie logic.

Rarity examined how exactly the dress looked on Minuette, a few parts needed to have slight alterations, she hadn't actually had Minuette's measurements to work with but she was quite proud of herself for being so accurate. It was excellently draped over Minuette's flank, the looked a bit tight over her barrel though, that'd need to be let out slightly, and the small sleeves halfway down her legs needed to be tightened up slightly, they were meant to be slightly off the leg to allow for free movement but they were just a tad too free. Rarity was proud that the slippers fit perfectly and weren't in the least bit disheveled by the fact that Minuette was jumping around like a cute maniac! Rarity frowned at herself and corrected her thought, like a maniac.

Rarity smiled and waved Minuette over. "I'm glad you like it so much, though there are some alterations that I need to make on it obviously."

Minuette nodded. "Yep, like you think I've very skinny don't you?" She snickered at her own joke.

Rarity gave the blue pony a good-natured roll of her eyes. "I like to try and see everyone in the best light darling."

Minuette gasped in an overdramatic fashion if it had been coming from any of Rarity's close friends she'd have guessed they were mocking her with it. "Are you saying that I'd be better if I was skinnier!?"

Rarity shook her head, chuckling and grinning. "Don't be silly darling, you're perfect just the way you are." Rarity frowned at herself, well, that was... Something normal enough to say to someone else who was having body image issues... Not that she actually thought that Minuette was having those issues but the point stood!

Minuette didn't seem to notice as she undressed, floating the dress back to the mannequin and kicked off the slippers. "Well, you said you wanted a model for the dress? When're we moddeling?" Minuette seemed to be unable to keep herself still when she was excited, circling Rarity as she chattered. "Ooh, are we going to go on the road? Or are we going to do it all here? Ooh! Is..."

"Darling, will you let me answer?"

"Oh, right, sorry." Minuette sat down and grinned at Rarity widely.

Rarity giggled at the excitable girl. "Well, we're still a few weeks away from any spring showing, which is good because I need time to work on more of the dresses and find other models. Minuette nodded. "But I just wanted to show you the dress today, how about I do the alterations on it and you can come back day after tomorrow on Saturday?"

Minuette nodded and got up. "Sure thing Rarity! I'll go see if Pinkie has any spare cupcakes!" Rarity smiled and nodded, showing the other mare out of the boutique. "And you have a real good eye Rarity, that dress was almost perfect without you having any of my measurements."

Rarity smiled and nodded. "Thank you dear, though I must say I've never gotten nearly that close on a first try before."

Minuette giggled as she walked out the door. "Oh, then I must really be stuck in your head!" She snickered to herself and waved at Rarity, trotting off happily after her offhoof joke.

Rarity blinked as she closed the door, thinking back to making the dress... She had been very able to picture Minuette as she made it, the slope of her neck, the curve of her flank, how it would compliment her beautiful mane... "Oh dear..."

Advice Given, Advice Received (”Not The Obvious Answer” crossover.) (May 10th, Friday evening.)

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Applejack looked up as Rarity knocked on the door jam of the open kitchen door before walking in and sitting at the table, quietly watching her friend pace until Applejack couldn't take it anymore. "Did I make a mistake Rares?"

"Well I can't speak for you darling but Coco's absolutely beside herself getting ready for your date..."

"It ain't a date."

"For your -date- later. And I thought you chatted with her about everything? Foals, family and staying in Ponyville wasn't it?"

Applejack frowned at her friend but let that issue drop. "Well Yeah but... those were just the things about havin' any relationship ya know? But Coco specifically... She's just..."

Rarity frowned as her friend stopped talking. What could be bothering her? Coco was the sweetest girl, very pretty, a promising and lucrative career ahead of her, young, an... Oh. "You're not that much older than her Applejack."

"Yeah, I know! And in four years this wouldn't be an issue but right now..."

Rarity shook her head slightly and smiled at her friend. "Do you think Coco's dumb dear?"

"What? No!"

"Do you think she's emotionally unstable?"

"No! Rares what are ya goin' on abo... Oh, I see where ya goin'. Fine, she can make her own choices. But what will other ponies say about it?"

Rarity clicked her tongue at Applejack, causing her to flick an ear in annoyance, she hated when Rarity did that. Some self-satisfied lecture was coming. "You really shouldn't care what others say about you so much Applejack."

Applejack rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Ya one to talk there Rares. Your entire job is about what other people think about ya!"

Rarity scoffed at the rebuttal. "Perhaps but it's not like I am planning on changing my love life based on their opinions!"

"Yeah but you'd change your main color to impress them! Or your entire person! Like for that Trenderhoof!"

"I knew you'd throw that back in my face you...!" Rarity huffed, but then took a deep breathe. "I'm sorry darling I shouldn't have gone off ok you like that."

Applejack took a few deep breathes herself. "Yeah me either. Sorry Rares I'm just nervous is all."

Rarity snickered and looked around like someone might have been eavesdropping. "You think you're a mess? You should see Coco like I said she's excited, but she's also a bit of a wreck of nerves. I didn't dare tell her I was coming here today."

Applejack smiled at the thought. "I can imagine her going through her entire wardrobe she brought like three times trying to find the cutest outfit. Not that she'd need to try."

Rarity grinned at the other mare. "So what are your plans for the date?"

"Well, I'm plannin' on bringing her down to the farm to meet the family."

Rarity just groaned and shook her head. "Darling! You can't just bring her to the farm on the first date!"

Applejack frowned. "But it's important that she meets and gets along with mah family Rares."

"Fine, do that next time. But your first date should be super special not just meeting the family!"

"Family is special!"

"Ugh!" Rarity let her head slam into the table before looking up at Applejack's stubborn frown. "Applejack I'm begging you! Just take my advice for once in your life and do something more special for Coco!"

"Once in my life!? I take you advice regularly Rares! Why ya being such a... Mule right now!?"

Rarity let her head hit the table again, groaning slightly. "I'm sorry Applejack I'm just... Going through something right now."

Applejack nodded and walked over, patting her friend on the back. "Still havin' trouble with yer' spring line?"

Rarity shook her head. ”No that's fine darling. It's something else.”

”Well you know can tell me sugar cube.”

Rarity puffed out her cheeks and shook her head. ”I'm not sure darling it's a bit... Awkward.”

”Rares, we just went over me dating a younger mare and had a rather dramatic argument, is it bigger than that?”

Rarity sighed and nodded. ”Well kind of darling. I... I think I have a crush on Pinkie’s friend Minuette.”


”Oh indeed darling. I mean it's nothing like Coco having a crush on you for a whole and sending you all those letters but... Arg I can't stop thinking about wanting to brush her mane!” Rarity let out an exasperated sigh and looked up to scowl at Applejack upon seeing her grinning from ear to ear. ”I’m glad you find this so amusing Applejack.”

”I'm sorry sugar cube it’s just that you were givin’ me such a hard time about mah letters and now you're obsessing over some blue mare’s mane!”

Rarity stood up quickly. ”Well if you're not going to help and are just going to mock I’ll...!”

Applejack pushed gently against Rarity pushing her back into the chair. ”Sorry Rares. Why not just tell her? She's Twilight’s and Pinkie’s friend so she's gotta be good company.”

Rarity nodded. ”While you're right darling I think it would be better if I just let it be.”

”Really? After manufacturing feelings for that prince, then for Trendymcbigpants just because you thought it was what you should do now you hesitate?”

”That’s why I'm hesitating darling!”

”Ahh, well let me ask ye this Rares. Is Minuette some famous big wig fashionista that'll help yer career?”


”Is she some fancy princess you've imagined marrying to get into a noble family?”

”Ah! I see what you're doing darling, very clever.” Rarity smiled as she stood up and gave her friend a hug. ”Thanks for the advice darling. Though I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it."

”I was only returnin’ the favor there Rares, you helped me settle my mind something awful too.” Applejack walked Rarity to the door and both parted company with a smile and a lightened step. Though they both now had things to think on, one the best first date, and one if she should tell the adorable blue mare her feelings.

Brushie Brushie Brushie (May 11th, Saturday morning.)

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Minuette hummed happily to herself as she sat in her new dress letting Rarity stick pins into it for all the tiny changes that still needed to be made. If she’d have asked Minuette there would have been no question that she was perfectly content with the outcome of the dress, but Rarity insisted that everything be perfect. Minuette wasn't a fan of that style of thought. She preferred to get something done well, but after that, you go and so something fun! No need to get all up in your own head about making it completely perfect. But since Rarity was giving her such a nice dress she could sit still for Rarity to get it to the level that she wanted it. Well, at least mostly still.

”Really darling must you squirm so much?”

”We’ve been sitting here for like... An hour!”

”Darling it's only been thirty minutes.”

”Well that's still a long time!”

”Not a long time for perfection darling. And I'm almost done, five more minutes.” Minuette grumbled but managed to go back to sitting still. Rarity smiled at the back of the other pony. Minuette was a bit impatient but she could sit still when needed. Rarity seriously considered telling the pretty mare about her little crush. Minuette was a bit... On the Pinkie Pie side of the spectrum but that wasn't bad, she did enjoy Pinkie Pie's antics, most of the time. Also she was from Canterlot, obviously of superior breeding. She didn't know what Minuette did for a career though, but if it was something as simple as office work Rarity was more than successful enough to support them both. Minuette could stay home with the foals and... Rarity had to snap herself out of that line of thought, that was well down the line, she hadn't even decided to ask the other mare out for goodness sake. "There, we're all finished up darling."

Minuette grinned widely. "Oh great! Does that mean I can run around again?"

Rarity giggled, Minuette's boundless energy was very endearing Rarity had to admit. "In a moment dear, let me get the dress off of you." Rarity grabbed the dress in her magic, still thinking to herself about Minuette's qualities as a potential suitor. The largest downside is that like Pinkie Pie the girl seemed oblivious to the finer points of courting. She couldn't be sure, she didn't know Minuette well but she didn't seem overly interested in having a relationship. She'd seen a few mares and stallions attempt to break through to the pretty blue mare but got nowhere. Rarity started to tug the dress up over Minuette's head. Really, she wasn't usually one for the frontal assault but she might have to approach the other mare. That really put a crimp in her plans of being the one being wooed, however that aspect of ladyness was dying off, perhaps she could be a pioneer and take the bull by the horns, show the world...

"Hey Rarity."

That a proper lady need not wait for others to approach her and...


That they themselves could choose to claim their part...

"RARITY! It's stuck!"

Rarity blinked and looked at Minuette, with the dress up around her head, and it, indeed, stuck there. "Oh, darling, forgive me! My... Mind wandered." She frowned as Minuette started to giggle. "Darling, this isn't your doing is it?"

Minuette shook her head, causing Rarity to shriek and take a few hurried steps back as a mad dress began to flail wildly as if it was some living creature. "Nope! I'm not doing anything Rarity." Rarity grumbled but took the other ponies word, growling lowly as the giggling continued.

"It's not polite to laugh at other ponies Minuette."

"I'm not... Ok, I'm only kinda laughing at you, it's funny!"

"It is not funny! I've never had a dress betray me so!"

"Your dress is doing exactly what it's supposed to."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"Dang it Minuette! If you don't stop being such a pill I'm just going to leave you here like this!"

Minuette fell silent for a moment before sighing. "Sorry Rarity. You didn't undo the back laces."

Rarity frowned and pulled the dress downs lightly before blushing brightly, apparently, she'd been too caught up in her own thoughts to remember to undo them so the dress could be taken off. After a few moments Rarity did let out a small chuckle, smiling a bit more as she undid them and pulled the dress off of Minuette. "I suppose the dress was doing exactly what it was supposed to do, wasn't it?"

Minuette grinned widely and hopped to her hooves. "There ya go!" She grinned as she rolled onto her back and kicked up into the air before rolling back to her feet. "We have a free Saturday now! Wanna go get a snack? I'm hungry!" Minuette was ignoring one of the most important things that Rarity had zeroed in on, however.

"But darling, your mane is a mess!"

Minuette glanced back and shrugged. "Oh, so it is." She grinned and jumped into a pose like she was about to rush out the door, her front low to the ground with her hindquarters in the air ready to pounce. "So snacks? I'll race ya!"

"But darling! You can't go out like that!"

Minuette frowned but sat up, not jumping out the door. "Why not?"

"People will talk!"

"So? We're just getting snacks."

Rarity cleared her throat absently. "Well... Uh... Darling... It looks... A bit like... Bed mane..."

Minuette tilted her head then burst out laughing, rolling onto her back. "So, so, so, so people will think you and me...?" She burst out with another roil of laughter at all the gossip that might start.

"I'm glad the concept of sleeping with me amuses you so... Darling." Rarity's voice was like a dangerous blade coated in poison, warning even Minuette to tread carefully.

To her credit Minuette managed to get herself under control, standing up and shaking her head. "Sorry Rarity I didn't mean it like that really. Just... People will gossip about anything won't they?"

Rarity sighed and shook her head, slightly chagrined at herself. "Sorry, darling I knew you didn't mean it like that. But do let me fix your mane?" She pulled over a brush from a nearby stand with her magic and Minuette nodded, turning around and sitting in front of the other mare. Rarity brought it up and started to brush it through Minuette's beautiful main. She was so jealous, she wished she had a dual colored mane, they were all the rage currently.

In a sing-song voice, Minuette started to chant, "Brushie brushie brushie."


"Oh, sorry, it's something my mother and I used to sing when she brushed my mane."

"Oh... Well, don't let me stop you darling."

"Brushie brushie brushie." Rarity twitched slightly, maybe she shouldn't have given Minuette the go-ahead on that, her mane was an absolute mess, this would take a few minutes to fix and that... Was not going to stay charming for very long.

First Date Double Date (”Not The Obvious Answer” crossover.) (May 11th, Saturday afternoon.)

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Applejack knocked heavily on the door to Carousel Boutique only to hear a loud crash and a shriek. She barged through the door whirling around to see what trouble might be lurking but she was greeted by a very unexpected sight.

”Stay away from me you beast!” Rarity was galloping pell-mell away from Minuette, followed close on her fetlocks by a giggling Coco. Minuette had a long thin plastic tube couched at her side with her magic. Applejack was simply standing there grinning like an idiot. Not only was this highly amusing she was very happy to see that Coco seemed a bit less high maintenance than her fashionista friend.

She took a few steps into the room and cleared her throat, causing the three mares to cone to a halt. ”I hate to interrupt the fun but we have reservations.” The reactions were all positive, Coco smiled shyly at her and Rarity absolutely beamed at the words. Minuette’s smile, however, was more on the mischievous side.

With a leap over a nearby mannequin, a rather impressive feat, Minuette was at Applejack’s side in a flash. She'd never have pegged Minuette as so athletic. ”Ooh! Where are we going then?”

Applejack shot a worried look at Coco, concerned she’d take the joke poorly. But she’d evidently been around Minuette long enough to know she cracked as many jokes as Pinkie Pie. ”Well Coco an’ me are havin’ dinner at... Uh... That prench place down the way.”

Rarity’s face was stuck somewhere between a disapproving scowl and an approving smile. The venue was perfect for a first date. However, forgetting the name... ”Pâturage De Fleurs darling. It will be an excellent place for you two.”

A further explanation floated out of the kitchen. ”Pasture Of Flowers.” They all looked around and found that at some point in the last five seconds Minuette had made her way into the kitchen.

”How does she do that?” Coco hissed to Rarity.

”I don’t know darling, I think she's distantly related to Pinkie Pie!”

Applejack grinned widely at Rarity who gave a suspicious glare in return. Applejack raised her voice to be more easily heard in the kitchen. ”You speak prench Minuette?”

Rarity narrowed her eyes in annoyance at the other mare. ”Oh yeah, I learned it so I could talk to the head of our order more easily.”

”Uh... Your Order?” Applejack was as confused as Coco looked.

Rarity didn't look so confused, giving an unconcerned shrug. ”Probably some game she and Pinkie play.”

”Oh yeah, the Most Serene Order Of The Knights Of The Invisible Moon.” Minuette trotted out of the kitchen munching on Celestia knew what, only to stop as three pairs of eyes stared at her causing her to slowly come to a halt saying through a mouthful of apparently daisies. ”What?”

”A knight!?” Coco and Applejack exclaimed together.

”You're Luna’s knight!?” Rarity exclaimed.

Minuette took the time to swallow and nodded. ”Yes I am A knight but I'm not Luna’s knight, it was more ceremonial though.” Rarity let a sigh of relief until Minuette added. ”I’m Twilight’s knight now.”

”YOU’RE WHAT!?” Rarity shrieked, staring at Minuette. Applejack’s own question overruled by Rarity’s.

”Well yeah, all the princesses have knights you know.”

Rarity just spluttered and Applejack stepped forward. ”I think what had Rarity so baffled sugar cube is that Twilight never mentioned it.”

”Oh because she’s not a fan. You know the princesses purposed making an order for the elements of harmony but Twilight managed to convince them not to.”

”I... I would have had my own knights?” Rarity asked breathlessly and fell back onto a conveniently placed chaise lounge. ”How could Twilight do this to me!?

Applejack scowled at her overdramatic friend. ”Well I for one appreciate not havin’ no knights.”

Coco simply sat there at a complete loss at what was going on at the moment, but she was curious. ”What do you do Minuette?”

Minuette giggled. ”I lay down my life to defend the princess, her honor, and Equestria! In that order! At least in theory, since Twilight doesn't let me follow her around I've never been in the right position when you all are in danger, so practically nothing.”

Applejack nodded. ”So it’s more ceremonial?”

Minuette nodded. ”Pretty much. Though I can use my position as the head of a knightly order to get access to the princess's whenever I want!”

Luckily Rarity was already laying down so she couldn't collapse backward again. ”Whenever you want!”

Minuette snickered. ”Now don't you two have reservations?”

Applejack sat up straight having forgotten in all the hubbub. ”Oh right! You ready Coco?”

Coco smiled widely and nodded vigorously. ”Oh yes!”

Applejack grinned watching Coco squirm with nervous energy, leaning in Applejack gave her a gentle nuzzle. ”Calm down sugar cube it'll be fine.” Coco nodded, giving her a slightly more confident smiled. ”Good girl.” Applejack stood up and waved a hoof to the other two. ”See you two later.”

Minuette grinned at Applejack. ”Bye! Too bad you didn't tell us earlier, we could have booked two more seats! First date double date! Red date blue date!” Minuette snickered at her own joke. Referencing obscure things like children’s books always amused her.

Applejack’s eyes went wide and her smile widened a little. ”Oh!”

It took a moment too long for Rarity to register Applejack’s tone and her, ”Applejack!” was too late to stop Applejack’s next statement.

”Rares told ya about her crush?” Rarity’s cry unfortunately immediately told Applejack of her mistake. ”Oh horseapples!”

Minuette slowly turned her head to look at the now retreating tail of Rarity up the stairs to her private living quarters in the boutique. ”She sure can move when she wants to.”

Applejack had paled in the time it took Minuette to look back at her. ”I-I should go talk ta her...” She tried to take a step forward only to find herself stuck in place with magic.

”I have a feeling she might be less than keen on seeing you right now Applejack.” Applejack couldn't think of a time she’d seen Minuette look or sound so serious. But then her tone lightened and smiled returned. ”And besides, you two have reservations.”

”But I...”

”I'm sure that Rarity would be even more cross if you cheated her friend out of a nice first date anyhow.”

Applejack looked over at Coco who was trying to look as small as possible. ”Uhh, no that's ok...”

”AND...” Minuette interrupted, drawing a glare from Applejack that Minuette ignored. Though the glare faltered at the grin on Minuette’s face, it was almost... Predatory. ”I think I’d like some alone time with Rarity.”

This statement caused Coco to blush crimson, even Applejack blushed faintly. ”Uh... Coco we should go.” Applejack nudged the younger mare with her nose getting her to move hesitantly.

Coco whispered. ”Is Rarity going to be okay?”

Applejack nodded confidently. ”Yeah, she's a grown mare she can take care of herself. And Minuette would never do anything bad.” Coco nodded and trotted ahead a little more confidently. Applejack trotted after, shaking her head to herself. Now that she had a moment to think she was fairly confident that Rarity had run off on purpose, she did like to be pursued, like a proper lady.

The Talk (May 11th, Saturday evening.)

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Minuette paused for a moment gathering her thoughts. Looking up at the stairs she was going to need to ascend soon enough. Frowning she took a deep breath before letting it out of her nose as a snort. Minuette had to admonish herself a little, she hadn't picked up on Rarity’s feelings at all. Sucking in a large breath she blew it out slowly. She wasn't nervous she was just at a loss of what to do. The obvious answer of ”go up and talk to Rarity” was the next step but Minuette wasn't ready for that step before she had at least done kind of game planning. The answer to the most basic question here. Did she want to date Rarity?

Minuette looked up at the boutique around her. Rarity was a beautiful mare, an extremely successful fashion designer, friends with her princess, very kind and generous, and friends with two of her other friends. However, she was a bit of a drama queen, rather vain, an over obsessed perfectionist, and seemed to have troubles facing her problems head on. Hm... Well, that was certainly an easy comparison to make, wasn't it? Minuette grinned again as she started her way up the stairs. Oh yes... She wanted to date Rarity.

Though after a few minutes of searching Minuette was both impressed and annoyed. She couldn't find the elusive white mare anywhere. She hadn't expected Rarity to literally hide. Minuette might try to lure or threaten her out of her hiding spot, but that would be an unfortunate start to their relationship. Where could Rarity, or more importantly where would she be willing to hide? Minuette considered got another minute before nodding to herself. ”Really Minuette that you didn't figure that out earlier is just sad.” She admonished herself as she turned she searched the rooms again this time her vision alighting on the very well disguised false wall.

”Rarity, come out or -I’m- going to open that door, locked or not.” If it was a proper panic room it was an empty threat, but Minuette had a feeling it was a Rarity panic room something comfortable for her to hide in.

After a few moments, the false wall slid aside and a somewhat bedraggled Rarity walked out, sniffling. ”Wh-What is it Minuette.”

Minuette had to stop herself from laughing at the poor mare. She was seriously reconsidering her connection to the other pony. ”You wanna finish telling me what Applejack started or should I?”

Rarity flushed slightly, very easy to see through her white fur. Self consciously fixing her mane as she sniffled slightly. ”Th-There’s nothing to be added! She spilled the beans thoroughly.”

Minuette grinned as she walked past Rarity, flicking her tail across the other mares nose, grinning as she heard Rarity’s gentle gasp. That was all a bonus really, she wanted a peek at this panic room. Couch, mirror, small freezer, half-eaten vat of ice cream, and beauty products. That was quite a Rarity panic room. ”So, are you upset I found out?”

”... I don't know darling... I hadn't decided what to do yet.” Rarity hesitated before looking back over her shoulder at Minuette examining her panic room, cracking a grin despite herself. ”Jealous?”

Minuette grinned back, happy seeing a bit of the non-drama queen Rarity come out. ”Well, now I do know.” She walked over and gently bumped her flank against Rarity’s as she passed her causing Rarity to flush a little brighter and wonder how Minuette got so good at physical seduction!? ”We could always duel for mating rights.”

Rarity’s eyes widened and she blushed crimson. ”What!?”

Minuette giggled and smiled at Rarity. ”I'm kidding Rarity.” she took a few steps further and leaned in whispering into Rarity’s ears. ”Though if you take too long deciding I might not stay kidding.”

Rarity’s ears twitched as she eyed Minuette as she leaned back down from the whisper. She was certain fairly that was a bluff. But she wasn't completely certain. Ten minutes ago she’d have said it was a complete joke but now. ”You're... Different right now.”

Minuette smiled and raised a hoof running it through Rarity’s mane. ”I'm not always a happy go lucky let’s just have fun mare, Rarity. I can be serious when the time comes.”

Rarity nodded, still a bit nervous as she felt Minuette move her hoof up to rub between Rarity’s ears. ”Well I... Darling this is hardly fair! How are you so good at this!?”

Minuette grinned. ”You don't think you'd be my first marefriend do you?” Minuette removed had hoof from the other pony and stood in front of her. ”There, now you can make your decision uninfluenced.”

Rarity snorted and shook her head, that was untrue, she didn't have a three-second memory. But after a few seconds of hesitation Rarity nodded. ”Yes.”

Though they both knew exactly what she meant Minuette wasn't going to let her off that easy. ”Yes what?”

Sighing exasperatedly Rarity glared at Minuette. ”Really?”

Minuette gave her a sly smile. ”I’d like to hear you say it.”

Rarity flushed a but again she nodded. She could do that, and it actually let her set the tone better... That was a good idea! ”Minuette...” She took a deep breath. ”I’DLIKEYOUTOTAKEMEOUTONADATE!”

Minuette snickered as her horn flared, Rarity didn't notice a difference but Minuette’s slight time slow allowed her to decode that mass of words into a decipherable sentence. Time magic was a great special talent. ”I’d very much like to take you out Rarity.”

”And if I could make a request darling?”

Minuette raised an eyebrow buy nodded. ”Of course, dearheart.”

Rarity flushed at the pet name, she swallowed, why had a simple pet name affected her so...? ”Uh...” She cleared her throat and tried to start again. ”I’d like to see more of serious Minuette...?”

Minuette paused for a moment before leaning in and nuzzling the white, now slightly red mare. ”Only for you dearheart.”

Rarity couldn’t stop grinning widely, this had turned out better than she dreamed. Ok, not quite that but better than she’d dared hope. She'd need to get Applejack something. In a week or so, for now, Rarity wanted her to keep feeling guilty.

The Dinner (May 11th, Saturday night.)

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Rarity flushed when she came down the stairs after Minuette's mandated five minutes of waiting. She hadn't expected... To be frank anything, you couldn't transform a room in five minutes but as she walked into her kitchen she blinked in amazement. There was a fancy table cloth, candles, a fancy spread from... Well, she wasn't sure where it was from as none of it had bags or anything, everything had been put into her own dinnerware. She looked over to see Minuette standing next to the table in her trademark grin, and Rarity couldn't help but smile back. "Darling, how did you do... This?"

Minuette smiled and used her magic to pull out a chair for Rarity. "A knight never reveals her secrets, milady." Rarity couldn't help but giggle, beaming at Minuette as she walked over and sat in the chair, letting Minuette push her chair in. She looked over the spread in front of her. Fine dining indeed, it was all prench food, and the only thing more unlikely that this all was set up in five minutes was that Minuette cooked all this in five minutes. Minuette sat up in the chair across from her.

"Did you ask Applejack to send this over?" Rarity started to serve herself up some of the lighter foods, she didn't want to get a belly now that she had a marefriend after all. She always made sure to make herself look her best, but now she had to be extra conscious of that fact since she had a pretty marefriend to look good for. Minuette seemed to have no similar compunction taking generous helpings of everything in her vicinity and two chocolate souffle's, at first Rarity was annoyed but then she saw that there were six on the table! Why and how did she get her hooves on so many!?

Minuette grinned and shook her head. "Nope, I wouldn't interrupt their date with having them order something else for us! Silly filly."

Rarity rolled her eyes at her marefriend. "If I'm going to have a pet name I much prefer dearheart to silly filly please."

Minuette smiled a bit wider. "Oh I would never downplay such a noble personage as yourself with such a demeaning pet name."

Rarity smiled a bit as well. "Cute, but I would be more interested in speaking to serious Minuette over our first dinner date please?"

Minuette raised an eyebrow. "You were speaking to serious Minuette. I wouldn't dream of demeaning your beautiful self with such a lowly nickname."

Rarity blushed a bit. "Minuette! You need to... I just... Dang it Minuette! How many marefriends have you had!?"

Minuette leaned back in her chair, happily eating her souffle. "Enough to know that I'm one smooth operator."

Rarity snickered a little and shook her head. "I see there's also confident Minuette. How many more girls are you hiding in there?"

Minuette grinned. "Dozens. Quite a few you'd probably like to meet."

Rarity was not entirely positive that Minuette wasn't being literal in her description, but odds were she wasn't. "Oh, like who my dearest?"

Minuette finished off her first souffle then started to levitate fries up to track her list. "Girly Minuette, quiet Minuette, athletic Minuette, knightly Minuette, masseuse Minuette..."


"You've never had one of my massages, they are pretty amazing."

Rarity giggled and nodded. "Any others?"

"Oh tons, bookish Minuette, romance Minuette, flirty Minuette," Rarity couldn't help but blush faintly at that one, only for her blush to get far brighter moments later, "seductress Minuette... Lusty Minuette..." Minuette trailed off, making purposeful eye contact with Rarity.

Rarity could only hold eye contact for a few moments before having to look away. "Goodness Minuette! Are you being seductive Minuette already or are you usually this good at this?"

Minuette giggled. "No, I'm just that smooth, like I told you." She tilted her head and surveyed Rarity. "Can I ask a personal question?"

"Of course darling."

"You've never actually had a marefriend have you?"

Rarity sputtered indignantly. "What? I... Well... Of course...! I-I mean... Not officially but... But I've had plenty of interest!"

Minuette smiled as she started to eat her second souffle, having finished off the rest of her meal while Rarity was busy picking at her food. "Of course you have, but only Minuette measured up to your standards."

"Oh don't start referring to yourself in the third person!"

"Oh, sorry, that was Trixie Minuette getting out for a second." That comment caused them both to start to giggle.

"Though seriously darling, how did you get all this food?"

Minuette shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, I just knew that Pâturage De Fleurs would be busy during the dinner rush so I made a deal with their head cook, they'd make me this food in exchange for a little time magic, they get all caught up, relieves a bunch of stress on their staff, and we get food. Also one other small thing."

Rarity was agape. "Time magic!?"

Minuette raised an eyebrow. "It's my special talent dearheart, did you think this hourglass was because I could time things well?"

"But... But... But Twilight said that time magic is dangerous!"

"Oh psh, only if you try to change the past. Freezing time in a bubble is not dangerous to anyone. Though it is very demanding on one's energy supplies."

Rarity was still a bit... Non-plussed by Minuette's blase opinion of time magic, but she supposed that since it was her special talent she'd be the authority on the topic. "What was the other thing?" Minuette just grinned and after a few moments, Rarity realized she wasn't getting an answer. "Fine. Keep your secrets secretive Minuette." Minuette smiled a bit wider at their ongoing joke. "So, you used up a lot of energy? Is that how you eat all those donuts and chocolate souffle? I take one is for me and five are for you then?"

"Well, if you only want one, but you're welcome to two."

Rarity shook her head. "I can't burn calories with magic so easily darling."

"Ahh." Minuette got up and took her plate over to the sink.

"Well, I'll be fascinated with watching a single pony eating five chocolate souffle." Rarity giggled, it was a novel idea, though without the explanation of how much energy time magic took she would also be slightly horrified.

Minuette grinned and took the perfect chance to trot over to the door, Rarity couldn't have set the timing up better if she had been trying. "Oh those three aren't just for me, I also got you a present let me go get it."

"Oh, well that's perfectly splendid of you darling! But what about the extra souffle?"

Minuette smiled and started out the door, answering over her shoulder. "Oh, they're for us, later tonight."

Rarity blinked, her mind taking a moment to process when her eyes flew wide and she blushed crimson. "Minuette!?" The other mare had already closed the door behind her. "MINUETTE! What did that mean!?"

The Night (May 11th, Saturday night.)

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Rarity blushed as she combed her mane with the beautiful new set of brushes that Minuette had gotten her. Truly treasures, she wasn't sure when Minuette had found the time to go out and... Oh right, time magic. That unicorn was pretty, intriguing, highly intelligent, smooth as the day is long and also absolutely terrifying. She wasn't sure what Minuette could pull off with time magic but there was a reason that Twilight spoke so cautiously of the practice, she was just glad that Minuette was on their side. Rarity looked up in the mirror and smiled at the other unicorn, laid out on Rarity's bed watching her groom herself. "Minuette dear, I'm glad you got me these, but it's a little odd to be watched while I brush my mane."

Minuette grinned. "Ahh! Gotcha!" Rarity felt the brush being taken out of her magic, but it didn't stop brushing her mane, it continued, but now under the control of Minuette. Rarity blushed a little brighter.

"Not what I meant darling."

"Oh I assume, but I wanted to brush your mane too, you can't keep that all to yourself."

Rarity giggled a bit, she wasn't going to complain about getting attention. She loved the amount of attention she was getting from Minuette, Rarity hadn't thought that such a seemingly silly pony had so many facets to her, or would be such an... Attractive mate in her eyes. She smiled as she left the mirror, Minuette kept brushing as Rarity walked over and climbed up onto the bed with the other pony, smiling at her date for the evening. "I was wondering if you could tell me something about the future Minuette."

Minuette's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Oh no Rarity, that's a bad idea, a very bad idea. It's not at all reliable and from what I've seen people start to obsess over what they've seen. Better let it play out without knowing what's coming dearheart."

Rarity giggled, smiling a bit wider than was proper but that was genuinely amusing, and she hadn't thought of how that question might come off to someone with time powers. "No, no Minuette. Not through time magic or anything, it was a more your opinion or plans thing."

"Oh, then shoot."

"Will there be a second date?"

At that Minuette grinned widely and leaned in, letting the brush float off and return to the vanity of her mare companion. "Oh, that's your question is it?" She smiled and got up on her hooves, but stayed low to the bed so she could inch forward without dragging the blankets with her, leaning further in and causing Rarity to have to scoot back a little, and then Minuette lunged! Rarity let out aloud meep before calming down as she felt warm lips press against her cheek before Minuette pulled back smiling at the other pony. "I certainly would like there to be plenty more, that is if you're interested Rarity."

Rarity couldn't help but giggle at that, but she shook her head. "Minuette, that was just creepy."

Minuette rolled onto her back, grinning. "Good! You met creepy Minuette!"

Rarity shook her head with a grin. "Goodness, well I have to agree to more dates just to meet all of you don't I?"

Minuette grinned. "I knew my many dashing selves would serve a purpose someday!"

Rarity giggled and kissed Minuette on the cheek as she looked out the window. "Though I am getting a little concerned about Coco, she is out rather late. Not that Applejack would ever do anything." She giggled. "That girl probably won't kiss her on the lips for the first ten dates. Maybe not until their wedding."

Minuette raised an eyebrow. "Wow, she is traditional, isn't she? I'm surprised she's into mares."

Rarity shook her head, frowning a little at Minuette. "There's having traditional values about relationships being important and taking the physical slow, and then there's and older times when progenerating the species was more important."

Minuette raised her hooves. "Sorry, sorry, I wasn't trying to be insulting."

Rarity smiled. "I know, just don't bring that up to Applejack, she will take it poorly."

"Sure thing dearheart, though I should ask, what's your opinion on it such?"

Rarity blushed gently. "Well, I'm more progressive personally. I... Uh... Don't believe that one need to restrain themselves from such things if they do feel close to the other pony."

Minuette nodded sagely before deploying one of the most wicked grins that Rarity had seen on her as of yet and suddenly Minuette had a cup of hot tea?... Rarity rolled her eyes. Time magic. "Ahh, I'm guessing you were very close with Fleur Des Lis." And after that statement, Minuette took a victorious sip as she grinned at Rarity, who flushed crimson.

"I-I! Well... I... I was younger and she was so fashionable! I was in Canterlot my first time and she came in for a fitting! She complimented my mane and said how pretty I was and I... I... I..."

Minuette put her tea aside and scooted over, pulling Rarity close to her. "Shh, no need to explain there dearheart. I wasn't judging you, only teasing."

Rarity grumbled but nuzzled up against the other mare. "That was mean."

Minuette smiled, pretending to think. "I could tell you where Coco is."

"You can!? Oh, that would be very appreciated."

"She's at Applejacks."


"Well, I bought them dinner and politely asked that they not bring Coco back to the boutique."

"What? Why... When..." Rarity had to remind herself 'when' was a bit of a non-issue to Minuette. "Why would you do that darling?"

"Well we were just talking about how Applejack might take it, and I didn't want to give the timid young lady a heart attack when they saw what we were doing with the chocolate souffle."

Rarity raised her eyebrow. "Wh..." Before she blushed crimson, realizing exactly what Minuette meant and turning as the door open, only to see Minuette floating the three remaining servings of chocolate souffle through the door. "D-Darling!"

Minuette grinned with a single raised eyebrow. "Is that a no Rarity...?" Blushing brightly Rarity shook her head. "Good."