• Published 12th May 2019
  • 632 Views, 5 Comments

Time For Fashion! - Jhoira

Rarity finds a new model for a dress, and then-some.

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A New Muse! (May 9th, Thursday evening.)

Rarity ushered the blue pony she’d invited back into her boutique. ”Thank you so much for coming Minuette. I was very grateful for your and Pinkie’s assistance the other day.”

”Oh no problem Rarity it was loads of fun! Do you need more help? I dunno where Pinkie is but I can certainly set something up on my own!” Minuette looked around as if already planning on how she could make a mess of the boutique this time.

”Oh no darling! Thank you but I already got everything I needed from you the other day. That's actually why invited you over Minuette. I was so inspired by your... Energy I actually designed a dress just for you, if I may?” she motioned up to her own personal living area and Minuette nodded with a wide grin, letting Rarity lead the way upstairs.

Minuette trotted happily into the fashionista’s design room to see a number of half made dresses, though one that had been placed in the middle of the room to draw the obvious attention of everyone entering the room. It certainly drew Minuette’s attention and she instantly trotted over to it to examine it. She ooed over it making Rarity grin as Minuette appreciated the dress. ”This is very nice Rarity!”

The dress was a deep blue, matching Minuette’s mane, half of it at least. The accents matching the silver half of her main. The accompanying jewels were almost the exact same shade as her coat, just enough off to be easily noticed against that said coat. Also, there was the most adorable set of slippers to go along with the dress. Monuette nearly squealed in pleasure she quickly turned to Rarity. ”How much?”

Rarity chortled and shook her head. ”Oh darling it's free, a thank you for being my inspiration for all of these other dresses! Though... I wouldn't mind if you might want to repay me with being a model for me?”

”Deal!” Minuette clapped her hooves together happily bouncing absently in place. ”Can I try it on now?”

”I don't see why not darling.”

Without any need of further prompting Minuette grabbed the dress off the mannequin and proceeded to put it on with such speed Rarity might have suspected time magic might have come into play. Minuette grinned as she trotted around the room in her new dress and slippers grinning widely at Rarity. ”And I can still run around in it! Great!”

Rarity smiled as she watched the other mare hop around in excitement Rarity couldn't help but admire the carefree nature of the mare. She obviously didn't have any concerns about her social standing or what other ponies thought of her. She was just here to have fun. Rarity grinned a little go herself. Minuette was a lot like pinkie except that she toned down Pinkie’s crazier side. Everything she did had a logic to it. Admittedly it was Minuette logic but it was still logic, at least more logic than Pinkie logic.

Rarity examined how exactly the dress looked on Minuette, a few parts needed to have slight alterations, she hadn't actually had Minuette's measurements to work with but she was quite proud of herself for being so accurate. It was excellently draped over Minuette's flank, the looked a bit tight over her barrel though, that'd need to be let out slightly, and the small sleeves halfway down her legs needed to be tightened up slightly, they were meant to be slightly off the leg to allow for free movement but they were just a tad too free. Rarity was proud that the slippers fit perfectly and weren't in the least bit disheveled by the fact that Minuette was jumping around like a cute maniac! Rarity frowned at herself and corrected her thought, like a maniac.

Rarity smiled and waved Minuette over. "I'm glad you like it so much, though there are some alterations that I need to make on it obviously."

Minuette nodded. "Yep, like you think I've very skinny don't you?" She snickered at her own joke.

Rarity gave the blue pony a good-natured roll of her eyes. "I like to try and see everyone in the best light darling."

Minuette gasped in an overdramatic fashion if it had been coming from any of Rarity's close friends she'd have guessed they were mocking her with it. "Are you saying that I'd be better if I was skinnier!?"

Rarity shook her head, chuckling and grinning. "Don't be silly darling, you're perfect just the way you are." Rarity frowned at herself, well, that was... Something normal enough to say to someone else who was having body image issues... Not that she actually thought that Minuette was having those issues but the point stood!

Minuette didn't seem to notice as she undressed, floating the dress back to the mannequin and kicked off the slippers. "Well, you said you wanted a model for the dress? When're we moddeling?" Minuette seemed to be unable to keep herself still when she was excited, circling Rarity as she chattered. "Ooh, are we going to go on the road? Or are we going to do it all here? Ooh! Is..."

"Darling, will you let me answer?"

"Oh, right, sorry." Minuette sat down and grinned at Rarity widely.

Rarity giggled at the excitable girl. "Well, we're still a few weeks away from any spring showing, which is good because I need time to work on more of the dresses and find other models. Minuette nodded. "But I just wanted to show you the dress today, how about I do the alterations on it and you can come back day after tomorrow on Saturday?"

Minuette nodded and got up. "Sure thing Rarity! I'll go see if Pinkie has any spare cupcakes!" Rarity smiled and nodded, showing the other mare out of the boutique. "And you have a real good eye Rarity, that dress was almost perfect without you having any of my measurements."

Rarity smiled and nodded. "Thank you dear, though I must say I've never gotten nearly that close on a first try before."

Minuette giggled as she walked out the door. "Oh, then I must really be stuck in your head!" She snickered to herself and waved at Rarity, trotting off happily after her offhoof joke.

Rarity blinked as she closed the door, thinking back to making the dress... She had been very able to picture Minuette as she made it, the slope of her neck, the curve of her flank, how it would compliment her beautiful mane... "Oh dear..."