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Dashite forever!

Comments ( 126 )

Well, that was monumentally disturbing. Certainly sets the tone for the story though, and I'm definitely getting Kiva and Kikai flashbacks already... Very nice work, I have to say.

9613648 Never thought I'd actually take "monumentally disturbing" as a compliment, but here we are. I mean, that was the intention, its not some happy series with sunshine and rainbows, so the fact that you called it monumentally disturbing means I did my job right. yay.


Heh, of course you'd use that picture. 👍 (See, I have to return the thumbs up!)

But yeah, this is definitely not going to be a happy story. No matter, if giving me flashbacks to Fallout Equestria and expanding upon Kikai's idea in a sense is a necessary evil, so be it.

9613670 Yeah, this should certainly be interesting going down the line. Ah the joys of a hive mind, even a fairly limited one.

Because I can, and because I'm a nerd...

(Wrong type, I know but... Only so many Hive Mind videos I can find out there.)

Not gonna lie, some of my favorite chapters in your Kamen Rider stories are the crossover chapters. Looking forward to some possible ones for this. (hint hint, nudge nudge)

In all seriousness, This was a wonderfully dark introduction, and has made me infinitely curious as to how this will play out.

9613839 That would be a fun crossover, not even sure how that would work honestly but hey if we can, sure. But yeah, this is a dark opening and this is going to be far from a cheerful story.

I greatly anticipate Chrysalis getting Rider Kicked.


Yeah, I'd have to agree, I'm not even sure how I could do a crossover with this one. It'd require some thinking, and a lot of Decade binge-watching I suspect. But yeah, Ruin gave me some future plot details and let's say they leave me shuddering given Kabuto was another inspiration for this story from what she tells me.

9613874 Not gonna happen for a while, but I promise she will get Rider Kicked.

9613902 Well I'm not against the idea, but we'd just have to figure out how to make it work.

Hmm... the sun sounds appetizing. She could join Phoenix up there. Charbroiled bug anyone?

So sets in the Blade part of the story... God above, I think I'm going to be sick. This... this just eclipsed any of your stories in pure fright.

Rain... No, I can't even call her that anymore. She needs to die.

They headed into the house and quickly started looking around. It wasn’t long before they heard a voice coming from upstairs. Upstairs an old Pegasus mare with faded orange fur and a greying purple mane was staring down a wicked looking Changeling. The tall insectoid mare had a blue carapace and a darker rainbow colored mane.

No. Nonononono! DON'T DO IT YOU MONSTER!

“Scootaloo, Jasper, thank Celestia!” A mare with a white coat and a faded pink and purple mane said as she hugged Scootaloo and Jasper tightly. “We heard something had happened and we expected the worst.”

I'm going with this one being Sweetie Belle?

“Welcome ta tha best-kept secret in tha Safe Zone,” another mare said as an Earth Pony mare with a faded yellow coat and a greying red mane walked into view. “This is where we keep an eye on everythin’ around tha perimeter of Ponyville. If tha Changelings set so much as a hole filled hoof past it we know.”

Hey! The gang's all here! CMC represent!

“So… it may still work for them,” Sea Spray said with a fearful look on her face. “So, what do we do? We don’t know where the Elements are and the Changelings haven’t even tried to use them, have they?”

Hmmmm.... I have a feeling that the Elements and Scarab might have a bigger connection than you're telling. Whether I'm right or wrong, please don't tell.

Also, Solar Wind and Moonbeam, Chrysalis' personal enforcers and most likely bodyguards.... Not that subtle, huh?

My only experience with Kamen Rider is through the crossover stories on this site, so I don't exactly understand what's so terrifying about Blade.

Trust me, you will. I'll try to avoid spoilers here, but there's a reason Kenzaki has possibly the most horrific fate amongst KR leads. Let me just say that.

Also.....I'm getting Faiz vibes from this. ....then again, I recently watched reviews for Faiz and Paradise Lost.

That must mean everyone should fail to communicate when they should by rule of common sense!

9617560 I am, kind of drawing on the darker aspects of Kamen Rider for this story. I'm gonna try and be less dark next chapter.

Twilight’s eyes fluttered open. She blinked in confusion as she looked around, she was in some strange place that looked more like an insect hive than anything else. It took her a moment to realize that there was a face staring back at her, the familiar face of Queen Chrysalis.

Ah yes, a wonderful first sight. Almost as nice as gazing into the eternal abyss of damnation, or in other words Michael Bay's TMNT.

“What the… what are you doing here? How did you capture me?” Twilight said as she struggled against her bonds. She couldn’t even use her magic right now, something was suppressing it as she tried to escape.

Better ask for the safeword sooner rather than later.

“Why my dear Twilight, you’ve been in my grasp for quite a while,” Chrysalis said as she stroked the Unicorn’s face gently. “I found you and your friends a few weeks ago. You have been asleep for a long time.”

"Oh no, we really shouldn't have had that party in the Everfree Forest, especially not with so much booze."

“Why are you holding me here?”

"Well, I always found you attractive and since you can't run away now..."

“What have you done to them?” Twilight demanded.

"Oh, just had a little fun..." :heart:

“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough,” Rarity said with a giggle as she gave Chrysalis a nod. “Let us show this Pony the true joys of the Hive, your Majesty.”

You are making this way too easy Rach.

“With pleasure,” Chrysalis said as she leaned in and whispered into her ear. “You will come to understand. I didn’t have to force this on any of them, all come to understand the beauty of the Hive. You will too in time.”

"Now, where were my toys again?"

Twilight was curled up into the fetal position in the cocoon. She could feel the green Changeling slime permeating her body. She could feel it starting to enter her wherever it could, she could already feel the transformation starting but she fought it as best she could.

Is this Vore?

“Imagine, being able to take whatever form you wish…” The voice said. “Being a Princess means you will live so much longer than you would before. You will get to spend lifetimes with your friends. You get to bring more new friends into the fold as well, sharing the glories of friendship in ways never before done.”

Oh, which innuendo to chose? Which one to chose?

Oh, I know.

"You get to bring new friends into the fold?"

"So, like an orgy?"

Togetherness, convert, feed… feed, feed, FEED!


Ok, stop you right there. I'm not comfortable going this far just yet.

“We will, soon enough,” the voice said, she now recognized it as Chrysalis. As the voice of her Queen. “Leave your cocoon child, your sisters are waiting for you. We want you out here in the light so that we may work together.”

At this point, I'm convinced you are doing this on purpose.

“Yes my dear Student, we have disturbing news,” Celestia said as she eyed Dusk worriedly for a moment. “There are new reports of Changelings appearing across Equestria. They’ve even been grabbing ponies, but they seem to release them not long after.”

Oh, I'm sure they are just out for quickies.

“Oh, she’ll be waking up soon enough,” Chrysalis said as she leaned in close to Celestia. “She was so easy to overpower. She’ll soon be ready just like you will be.”

"Who knew she had a thing for you Sun Butt?"

“Your city is surrounded, and most of you will be brought to the newly constructed conversion camps,”

"After a bit of fun of course. Wouldn't want our victory to be boring and dry after all."

Joy Buzzer

“What is the will of the Hive?”

"A good victory party. Prepare the prisoners!"

At least that’s what they claimed. The Changelings came in as often as they could in order to gather love from the Ponies. Others took away ponies to keep the population from growing too large, the Safe Zone was not as safe as they claimed, but most ponies were able to stay safe.

And of course the occasional "Pleasure Raid"

“Bright? Are you here?” She asked as she looked scared for a moment. Bright had been a stallion she had come across during a raid. She was surprised that the stallion wasn’t scared of her, and she left him a pony mostly out of curiosity and to feed on his love.

Like I said, "Pleasure Raid".

“SILENCE!” Chrysalis snapped. “You know the law of the Hive. The only reason I am not banishing you is because of your service. You are fortunate that I am not going to remove your “love” completely.”

How? Seal shut her la... On second thought, I don't wanna know.

I think you just ruined any nightmarish prospects Ruin set out with for this story in just several lines.

I know and I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.

...I will now be examining every Chrysalis line from this point forward to see how I could make innuendo out of it.

Well, Changelings are MLP's version of the Succubus and Incubus myths...

Nice. The reveal I'm most looking forward to is the one around Solar Wind and Moonbeam. I'm excited to see the looks of despair and hopelessness on the ponies' faces...:pinkiecrazy:

9636695 Not saying that you’re right, but if you are they did know they fell a long time ago.

Oh yeah! Not sure if it was addressed in an earlier chapter, but what happened to Discord?

"Fell" can imply more than one thing though...

9636704 He’s currently stoned off his butt.

...What I'm interpreting from that is there's a possibility, no matter how remote or small, that he could play a part in events?

9636722 Was just a funny way to say he’s still a statue, but yes there is.

Oh, that isn't going to be a pretty sight... Oooh boy.

So Scarab's first kill... Yeah, going to want to hug her soon.

One thing I have to question, why don't the Changelings send more than one Combat Drone down at a time? Yes, they have Drivers which means a Rider war of sorts is coming, but... Not like they have a budget to worry about. They could easily send down more than one to deal with the rogue Driver, who by and by I really like. Reminds me of a mix of Alfred and Ankh really...

9636747 It’s quite simple actually. Usually one Drone with a combat form would be enough to overpower a pony. They grossly overestimated their ability and underestimated her and her bond with Scarab.

Ah, I see. But now, things should be very interesting given that they know what Scarab can do...

"Tch, no, I got poked and prodded all the time while I was there," Scarab said. "I was excited to be the first one out of the lab and work for the Princesses. I guess you'll have to do."

"Yeah, that makes me feel so much better," Sea said with a roll of her eyes. "Why do the Changelings even need you and the Driver anyway? It's not like we can do much against Changelings on their own if they actually tried to do something."

"No, but there are always others who will try," Scarab answered. "Shortly after the takeover, the Crystal Empire returned with King Sombra. That was only one threat that the Hive has had to face over the years while Ponykind has lived in relative safety. There will always be those who want to attack Equestria. The Hive Warriors were made to actually protect the Changelings more than anything else."

I ship it.

"Well, you can't exactly expect them to broadcast their intentions," Scarab pointed out. "Changelings aren't always going to just walk up to you and try and steal your Driver you know. You got lucky last time, and I wouldn't expect it to happen regularly. "

I would pay to actually see that happen. And the Changeling dumb enough to try.

"Oh, we'll let you go indeed, as soon as you become one of my soldiers," Prism said with a fanged grin as her horn started to glow and the cocoon formed around Sea. "You know you want it. You've always known deep down that it is your destiny to become one with the Hive."

Sea tried to scream but no sound came out as she was flooded with liquids. The last thing she saw as the cocoon closed up was Prism's smiling face. The Princess blew her a kiss as it closed up and she was encased in the green fluids.

"Come, sister... you know you want this..." the voices echoed around her. "You want to be a Changeling. You want to serve your Princess and to be part of the warmth and love of the Hive."

"No, I don't!" Sea cried out as she tried to break out of the cocoon with her hooves. "I'm not a Changeling, I'll never be a Changeling! I'm not one of you!"

"Oh... but you will be my child, you see... it is already too late," the voices echoed in her mind. "You are already one of us, you just don't know it yet."

Fucking god...

(And nor are you helping Layton in providing shortage of material... Sorry, had to make that given how... disturbing that scene actually is. Fuck you Prism.)

A Unicorn Stallion now stood there in front of the two with a lavender coat and a dark purple mane. He had a cutie mark of a scarab and the familiar shape of the mechanical insect was attached to his neck.

Uh-huh, that's not a unique color scheme or anything. Even if it's a throwaway line, I'm feeling better about my theory that the Magic of the Elements was used in the creation of Scarab and the Hive Drivers after this little thing.

Nice chapter.

9656757 Really it just goes with his color scheme in insect form but... yeah, that could make sense. I'm not gonna say either way, but its certainly an interesting theory.

"What do you mean?" Lime asked, suddenly more scared than ever. "What about this will put my town at risk?"

"You're a Changeling, Changelings seek out the hive," Scarlet answered. "And eventually, that instinct will become too strong for you to overcome. You may hurt your friends and family as a result, or if they find out they will throw you out or worse. Please Lime, we just want you with the Hive where you belong. It's what's best for everyone."

Hajime can empathize.

...Should we call the Black Joker into this universe to clean things up a little?

"Get out of this town and never come back," Sea said as she brushed herself off. "I'm not going to have more blood on my hands than necessary. I can finish you off here, but I'm not going to. Get out of Appletown, or I will make sure you regret not leaving."

Run away Scar(Let). Run away, and never return...

But seriously, I like her. She's a Changeling, yes, but she seems like a perfectly reasonable sort. Even saved Lime's life.

"Ah... I see you must be Elusive then," a feminine voice said happily. "You have such a lovely mind. What can I do for you? What is your greatest wish?"

"I..." Elusive said and paused a moment. "I want to create, I want to be able to make beautiful things and give them to the world. That's my greatest wish right now, the Hive could do so much more with what we have."

"Then your wishes shall be granted," the insect said as it started to glow with magical energy.

Corrupted Generosity. Oh, so we're going here again eh?

As the familiar armor formed over Sea Spray, she looked at Elusive expectantly.

Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,
Natromo faan tornek wot ur.
Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
Taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur!

Back in the lab in the Resistance base, Tinker had gotten back to work on the Guardian Driver. Ever since she had found out about what was happening to Sea Spray, she had felt like it was necessary to get this done even more.

As she worked on connecting the conduits of the magitek system, she testingly applied some of her own magic to it. The Driver was made to work on pony magic similar to how the Change Driver worked on Changeling magic.

Finally, sparks of magical energy flew between the connecting wires as she finished. A gold and white stone started to shine with an unnatural energy through the wires and she smiled.

It was done.

...Okay, now this is interesting... Secondary Rider perhaps?

“We certainly have a nice batch of future Drones here,”

Just have to apply the latex and the buttplugs and they are ready!

a Changeling said with a hiss as he walked past the cages of ponies that they had gathered.

"Shame none of them are dancing. I miss the cage dances in the hive!"

"You’d think they would get the message by now."

"Or they have gotten it and are just too eager to join our... escapades."

The ponies in the cages looked defeated for a moment as they looked down at their hooves. They knew what fate awaited anyone that was captured by the Changelings.

Yes, sex, sex and more sex and worst of all, hugs!

“In Ponyville? That’s a laugh,” the second one said. “Their guards are good sure, but she can just sneak in without much problem. They don’t have much in the way of defenses against us.”

"Why would she need the Penetrator 3000 for that anyway?"

I keep feeling like one of them might try and pull something if they knew what it was.

"Don't be ridiculous, you would like it anyway."

“Well, no…” Sea Spray said nervously. “But I don’t…”

"Ok, listen, I heard they have that great healthcare plan and... Ok, it's the sex, I heard it's supposed to be super good! I kinda want to try it."

"You know, maybe it's one of their sex-toy-"

"I'm on it!"

“Then try it or we’ll both be eating love in no time,”

You won't be just eating love...

“Okay, let’s see if I can figure this out.”

"Do I have to shove it in my ass or, how does this work. what even is this? Strange sextoy!"

She stared at the strange thing, it resembled a beetle that was covered in purple and pink markings.

"Ah, now I get it! You are supposed to go in there! Nice!"

“What is your wish? I will grant it,” it said.

"Well, if you already have to ask-"


"Ok, ok, fine, we can do this later."

“Yeah, I mean, a pony must be weird,”

"No, by a pervert that could rival Chrysalis! The being a pony is just the cheery on top of it!"


"Wait, I'm pregnant?"

“Yeah, but how is this supposed to…” Sea Spray said as she grabbed the bars on the door to steady herself and pulled them right out of their sockets. “Oh, that’s how.”

"What other functions do you have? I heard of those double penet-"

"I don't want to hear it!"

“Uh-oh, Princess Prism is gonna be pissed,” the second Changeling from before said as he realized where the armor had come from. “Hey, maybe we should just cut our losses here.”

"And spend a year in chastity? I rather die!"

“Screw orders, I’m going to break you and then make you watch as I turn your friends into my loyal Hivemates!”

"And after that, my sex slaves!"

“Right…” Sea said as she held her hooves together. She was surprised when her armored hooves started to glow brightly and two tonfas appeared in them.

"Uh, you think I could stuff these two into my-"


“Such a shame you’d have made a fine Soldier Drone.”

"Well, after I fucked the resistance out of you."

"Oh, we could do that later, as long as it doesn't involve my friends."

“No, she is not.”

"I heard she has vibrating chastity belts... I hate my life."

“Right,” Sea Spray said with a sigh. “I don’t like this. It feels like we’re just waiting for the other horseshoe to drop. I’m scared, Jasper…”

"And I missed out on all the sex. But if you didn't want to, guess there was no other way."

“Rainbow… what are you doing here?” The old mare demanded. “You and the other Princesses never dared to come here personally before.”

Wait, she didn't take her as a plaything? I'm disappointed! And kinda heartbroken...

Soon you too will join the Harmony that is the Hive, Scootaloo.

"Oh, now you decide to convert me? After all these years? You can shove it Rainbow! You lost your chance!"

You’ll regain your youth and get to live a lot longer if you submit. Imagine it imagine if we could get Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom into it too. You will become royalty just like us, the Queen has willed it.

"I said no! You made your choice years ago! I will not! You abandoned me and now you come crawling back? Buck off and fuck one of your pets you like so much!"

“What the… how’d you use the Change Driver?” Prism said as she bore her fangs at Sea Spray. “Ponies can’t use it!”

"Away from her! She doesn't want to play! Look for someone who actually wants to play with you. Only the lowest of the low dare to do this to unwilling ponys! Never heard of consent! I would be up though after I beat you green and blue."

“You’ve got spunk, pony,” Prism said with a wicked grin. “You will make a fine addition to the Hive. If you come willingly, I may spare this town the conversion camps.”

"Apparently you don't know the word. You are following the wrong path to perversion! I will show you the right path towards the climax!"

“Now… I’ll take what is mine and make you part of the Hive,” Prism said as she walked closer to Sea Spray. “First you, and then your friends and Scootaloo. You will love being part of the Hive, forever…”

"While that would sound lovely, it really does, they don't want that and as long as that is the case I won't stop fighting you!"

“That’s a Driver…” Scootaloo said as she eyed the belt. “Where did you two find this?”

"So, it's not a sex toy? Lame!"

“Your impetuousness has gotten you into trouble more than once, Princess Prism,” Chrysalis said as she eyed the rainbow-maned Princess. “You should know by now that I do not do things without reason. Now, the others will be here shortly so sit in your seat and be quiet.”

"Or do you want to visit the dungeon after our meeting? I have time, a lot of time!"

“You called for us your Majesty?”

"I thought the montly 'party' was in a week?"

Elusive, Crab Apple, what is the progress on the love project?

"We are currently testing prototype H.O.N.E.Y. It looks promising."

“We’re going to find this mare and welcome her into the Hive,”

"With enough latex, gags, and toys she will learn. Oh, she will learn."

“Yes, your Majesty?”

"Do you require our services? Should we get the lube?"

“Changelings are adaptive, they could’ve figured out how to work around the field,”

"Or they could have bribed a guard."

If tha Changelings set so much as a hole filled hoof past it we know.

"Apparently not," Jasper returned.


“You want to let these lesser ponies poke and prod at me?”

Oh, here it is ok? But when Light Bulb askes one time? Damn double standards!

“They’re not worthy of that honor. Only Princess Dusk Shadow and her aides are allowed to study me.”

"Well, I could study you..."

"Never mind, they may do as they please!"

“Fine, but they better not expect me to talk to them,” the Scarab said with a sound that if she didn’t know better, Sea would suspect was a snort. “Crazy ponies would be better off just surrendering.”

"And you would be better of up my ass, but we don't always get what we want."

“It was hardly necessary for her to send one of her enforcers for such a simple mission,” Prism said.

"If I'm of no use to you this way, I always am capable of providing more, pleasuring services."

"Nah, not now, maybe later."

“If you have something to say then you should say it before your Princess.”

"May I fuck you Princess?"

"Well, aren't you an eager one. Well, I think I have an idea..."

“Yes, of course,” Moonbeam said as she opened herself up to the Hive around her.

“Welcome sister…”

“Such a powerful mind…”

“We open ourselves to you.”

Later that evening a large orgie had erupted in Prism's Hive.

Failure again will have you placed on waste duty. Understood?

"If you dare to come back empty-handed I hope you enjoy being used as a toilet!"

“My quarters are fine,” Moonbeam said with a roll of her eyes as the two Changelings walked together out of the throne room. “I will not abandon my duty for your, personal pleasure.”

"Don't play coy with me, my pleasure is your duty!"

“Grandma Sweetie, what’s going on?”

Figures. Really, that was no surprise at all.

Sitting at the center of it was a tree that looked like it was made out of crystal. The branches spread out as a strange glow seemed to surround it.

"Oh, one could tie someone to this tree and the sex would be phenomenal!"

"Do you ever think about anything other than sex?"

"No, Should I?"

“I’ll do what I can to protect ponies here. That’s about all I can do I guess.”

"I will make sure no pony that doesn't want to play has to play their games! As long as that isn't the case is will I fight!"

“In ancient Neighpon, there were warriors that fought to protect their homes from monsters with magical armor,”


Oh, now this was fun. Always happy to team up Rach. ...Now the question everyone should be asking is, how far can they run and how fast, before everything all goes to hell?

9748514 Don’t be silly, this is Scarab, you can’t go where you already are.

Point taken. This is the kind of world Decade could go all Destroyer of Worlds on and it'd be considered merciful eh?

9749733 Possibly, but at the same time when you’re in Hell, the only thing you can do is fight to get out of it. That is after all at the core of this story.

This was entertaining, can't wait to see what happens next.

Rejoice, for the secondary Rider now has taken the stage...

Well, this was a fun one to write. Glad I could join you for it, Ruin. (Even if your computer didn't actually agree with us.)

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