• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 1,441 Views, 54 Comments

The New Kids - GandalftheGrey

This is my first go, It's crap, just getting used to it, pic is the only appropriate I found

  • ...

The rise of Frank

After the usual 15 minute bus ride with my friends, Mike, Tristan and I went to our lockers while the others went to our usual table.
We came to the table to find Rarity crying into her hands
As prepared for a losing fight with who ever did this to her we asked
"What happened Rarity?"
""Well, tell me what happened and maybe I can help"
Rarity ignored me completely, and continued to cry into her hands
Twilight let out a loud sigh and prepared to explain to me
"Rarity is incredibly upset because she lost something very important t her"
People were laughing at her crying
"What was it that she lost?"
Twilight let out another sigh
"She lost one of her dress designs"
Mike, being crap at everything but throwing and spotting things, quickly pointed out a piece of paper with a colorful picture of a dress beneath her seat
I noticed his eyes gleamed as he went to reach for it, sick son of a bitch
"Ummm, is that it?" I said pointing under his seat
Michael gave me a stare as if to say 'What the fuck man?'
"Oh yes, that's it, thank you Josh" she said in her usual chirpy voice
She went from a howling mess, to her usual happy self, just like that
"Its stunning" said Fluttershy in her usual petite voice
"How long did ya'll work on that?" asked Apple
"Only about 6 years"
ONLY 6 years? Everybody's mouths dropped at this
But what ever emotions we were experiencing (I personally was very surprised) were interrupted by the same extremely irritating voice

"Great the same bunch of sluts and fags are at our table again"
I would have jumped up and slapped the bitch for calling such a nice bunch of girls such a horrible thing, but she was surrounded by thugs and jocks, at least 12
"So are you shits gonna get out of our seats or what?"
Fucking hell, I just want to rip her voice box out, but for now i'll stick with
"Would you please just leave us alone"
They just laughed at my pathetic attempt, I think I heard Tristan laugh as well that was so terrible
I'm probably wasting my time but i'll still try and reason with them
"Look, there's a free table over there, why don't you just go and sit there?"
"We don't want that one, we want this one"
If it wasn't already, it was now apparent that they were just here to piss us off
"Get your dip shit friends and your whores to move or you'll regret it"
"I don't see any whores or dip shits here apart from you"
I instantly took pity on which one of us said that, but I turned around to find that no one had said anything
Once the crowd surrounding us shifted to the side I saw who really said that
FRANK?! Of all people Frank? Well at least for once he wasn't stoned, actually, judging by what he did now, he must be off his fucking face
"Go suck a joint drugsy"
"Go suck a cock, well, a different one from this morning"
Well, Fran's a write off, more than he he ever used to be
"What did you say fuck face?"
She looked at one of her many jocks
"Are you gonna just let him say that?"
"Hell no" answered one of her jocks walking towards Frank with his fist clenched
I would have prayed for the guy, but i'm not Christian and he's a drug addict, so god will probably have deserted him by now
"I wouldn't do that" suggested Jeremy, Franks supplier
The jock lifted his fist ready to take the first swing
What we saw next surprised us all
The jock was shocked to see his arm, not even half way to Franks face, with Franks hand wrapped around it
He went to take another swing but he hadn't even lifted his arm before Fred punched him in the gut, then continued with a swift punch in the nose, and to top it off a kick to the knee, just to drop him
The rest of them moved in on him, and he creamed them, this was some matrix shit right here
Although the saying goes, quality not quantity, in this case quantity was unfortunately a quality of it's own
Frank began to fall, no matter how hard or fast he was, hes out numbered and out muscled
Eventually they gave up and shifted off to the other table
They left battered and bruised, even if they overwhelmed him, he left his mark
We rushed over to help him up as he coughed from numerous hits to the chest, and we took him to the nurse

"Man, who would have expected that from Frank? I mean, he's a fucking weasel!" expressed Mike from behind in the highest decibels possible in the middle of Math
"Hey you! Shut up, you're distracting the rest of the class!" shouted the teacher
"Sorry sir"
"Get on with your work"
Twilight began to giggle
For the rest of the lesson we chatted about Frank and how insane he is at ass kicking

Twilight and I decided to walk home as she lived close by to my house, so we anticipated it would be a nice walk
"So Twilight, it's only one more day til the end of your first week, think your'e gonna stay?"
"At the beginning of the week, I wanted to leave, but now that iv'e met new friends, such as you, I think I will stay"
This made the pair of us blush
She slowly started to lean into me with her eyes closed, as did I
Until we heard footsteps coming towards us
I opened my eyes to see three thugs closing in on us
I contemplated trying to fight, but they would have weapons, so I looked for the biggest gap, and when I saw it, I grabbed Twilight around her shoulders and ran
I ran faster than I ever have in my whole life
I move my hand under Twilights arm (yes I touched her breasts in the process, so what) and ran
Her feet hardly hit the ground as I was a bit taller than her
"Get your pretty as back here girl, I want some of them tits!" I heard from behind
Shit they were catching up
I felt a hand around my ankle
I fell to the ground, managing to twist myself halfway through the fall so I could protect Twilight from the fall
They pulled her away from me and punched my several times in the face
The one who got Twilight was forcing his hand in her skirt, grabbing her breasts and when ever she resisted he slapped her
One of the men forced open her mouth
Oh god..
As soon as I saw the dick come out something sparked in me
I jumped up out of the grip of the one holding me, I turned around and with all my might I smashed his neck, I don't know if I broke anything, but he fell
What ever weapon he had I picked it up and jumped for the one with his dick out and wedged it in his ribs
The third noticed what I did and ran, thank god, because what ever made me attack had gone, and he would have killed me
I picked up Twilight and held her close, kissing her forehead, and I carefully stroked her purple hair
I walked her to her house and did everything I could think of to comfort her while her parents were out
Although we had just experienced one of the worst scenarios in our lives, I was in heaven, this, this was the girl of my dreams .