• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 1,440 Views, 54 Comments

The New Kids - GandalftheGrey

This is my first go, It's crap, just getting used to it, pic is the only appropriate I found

  • ...

New friends, new problems

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK NO STOP!!!" I screamed as I was blinded by a sudden flash of white light
"Get the fuck up bitch" I heard a deep voice say
"AHHH WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?" I yelled in agony as I clutched my face, feeling the burning pain
What I heard next shocked me, and will leave me scarred for along time
"Because you've got to get up for your first day of school"
Oh god no, please, this must be a dream
"Besides mums made breakfast and shes getting pissed off coz you'll miss the bus...again." said Bruce, my older brother
I let out a long sigh and dragged myself into the shower and got ready for the long day ahead.

I watched as the giant yellow bus roared down the road, swerve to avoid a pedestrian and finally come to a screeching halt, I swear my bus driver is a mental case. I stepped up onto the bus walked past the driver
I walked down the bus searching for a seat, my only friends on the bus sat next to each other, so there goes that option, there's Fred, though he's a drug addict and he stinks of weed, so i'm not going anywhere near that mess. I continue down the bus, ignoring the flying food and paper, and dodging the scissors.
I eventually get about three quarters down the bus when I spot a seat next to one of the new girls, I manged to remember one of the names, I think it was Twilight? What a strange name, but it's still a rather nice name, all I can remember about the other names are that they are rather strange as well. I sat down next to one of them, I think this one is Twilight, yeah, this one is Twilight. Wow, now that I have had a better look at her she's kinda good looking, she has glasses and looks like a bit of a nerd, but hell, rather a nerd than a bimbo.
"OH! Hey there!" she said with a smile as i sat down next to her.
"Yeah hi" I replied.
"I'm Twilight, Twilight Sparkle" she said
"I know..." wait
"Ummm I mean I'm Josh hehe" I said sheepishly
"Yeah, okay, nice to meet you?" she replied with a confused smile.
You know, even though I was sitting next to a hot girl, I couldn't wait for this bus trip to end.

When the bus finally came to a halt outside the graffiti covered school gates, I managed to get to my lockers quickly as the awkwardness between Twilight and I was too intense
I arrived at my locker and found that I was right next to a couple of the new girls, thank Christ neither of them were Twilight. One of them was actually pretty damn cute too, she has pink hair, yellow shirt, and a pink skirt, her hair covered her face, but when I finally got a look at her, damn, she was gorgeous.
"Hi there, I'm Josh, Whats your name?" I asked
"F-Flutter Shy" she relied in a very quiet and very, well, shy voice
She let out a the most adorable squeak I have ever heard and quickly grabbed her things and ran off to her class
The next looked very sophisticated, she looked like she just came back from job interview, she does not look like she is still in school, but yet again, like the rest of the new students she was amazingly hot.
"Hi there, I'm Josh, you?" I said confidently
"Ah hello there! I'm Rarity, but I'm so awfully sorry dear as I must catch up to my friend." she said in a hurried voice, she sounds kinda British I thought and watched as she ran down the hall to her pink haired friend.
"ummm okay, by?" I said to myself.

I had social studies first with Twilight, yay
I entered the class room and looked around for a set, all the seats were next to a stupid slut, jock, or drug addict, apart from one seat
"Hey there Josh!" said Twilight in a happy manner
I loved the girl, (not in a strange way) but an awkward tension was still between us
"Hi how are ya?" I said trying not to sound uncomfortable
"Good you?"
"Yeah, I'm good, what about y-"
"Good" she repeated with an awkward but cute smile
I started to blush, I was redder than a stop sign
I quickly started looking in my bags for my things to try and hide it
"Sooo, what sports are you into" she asked desperately trying to spark conversation
I had to think of something cool, tough and manly but not douche baggy
"Ping pong" wait what... fuck
"Okay, well I really like swimming"
Oh hell, now i'm picturing her all wet in a swimsuit, no, not a boner, no, not now, please hormones, please
It's coming anyway, I quickly pushed my self closer to the table to try and hide it
This isn't going well at all
"Cool, how long have you been doing it?" just have a normal conversation, don't screw it up
"Since I was seven"
"Oh nice, have you entered or won any competitions?"
"I have entered them, but I normally come 4th or 5th, there are always two that try to compete against each other and they always bomb out, but anyway, what about you and your ping pong?"
"Oh well, I don't actually favor it, we just have a ping pong table at home that my brother and I use," now for the many "but I prefer hunting an fishing"
"Oh yeah, my dad does a bit of hunting, and he has taught me bit about it, what sort of rifle do you use?"
ummmmm, hell I dunno, but I can't admit to that,
"Oh you know, small animal, small bullet, big animal, big bullet"
What caliber do you use for rabbits, 22. 308.?"
This was obviously a test so I went with the second one
She simply shook her head while giggling and looked away to what the teacher was doing
If it were a test, I clearly failed

It was almost the end of the day, just two more classes to go
"OW WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled
I heard as I watched the football roll across the ground and watched Michael and Tristan rolling on their butts laughing
"Screw you Mike" I said with a smirk
"Want me to kiss it better?" he said while he walked towards me.
I replied to his comment with a solid back hand over the head.
"I got maths now, you?" I said
"Yeah me to-"
"GET OFF OF HER!" shouted a very distressed voice.
"How bout you suck my cock bitch!" taunted Luke, he was one of the biggest thugs/douches.
The others and I walked over to see what was happening.
It was Flutter Shy and Rarity being harassed by the jocks.
Seeing as though I thought they were smoking hot, as did Tristan and Mike, we decided to help out a little, just a little as we didn't want to get too hurt
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF THEM YOU FAT UGLY WANKERS" We screamed at them fists swinging.

It's been 10 minutes now, Mike has a broken nose, Tristan has a couple of broken fingers, and I was lucky enough to come out with only a cut going from my mid-nose to my upper lip.
"Um, are you okay?" said a voice.
I looked up to find all the six new kids.
"Yeah, fine.." I said, until I looked at the other two
"Well, kinda".
Flutter Shy came forward, eyes blood shot from crying
"T-t-thank yo-"
She didn't finish her sentence before she started crying again, she then lurched forward and hugged the three us, her hair was soft, then the rest of her friends joined in, one big group hug, I also recall several cheek kisses there.