• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 5,853 Views, 164 Comments

Horn and Hammer - Lancer

Warhammer meets MLP. Two forces for good, two opposite ways of life, forced to stand together.

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Chapter Two - Death on Arrival

Chapter 2

Death on Arrival

Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight flipped the page on her newest addition to the library. After waiting for weeks for it to arrive she had not put it down since it was delivered over three hours ago. Well not delivered really since Daisy had dropped it off after it had been delivered to her by a certain wayward grey Pegasus mistakenly.

“Spike!” she called out, “do you know where Alethio’s Amusing Musings on Philosophy has got to?”

“One minute!”

“Come on Spike, I want to cross examine something!” Twilight countered without pulling away from the book.

“I’m coming, sheesh” Spike replied as he strode into the main section of the library, a pile of books clutched in his small scaly arms. Spike dropped his selection of books onto a nearby desk before rushing off to the other side of the library in search of the book. Rifling through the second stack he came across the desired tome and held it aloft as Twilight plucked it from his grasp with a telekinetic pull causing the little purple and green dragon to topple over with a surprised gasp.

“Oof, really Twilight?” asked Spike as he picked himself up off the ground and walked over to join Twilight by her desk.

“Sorry Spike it’s just you know how it is with a new book, I can’t help it”

“I know, it’s ok. What’s this new book like then?”

“Ah, it’s called Forty Two Thoughts for the Answer to the Ultimate Question. Really good book actually, although number six was simply just, ‘always remember to bring your towel’. I’m not sure if it’s just nonsense, or has a meaning that transcends explanation. That’s why I needed this book Spike” Twilight said at lightning speed, eyes now glancing from book to book as she used her magic to start flicking through pages.

“Erm. Ok. Makes sense I suppose” answered Spike, a bewildered expression spread across his face. Shaking his head free of confusion he carried on. “So do you want to get something to eat, or perhaps you know, put that book down for the first time in hours?” questioned Spike.


“To what?”

“First one” replied Twilight, face still scanning both books simultaneously. “Please” she added.

“Unicorns and their magic” chided Spike, “they’re a danger to themselves” he muttered under his breath as he turned to
head back into the kitchen to prepare a quick daisy sandwich.

A curious noise began to reach Twilight as she turned another page in Alethio’s Amusing Musings on Philosophy. A boing could be heard from outside the library followed by a rapid succession of heavy thumps as if somepony was using a jackhammer from a trampoline, and trampolines were really hard for a pony to use. Well that was the closest comparison she could come up with at any rate. The noise was becoming steadily louder.

With a cry of frustration Twilight shouted “Spike, could you go see what is making that infernal racket!”

“I’m on it” Spike called out, jogging back into the room.

The odd rhythmic sound of a spring like boing followed by a rapid succession of thuds was intolerable for Twilight by now and she was forced to drop her books such was the distraction.

From outside, a cheerful voice called out with some urgency “ooh ooh, door combo!”

Right on cue the libraries front door was flung open as Rainbow Dash soared in, catching Spike just as he reached for the door knob and throwing him across the room in a blur of purple and green. Twilight instinctively grabbed him with her magic, catching him a second before he hit a bookcase.

“Urgh, that’s it I’m going to bed, I swear you ponies are out to get me” Spike declared, all previous commitments to food forgotten.

Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a severe look before turning her gaze back to the downtrodden baby dragon. “It’s ok Spike get some rest.” Turning back to the nervous looking, rainbow maned, cyan Pegasus who was hovering in the door frame. She fixed Rainbow Dash with a serious expression. “So, Pinkie Pie?”

“Yup Pinkie Pie, haha” Rainbow replied, smiling slightly and scratching the back of her head awkwardly. “I’ll just go say sorry to Spike” she promptly flew off after Spike slamming the door behind her.

Twilight prepared herself as best she could, whatever was causing Pinkie to act more . . . . Well, Pinkie than usual certainly warranted due care and attention, Twilight would not be caught out again.

Boing . . . bang bang bang bang . . . boing . . . bang bang bang bang . . . boing . . . bang bang bang bang.

“Pinkie, just walk for ponies’ sake!”

“Hey Twilight” said Pinkie Pie, inexplicably popping up from behind Twilight.

“Argh!” was Twilight's reply as she toppled out of her chair, legs flailing everywhere before quickly snapping off a teleportation spell and rematerializing facing towards the poofy maned, all pink pony. Well she had been prepared for
nearly everything at least.

Pinkie looked at Twilight, a content grin etched on her face as her head tilted sideways in thought. “What’s up?” she asked.

“Wait what? You came to see me!” Twilight began but was interrupted by Pinkies frame blurring as she positively vibrated on the spot.

Bang bang bang bang . . . . Pinkie bounced around the desk with a familiar sounding boing. 'Well that explained the random sequence of noises then' thought Twilight.

“Ah, I get it now, shudders mean a doozy right? Wow must be one heck of a doozy for you to be pounding the floor in. Does the scale of the reaction indicate how big an event is about to take place? Oh or does it indicate proximity? I should really start making notes I mean . . .”

“Twilight, you’re doing it again” said Rainbow Dash as she and Spike came back into the room.

“Sorry, I get distracted. So then Pinkie what’s up?” asked Twilight.

“Loads of new friends are coming! It’s gonna be great, they’re new to Equestria and they’re gonna be in the Everfree Forest so we should go see them, oooh we should throw them a party!.”

“Wait Pinkie, you said they are going to be here? So they aren’t here yet then?” interrupted Twilight.

“Uh huh” replied Pinkie nodding enthusiastically.

“So how can they be turning up in the Everfree, which is in the centre of Equestria, and yet be new to Equestria?”

“Well I don’t know, jeez Twilight I’m not psychic.”

Twilight shot a look over at Rainbow as Pinkie went through a series of shudders again. Rainbow gave a wing shrug in return as her fore hoof made a circling gesture beside her head. Smiling slightly a thought occurred to Twilight.

“So then Pinkie, if they come from far away then they probably won’t speak Equestrian right?” asked Twilight.

Pinkie tapped at her chin in an exaggerated gesture of deep thought.“I guess so.”

“Well then girls, and Spike, we’ll need to prepare” looking around both ponies and dragon nodded in unison. “Spike gather some parchment and quill, we’re gonna need a checklist: Number one, translation spell. Number two . . . .”

Eastern Shadowlands of Norsca

Markus took a bite of hard bread as he strode among the hastily erected defences which were being put in place. The first of the cannons was dug in and the Hellblaster was assembled and awaiting a fire pit. Markus looked behind at the two figures in white and gold robes. Willhelm had been striding around the anomaly with Kurt at his side taking notes. Occasionally he would stride up to the gateway and then walk back stopping intermittently and calling out figures to his apprentice. They were the only ones Markus had allowed near the portal and the rest of the troops were setting up camp a fair distance away, some concentrated on preparing meals while others helped to construct the camp's defences.

Markus turned around to see Captain Pieter Von Grunberg walking up to him from the Greatswords camp fire with a solemn expression on his face. Pieter wore similar armour to that of the Greatswords, as befitted his social status his dwarf forged plate armour was ornate and yet extremely practical, the intricate plate system allowed for virtually full manoeuvrability while maintaining maximum protection. His chest plate bore the hammer of Sigmar, Ghal Maraz, in all its golden glory. Pieter's pauldrons had images of griffons holding banners, the left read ‘Grunberg’, the right ‘Sigmar’. The dark grey steel contrasted well with the golden iconography and the equally golden trim of the armours edges. At his waist, along with the standard pouches and bags that every soldier wore were two pistols which functioned as secondary weapons. Pieter’s main weapon was the flamberge style zweihander slung across his back, the giant two handed sword when held aloft looked like shining fire thanks to the wavy design to the blade.

Pieter smiled as he approached. The man was relatively young for a captain having achieved his position thanks to his family background consisting of military officers and minor nobility. Despite that he was a dedicated and efficient officer, more interested in the welfare of his men than of his own personal glory. His individual combat prowess rivalled Markus’ own and was a prized officer of whom Markus had fought beside before, hence he had picked Pieter for the expedition. The white and grey plumes in Pieter’s helmet flopped forward briefly as he bowed his head in greeting before he spoke.



“I have been looking over at that portal for some time and I was wondering, the forest beyond feels like the Drakwald does it not?”

“Yes, there is some form of malign evil emanating from it. Do you think that is where it emerges?”

“I cannot be sure, I have only entered the forest twice and the second time was spent trying to evade a herd of Centigor. I didn't spend much time admiring the fauna, but the trees seem smaller and more densely packed, hard times but . . .” and a ghost of a smile played across his face as he reminisced for a brief moment, “good times.”

“Anyway” overruled Markus, ignoring Pieter’s strangely fond memory of being hunted by evil mutated Beastmen. “If it is so then surely we cannot allow Chaos worshippers into the heart of the Reikland. The climate on the other side is definitely not consistent with the cold and the bitter winds of the Shadowlands.”

“Indeed, has Magistrate Rekthofen found a way to close it yet?”

“He is still, well doing whatever it is that wizards do. To be honest Pieter he just appears to be walking around it and calling out numbers arbitrarily.”

With a bark of amusement Pieter nodded his head in agreement. When he raised his head however his eyes locked on to the hill behind Markus, the same hill the army had fought on earlier that day. Markus turned to see what had the captain's attention to see a Pistolier galloping down the gradual incline as fast as the horse could manage. The crack of pistols could be heard echoing around the basin where the army had camped. The Pistoliers had found another enemy.

“Father!” cried the young noble as his horse galloped head long through the Halberdier's section of the camp, scattering pots and plates along the way as soldiers began to gather, they looked on with grim anticipation at the panicked scout. The Pistolier reigned in his horse as another pistol volley rang out. “Father, there’s thousands of Saarl tribesmen coming. Theodore is buying time but they can only delay them and fend off the cavalry for a few moments. They got Volker, oh gods they took him alive too.”

“Calm down man. Exactly how many and where are they?” Markus said in a firm authoritarian voice, forcing the noble to focus on the priest before him to stop the Pistolier from glancing nervously at the desolate hill top he had just descended from.

“Roughly more than a dozen times our size, but they move in loose formation so it’s hard to tell for sure. They’re on the second hill past that one father, so roughly twenty five minutes away.” Surmised the Pistolier as he brought his fears under control.

“Any Chaos elites?” Inquired Pieter as he thumbed one of the pistols at his belt.

“Not from what we could see sir, they have women and children among them along with plenty of carts, they must be fleeing the Emperors’ army back west. They lost it when they saw us though sir. A full thousand or so charged at us, a bowman hamstrung Volker’s horse and they mobbed him.” The Pistolier rattled off, clearly shaken again from recounting the memory.

“Get a hold of yourself soldier, go call in the pickets immediately” replied Markus, slapping the Pistolier's nervous horse on the flank to set the scout off.

“Pieter, gather the troops, we cannot hold them in the basin so we find our hand forced. We are going through the gateway” declared Markus. His resolute expression did well to hide the faint feeling of worry which nagged at the back of his mind.

“Yes father” confirmed Pieter nodding his head once more as he backed away.

“Pieter!” Markus called out, causing the captain to turn back towards him.

“Send for Otto, we are going to have to spike the entrenched cannon and pull the Hellblaster through by hand, tell him to be quick about it, we will need the Volley Gun to keep those accursed Chaos worshippers at bay once we are through the gateway. Go with Sigmar, Pieter” commanded Markus before turning towards the two Light wizards.

The retreat through the portal was taking too long by the estimates of Captain Conrad Dietrich. The Pistoliers had exhausted their shot and returned to camp to resupply which had effectively removed the rear guard. The Hellblaster had got stuck halfway through the portal as its wheels snagged on the giant tree roots which lay across its threshold. These two combined events had cost the Empire army too much time. The bulk of the carts had barely passed through into the forest and out of the way of the Hellblaster, which was set up with a direct line of fire on the magical rift before the horde of Saarl tribesmen poured over the hill towards the horribly exposed Empire force below them.

Conrad looked around at the men under his command, the Halberdiers and Crossbowmen glanced over their shoulders as they funnelled through into the mysterious forest. The Greatswords and the final cart which bore the second cannon along with a store of gunpowder were still to pass through. Only Conrad, Markus and Gerhart remained in the Shadowlands as the extent of the officers of the army still present in the barren wasteland of the north.

The tribesmen had broken into a charge halfway down the hill as they saw their prey escaping. Bestial roars of victory erupted as the hill became blanketed in angry tribesmen. Losing all sense of coherency the fastest among them rushed ahead desperate to be the first to spill the blood of the hated Sigmarites.

Seeing the predicament Conrad passed his gauntleted hand across his chest, drawing out the holy hammer in prayer before striding up to Gerhart and a group of his Greatswords.

“Gerhart, I have a request for you brother” said Conrad as he grasped arms with the Count's Champion in greeting.

“What is it captain?” asked Gerhart, his men turning briefly to face the marauders who had reached the edge of the basins bottom by now. Their formation becoming even more strung out in their eagerness.

“I have seen Theodore eying my pistol for days now, see that he gets it” replied Conrad with a grim smile on his face as he held out the repeater pistol in his open hand.

“No, I want this Conrad, you know that.” Gerhart ignored the pistol entirely as his eyes locked with Conrad’s.

“You will not find death this day brother, consider that an order”, forcing the pistol into the Greatsword Champion's hand before turning to face the five Greatswords that were gathered around the two of them. In an unspoken agreement they turned and began to walk towards the charging tribesmen. They unslung their mighty blades, making their peace with Sigmar while they did so.

“Gunner, wait a moment” he called out to the final gunpowder cart as it was pulled towards the forest beyond.

Jumping onto the back of the cart, Conrad pulled off a barrel. Bracing it against his shoulder and head he stepped off and jogged up towards the waiting Greatswords.

“Conrad!” bellowed Markus Holstein, pulling the captain's attention from the shaggy mass of hair and metal hurtling towards them.

“Sigmar preserves those who fight. I shall see you in his halls my friend!” With those parting words Markus turned his back on the six soldiers as they ran to meet the enemy.

Conrad smiled at his brothers in arms as they closed the distance; each had taken up position between captain and Saarl’s, seeking to get the explosive barrel as far into enemy lines as possible before detonating.

With a clash of steel on iron the two Greatswords before Conrad felled their opponents with ease, expert sword strokes slicing clean through the tribesmen’s poor quality armour. Twisting their grips to allow for easy retrieval from the falling marauder's chests they twirled around their dying enemy closing up formation with their comrades.

The tribesmen vanguard swarmed towards the six men and their progress was halted, dropping the barrel and checking his pistol was primed Conrad prepared himself for the onslaught as he stepped into line with the rear-guard.

The five Greatswords worked together their blades swirling in the air as they pressed hard into the tribesmen as each arrived, felling with ease the first barbarians to charge them they used the bodies of the fallen to impede the charge of those behind forcing them to bunch together, the tribesmen lost the initiative.

Conrad held his shield close to his chest, his broadsword in a low guard position. Parrying the first blow from a brutish, barrel chested man he flicked his sword up at the man’s exposed throat burying it deep and ripping it free before falling back into guard. Blood sprayed across his shield as the man fell, grasping at his throat he choked on blood.

The press of men was thick now and over forty had reached the beleaguered Empire soldiers. The Greatswords formed a wedge around the gunpowder barrel with Conrad at the front. They were forced to defend now and thrust their blades forward in quick stabs to keep the enemy at bay. The roars of the enemy were thick in their ears and the clash of blades rang out over the din of the fight.

Conrad parried two blows from two separate men one with sword, the other shield, snapping his shield across to the right he knocked the axe from the right hand warrior and finished him with a stab to the man’s gut, twisting the blade he wrenched it out. The second warrior however took his chance while Conrad’s shield was coming back into guard to bring his sword down on Conrad’s shoulder plate, knocking the captain back and numbing his arm. The tribesman raised his sword to hammer down at Conrad again; Conrad braced himself to take the blow.

A blow that never came as the arm itself spun to the ground in a flash of silvered steel and blood. The Greatsworder maintained the momentum of the blow bringing it up into the side of the nearest enemy to him; it wedged in the man’s side refusing to come free. Hands grasped at the soldier pulling him forward into the shaggy mass of fur and metal, the soldier disappeared from sight as he was clubbed to death inside his armoured plate.

The Empire formation closed in once more as the rear-guard stoically took the death of a comrade. The ferocity and desperation of their sacrifice pushed them ever harder, taking the fight into the ranks of the enemy. Conrad shook off the blow to his shoulder in time to see the enemy cavalry encircle their beleaguered position.

“For Sigmar!” he shouted over the crush of battle,

The Greatswords roared in reply, the speed and precision of their mighty blades increasing as they abandoned all sense of defence, throwing themselves at the Chaos worshippers. Cries of pain and anger rose from the enemy ranks as the Greatswords lay waste to any man in range.

Conrad moved to the back as the first of the cavalrymen bowled over the rearmost soldier, the horse stamping on the man’s greaves and breaking his left leg. A tribesmen took advantage of his horse mounted comrades intervention, the Greatsworder’s scream was cut short as his exposed face was smashed in by an axe blow from his former combatant.

With a howl of rage Conrad smashed his shield into the horse’s nose forcing it to rear up in pain and throwing its rider from the saddle. Avenging the fallen soldier he planted his broadsword square in the throat of the howling tribesman who had struck the death blow.

Conrad turned to see the man he had de-horsed rise back to his feet, axe in one hand, curved blade in the other. The better quality armour marked the warrior out as a chieftain or chosen fighter. The man wore a horned helm with nose guard which revealed beetle black eyes and a scar down his left cheek. Covered from head to toe in chainmail and fur with a steel chest plate, the warrior stood at least a head taller than any of the men currently in the fight. Holding both weapons in the air the man roared at Conrad in a clear challenge. Clearing a space his fellow warriors edged around to get at the three remaining Greatswords who fought back to back against the innumerable enemy whose ranks had swelled into the hundreds.

Throughout this the gunpowder keg remained undisturbed, each Greatsword ensuring the enemy did not conceal it from Conrad’s view. He thought about blowing it now while his three brothers were still able to keep the space clear. No, this behemoth of a man before him would earn his death first before the rest of the tribesmen succumbed to fire and shrapnel.

Conrad took a few steps back widening the space the Chaos champion had cleared, bringing the barrel within the area of the challenge as the other tribesmen roared on in support of their leader who faced the plate clad southerner alone.

“You south man, die by my blades” taunted the champion in broken Reikspiel, twirling both weapons in his grip.

“Come on you big bastard” replied Conrad, not bothering with a fancy display of swordsmanship as his opponent had.

The leviathan of a man accelerated forward with surprisingly speed for one of his size, with brute force he brought both weapons down towards Conrad. Conrad swept his shield across from right to left parrying both blades and throwing the champion to the left. His sword followed his shield aiming straight for the gap between the warrior’s chest plate and back plate, with remarkable speed the man threw himself backwards out of the way of the blade.

Both fighters circled each other, glancing left Conrad saw a third Greatsword had fallen and the final two were surrounded by still bodies as they hacked with wild abandon, yet with an eerie grace, at any who tried to climb the mound of bodies.

“Sigmar preserves” muttered Conrad under his breath.

“Arkos will mount your head in his tent” spat the champion, beating his chest plate with the flat of his sword.

The blood thirsty crowd roared their enthusiasm as Arkos stepped forward swinging his axe and sword from both sides this time, Conrad jumped back out of the way and he heard the rush of wind as both weapons cut through the air. A timely counter attack threw a flurry of blows at Arkos and ending with a shield bash. Conrad sent his opponent stumbling back with a gash across his right arm.

Grunting at the pain the giant attacked with more caution, feigning left he landed a quick succession of blows of which all were either dodged or parried. Conrad could feel his body tiring, dabbing at his greying brow with the leather vambrace of his sword arm he could feel his heart pounding against his rib-cage. With a growl the captain threw his weight into a shield charge sending Arkos stumbling once more. Sparing another glance he saw the final Greatsword dragged down by a dozen arms as he continued to send blow after bone crunching blow into every moving body within reaching distance with incoherent shouts of rage.

Conrad stood alone now; resigned to his fate he locked eyes on this champion before him named Arkos. With narrowed eyes he decided to end this once and for all.

Stepping forward he unleashed several expert strikes battering down his enemy's defence. Turning aside both of Arkos’ weapons with simultaneous blows from sword and shield, Conrad kicked out with steel shod boot, breaking the Chaos worshippers right kneecap with a crunch of steel on bone. Stamping down on the axe in Arkos’ left hand he smashed his shield into the Chaos champion’s face, breaking his enemy’s nose. Conrad decided to finish the duel, ramming his blade home in the mouth of Arkos. Leaving the sword embedded there Conrad pulled his pistol free of its holster, levelling it at the barrel of gunpowder as the horde of enraged tribesmen attempted to rush him.

A thrown axe smashed into his back driving him to his knees but the steel plate held. With a groan Conrad adjusted his aim slightly. It was an easy shot.

“I’m coming Mary”, an overwhelming sense of peace surged across his body.

Conrad fired.

Ponyville, Equestria

“Sooooooo boreeeeed!” Rainbow dash said tugging at her eyelids as she circled the room, her hind legs hanging limp.

“Rainbow, we’ve been over this, if it’s so hard to do nothing while I practise this spell then you can grab one of the Daring Do books” replied Twilight, her exasperation showing through after the twentieth time Rainbow Dash had expressed her boredom.

“I’ve already read them all, twice.”

“Well I don’t know find a new book then” suggested Twilight.

The creak of the library door heralded the arrival of another pony.

“Oh Twilight!” the pony called stepping into the room.

“Hey Rarity” replied Twilight, her head still buried in her book with a soft glow emanating from her horn.

The others called out in welcome too with a wave of their hooves; Spike brushed his green spikes back and checked his breath surreptitiously.

“Oh my, quite the gathering you have here Twilight, what’s the occasion?”

“Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense is picking up a doozy connected to some new ponies so we’re going to welcome them to Equestria.” As if to illustrate the point Pinkie Pie shuddered some more.

“It is safe to be around right?”

“Oh yes they’re turning up in the Everfree apparently.”

“Really? They are new to Equestria yet they are arriving in the Everfree Forest?”

“Hey it’s Pinkie Sense; it doesn’t have to actually make sense” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“True” Twilight and Rarity replied simultaneously. Pinkie Pie beamed at her friends’ faith in her as she continued to stuff random objects into saddle bags which were too small to accommodate them.

“So Twilight, I was wondering if you had stocked the Equestria Weekly’s best seller, you know the one?” Rarity blushed slightly her pristine white coat reddening somewhat as she continued, “Fifty Shades of Hay is it called?”

“Argh, this is the hundredth time this week and no Rarity I am not stocking that book!”

“Why what’s up with it?” asked Spike, the picture of innocence.

“Nothing, erm, how about those sandwiches hey Spike? You never finished them and I’m sure we could do with a good meal before we head out.”

Pinkie and Rainbow giggled manically from the other side of the library, revelling in the awkwardness of the moment as Spike walked off into the kitchen with a confused expression on his face.

“Well, seen as you appear to need some help with your preparations I would like to offer my services” said Rarity, calmly sweeping the previous conversation under the metaphorical carpet.

“Oooh yeh, Twilight needs help checking her translation spell thingy and you speak Old Equestrian which is like perfect since it’s a completely useless language which nopony else can speak” said a beaming Pinkie Pie, in spite of the withering look Rarity gave her.

“That’s a great idea Pinkie, I’m fairly sure I have it nailed down now but some real practise would be perfect before we head off. You could come too if you like?” asked Twilight.

“Into the Everfree? I think not darling; I have just been to the spa today with Fluttershy and would hate to have to return so soon. Also Sweetie Belle is staying with me over the weekend and her friends will likely come round causing all kinds of havoc as usual. But yes a few simple words are easily within my repertoire.”

“Right then Rarity, whenever you’re ready” said Twilight getting to all fours and lowering her head as her horn began to glow. A Purple wave expanded outwards encompassing all present and passing clean through the walls into Ponyville proper.

“Hello my name is Rarity and Ancient Equestrian is not in the slightest a useless language.”

“Yes! Worked first time” said a grinning Twilight as Pinkie poked her tongue out at Rarity’s satisfied smile.

“Glad to be of help darling, is that everything?”

“Yes I think so, just waiting on a bite to eat then we should be heading out, right girls?”

“Right!” chimed in Rainbow and Pinkie from across the room.