• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 5,852 Views, 164 Comments

Horn and Hammer - Lancer

Warhammer meets MLP. Two forces for good, two opposite ways of life, forced to stand together.

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Chapter Thirteen- Equestrian Diplomacy, a New Frontier

Chapter Thirteen

Equestrian Diplomacy, a New Frontier

Canterlot, Equestria

Markus stepped off the train, glad to be free of the rickety ride and awkwardly disproportioned rail carts. Behind him emerged several other men, a dozen in total. The first eleven were of the Greatsword regiment, headed by the surly Gerhart. They rolled their shoulders and stretched, eying up the pony guards who had the humans cordoned off from the rest of the station. They wore simple trousers with their red and blue Altdorf issue tunic. Sword pommels could be seen extending from the straps on their backs and short swords were strapped to their waists.

The final man to exit the train did so reluctantly. Engineer Otto Erholt dragged his feet; he was clutching a number of sketches of the locomotive and varying specifications he had obtained from the driver. Otto perked up slightly upon seeing the shade of a bemused smile cross Markus’ face and hurried to walk beside him as they entered the station building.

“Markus, their technology is incredible. I was looking over the boiler handbook and the layout is almost a perfect match for the Steam Tanks. Do you know what that means? If we can create the same effect then we can produce tanks in great number, it could change everything!” babbled the excited engineer.

“Keep quiet Otto. I do not want them to think we are stealing their technology now, even if I agree that you carry on with your inquiries.”

Otto nodded in compliance briefly before he jerked his head around to get another look at the train. “If I could just stay here a while longer . . . .” he began.

“No. We have a schedule and apparently both princesses are waiting for us in the castle.”

Otto groaned like a disappointed child, very nearly earning a laugh from the usually dour Arch Lector. “Come now Otto, I am sure you will be allowed to peruse the Canterlot library. Apparently it is the most comprehensive in all of Equestria. Think of the knowledge we could return to the Empire with after a day or two of research.” The engineer brightened considerably at that.

A series of bright flashes signalled they had entered the section allocated to the pressponies. Markus had barely come to know the ways of this world but he had already taken a disliking to the group. Something about each of them gawking at him and his followers as they cranked the cameras into overdrive made him want to crush each contraption under his hammer. Resisting the urge to shield his eyes he led his delegation through the open pathway between the ranks of photographers.

Emerging once more into daylight Markus finally got a close up view of Canterlot Castle. The architecture’s resemblance to the elves of Ulthuan was striking; tall, elegant white towers spiralling upwards. The fact the castle was perched on a sheer cliff and had been for short of a thousand years was impressive as well.

On street level Markus and his retinue were once more restricted to a clearly defined area, stretching to the waiting chariots which would take them the short distance to the palace proper. Pony guards stood still as statues, ensuring none of the curious civilians interfered.

A white unicorn with a two-toned bright blue mane and a slightly darker shaded blue armour approached Markus. The unique armour stood him apart as a captain, much like Forlorn Wind and his custom armour. The pony snapped off a salute, maintaining an aura of dispassion as he did so.

“Arch Lector Holstein; my name is Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard. I have been tasked with your accompaniment to the palace where you will meet with the princesses.”

“Very good captain, lead the way.”

The two walked the short distance to the chariots. Markus boarded the first smaller one alongside the pony captain. The two larger chariots behind his were soon filled up by the eleven other humans. With the road ahead once more kept clear by guards they were taken up the street which led towards the castle. Their passing was met with gasps of shock, of pointed hooves and the occasional shout or wave.

Shining Armor was the first to break the pensive silence. “Arch Lector, I would just like to say on behalf of all of Equestria and in particular myself and my wife Cadence, thank you for you and your soldier’s part in driving Chrysalis from Equestria.”

“I consider it my duty to fight evil in all forms captain. I would have fought them out of reflex.”

“Still, I’m grateful nonetheless.”

“Tell me something captain, I have been wondering why the security presence is so strong in the city? Surely we do not present a risk? I can understand wanting to keep the streets clear but I would not be too far mistaken in saying there are as many of your guards on the roads as there are civilians.”

Shining Armor fidgeted sheepishly under Markus’ scrutiny, looking away at the rows of guards they were passing on the journey through the subdued streets of Canterlot.

“Well, you’re not the only foreign races being entertained in Canterlot this week. We have delegates from Saddle Arabia, the griffon kingdom and the khanines. On top of that, besides the token garrisons, every guard we could spare was pulled into the pursuit of the changelings. With Chrysalis gone the entire force has been recalled to Canterlot for the time being, guard regiments from across the nation are currently stationed in Canterlot until after diplomatic talks are concluded.”

‘So at least it would not appear the ponies mistrust us’ thought Markus.

“Very well, are my men and I to play any part in these negotiations? It would seem a somewhat fortuitous occurrence otherwise.”

“I couldn’t say in all honesty Arch Lector. The princess merely asked for your presence here, I couldn’t tell you her reasons even if I knew them” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

By now they were approaching the castle’s main gates, leaving the stately streets of the city behind. Content that Markus knew everything he could he settled in and prepared for the usual diplomatic meet and greet routine.
The palace staff were working overtime. The massive influx of delegations, guards and nobles meant there was a constant hum and energy to the palace unheard of in years, having an alien species attending obviously only intensified the current atmosphere. As a result the grounds were awash with brightly coloured ponies, ferrying material or performing upkeep on the gardens.

The road they took headed directly for the palace’s main gates. More pristine white walls and tapering towers as Markus had come to expect, they looked particularly beautiful to him in comparison to the Everfree Castle and its fallen glory. The two pony princesses were stood before the great doors of the palace with an escort of some twenty ponies. Half their number were dark blue guards with large draconic eyes. Markus briefly wondered if these were another kind of pony he had yet heard of, unlikely since the brief he had been given indicated they may be Luna’s personal guard and were formed of members of the Royal Guard using enchantment armour.

Celestia strode forward with a smile on her face as Markus stepped off the chariot and Shining Armor jumped off beside him. The two guards pulling the chariot promptly pulled off to allow the second and third chariots to pull up. The Princess of the Sun looked better than she had since after her run in with the unbalanced Tzeentch sorcerer nearly a week ago. Her size was almost restored and her mane looked as grandiose as ever.

Bowing her head in welcome Celestia spoke first. “Welcome, Markus Holstein, to the capital city of Equestria, Canterlot. I know you must be wondering why I have asked you here today so I will explain on the way. If you would like to leave your men with the attendants, they will see that their needs are met, all expenses paid by the crown of course.”

With Markus’ agreement the two leaders set off alone around the edge of the castle while the Empire soldiers and Otto were ushered into the palace itself.

“So then Celestia, your captain informed me of some of the reasons for my presence during these unspecified diplomatic events but nothing beyond that. May I ask why one such as me would be needed? Surely I am an unnecessary distraction.”

“I assume you read the full brief that was provided?”

The Arch Lector’s nod prompted Celestia to continue. They reached the end of the palaces front, turning the corner and taking the path through the gardens. They entered a section flanked on either side by a number of stone statues, many depicted figures from the royal guard and every plaque dated more than seven hundred years earlier. ‘A long time since any conflict made its mark on this nation.’

“Well then you will be at least marginally aware of the situation with Equestria Minor?”

“That its ownership is a contested point, yes.”

“Well, so far for the last ten years the griffon king has sent representatives to politely ask we turn control over to them. Now though with the petty griffon-khanine wars over and the two sides’ alliance, I have to put up with both of them sending representatives supporting the claim. It’s really just their leaders’ way to find some common ground for their peoples, but as a consequence their gesturing gains genuine support. The Saddle Arabian delegation are here as mediators as are you, I was hoping you could help deter any belligerent undertones.”

“You expect them to threaten violence?”

“Oh goodness no, but having an alien who is the living representative of a god of war and came here hunting down the mortal servants of the greatest evil known in existence may be able to put things in perspective for them.”

Markus very nearly laughed at the princess’s statement, settling instead for a sideways glance and a smirk which the pony shared. The alicorn brought their walk to a stop at the final statue in the garden. The plaque read ‘Discord’. On the pedestal, still ensconced in his stone prison, stood Discord himself.

“Yes I guess I can see the wisdom in that” answered Markus as he observed the draconequuis with interest.

“I don’t suppose leaving the hammer out of the discussion chamber is possible? There’s a convention that all diplomatic talks are between unarmed parties.”

“It is the symbol of both my religion and office Celestia but . . .”

“Yes I guess it would reinforce the issue but still at least I can say I asked” interjected Celestia before Markus could finish his reply.

“Is that all this is then? To remind these races that war is inconceivable.”

“I was also going to make a request that we work together, the dog khan and griffon king may actually agree in an attempt to garner support from their subjects, Chrysalis is hardly popular amongst them either.”

“Makes sense, what is the confusion over Equestria Minor anyway? If I am to be present then a little more context is necessary.”

Celestia sighed, sitting down and looking up at her old rival’s statue. “After a thousand years of politicking you would expect me to be a master of this but the same old arguments are shouted over and over again and no progress is ever made. To summarise the issue in Equestria Minor I’ll begin with the origin which lies nearly two thousand years in the past.

“Long ago, the three pony tribes existed separately; they fought, argued, traded and generally failed to get along. To the South of them lived the dogs and to the East the griffons. Off the West coast was a large island, known today as Equestria Minor. It was inhabited by all races and in its case they lived in relative harmony. Sometime during this period though the Wendigos appeared, they forced the continent into a sort of perpetual winter pushing the ponies to migrate across the Frozen North and onto the second continent which would later become Equestria. The point of this is Equestria Minor was then formally claimed by one of the many griffon kings of the time when it had been a predominantly equine population and ponies are recorded as its discoverers.”

“So the griffons claim it on the basis that it was officially theirs first?”

“Precisely, however over time the griffons relinquished government and the ponies on it intensified their overseas links with Equestria. Shortly after my coronation they formally joined Equestria. The dogs and griffons there left of their own accord and the situation has remained that way for roughly a thousand years.”

“I see.”

“This was not the only reason I invited you to the palace a few days Markus. I have had issue with the nobility over your presence in Equestria; I was hoping you could use some of that oratory skill I’ve heard of to allay their fears. Furthermore I need your permission for a few requests, nothing too imposing but I felt I should ask one leader to another just to be respectful.”

Markus huffed in thought, remarking to himself on the turn of events he found thrust upon him. ‘She truly has thrown me into the torchlight. A major diplomatic figure in a thousand year debate, social unrest within the aristocracy and yet more requests. I guess the paid expenses we have been benefitting from are not entirely without repayment.’ Running his hand across his bald head he addressed the expectant princess.

“Very well, please continue princess.”

“Thank you Markus. The first is that in light of my recent experiences I asked to engage in some magical sparring with your friend Magister Willhelm Rekthofen.”

“He is not formally under my command so I see no issue there.”

“Excellent, the second is that Luna professed the desire to further study the Gateway spell. I was unsure whose jurisdiction it came under as the event horizon exists simultaneously on both worlds. Is her studies an issue?”

“By all means she can study to her hearts content.”

“The final request is that the Trottingham Guard stationed in Ponyville and under your command, remain so until the conclusion of your stay in Equestria.”

‘And there is the real request Celestia’ thought Markus. ‘The first two were merely pleasantries before the third’s actual contentious desire. Having troops stationed within the camp gives you an excellent source of information, the guise of them being under my command a fine wine to placate me.’ Weighing the pros and cons of the situation Markus knew he had the option to decline but in practice to do so was folly. He harboured the ponies no ill will and from meeting many of them himself he knew many were incapable of fabricating hatred towards the humans.

“That will be acceptable Celestia.”

“You have my gratitude Markus. I suppose I may as well give you a quick rundown of today’s scheduled events then, yes?” Once more Markus nodded his assent for the princess to continue. Celestia rose to her hooves, gesturing for the priest to follow as she led him through the garden of statues and back towards the palace.

“First we have the formal greeting of the diplomatic delegations at three in the afternoon. An hour after that I was planning to address the nobles about you and your followers. Then recesses for food before talks begin with the other races at six. Is that to your satisfaction?” she asked more as rhetorical confirmation than an actual question. Markus recognised that tone, it was the one Karl Franz used on the few occasions Markus had been fortunate to speak with the young emperor.

‘Clearly Princess Celestia is just as in control as the shrewd Emperor Karl Franz back home, understandable considering she has over a thousand years’ experience’ mused Markus.

Everfree Forest, Equestria

‘Once more I find myself in this damned forest; at least it is through choice this time.’ Pieter shifted the two rabbits and one, well, whatever the creature was on his shoulders. It had the head and body of a chicken with the hind of a reptile. It probably tasted pretty good at least.

Moving through the dense undergrowth, Pieter stepped over the various loose twigs strewn across the forest floor, careful to remain silent. Simple cloth wrapped boots, sturdy but soft kept his footsteps faint. A mottled green, long sleeve jerkin with matching trousers ensured Pieter blended in with the foliage. His trusty short sword remained at his waist along with his brace of pistols. Slung across his back instead of his zweihander was a quiver of arrows to go with the hunting bow he held.

Usually a foray into fey forests such as this one would necessitate a group of hunters, but when the rest of the men under Pieter’s command were of Altdorf they would be more of a hindrance than an asset. More than their just their ignorance though the soldiers were ridiculously superstitious. Rumours had been circulating that the Empire camp was being watched, that dead glassy eyes could be seen glaring at the camp throughout both night and day. It was more than likely a Greatsworder had made up some nonsense about vengeful changelings to frighten the lesser state troopers. Whatever the case though Pieter preferred walking the forest on his own.

Staying still, opening his mouth slightly and closing his eyes, Pieter strained his hearing. A faint rustling came from his left, soft but definitely there. It must have been near; Pieter had spent enough time in forests to know. Turning his head from left to right slightly he pinpointed the direction and advanced. Drawing an arrow from the quiver and sidestepping a tree to avoid fallen twigs Pieter attempted to locate his prey. He slowed his pace to just a few carefully placed steps at a time. The rustling and thudding sound emanated from behind a short bush to Pieter’s front, he advanced up to it fitting the arrow to the string but keeping it loose. The tension became palpable, the lone Empire captain felt like he was under pressure, as if someone was watching him perform, not an unfamiliar feeling considering his past run-ins with tainted forests but strange all the same.

Taking his place behind the bush he checked to make sure his scent was not been carried downwind towards the prey. Satisfied nothing could go amiss and beginning to pull back the bow’s cord Pieter stepped out and took aim.

The rabbit turned in time to see a steel arrowhead lance through the air before falling very still.

Letting out a satisfied sigh the captain walked forward, tied the rabbit into the sling he used for his kills and cleaned off the arrow. The strange sense of unease fell upon the human again. He had felt this before, a trap perhaps, but by whom and why? Notching another arrow and glancing around Pieter dropped into the jaeger’s guard. Crouched, arrow at the ready and perfectly still he concentrated on heightening his senses, expecting to hear the braying snorts of Beastmen and the pounding of cloven hooves. He knew it was impossible for them to exist here, at least as the Beastmen he knew from the Old World but a part of him felt doubt anyway. Coming so close to being at their mercy was not something one could simply brush off.

Hearing footsteps from his right Pieter acted on instinct. The cord strained, the arrow’s fletching drew back to his cheek and a calm dispassion overcame him. The sight of two Halberdiers emerging from the foliage shattered his composure and he lowered his guard. Smiling the captain called out to his soldiers.

“Ha! Good to see some friendly faces troopers” he called, putting away the arrow and slipping the bow over his shoulder. “Why are you two out here? Business back at camp I suppose?”

“Something like that sir” responded the one on the right. He was a tall man, well-built and in the usual red and blue jerkin of the Altdorf regiment, the regiment had its own name too as many did but Pieter was too unfamiliar to be party to it. A great big bushy beard masked the soldier’s expression but the lack of a salute caused Pieter to scowl at the reply. To be sure standards were lax among veterans’ but all standard regiments followed basic decorum.

The soldier beside the one who spoke was slightly shorter and even slighter in build. Similarly dressed and clean shaven showed the man was much younger, apart from the eyes, the eyes seemed wrong. Both had short swords at their sides, their standard issue pole arms were elsewhere.

“Out with it then man, what is the problem?”

The two soldiers glanced towards each other, no words were exchanged but there was definitely some communication on some level. The taller one spoke up again, more deliberately this time.

“Well sir, we ran into some issues at camp, a problem with the ponies requires your attention.”

‘Wait’ thought Pieter, ‘two city born soldiers just happened to track me through dense forest? I am at least an hour’s walk from camp . . .’

Tilting his head in confusion Pieter voiced his concern. “How did you find me?”

The question caught the soldiers off guard, again they exchanged a glance. This time the shorter Halberdier spoke up, “Well sir, there was a unicorn in the camp; it was that pony using their magic. Couldn’t explain it sir, their magic, it’s weird.”

‘Come to think of it their stance is all wrong; they are on edge, almost aggressive. No halberds, no salute, refusing to present me with a clear picture of this supposed situation, strange mannerisms. This is not right.’ Deciding to play the game Pieter gestured to them in acknowledgement.

Go on then men lead the way.”

The two soldiers failed to respond, at least not right away. “Erm, you first sir please. I’m afraid we don’t really know where to go now we’ve found you.” The smaller trooper smiled sheepishly, it was obviously a fake smile. There was no way Pieter was going anywhere with these two behind him and out of his sight lines.

“Right, who in Ulric’s beard are you!” Pieter demanded. The taller soldier clenched up, sinking into a slight crouch. His counterpart flinched at the accusation, but seemed to draw strength from his partner. An unspoken conversation passed between the two and their deadened expressions turned to malicious grimaces. They drew their swords and charged at Pieter without warning.

Pieter barely had time to draw his own short sword and back step the first clumsy swipe from the larger trooper. Taking up a guard position he effortlessly swatted away the two attacker’s pitiful attempts to fell him. Neither of them appeared to have any skill with their blades, resorting to primitive hacking and slashing which the experienced captain easily dodged or parried. Sidestepping left to bring the larger of his opponents into a one on one Pieter decided to balance the numbers.

Feinting right then slashing his sword across to draw a weak parry he capitalised on his superior skill and speed to flick his blade around and knock the sword from the other’s hand. Using the swords pommel as a club a sharp smack on the trooper’s head laid him out across the forest’s floor unconscious.

The second trooper watched the contemptuous ease with which Pieter had dealt with his counterpart and quickly dropped his sword. Bright green flame erupted as the once human form began to morph to reveal a changeling. Pieter received a brief glimpse of shiny blue eyes laced with fear before the creature turned its back in an attempt to flee. Again the Empire captain was quicker, darting forward and grabbing the filmy wings on the changeling’s back. His prey gave out a pitiful squeal of fear.

Pieter’s ire was raised and with the sword still firmly grasped in his right hand, the changelings struggling wings in his left, he brought the blade down on the buzzing appendages. The changeling’s squeals of fear turned to screams of pain as its sickly hued blood sprayed from the stumps, speckling the mottled green clothing Pieter wore. A firm backhand floored the changeling and it curled up in pain.

“Right then, now you have that out of your system I demand to know where you came from changeling.”

“Please, please don’t kill me!” pleaded the quivering creature, eyes turned up to the human in terror.

“Answer my questions and I’ll release you then, I will even take you back to camp for treatment changeling.”

“I can’t . . .”

“Then you die.” Stepping forward Pieter planted his cloth wrapped boot on the changeling’s carapace, his sword pressed at the base of the throat.

“Okay, okay our queen ordered us to flee when the ponies used the Elements on us. We were acting on her last orders.” Black hooves pawed at Pieter’s leg, too intimidated to act.

Sensing the changeling was broken, Pieter decided to press for any further information. “So then, where is your queen? I heard she teleported away, where did she go?”

“No, please, I can’t tell you that. . . .” Pieter interrupted the plea, stamping down on his prisoner, drawing a pistol from its holster and levelling it at the unconscious changeling which had reverted to its usual form lying a mere arm’s reach away. “No really, I can’t.”


The pistol fired sending its shot through the head of the unconscious changeling.

“Your whiny voice and lack of answers are testing my patience. Do you want to live or not?”

“The queen fled to the old continent! She’s hiding in griffon territory!”

“Good.” Pieter placed the spent pistol back in its holster. ‘Do I need anything else from this one?’ he asked himself. “Do you know why she fled there?”

“No, no, she didn’t share that with the hive mind. She cut the connection after she realised the Elements were being used!” A shallow whimper underscored the duress the changeling was obviously under.

“I believe you.”

Pieter’s comment brought a grateful smile from his prisoner. “So you’ll take me back to your camp then?”

“Sorry, I lied.”


Pieter’s second pistol spent its shot.

“Worst. Assassins. Ever” said Pieter with a derogatory laugh.

Canterlot, Equestria

The human and pony leaders exited the main hall side by side. They were on their way to the room assigned to negotiations that day and had spent the half hour previous covering how the talks would likely transpire over food.

The day had proceeded well for Markus. The speech to the nobleponies of Canterlot had gone soundly, relatively speaking. They were an effete bunch as Markus understood and that was definitely how he came to see them. So concerned with image, manner and position they reminded him of some of the aristocracy of the Empire, those who were happy to sit back and enjoy high society away from the war-torn borders. For sure many of the aristocracy of the Old World lived for the Empire’s struggle; the Pistolkorps, knightly orders, engineers, battle wizards and army officers of which Pieter von Grunberg was one. Still, the nobles of Canterlot were not among the ponies Markus held in admiration that much was for sure.

Looking across at his counterpart he took in her features. Her expression was stern, lips pursed and mind very evidently set on what lay ahead. She walked with her usual elegant demeanour and poise, the very image of a statesman . . . or statespony in her case.

They turned a corner in the usual pristine white corridors of the palace. Images of ponies resided in frames along the walls on the way, some were painted and others were captured images like those used in the pony newspapers. Ahead lay the meeting room, a nondescript door with two guards posted to it.

Celestia advanced with purpose, nodding to the two guards as she approached. The guard on the right, being a unicorn, opened the door with his magic and the princess passed through. Markus followed in behind receiving curious glances from both of the guards when they saw the massive hammer resting on his back.

“Erm sir . . .” began the unicorn.

“It’s ok sergeant, his hammer is a religious item. I can vouch for him” interjected the princess, immediately pacifying the guard.

The room they entered felt much similar to the great hall but on a lesser scale. High vaulted ceilings with coloured glass windows depicting events in Equestria’s past. Light tinted by the glass spread across the room giving it an almost magical feel against the clean, white walls Markus had come to expect. In the centre of the room a long table was set out with three figures sat at it.

The first figure looked fairly similar to Celestia. It had a long elegant body, at least in comparison to the ponies of Equestria. It was a light brown colour, a fairly short but gleaming blonde mane and wore a simple technicoloured cloth which covered areas of its head, neck and body. Presumably it was the representative from Saddle Arabia. Interestingly its features reminded Markus of the prestigious horses of Araby back in the Old World.

The second figure struck Markus almost with awe. Casually sat back in a chair, hind legs crossed and resting on the table and clawed forelimbs crossed as well was a griffon. Dark grey feathers with white tips plumed from the top of its head. The rest of the griffon’s feathers were a lighter grey in colour almost like granite and its yellow beak bore a scar vertically across it. The creature looked up at Celestia with a calm dispassion. As its eyes wondered across to the towering form of Markus the griffon sized up the new arrival briefly with a narrowed gaze.

The third and final figure looked to Markus like some kind of beastman. With clean, light blue fur and golden scaled armour its appearance was however markedly different than the savage denizens of some of the Old World’s forests. It had the head of a dog and the hulking body of an orc, although the canine had less muscle and mass than the average greenskin.

Greeting the gazes of the three diplomats with a nod, Markus took his seat beside the Saddle Arabian delegate. Celestia took her seat at the head of the table smiling warmly to each of the other races as she did so.

Clearing her throat softly she made the first statement. “Greetings, allow me to begin by making introductions before the lead party makes its opening statement. I know by now each of you, with the exception of Markus here, are familiar with each other so allow me.

“Markus, to your left is Ambassador Fleethoof al-Din Dharby, representative of the Sultanate of Saddle Arabia. The griffon opposite you is Commander Gaillard Greyfeather, chieftain of the Greyfeather’s and representative of King Getorix Greyfeather. And finally the Khanine Ambassador of the Howler tribe; Rover Stonepaw, representative of Khan Rex Goldtooth.”

Markus nodded to each in turn. Fleethoof returned the acknowledgment with a warm smile and short bow, the other two representatives merely grunted in response.

‘Well this negotiation is very obviously predetermined’ Markus mused.

Celestia carried on seemingly unfazed by the noncommittal attitudes of the khanine and griffon.

“Fleethoof, Gaillard and Rover, this is Markus Holstein, Arch Lector of the Cult of Sigmar, Elector of the Empire and general of the emperor’s forces on this planet. As I am sure you have all heard by now he is not from this world but he has played a key role in defending it from a dire threat.”

“As you say Celestia” interrupted the griffon in a bored drawl “Equestria is faced with dire threats every week apparently.”

The dismissal of the griffon drew an indignant snort from the Warrior Priest, which in turn gained the attention of Gaillard’s beady black eyes.

“When you have spent your entire life devoted to fighting the servants of the Chaos Gods then you can make your judgement on the threat they pose.” Markus used the same disinterested tone of the griffon, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds before breaking and turning back to Celestia. “Please continue princess.”

Without missing a beat Celestia continued as if the interruption had never occurred. “With introductions concluded then convention dictates the initiating party takes the lead. Gaillard, Rover, whenever you are prepared you may begin.”

Gaillard took his paws off the table, shuffled some miscellaneous papers with his talons and eventually, once sufficiently settled, began.

The speech dragged on for endless minutes. If Markus was not used to the endless droning he received whenever he was subjected to a council meeting then he would likely have lost focus despite the importance of the subject matter. To Markus it seemed like many of the points raised were circumstantial or downright at odds with what Celestia had said when she had explained the issue.

“Excuse me Gaillard . . .” began the human.

Celestia spoke up quickly at the sharp intake of breath Fleethoof made in response to the Warrior Priest’s interruption. “Markus, opening statements must be made without interruption. My apologies, I forgot you would not be aware of some of the rules these events carry.”

“Well then you all have my apologies as well, proceed at will.”

On went the monologue prepared by the griffon. The core of the argument hinged on the brief control exerted by the griffon kingdom following the absence of the Equestrian tribes and some ancient document left by Chancellor Puddinghead of the earth ponies who left it to the griffon king as part of a bet she lost. Such an example of pure hedonism left Markus torn between being amused or disgusted.

To the right of the griffon the dog would nod along at every comment alluding to Equestria’s apparent transgression, at some halfway point the khanine took over with his gruff raspy voice. He went on to outline the key features from thereon, trade statistics, population ratios and the alleged annexation of the island by a formal Equestrian government some time later.

Looking across at Celestia, Markus saw her own notes were open and three quills were racing across the paper under the influence of her magic, all the while she kept her attention firmly on the speaking Rover. ‘By Sigmar she is genuinely assessing every aspect of their statement.’ Turning back to the dog Markus cleared his mind in order to better assess the opening statement.

It was pretty clear the monologue was reaching its end. Rover was down to his last prompt sheet and Markus’ attention span was seriously beginning to wane. Once the dog had reached the end of the sheet he looked up, satisfied with the conclusion which claimed griffons were in fact the first species to inhabit the island. The claim was a completely new assertion to Markus who had heard Celestia herself make that claim just hours previously.

Sparing a glance he saw Fleethoof looking at her with a genuinely enamoured expression. Rover too regarded Celestia somewhat warmly considering he had taken the opposite side in the debate. Some of the points caused him to frown on occasion but overall he remained amiable towards the princess. Gaillard however was acting impertinent in the extreme. He would scoff, click his beak in irritation, ruffle the feathers that crested his head and on the whole disregard the entire statement drawing a great deal of Markus’ ire.

Celestia by-and-large reiterated the points she had made to Markus when they had spoken in the palace gardens although substantially more fleshed out and in depth than before. She countered the Puddinghead bet topic by pointing out several past cases where Puddinghead had made ridiculous and unclaimable bets, questioned the validity of the source and cast a shadow on the sanity of the mare in question. Her final testimony put forth her own evidence that it was ponies that discovered and populated the island first, attracting yet another snort of derision from the griffon. Using that point as her final rebuttal she thanked the delegates and ended her opening statement.

Fleethoof took to his hooves. As a member of the neutral party it was his duty to dictate the flow of the discussion. “Thank you Celestia, a most eloquent statement indeed, not that I would expect any less. If nobody has any objections I would like the lead party to make their counter?”

“Yes, I have an issue I would like clarified” said Markus firmly. “Both sides claim that their ancestors discovered Equestria Minor first. Now I have personally read the documented evidence supporting the Equestrian claim and it would appear fairly conclusive . . .”

An outraged flurry of feathers battered at the air as Gaillard spluttered in exaggerated horror. “Are you suggesting the scholars of both the khanines and the griffons are lying? I will not stand for such mockery, I demand a recess.” Belatedly Ambassador Rover Stonepaw thumped the table in agreement, rising from his chair in support.

“Granted” replied Celestia, keeping hair calm motherly tone and undaunted expression flawless. Ambassador Fleethoof sighed but left shortly after the two members of the lead party stormed from the meeting room. “Do not fret Markus, they were going to find an excuse to demand a recess as soon as they could, they always do.”

“I do not fret. . . You realise these talks are a sham princess? They do not seriously expect you to give them the island and know their claims are flawed. More than that one does not send a military leader who is a relation of one’s king to make peaceful negotiation. You send such a person as a message. The khanine’s wearing of his armour, another message.”

“I know Markus. After so many of these negotiations it has become the norm I am afraid, the symbolic gestures are just that, symbolic. No nation has attacked Equestria during my reign. My sister and I’s control over sun and moon has provided sufficient incentive to ward off any international threats. I wanted you here for that very reason, to remind them of the power I can command, my original claim that I wanted you here to deter belligerent tones is actually something of a lie I’m afraid. I know I cannot make orders of you, but right now that is what they will think I am doing. They will think I have the allegiance of a warrior nation backed by a god from across the stars.”

“And how do you expect them to believe that?” responded Markus with slight bewilderment.

“With your help and the help of a few agents of my own it should not be a problem Markus. I did not hold my country together for over a thousand years through speaking softly alone, at times one must carry a big stick in the shadows.”

Author's Note:

Expositionary chapter is expositionary.

For easy reference:
-Gaillard is pronounced guy-ard, Dharby is derby, khanine is khan-ine drawing from the Genghis Khan variety
-I'm using the official map and treating Equestria Minor as the British Isles to the griffon and khanines europe across the ocean.
-Decided to cut out the actual speeches because i felt like i already overloaded on speech segments and don't want it to go the way of star wars ep1 which suffocated in a horrible mess of intergalactic trade negotiations.