• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 5,853 Views, 164 Comments

Horn and Hammer - Lancer

Warhammer meets MLP. Two forces for good, two opposite ways of life, forced to stand together.

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Chapter Twelve- Fallout

Chapter Twelve


Dear Princess Celestia,

Usually my reports are of a positive nature, they tell of the great things my friends and I learnt together. I’m afraid this week’s report is not of the same theme. Every experience changes us, for better or worse but the events of the previous days have been painful for all of us.

Fluttershy has not left her cottage for three days, nopony has seen her and any visitors are met by silence or the dismissal of Angel, her bunny. I can’t imagine how it must feel for her, to be complicit in the killing of another creature. I hope she can reconcile with it and move on and I will do everything I can to support her. I had planned to pay her a visit today. By being there for her even when she wants to be alone I may be able to get through to her, she needs somepony there for her.

Rainbow Dash likewise has been acting differently, they all have. Her demeanour hasn’t changed. I see her working most days on the cloud shift. Outside of work though, she spends her time at the newly formed military camp on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. I guess I can understand, I know Rainbow, she saw all those soldiers fighting, dying, for us and she feels she owes them. I’ve seen the bruises and I know she convinced the soldiers to let her train with them. I can’t help but think she’s there because she feels guilty for not doing more as well.

Rarity and Applejack have both become completely absorbed in their work. They’re as polite and kind as ever when I see them. They seem to be coping ok but there’s evidently a weight on their minds and I can feel the difference. I know Applejack won’t deliver apples to the moved military camp; her brother does that, well that’s according to Rainbow Dash and from the only time I’ve talked to her in the last few days. Rarity similarly stays in her boutique, she says she has a backlog of work to deal with but I know work was sparse for her as of late.

Pinkie actually seems perfectly fine, she had half the town singing and dancing yesterday. She’s coping better than any of us. I don’t know what it is but her character has been impenetrable, it’s inspiring. Pinkie Pie can just make ponies smile whatever the circumstances. Honestly she’s the one who has made all of this bearable, I see her at least twice a day out in Ponyville and she says she sees all of us every day, with the exception of Fluttershy unfortunately.

As for me, I’m fine. I worry about my friends mostly. The occasional presspony knocking on the door and asking for an interview is frustrating as well. Other than that I can deal with this. Pinkie and Spike have been great company when I need them, haven’t told Spike about what really happened and I’m grateful that the newspapers don’t know the Chaos worshippers true fate. Having everypony looking at us like we are killers would be too much.

On a brighter note I have been contemplating my studies on magic. It seems strange that I have devoted my education to all magic except battle magic, I could feel the power Luna and Willhelm were utilising and it was honestly fascinating. In addition, after what happened in Canterbury, I think I have to study it. To protect my friends and myself it seems only logical, bursts of pure magic, shields and telekinesis are basic in the extreme. To that end I plan to visit the new camp and ask Magistrate Rekthofen to allow me to borrow some of his material and possibly give me some tips. He borrowed a number of books from my library while I was gone so it seems only fair.

P.S nopony took back the armour we borrowed, what should we do with it?

Yours sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.


Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight set down her quill, sealed the scroll and set it to the side. With a sigh she got to her hooves and looked out of the window. A beautiful day had been scheduled by the weather ponies today. The Sun was set high in the sky, barely a cloud to mar the vast expanse of blue.

Ponies went about their daily business. The usual perpetual good cheer had been lost following the Battle of the Everfree and the Canterbury Massacre. The survivors had stayed in Ponyville that fateful day, many of them still dwelled in the town, staying in the hotel free of charge or with welcoming ponies in their own homes.

Twilight hung her head and turned away. Walking to the door she readied herself for the outside. Pressponies had been wondering around Ponyville for the last couple of days, she would generally run into one or two when she left the library. Although she did not dislike pressponies, she resented their presence in the town. All they did was stir up memories of those horrible few days. No wonder the Canterbury survivors were rarely seen outside.

Strapping her saddlebags on she turned to face the door.



“I’m going out for a while. Could you send my letter to the princess please? I left it on the desk!”


“Goodbye Spike!”


A flicker of a smile graced her face. Spike had not changed at least, still the perfect little dragon he had always been. With a deep breath she opened the door and stepped out. Sunlight washed over her, reinforcing the ghost of a smile on her face. Taking a left she set off towards Fluttershy’s cottage, staying off of the main roads and keeping to back streets to avoid any pressponies that may have been lurking in the town still. She reciprocated any greeting other ponies gave her and thanked any who praised her for her role during the battle. Even now she blushed at praise, it just felt so alien.

“Hey Twilight” called a mint green unicorn from across the street. Lyra bounded up to Twilight, a bright smile plastered on her face.

“Oh hi Lyra, how are you?” Twilight responded.

“I’m great thanks, got Featherlight and Tulip staying round mine while they get back on their hooves.”

“That’s really great Lyra, you’re a good pony.” Twilight placed a hoof on the other mare’s shoulder in gratitude. “How’s your roommate doing with it?”

“Oh Bon’s fine, she’s such an awesome friend you know? Cooks for them, takes time off work to look after them, that girl’s all heart.”

“I’m glad to hear it, tell her I said thanks, you two are doing a really noble thing.”

“No problem, it’s what any pony would do right? And thank you too Twilight, to you and your friends. I can’t imagine the responsibility you girls have to bear, but I’m glad you lot are the ones who do, you make me proud to live in the same town as you.”

Twilight barely had time to react before the other mare had wrapped her hooves around Twilight in a hug. She returned it half-heartedly, but grateful all the same.

“Thanks Lyra, I have to go though, I’ll see you around.”

“No problem Sparkle, have a nice day.”

Twilight continued on her way, reaching the edge of the town in a couple of minutes and taking to the path which led to Fluttershy’s cottage. She could make out the new Empire encampment on Sweet Apple Acres outskirts from here. Not strictly an Empire camp in all fairness, the Trottingham guardsponies had remained with the small Empire army as they were technically still under Arch Lector Holstein’s command. It was why Rainbow Dash kept visiting to train with them.

The path took the camp out of her field of view as she walked on. A light breeze caressed her face, birds sang softly to each other and Twilight allowed her mind to wander for the rest of the journey, enjoying the moment of peace while it lasted.

Barely minutes later the cottage come into view. Crossing the bridge and ascending the small hill Twilight approached Fluttershy’s door. She had to admit she was nervous, nopony had seen nor heard from Fluttershy in days. At least nothing appeared that out of place, the usual gathering of critters looked relatively content to Twilight, as far as she understood the way of small woodland creatures at any rate.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Twilight’s wrapped on the door only to be met with silence. She suddenly became very aware that the aforementioned critters were now watching her with very evident trepidation. Shaking off their gaze Twilight glanced to the windows, all the window shutters were drawn.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Hello? Fluttershy, it’s me Twilight, are you in?”

No response came from the cottage.

‘Ok, judging by the animals reactions she must be in. So how do I get her to talk to me?’ she thought.

“Please Fluttershy, nopony has seen you in days, we’re worried.”

Still no response.

“I can’t leave until you come out Fluttershy.”

The silence was becoming eerie now.

‘Maybe she really isn’t in?’

Just as Twilight began to turn away the sound of clattering cutlery came from within the cottage, followed by an all too familiar “eep.”

“Aha!” Twilight realised jumping in triumph probably was not the best course of action and stopped herself awkwardly before she became too carried away. “I’m coming in Fluttershy.” Twilight charged up a teleport, rematerialising inside the cottage.

Almost complete darkness greeted her. The drastic difference in light levels causing her pupils to expand to compensate. Twilight was momentarily sightless and dazed. Drawing upon her magic she lit up her horn casting its glow across the room. In the wan glow of her magic’s light she cast around for her friend.

“Fluttershy, come on please come out. I only want to help.”

“Leave me alone.” The reply came from upstairs, from Fluttershy’s bedroom. The short sob that followed it gave Twilight pause.

‘Perhaps I really should just leave. . . . No, I cannot leave her like this. I’m doing this for her.’

Twilight forced herself up the stairs, each step becoming easier and reaffirming her resolve. She emerged into Fluttershy’s bedroom, her horn still glowing softly. The place was a mess, the veritable definition of disorder. Dirty plates littered the floor; the armour plating she had worn was thrown around the room along with random bottles, containers and other assorted items. Twilight looked past all of this to the bundle of covers heaped on the bed.

“Fluttershy . . .” The bundle shook in response.

“Just go.”

“I can’t let you suffer alone like this, I’m worried for you, we all are.”

“Leave. Me. Alone.”


“Twilight, go.”

“No Fluttershy, I know this must be hard and . . .”

The covers exploded into the air, they fell to reveal an incensed Fluttershy. Twilight recoiled in shock at the fierce expression her friend bore. The yellow pegasus practically quivered with rage, her visage made all the more malevolent in the low light created by Twilight’s spell.

“Just because you don’t have a problem being a killer doesn’t mean the rest of us are ok with it Twilight! I don’t need or want your help. Get out of my house Twilight, how many times do I have to tell you?!” Fluttershy screamed in rage, advancing with a leap from her bed to land before Twilight, wings flared and eyes staring.

Twilight held against the Stare for barely a second before turning and fleeing the room. She did not register the stairs as she sprinted down them. Her eyes were misted with tears and she subconsciously blew the door off its hinges in her attempt to flee. Twilight ran for so long she found herself at a fork in the road. Slowing down and sucking in a breath she dried her teary eyes with a hoof, looking about in bewilderment and shock. Gradually Twilight’s faculties returned to her, chocking back a sob she regained her bearings.

‘I can’t believe it. Fluttershy yelled at me, she used the Stare on me. I was only trying to help.’

“Oh Celestia she hates me! “ Sinking to her knees, Twilight stared despondently across the open fields.

Bashing her hoof on the ground Twilight jumped to her hooves and began to pace in a circle. “No, no ,no. She’s just struggling with what we had to do, come on Twilight be logical. I am not going to allow myself to get carried away again and fly off the handle trying to fix everything. She just needs more time, she was angry that’s all.” Making the arguments out loud helped calm her down, to stop the crazy from taking over like it had with the ‘Want It, Need It’ incident.

‘Right, I have a schedule to keep to, concentrate on that. Nothing’s broken; we’re still friends, just keep calm and carry on.’ With a wet sniffle of her muzzle and a shake of her head Twilight looked around once more. She was all alone, behind her lay the path to Fluttershy’s cottage, to the left was the fork that led to Sweet Apple Acres and the new Empire camp, and Ponyville lay directly ahead.

Turning left the lone mare set off towards the next destination in her schedule, the soldier’s camp. She tried to divert her mind by planning ahead the conversation between herself and the magistrate, or by taking in the surrounding countryside. Even a perfect day and the prospect of a new topic of study could not lift the shadow that enshrouded her mind at the moment.

Twilight’s approach took her around Sweet Apple Acre’s border, skirting the long rows of apple trees. She could make out the distant form of Big Macintosh pulling a laden down cart towards the barn. To her left the encampment came into clearer focus.

The ordered structure of the camp was clear from where she approached it. It lay at the foot of a gradual incline barely two minutes’ walk away. Some thirty tents formed the camp’s core, arrayed in a neat six by five layout. These tents housed the soldiers and what few cart drivers had accompanied the army into Equestria. At their centre were the command tents, those occupied by the officers. Storage tents and other logistical items such as cart horses, wagons and supplies were kept on the north side. To the south, and closer to where Twilight was approaching from, were the Royal Guard’s tents. They were much fewer in number, smaller, less robust and without the red and blue flags of the Empire ones.

Figures milled about throughout the camp. From Twilight’s vantage point descending the hill she could make out many of the bodies, both pony and human were gathered on the West side of the camp. She approached from the east so the soldier’s purpose there was beyond her ken.

Interest piqued, Twilight increased her pace to a trot. Approaching the perimeter she slowed under the gaze of the two Halberdiers sat either side of the dirt path which led to the camp. They appeared fairly complacent. Wearing full armour and with their namesake weapons propped against their shoulders would suggest at least some negative intent, but the absolute apathy they exuded quashed Twilight’s intimidation. A casual wave of the hand signalled for Twilight to pass straight through without a word spoken.

Trotting into the camp, Twilight made for the centre where she would find the officers tents. Being the sibling of a captain of the Canterlot guard had its advantages; a rough knowledge of military matters finally found some use. The majority of the humans in camp paid her no heed but it seemed many were absent anyway, most likely they were on the East side as she had glimpsed earlier.

Twilight quickly arrived at the camp’s centre three rows in. Arch Lector Holstein’s tent stood out most obviously despite its unimposing size and plain appearance. The only real difference which marked it out was the two soldiers who were very definitely on guard duty. Their backs were straight, chins raised, armour gleaming and eyes locked on hers as she warily approached.

“State your business.”

Casting around, not entirely sure how to react, Twilight responded in her usual manner. “Hello sirs, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I was looking for Magistrate Willhelm Rekthofen’s tent and thought it would be at the camp’s centre. I can’t seem to pick it out though, could you give me a hoof oh, erm hand?” chuckling nervously, she scratched the back of her head and offered a weak smile.

“Certainly, it is the one directly behind this tent with the cart pulled up alongside it.”

“Oh, erm thank you sir. Give your commander my regards if you would, I never thanked him for his role in the erm, events three days ago.”

“Father Holstein is indisposed at present, but your gratitude will be conferred upon his return.”
With a nod of her head and a parting smile, Twilight set off again around the tent to the one behind it. ‘Impressive eloquence for a guard’ she mused as her objective came into view. This tent was very evidently different. It used the cart next to it as its base, the fabric that made up its walls extending from the cart to form the tent’s exterior. Other than that it was just as nondescript as the other tents around her, with the exception of the flag it bore, this one was white with a gold symbol on it compared to the red and blue of the others.

Tentatively lifting the tent flap with her magic she peered under. Within she could make out a few small tables piled high with books and scrolls. The grass floor was uncovered apart from the two rather basic beds in either corner of the tent.

“Hello?” Twilight called from the entrance.

The shuffling of feet on grass met her query. White robes emerged from the right side of the tent. The smiling face of Willhelm was revealed, the long white beard emerged first, his sword pommel appeared briefly amidst the depths of his robes and then the rest of him came into view as he bent over to get a better view of the shorter pony.

“Oh yes Twilight Sparkle. Good day to you, by all means come in.”

Twilight shuffled into the tent, nosing open the flap when she absentmindedly released her magical grip on it. Being formerly welcomed into the room allowed her to get a better look at it, behind her and to the left were a small heap of spare robes, enough for both Willhelm and his apprentice. To the right was Willhelm’s staff propped up in the tent’s corner.

“How may I help you then Twilight Sparkle?”

“Well I was wondering if I could ask you a favour actually?” came Twilight’s reply. Willhelm merely waved her on while he went about the tent sorting a bunch of scrolls bundled under his arm. “Yes well, erm in my studies I’ve covered many areas of magic and one element that I’ve never touched on is battle magic. The favour I would like to ask is that maybe you could lend me some of your reading material, or perhaps give me a few lessons?”

The White Wizard peered down at her with interest, very obviously judging her and her request. He called his staff over to him from the corner of the room, resting it against his shoulder as he stroked his beard in thought. The suddenly very self-conscious unicorn wilted slightly under his gaze.

“Come, we shall talk on the way.” Willhelm stepped through the tent’s entrance striding past Twilight and holding the flap open for her to follow who hesitantly followed.

“Erm, where are we going?” asked Twilight, noting they were heading towards the eastern side of the camp.

“The soldiers set up a sparring pit, my apprentice is there already watching and hopefully training himself.” The wizard looked down at the pony for a moment, unsure if he should breach the subject that was causing him pause. “Twilight Sparkle, Captain Von Grunberg told me of your aptitude and . . . . recent experience. I have seen enough of your world to know violence does not come naturally but if you have the stomach for it then it seems only fair considering I took some of the books from your library; you may help yourself to my collection. I have already made a commitment to some magical sparring with another but after some theory and practice I am sure I could spare you some time. My apprentice, Kurt, would likely be available on request.”

“Wow, thank you magistrate that’s very generous of you. How did you find the books by the way?”

“Most interesting, spellwork is much less volatile here. Between simple augments and the vastly simpler telekinesis I believe I have a good grasp of the small collection of books I borrowed. I must admit I was tempted to try something more advanced myself seen as the limitations of the Old World are lessened here, Princess Luna’s Dread Aura spell perhaps?”

“The one she cast around the gateway?”

Willhelm answered with a nod, his gaze focused on his destination. They emerged from the tents to a loosely marked out circle in the ground made up of wooden posts hammered into the ground. Gathered around the pit was a number of soldiers, both pony and human. They were busy watching two combatants, one pony and one human sparring. The Empire state trooper was on his back, arm wrapped around the pony in a headlock as the stallion was pinned on his back also, the pegasus tapped the ground in defeat before they separated.

Scattered around the pit several other soldiers were busy training and Kurt could be seen practicing under Sergeant Kemper further off.

A shining blur shot across the ground to skid to a halt before Twilight causing her to recoil slightly. “Hey Twi what are you doing round here?” asked Rainbow Dash, looking resplendent in her borrowed gold armour. The bruise under her eye marred her appearance somewhat.

“I’m actually here to ask for a few lessons and reading material.”

“Egghead” replied a smiling Dash.

“Hey! I’ll have you know I’m researching battle magic.”

“That. Is. Awesome!” Rainbow Dash raised a hoof for a hoof bump which Twilight reciprocated. Lowering their hooves the two caught each other’s eye for a moment, it was a knowing look. “Hey I’m kinda in the middle of something so i’ll come round and see you later okay?”

Twilight nodded and they both smiled briefly before Rainbow shot off to re-join the guard she had been practicing with. Twilight watched Rainbow shoot off again her mind wondering as it often did in recent times. ‘Nightmare Moon, Discord, changelings and Chaos. Equestria’s changing, we’re losing our innocence in this new age and I suspect this process might just be irreversible, for better or worse.’