• Published 6th Apr 2019
  • 1,410 Views, 27 Comments

Life after the Show - FSkindness

For almost 9 years six ponies have worked together on a show about friendship in Equestria. How will the lives of the cast and crew be after the show ends? Is friendship really magic?

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4 Spike: October 2010

Hey guys it's me! Your favorite dragon!

That's probably not the right way to start a diary but it's not like I'm gonna get graded on it.

How do I start a diary anyway? Eh who cares it's my story so I guess I can start anywhere.

Things have been pretty weird with Twilight lately.

It started two days ago on the 9th. She was kind of... lost. She kept hounding me on what she was forgetting. She said she absolutely knew she had to be somewhere that day.

All of her assignments for the princess's magic school were done and I already fetched her the books she was fixed on reading.

She kind of just nodded at me then went to her room. She looked out the window for hours and hours until the sun started to go down. I kept on checking up on her but she didn't really want to talk.

She was looking down the mountains and to all the valleys.

I thought it would be a good idea to give her company so I sat down on her bed. Her head was held up by her hooves at the edge of the window.

I guess she had been spending a lot of time looking at a tiny little town near the horizon. She asked me what that place was.

I hadn't really noticed it until she pointed out. I said, "Ponyville. What about it?"

She stared at it intently. It pained her at trying to answer my question, "I'm... not sure. I can't remember, Spike."

There was something about that little place that she could not look away from. She just stared at it, clearly in desperate thought to remember something.

Ponyville is nothing special other than that it was hosting the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow.

I thought it would be a get her out of this sudden little rut she was in so I did something a bit dishonest but I didn't really have any other choice.

I was going to pretend that Princess Celestia had sent us a letter. Yeah, I forged a letter from the princess but as long as Twilight just gives me a letter to send back then I can probably hide it. Hopefully.

If we were going to go anywhere then it might as well be Ponyville seeing as Twilight is super interested in it.

I got out a paper and wrote the letter for Twilight about how she had to inspect different parts of the preparations. I knew that every year there would be a pony for food, clearing the weather, the decorations, and music.

This would give her a good enough to-do list to check the place out and get out of the house.

I rolled it up into a scroll and walked back into her room. She looked at me and I got a bit nervous.

"A letter from the princess!" I handed it to her.

She opened it up. She squinted at it with a frown. "Princess Celestia wrote this?"

"Um. Yeah, I think so."

She lowered the parchment to look at me, "Spike, "Ponyville" isn't even spelled right. And this isn't even in her writing."

I knew the gig was up but I still tried my best otherwise. "Oh that's right! They got a new pony to write her letters for her! Yeah um. He's not very good at it yet though."

She raised an eyebrow at me and I looked away. She looked at the paper with a bit of distrust.

I thought she figured me out until she just shrugged and said okay. She went to bed early saying we needed to be up in the morning to get there before the event started.

I was in the clear. Luckily Twilight wasn't as socially smart as she was book smart. That's another thing I put on the letter, that there's more to life than studying.

The next morning I woke up about an hour before Twilight. The sun hadn't yet been risen so I needed to turn some lights on to do things.

I washed up then made breakfast for the two of us. Twilight didn't get up at her normal time. I waited for a while then started to eat. She was always down to eat breakfast with me.

I finished my food and she was still not here. I went over to her room to see what was going on.

That purple pony was still tucked under her bedsheets. She was still asleep which was pretty out of character for her. I got to the side of her bed and nudged her a couple of times.

She groaned then buried her face into the pillow. "Twilight it's time to get up."

She moaned then got out of bed before I could say anything else. Her hair was messy and and her eyes had dark circles underneath.

She went straight to the entrance and picked up her bag of things. She thanked me for making breakfast but said that she wasn't feeling well. She just wanted to get going so she could get home sooner.

I didn't really know how to help her feel better as she walked out. Before leaving I made sure to grab a few snacks for her to eat later when she got hungry. I put them into her bag when I got outside.

She didn't seem to care. Her hair was still a mess. I pointed it out to her but she didn't respond. She held open the supposed letter from Celestia and looked at it with a blank stare.

She put it away in her bag then started down the road towards the train station.

There's not really much to it other than watching the sun start to rise. We easily found great seats on the train with how early it was.

Twilight's eyes kept on shutting as her head would grow heavy. I asked her if she was okay. She shrugged and gave me her best attempt at a smile, "I'll be okay, Spike. I just didn't get any sleep at all last night."

"What's the matter, Twilight?"

Her smile broke and she looked down. She looked out the window as trees and hills passed by in the darkness of dawn. She said in a low voice, "I don't really know, Spike. I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something really important today. It's like... It's like... I'm wasting the day and, well, I don't know. I feel like I'm going to miss out on something great. I feel like I'm alone."

I didn't really know how to help her. I didn't even know she was this depressed. How long ago did she start feeling this way? What could I do to fix it?

Twilight smiled and patted my head. She said I was so sweet. "You're the best friend anypony can ask for."

I felt pretty happy when she said that and I might have been blushing too because my cheeks got hot.

She smiled at me, "Oh and... I know that letter wasn't from the princess."

I looked at her surprised. She just held my hand happily and quietly, finally dozing off to sleep.

Our train arrived at Ponyville in a grinding halt. Twilight shook her head and looked around dizzily. We go toff the train.

The sun was up by now for morning. We walked a bit aimlessly away from the train station. I asked what she was going to do if she knew the letter wasn't really from the princess.

She looked down at the dirt as we walked. She said in a mumble, "I don't know, Spike. Even though it's not mandatory, I still feel like I should be here."

We walked through the main road of the town. Twilight seemed to be in deep thought as she looked to all of the little shops, the ponies, and the buildings. It relaxed her in some way.

A pink pony trotted along towards us. She stopped in front of us and said hello.

Twilight looked at her with wide eyes then stared down at the ground nervously. I nudged Twilight foreword. Twilight gulped then looked at the pony, "Um. Hi, yes. I'm Twilight Sparkle. I came here to check in on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration."

That pony raised her brow at us as if we were talking nonsense. She asked, "Is this a game? Spike is this a game?" She looked over to me.

Twilight and I both became visibly confused. Twilight asked, "How do you know Spike's name?"

She giggled, "Okay, silly head. Applejack would have been making food over at her orchard that way." She pointed to one end of town. The pink one said goodbye then left.

We were both a bit shaken by that encounter but did not have much of a reason to do anything about it. I suggested that maybe she had been somepony we met a long time ago.

Twilight looked to the girl as she walked away. She looked her over, "Maybe. She does look familiar."

Twilight sighed and shrugged it off, saying we should probably just forget about it and head over to find Applejack.

We walked all the way to the edge of town until we came across the orchard. An old sign swung above a walkway which had the cutout shape of an apple in the middle.

Twilight stared at the sign for a long while and then to the barn up on the short hill. We walked up towards it until we saw another pony at the treeline. She tucked her hind legs in then bucked the tree behind her. Apples broke off from their stems and landed into buckets under the tree.

Twilight approached the character with a smile, "Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle."

The farmer took her hoof and shook it vigorously. She introduced herself, "Well howdy doo, Miss Twilight! A pleasure making your acquaintance! I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends."

Twilight tried to speak but wasn't able to. Applejack finally let her hoof go, "So what can I do for you?"

"Um. Well, I am in fact here to see how the preparations are going for the Summer Sun Celebration if you don't mind."

Applejack perked her head up proudly, "Not at all! We sure are excited to see what ponies think of our food. Would you care to sample some?"

Twilight smiled and nodded, "I would love too, Applejack."

Applejack rang a triangle and called out, "Soup's on everypony!" A stampede of ponies broke out as they rushed over. Before eating we were introduced to the entire Apple family. It felt more like a bombardment with how quickly we were introduced to each.

Twilight shook her head, she was extremely tired and couldn't pay much attention to what any of the names were. She looked a bit overwhelmed.

At that moment I thought Twilight was going to make an out for us and try to leave. I could tell she was thinking that but she must have changed her mind and instead sat down at a table where all the food was piled up.

Applejack sat next to Twilight and told her the entire story of Sweet Apple Acres. I couldn't help myself and got to eating right away. It smelled so amazing with all the cinnamon and brown sugar used with all the apple foods.

Twilight didn't touch any of the food. She just quietly listened to Applejack as she talked. There was a smile on her face and she even began to cry.

Applejack interrupted her own story time to ask if she was alright.

Twilight wiped off the tears. With a big smile she hugged Applejack, "It was so nice to meet you. W-we have to get going now."

Applejack looked to me for an answer. I shrugged, "I've got nothing."

Everyone said goodbye and then we left. I asked Twilight what happened but she didn't talk to me. She still had a bedhead and at this point her tummy was growling loud enough for me to hear. I couldn't imagine why she didn't want to eat any of the food.

I asked where we were going now.

At that moment we saw a blue pegasus flying around, doing flips in the air. I thought maybe she would know the pony in charge of clearing the weather.

We walked over to where the pegasus played. Twilight looked to her, "Um, excuse me? Would you happen to know who is in charge of clearing up the clouds?"

The pegasus looked down at her, "Who's asking?"

Twilight looked to me a bit anxiously, "Um... N-nopony. I was just wondering that's all."

"Well that would be me actually. My name's Rainbow Dash. Don't worry I'll do it after I'm done practicing."

Twilight, "My name is Twilight. What are you practicing for?"

Rainbow Dash smiled with glee and pointed to a poster, "The Wonderbolts! They're going to perform at the celebration tomorrow and I'm going to show them my stuff!" She ended that statement by flying up and doing a backflip.

Twilight smiled then teased that the Wonderbolts wouldn't want a pony who couldn't keep the sky clear for one measly day. Rainbow Dash claimed she could clear the sky in ten seconds flat. Twilight told her to prove it. Rainbow Dash accepted the challenge and zipped through the air, clearing away the clouds at lightning speed.

Our jaws dropped open as we had never seen anypony fly so fast before. Rainbow Dash flew around us, "You're a laugh, Twilight Sparkle! I can't wait to hang out some more."

The next thing on our list was decorations but we didn't have any idea of where to go for that. So we just started walking until we found something that looked interesting.

We reached a fancy circular shaped building with lots of snazzy architecture. If that wasn't where the decorations we being made then I didn't know where else it could be.

We entered into a room full of flags and banners. Their designs captured historical symbols but were also strikingly vibrant and attractive in their color.

The most beautiful mare I had ever seen stood at the end of the room. She used her magic to float streamers of different colors to her gaze. She rejected each one as she looked for one with the perfect shade.

Twilight approached this unicorn to greet her. The pony asked for a moment, saying she was in the zone. She finally found a red ribbon she liked and tied it to a post in a perfect bow.

For the first time she turned to Twilight to meet her. Before she could say anything else she gasped with horror, "Oh my stars! Darling, what ever happened to your coiffure?"

Twilight just stared at her blankly. She look into her deep sapphire eyes, unable to speak.

The unicorn went to fixing Twilight's messy bedhead. Twilight's eyes opened widely. She looked to the unicorn, "Rarity? Oh goodness I'm starting to remember now!"

Rarity looked to me with a frown. She looked back to Twilight, "I'm afraid you've broken the simulation, darling. We'll have to send you back again now."

I sighed and nodded. Twilight looked to me with visible confusion but also a great bit of fear.

I raised two fingers together then snapped. White light filled the room and then everything was silent...

Hey guys it's me! Your favorite dragon!

That's probably not the right way to start a diary but it's not like I'm gonna get graded on it.

How do I start a diary anyway? Eh who cares it's my story so I guess I can start anywhere.

Things have been pretty weird with Twilight lately.

She spent the night looking out the window. I don't know why but she had been giving me weird looks.

I asked her what was wrong but she didn't really seem to know. She knew that things were not right.

I wrote her a letter to try and get her out of the house. She was suspicious of it but she accepted its instruction and went to bed early. She seemed sick to her stomach throughout the whole thing.

The next morning I made the two of us breakfast but she was not hungry. No matter what I did she just could not seem to get her mind off of whatever was bothering her.

We took a train down towards Ponyville. It was a long ride but she insisted on staying awake throughout the entire ride.

Is there even a point in pretending that I am the real Spike as I write this? Perhaps the reader understands this by now anyway and it's not like it would make any difference to Twilight.

I was sitting beside her and she kept on giving me these glances. It was as if she knew I wasn't who she thought I was. I didn't really have much control over that so I tried my best to just relax her.

We arrived to Ponyville and got off, repeating what we had done the first time around.

Twilight was very quiet until stating that she felt like she was here before. I didn't want her to notice a complete repeat of yesterday so I lead her down a route which was slightly off course of where we had been going.

Ponyville in the year of 2019 was so different from how it was nine years ago I hadn't realized I messed things up by taking this alternate route.

Every road was familiar to us in Ponyville but this road in particular I should have instantly realized where we were going, only I didn't until we were too late.

We approached a library that was carved out from a massively thick tree. It was the Golden Oaks Library. Upon seeing it I covered my face in a hand, "Oh no."

Twilight's eyes widened with her jaw dropped open. She stood there for some time, frozen in place.

Perhaps she didn't fully remember what this place was? I waved a hand in front of her.

She asked absent-mindedly, "Is... Is this a place we've been to, Spike?"

"No. It's just an old library. There's absolutely nothing special about it," I tried turning her body around.

She resisted and began walking towards the building. Why was she making it so difficult?

I clapped my hands twice and, behind Twilight, Pinkie Pie appeared from a cloud of smoke.

Pinkie Pie tapped on Twilight's shoulder and said hello.

Twilight turned to see who it was. When Twilight saw the pink mare she froze again.

Pinkie smiled, "Welcome to Ponyville, friend! My name is-"

"Pinkie Pie," Twilight finished for her.

Pinkie and I looked at each other with frustrated expressions.

Twilight's ears flicked back as she looked up to the tree house, "I remember now! This is where I lived all those years ago! You threw me a surprise party here when I first came to Ponyville, Pinkie."

Twilight became extremely worried and looked back at the two of us. She looked at me, "What's going on here? Where are my wings? Why is everypony acting like it's the past?"

Pinkie Pie groaned at me, "Discord, you can't even make a proper simulation. How are we going to get Twilight to live in a world where she never unites the elements of harmony?"

I shook my head at her, "You ruined the first day by being self-aware. Besides, she's too strong willed. It's going to take a while to get through her thick skull and accept this new reality as her own."

The purple unicorn fluttered her eyes and shook her head, "Wait. Discord? What's happening?"

I put two fingers together. Pinkie Pie smiled at Twilight, "You're about to get Thanos snapped." I snapped my fingers once again. A blinding white light sent everything into a deafening silence, followed by darkness.

Hey guys it's me! Your favorite dragon!

That's probably not the right way to start a diary but... Ah screw it you already know what's happening.

Twilight was alone in her room as I wrote yesterday's failed simulation in this diary. I wasn't worried of her finding me down here writting because even if she found everything out I could just reverse time for her again in this phony world and have her forget again.

I want her to really see if she can actually live a life without her friends. If she can then by all means I'll leave her here forever like how she would have wanted. If not then, well, I could snap her back to reality.

At around this time I would have gone up to see how she was doing and then see her near the window, staring down at the world below. I decided this time around to see how it would go if I gave her more time to think by herself.

After a bit of waiting I went up to her room. I knocked twice and then entered. I was shocked by what Twilight was doing.

Her window was wide open and she was outside, standing on the outer ledge of a beam that supported our structure. The only thing keeping her from falling down into the abyss was her two arms that were behind holding the window.

"TWILIGHT!" I shrieked.

She turned towards me with a face full of tears and shouted, "Stay away from me! I... I don't know who you are but I know you aren't the real Spike!"

I was careful to not step any closer than what she allowed me to. I just took one step, both hands up to calm her down, "Twilight! You aren't thinking clearly. Just... come back inside."

I took another step and she tensed up, "Don't get any closer! You're the one making me feel this way aren't you?"

Clearly I made a mistake in leaving her alone for too long. Seeing as how I was going to restart anyways I decided to come clean. I transformed back into my dragonequis self, putting two paws on my hips.

Twilight's pupils shrunk to tiny pin needles, "You're... You're real. You're the monster keeping my in this nightmare."

"Monster?" I was offended by her words, "Monster? I am a beautiful creature, Twilight. Just because I look different does not mean I don't have the same inner beauty as any pony else."

Twilight began to hyperventilate. She said, "I... I don't know you... But I know you're keeping me trapped in this place."

i rolled my eyes then started walking towards her to get her back inside.

Twilight looked at me with absolute terror in her eyes. Her breathing slowed as she started to cry harder. She let go of the window and dropped down to the ravine below.

I couldn't do anything but jump after her but it was already too late. I watched her fall helplessly to her death.

Before she could hit the ground I instinctively snapped my fingers, engulfing the world in another white light.

That was an absolute disaster. With that last snap I made sure to try and erase as much of her memory from the 2010s as much as possible. I was determined to send her back to the days before the show if that was what she really truly wanted.

Perhaps instead of waiting for a long time I should have gone up even sooner than average? I jumped to my tiny dragon feet and ran on my way towards Twilight's room.

Twilight stood in the hallway in front of her room, staring at me.

I slowed into a quick stop. This wasn't part of the plan and it actually scared me. I stammered with my words, "u-uhm... H-Hi Twilight! What's going on?"

The mare stood there quietly. She held a menacing stare on her face while she looked at me. There was no way she knew, how could she know?

She approached me, "Who are you and what have you done with Spike?"

I wasn't sure of what to do. I stood up with confidence, "What do you mean? It's me."

Twilight's facial expression changed a few times as she began to pull her thoughts back together. She opened her eyes and looked down at me with anger, "I remember what happened! Just now you revealed yourself as an ugly dragon thing! And then I tried to kill myself by jumping! You are not a changeling you are something so much more demented!"

Her horn glowed as a cutting knife in the kitchen was raised. It flew to her side, floating and pointing at me. She backed me up into a wall, "What kind of dark power is this? What are you doing this for, demon?"

I gulped fearfully as she backed me up to the corner. The tip of the blade touched my throat. Nervously, "I-I-I'm trying to help you, Twilight! You asked me to send you back in time so that you wouldn't have to hurt like you did nine years from now!"

"You're terrible at lying, creature! The future is wonderful, I saw visions of it! You can't keep me contained within this box no matter how hard you try to wipe my memories." She gritted her teeth and made a foreword force with the knife against my neck.

My fingers were already up in the air. Just fractions of a second before the blade could cut into my flesh I had already snapped.

That was scary. I don't know how but Twilight is breaking out of this fake reality I've designed for her. Maybe this proves that she really does want her friends. Even without actual memories of her pals she very well knows something in her fate is not as it should be. She really is one of the most gifted unicorns in history.

My snaps are having less affect on her with each use. At that moment I realized two things: 1) That she probably remembers right now that she wants to kill me. 2) The lights are turned off.

It was dark in the home and I could barely see a few feet in front of me. I changed out of my Spike form and into my normal self. I flew up to the ceiling so that nopony on the ground could touch me.

It was either my own body making sounds but I heard a noise just as I flew upwards. Using my own magic I created a firework sparkler at the other end of the room which shot out glimmers of pink light. Between the flashes I saw a face directly underneath me of a crazed mare that stared directly at me with a big smile.

I shrieked loudly. She hovered several blades near her face that were all pointing up at me. She shouted, "I'm going to kill you, you demon!"

The blades shot up through the air. Coming to another close and gruesome death, I managed snap my fingers to send us back.



The simulation was breaking by this p̴̟͙͗ȯ̴͍̔̅í̸̟n̶̹̝̒͝t̸̢͓͗͜
How is Twilight doing this? this? this?

.̵̢̨̧̼̹̺̹̜͎͉̹͔͕̲͓͎̭̯̹͕̭͈̹͉͈̭̥͍̲̉̌ͅ.̸͔̳͉̤̲̣̗̙̣̥̳̝̳̤̔͊͜ͅ.̷̢̡̨̱̦̜̥͉̗͇̫͕̜͎̙̜̺͕̞̪͓̩̹̮̫̝͈̜͙̭͚͎̼̌̔͋̌̓̏͐̓̆̓̿̌̽̀͐́̈́̋̑́̉̀̀͒͗̚͜͝͝ͅoesn't she know I'm trying to help her?

Doesn't sh̶e̵ ̷s̷e̴e̴ ̴I̵'̷m̶ ̶d̸o̸i̷n̷g̵ ̶w̵h̵a̵t̸ ̷s̸he ̴w̶a̷nt̸e̶d̶?

ḙ̸̲̺̘͇͚̹͗ḛ̷̜̠̽̎̈́f̷̛̤̦͖̤̝͐͌ȩ̵̃̈́̿͑̓͋͝f̴̭̭͔̼̩̮̗̊̕ ̶̢̛̥̤͉̺͍̬̲̙̮̝͔̳͎̝̤̺̹͗̂̉̚

̴̬͓͒͛͘ ̵̞̈́̄̾ ̴̢̛͓͇ ̵̩̭̳̄͂ ̵̠̋̒ ̴͍̦̙̿̈́͠ ̷̧͊͝ͅ ̴̞̉̍ ̶̹̭̽̀ ̶̨̫͙̆̋ ̸̗̄̄͜ ̶̢̼͈̓̍̚ _ _ ̸͈̊̉ ̷̼̥͖̓ ̶̛͇͔̮́̓ ̸̳̔͂̈́ ̷̰̭͛̀ ̶̢̨̄ ̴͔̈́͂̏ ̸̢̞͎̏̿͛ ̴̟̓͂ ̴͖̗͝ ̴͙̣̲̂ ̷̰͈̂ ̸̟͓̋̀̍ ̷̖͎̺́̄ ̴̘͎̘̌̊̚ ̴̫̭̂ ̴̗͖́ ̵̧̤̥̈́͑ ̴̗͆̄ͅ ̷̫̎͛̓ ̶̧̢̡̟̰̭̪͉̙͔̜͕͉̹̦̤̰̥̝͍̯͈͎͓͕̹͕͇̳̥̻̫̼͈̠̩͚̦̫̼̜͉̗͇̭̮͙̪̝̤̞̥̤̰̲̰̪͔̞̘͕̦̻̳͓̖̱͓̰̻̯̠̎́̈̊͒̈́̑̿͒̀̄̆͆̈́̀̐͆̂̏͌̈̓̽͋́͛̏̍̋̒̽͆͌͘͠͝͝ ̶̧̡̢̡̨̢̳̭̱̥̫̙̟̠͙̣̙̠̟̱̥͔͓̭̟̘̳͔̝̗̝̯̠͈̩͎̩͔̱͔̦̲̺̫̣̤̭͉̜͖̖̻̬͔̼͖̫̤͓͚͓͖̞̗̜͍̭̭̤̲̺̺̮̟̿͆̐͋̊̋̏͒̋̇̓̔́̈́̌͊̈́̆̆̅̈̀̉̋̾̎́̓͊̋̀̎̀̀͌͌̈́̋̀͊͛̋͘͘̚͜͝͝͠ͅ ̴̧̧̧̨̡̨̛͕͖̟͈͓̭͎͇̗̗̲͙̤͍̼̺̻̞̙͓͍̰͙̙͈̺̯͔̮̳̬̘̼̗͖͈͚̹̣̙͔̻̻̳͕̝̬̰̯̗̰̼̹͍͍̪̠͔̩̬̫͎̘͔̻̟̜̑̅̈͆̃̄̐͗̽̉̒̀̒͆͐̇̀̾̋̈́͌̀̓̂̈́̔́̽̋́͌̓̾͂̊̔̒̐͘̕̕̕̚͘͘̚͝͠͝͝ͅͅ ̶̢̨̢̛̛̫̬̭͉͓͓̜̺̻̻̣̭̰̬͖̯̩͔̝̳̲̀͌̀̋̏͋̓̐̊̿̈́̔͆̎̔͌̑̈́͂̆̔̊̇̇͛͛̈́̉̅̋́̍̋͋̑̑̎͂̈̌̆̇͐͌̓̓̈́̓̑̌̔͗̌͘͘̚͜͝͝͠͠ ̷̡̢̡̡̢̨̢̝̻͓͓̼̼̳̪͓̝̜̠̠̞͓̳̼̟̠͕̰̺͓͔̗̣͈̦̞̤͍͓̤̗̲̺̖͉͓̱̬̣̜̪̝̮͉̮̰̖̣͙͇̌̏̇̒̑͒̆̑͒́̾̌̒̆͋̑̚͘͜͜͜͝͠ ̵̨̛̛̹͇͚̟͖̯͔̭̥͎̳̟̥͎̮̯͖̞͍̗̦͍͚̊̐̋̇̄̈́͑̑͊̈͒͗̀̈́͐͑̑̾̋̃̈̍͆̏̽̄̉̆̒̅̽̆̒̈́̍͆̈͒̏͊̔̑̃̑́͌̓̕͘̚͜͠͝͝͠

It looks like I've broken out of your spell.

What? Who- Twilight?

So you know me but who are you? What did you do to me?

Twilight, listen. My name is Discord. I am on your side. Okay? This is all a sort of dream you're in that I'm controlling.

What is this for then? Do you enjoy making me hurt?

Twilight I would never do that. You are the one who asked me to do this. I don't know if I should give you back your memory or not but in the real world it's October 13, 2019. Your heartache was so bad you couldn't handle life anymore. You begged me to send you back to the way things were before you met your friends. So you would never lose them.

Discord I... I don't think I want to be trapped in here. I can't remember these ponies no but if it hurt that bad to lose them then I'm sure the time we spent together made it all worth it. Please just... Just give me my memory back so I can see.

Okay Twilight but don't say I didn't warn you.


I see... That was. A lot to take in.

Do you remember now, Twilight?

Yes. I remember it all now...

Thank you, Discord. You are such a great friend. I'm sorry I acted this way.

It was only a dream, Twilight.

Still... I think I'm ready to go back to the real world now.

I'm glad I was able to help.

̸̡͚̲̖̺̔̅̕ ̵̻͈̙̑̋͝ ̵̡͈̪̟͖̋ ̵̢̙̘̄ ̵̗̭̊̈́̌̂͋ ̸̞͌̂̒̄ͅ ̴̘̬̇̌͛͒ ̸̡̟͖̜̞͝ ̶̡̛̛̦̘͚̰̓̔ ̶̣͒̽ ̴̨͎̾̔̅͘͝ ̸̼͑ ̸͛͜ ̴ ̴̧̭̼̲̠̰͇̰̱̳̜̜͓̟̹̳͎̎̅̑͊̐̍̓͂͆͗̅̀̋̕͠͝ ̸̨̛̛̫͉̱̹̞̼̣͍̺̤̼̱̠̃͌̿̎̏́̿̀̀͆̎́́̍̓̌̑̎̈́̈́̽̐̌̏̏͐̚̕͝ͅ ̸̢̛̼̜̟̖͖͔̯͈͈̺̠̟̙̰͕̻̲̭̙͎̩̝̖̼͕̎͌̉̓̕͜͠ͅ ̷̛̤̈́̆͐̃́̋́̋͗̄͐͑͛̏̓̎͆̓͆̈́̆̈̀́̀̋͛͑̚͘͝ ̵̠̅̆̿͝ ̴̢̡̠̊͝ ̸̼̒ ̷̨̢̧̥̼̗̪̻̩̼̗̼̺͓͉̞̦͗́̽̎̒͛ ̶̡̩̪̜͔̳̞̦̝͉͓̱̠͇̘͉̇͗̈̉̏̈̊̌̋̈́͛͘ ̶̦̣̻̦̒̽̐́̑͝ ̵̨̗̦̦̟̘͓͍̩̥̺̜̪̦͉̹͎͙̱̅̌ ̵̡͔͓͔͓͕̤̼̮̇̅͆͛͗͌͌͑̆̎̎̕͠ ̷̛̬̞͙̰̾̀͑͐͛̓̽͑̕ͅ ̶̡̢̢̻̫͓̘̪͇͍̯̭͕͖͈͍͓̘̝̑͌͌̐͂̉͑͒̕̕͜͝ ̸̛̛̤̊́̄́̎̽̄͆̈̆̃͘ ̷̨̡̛͓̘̱̻͇͎͋̒̊̄̓̈́͒͊̄̆̾͘͜ͅ ̷̡̫̱̭̥̠̦̞̞̦̉͗̅ ̸̢̧̮̖̻͖̤̹̯̺̱̘̱̋̀̈̉͒̾̄͂͗̈́́͠ ̷͖̪̓̈̍͝ ̷̱͉̋͂̈́ ̷̢̡̛͚̉͛̕ ̵̪̹̪̼͎̀͑ ̸͔̞͓̘̏̈́͊̈ ̸̡͚̲̖̺̔̅̕ ̵̻͈̙̑̋͝ ̵̡͈̪̟͖̋ ̵̢̙̘̄ ̵̗̭̊̈́̌̂͋ ̸̞͌̂̒̄ͅ ̴̘̬̇̌͛͒ ̸̡̟͖̜̞͝ ̶̡̛̛̦̘͚̰̓̔ ̶̣͒̽ ̴̨͎̾̔̅͘͝ ̸̼͑ ̸͛͜ ̴̛͙̝̘͔̐́̆ ̵̨̮̺̼̜̝͒̅̃̆̈́̿̆̆́̆́̾̀̅̈́̎͋̿̊̈́̑̉́̔̏̕ ̷̡̡̞̖̥͖̭̠̗͇͕̙̘̬̙͕̮̖̟̭̮͈̘͖̣͔̫͕̂͆̌͜͠ͅ ̶̛͎̲̳̭͇̗͓̑̈́̄͆̊͆̄́̎̓̌̇̉͐̽́́̕͝͠ ̸̨̹̠̣͛̈́̇́̃̋̀̄̽̓̋ ̷̫͍̻̥͙͉͚̫̙͎̣̭̭̫̟͆̃̇̽͛̈̈́͘͜ͅͅ ̵̠̅̆̿͝ ̴̢̡̠̊͝ ̸̼̒ ̴̛̖͖̤̇̂̈́̽ͅ ̶̨̹̠̲̊͜ ̵̘̃̀̕ͅ ̸͔͉͚̍̇͊͆ ̸̹̠͊ͅ ̷̺̍̈́͝ ̷̤͐̍͒̓ ̷̺̫̪̎̐̓̈ ̶̪́̋̾͛ ̸̘̂̂ ̷͖̪̓̈̍͝ ̷̱͉̋͂̈́ ̷̢̡̛͚̉͛̕ ̵̪̹̪̼͎̀͑ ̸͔̞͓̘̏̈́͊̈

With a flash of white light we both landed on the floor of her little home. We were back at the outskirts of Appleoosa. Twilight felt immensely dizzy and nearly threw up.

I had been used to such reality changed and landed comfortably on her couch. With a final snap of my fingers to end the day I summoned a tall glass of chocolate milk in my hands.

Twilight rolled around for a little bit on the ground until she wasn't dizzy anymore. She grabbed ahold of a piece of furniture and helped herself up.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

She looked down at the ground, a bit anxiously. Without looking at me she said, "Discord that was a pretty nasty trick."

"You said you did not want to be with your friends anymore and that is what I gave you is it not?"

She looked down at the ground. She shook and then teared up, falling to the floor. She covered her head as to not be hurt by me.

This hit me in my heart with a powerful blow. I set my cup down then got up, gulping. I got to her side and put a paw on her shoulder, "Look, Twilight. I never meant for that to go the way it did. I really wanted to see you live a life for just a little bit where you could see those ponies, confront them, and then not need them like how you wanted."

Twilight shook her head slowly. Tears dripped down her nose. In a normal voice she said, "That's such a dumb idea! How could you think that showing me my old friends wouldn't cause me to be upset?"

"You mean to say that deep down you couldn't stand really losing your friends for good?"

"Well of course not! I-" her eyes popped open. She turned and looked up to me, "I... I need my friends."

This made me smile. She looked down. She gritted her teeth and swung at me, landing a good punch to my muzzle. A shrieked and clutched my nose.

She yelled, "Don't you ever do that again! That is not how you teach a friendship lesson!"

My nose hurt but I couldn't help but laugh. I asked, "So what are you going to do now?"

She stood up with her chest puffed out, "I'm going to go get my friends back!"

Twilight turned around and rushed out the door. How wonderful, I managed to turn her only negative feeling into anger towards me. She'll be mad at me again and I'll poke more fun at her and then she'll hate me for even longer. For now though I helped her realize that she must return to her friends.

This was certainly probably the best worst thing I ever did with my magic. What do you think, reader? Was that evil or did I do what was right to help Twilight go back to her friends?

Author's Note:

So I started this chapter before the ending finale and paused to watch it.
This fanfiction actually kind of predicted the ending part with Twilight where she was in distress about drifting away from her friends and how they were embracing the change.

I've got to say, I was really depressed when I woke up yesterday morning but that ending and the stream chats I was in were pretty cash money lol.

I am nowhere near done making content and neither are a lot of ponies in this community.

You're all wonderful and I love you :heart:

Bronies forever my dudes!!! :twilightsheepish:

Comments ( 6 )

Thx for the Update!


Is frienship really magic?

Fix this pls.

No problem!
Where does it say that? I’m on mobile and can’t control+F

in the short summary/description i think

I fixed it. Thank you for pointing it out to me!
What do yo think of the story so far? :rainbowkiss:

It very good and cute imo.
The spelling is a bit ... inconsistent tho, but taking that out, pretty well so far

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