• Published 4th Apr 2019
  • 450 Views, 2 Comments

The Phantom Bolts?! - WittyNameTFM

  • ...

The Last Calling Card

Author's Note:

Fun Fact, if anyone's interested, this is as close to the scene for scene bit where they head into the final palace. Some things changed obviously, but that's why there are so many jump cuts.

Also, if you pay enough attention, each of those characters are the Confidants. (Iwai is Skorpan btw)

Also, Trixie takes Morgana's place.

'Damn them…’ The fiery haired woman bit back an angry shout. The tv showed a stylized red and black lightning bolt.

“And just when you thought it was over~” A cocky voice cooed. “The Phantom Bolts have to prove you wrong.”

“You all were led to believe we had a hand in the tragedies that befell those unfortunate victims. We are coming out of the shadows to inform you that is not the case.” Another voice spoke.

“The wonderful and stunning Phantom Bolts would never hurt anyone. We only steal from the guilty and those deserving of our interference.” A third voice spoke.

“The shutdowns and deaths were caused by one man alone, and He’s used the media to twist your views on us.”

“And to prove to you all that we're still standing stronger than ever-”

The screen changed to show the silhouettes of 7 individuals, one in a large magician's hat, all wearing masks to cover their faces.

“Joker, would you be so kind as to put the rumors of your death to rest?” The one with a skull on their face asked.

One stepped forward. “It was a close call, but we were several steps ahead.” She spoke in a direct manner. The black and white mask covering her eyes, her twintails holding back her lengthy hair. “Police Chief Tirek. Your greed knows no limits. This past week I’ve suffered your dirty work. No one like you should lead a cause for good. Much less claim to keep the peace. You tried to bury us, and myself especially.” She looked to her team. “We will take your heart, just like all the others before you. Prepare yourself.”

The screen cut to black. Sunset stood from her desk. “God dammit…” She grit her teeth. ‘Trying to save face now.’ She pushed open the door to the chief’s office.

“Handle this Shimmer.” The man said, looking over his drink. The imposing man made her shrink back slightly, but she saluted.

“Right away, sir.”


Sugarcoat sat in the booth, her team standing around her. “Moondancer, are we set?”

Said girl adjusted her glasses, “The calling card was received. Boy did it cause a stir...guess folks don’t like hearing the truth.” She smirked. “His treasure will definitely be there this time.”

“Are we ready to fight this prick? Fighting the cops isn’t the smartest idea for thieves...?”

“Sour’s right...but we’ve already sent the card. There’s no turning back now.” The athlete spoke up. “I’m sure we can take him. We’re the Phantom Bolts.” She smirked.

“You girls are gonna be the death of Trixie.” The performer sighed. “But she’s already this deep. She wouldn't let what Sugarcoat went through be for nothing.”

“Plus you wouldn't let Star go in there without you.” The rocker teased.

“No one asked you, Lemon.” She grumbled.

“You girls are nuts. I’ve gotta get out of here before they catch wind of me being involved.” The officer stood. “Best of luck to you all. Please...don’t fail here.” He opened the door, glancing back. “I’ll do what I can to hold them off.”

“Twi’s brother is a stand up dude.” Lemon smirked.

“Girls.” Sugarcoat stood. “It’s time.”


Outside the police station, the crew stood. Sugarcoat took her phone out, hitting the app for the metaverse.

Photo Finish rushed the walls. “Ze Bolts are still going…” She mumbled. “Zey sure have ze style down…”

“They’re good people. I believe in them.” Another voice said. The blue haired girl adjusted her backpack. “The Phantom Bolts are the good guys!” She tried to convince the crowd...Photo blinked behind her shades before joining her.

The portal closed behind them as their thief attires appeared on themselves. “Coco is gonna get herself into some trouble…” Indigo chuckled, pulling her skull mask over her face.

“She’s pretty strong willed, isn't she?” Starlight asked, pulling on a mask resembling a fox.

“We need all the support we can get at this point.” Sunny shrugged, her spiked shoulder pads just barely avoiding her neck. She slipped on the metallic eye cover she’d donned so many times before.


The crowds around the downtown tv monitors still stood, waiting to see if there would be another update to the weird video…

“Heh. Those kids sure are ballsy.” An aging man chuckled, he wore a brown trench coat, his hair long but covered by a cap. “My brother is nothing like me though...hope they can handle him…”

Nearby, a woman with graying hair watched the screen...she sighed. “If I were twenty years younger...I’d be right there kids…” The mayor elect took a breath before looking back up to the screens.

A passing girl with green hair and purple glasses looked up. “The Bolts…” She bit her thumb. “They can do this...They’re the heroes in the third act.” She assured herself. “My theater job can wait.”


“The Great and Powerful Trix is ready for her limelight!” The magician cheered as she donned her hat and cape, a small purple mask covering her eyes.

Lemon giggled at the show off, pulling on her cat-like mask and rolling her neck. “Panther, ready to go!” She cheered as well.


Dean Cadance locked the door behind her as she left the school. Two students outside talking loudly about the video. She...casually listened as she walked by.

“The Phantom Bolts are nuts! They think they’re gonna go after the police chief?!”

“Damn! I shoulda left early I coulda caught that live!”

She sighed internally, pride swelling within her. ‘Those girls are so strong...they’ve come such a long way.’


The beads shook on the door to Treehugger’s stand, the wind blowing her way. She looked up with a small frown. “Fight the man, girls.” The frown shifted up. “You got this.”

A passerby gave her a quizzical look before she launched into her rehearsed sales pitch.


Adagio groaned as she walked the back alleys. She had heard the video...couldn't believe it.

“Hey, weren’t those bolts bad guys a while back? Like killin folks?” A passerby asked his walking mate.

“I think so, I knew they were up to no good. Now starting crap with the cops?”

She shook her head as they walked by. “People don’t know anything about them…” She chuckled, looking up at the sky with a smirk.


Aria stepped out of the arcade, her phone in hand. “Those brats better take that shithead down. They’ve done so much...this guy has to be chump change to them...right?” She asked herself.


Moondancer stretched in her skintight top before sliding her headset over her eyes. “I’ll be your eyes, Joker.” She assured with a grin.

A fancy musketeer hat was placed on top of Sour Sweet’s head as she adjusted the mask she wore. “Panther, what did I say about touching my stuff?!” She grumbled.

Sugarcoat adjusted her red gloves before taking out a black and white mask as she walked to the front of the party, sliding it on. “Let’s do this.”


Joker darted through the halls of the police station, using cleared paths from previous ventures to arrive at the elevator. The Police chief’s office had to be on the top floor.

She quickly ducked to the side as a gunshot echoed in the room.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Noir shouted as they turned, a white suit...a red mask with a long, birdlike beak, fiery red and yellow hair.

“We meet again, Phantoms.” The traitor spoke, holding the gun trained on Joker’s body.

“Crow.” Joker said calmly.

Comments ( 2 )

So Sunset is Crow?

Yup. :pinkiehappy:
I figured Sunset vs. The Phantom Bolts would be a crazy cool twist of events.

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