• Published 30th Apr 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

  • ...


Flash and Twilight were siting at there campsite when Shining came over and Twilight said "so what did you find to eat?"

Shining then said "Well I got brown nuts, blue Berries and some kind of rock shaped nuts that might just be rocks".

Then they felt a gust of wind blow nearby and Flash said "what was that?"

Twilight then said "I don't know lets go see".

Shining then said "wait this doesn't seem safe".

They when over the hill and saw a young boy with grey skin and black hair shooting wind gusts from his fists and Twilight said "an air bender lets go meet him".

Then Shining said "We should approach him carefully we don't want to scare him".

But Twilight had already gone over there and yelled "hey there I'm Twilight".

When the kid saw her he turned and ran super fast Flash then came over and said "Hey I bet he's going to a village and the that village has a market".

Twilight then said "Yes then we can buy some real food" and ran in the direction the kid went. When they got to the village they bought some food the Twilight spotted the kid from before and said "hey look its that kid we saw".

The kid went into a building and a lady said "Rumble your late you had better get started on you chores".

Rumble then said "sure thing Flitter".

Then Flash and the others came in and Twilight said "Hey your the kid we saw earlier".

Then Rumble said "Um I think you have me confused with someone else".

Flash then said "nope we saw you air bending earlier".

Then Flitter gasped and shut the door and covered the windows then said "They saw you air bending you know air bending is forbidden".

Then there was a loud knock on the door and shining looked out then said "Earth benders act normal".

Then Flitter opened the door and said "what do you want I already paid this months bills?"

The Earth bender then said "price has doubled" then he pulled out a rock and melted it into lava "earth can be hard to control" Flitter sighed and then took out a box then gave the earth bender the small amount of coins inside and he said "you can keep the copper ones" then left.

Twilight then asked "how long have they been here?"

Flitter then said "five years".

Rumble then said "the earth king uses our coal mines to run his ships they steel from us and everyone is to much a cowered to do anything about it".

Then Twilight said "but you an air bender you can fight back".

Flitter then said "No if the earth benders see him air bending it would be very bad".

Twilight then said "But the earth kingdom has stolen everything from you what else could they take?"

Then Flitter said "they will take Rumble just like they took his brother".

Then Shining said "wait a minute they took his brother, where?"

Flitter then said "To some kind of prison where they take all air benders they find when they took Rumbles brother Thunder lane I stepped up and took him in but if the Earth kingdom get him I don't know what I would do".

Then Twilight said "we understand the earth kingdom killed my mother when I was little all I have left is her necklace".

Later They were in a barn behind there house and Rumble said "Flitter said you can stay here for the night but you should be going in the morning".

Then flash said "Thanks"

Later that night there was a knocking on the door and when Flitter opened it she saw at least ten earth benders and one of them said "where is he?"

Flitter cowered back a little and said "um who?"

Then Rumble came down and saw them then said "whats going on?"

The earth bender then threw a metal ring that opened and closed around rumble pining his arms down and the earth bender then said "we have him the air bender lets go".

As they left with rumble Flitter broke into tears then ran to the barn and woke them up "please you have to do something".

Flash then sat up and said "what is it?"

Flitter then said "The earth benders they found out about Rumble somehow".

Twilight then got up with a shock and said "what? guys we have to do something".

Shining then said "Okay we go stop the earth benders that took Rumble and bring him back".

Then Flash said "no we follow the earth benders and learn the location of there prison then we free all the air benders trapped there".

Twilight then said "Flash thats genus" Then they all climbed onto Scales back and Twilight looked at Flitter then said "don't worry we'll find Rumble and his brother".

Flitter then said "thank you".

Later they saw the earth benders that took Rumble getting on a ship with him and they followed it to an island Prison they when down behind it and then the sun started rising and the air benders came out into the field Twilight then said "look they have some kind of ring with a lock on there ankles they look very heavy I wonder what there for".

Then Flash said "Of course, those rings are supposed to be heavy there so the air benders cant fly away".

Shining then said "so what do we do".

Flash thought for a minute then said "You two can go in dressed as prison guards Shining can get information as to were the keys for those rings are and Twilight you need to get those air benders to help us".

Twilight then said "what about you?"

Then Flash said "When Shining has the keys and you have the the air benders help I'm going to take a ship so we can get them off of the island".

Shining then said "okay lets do it".

They knocked out two earth guards a man and a woman and took there armor then went in Twilight walked out to the court yard were the air benders were and found Rumble Then said to him "Rumble its me Twilight the others and I are going to get you and all the air benders out of here".

Rumble then said "Really thanks but first theirs someone you should meet" she lead him over to a young man with brown skin "this is my brother Thunder lane bro this is Twilight she and her friends are going to get us out of here".

Thunder lane then said "how?"

Then Twilight said "My brother is getting the keys to get those rings off of your legs and Flash is taking a ship for us to use but you have to help us".

"how do we do that?"

"Simple tell all the air benders to meet at the gate in half an hour".

He did so and Twilight told them all the plan as shining arrived with the keys then said "okay Twilight use your water bending to cut the lock on the gate" twilight did and the gate opened then they ran to the docks where there were earth benders waiting.

The earth benders tried to stop them but then the air benders all blew them off into the water and then a ship came over and Flash came out of the cockpit and said "everyone get on".

They got on the ship and shining used the keys to remove all the rings then Rumble said "thanks you guys now I have my brother back and It looks like the air benders are ready to fight back".

Twilight then said "your welcome" as she reached to her neck but felt nothing and gasped "my mothers necklace its gone!"

Back at the prison Timber was there and found a necklace on the ground then recognized it instantly.


Author's Note:

Wow anther chapter and yes I know was supposed to happen sooner but I push it back because I couldn't think of anything till now.