• Published 30th Apr 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

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The siege of the north part 1

Twilight was in the middle of water combat training sparing one of Star swirls students who then shot a large ice spike at her, she then cot the ice spike then melted it and trapped him in ice. Star swirl then came over and said "well not bad Caramel with a few more years of training you might be able to take on a starfish" then he turned to Twilight "well done Twilight out of every student I have ever had you are the fastest learner out of all of them".

Twilight then said "thanks".

Star swirl then turned to his other students and said "would anyone else like to rematch Twilight?" Then they ether shook there heads no or pretended they didn't hear. Star swirl then turned to Flash and said "Flash do you think you have mastered water bending?"

Flash then said "um I wouldn't say mastered but I did learn this" he then bent water up and formed an ice armor but it broke after a minute "well I still working on it". Star swirl then face palmed.

Meanwhile Shining was talking with Fleur and she said "so they don't have castles in the south?"

Shining then said "are you kidding I grew up in a block of ice Its not exactly a tourist sight".

Fleur laughed for a minute then said "Shining this is wrong".

Shining then said "Whats wrong about it were taking a walk?"

Then Fleur said "Shining we can spend time together because I'm engaged" as she pulled the collar of her coat and deviled her betroth necklace.

Shining then said "Wow well that doesn't mean we can't spend time together hey I know you just need to meet my good friend Scale".

Fleur then asked "who now?"

Shining then lead her to the stable were Scale was and said "Scale and I go way back you see he might be Flashes best friend but still he's my friend to" he then turned to him "right Scale".

Scale then went up to him knocked him down and started licking his face and Fleur said "looks like you haven't been giving him enough attention" then she giggled loudly a few minutes later they were on scale's saddle and Fleur asked "so how does this work?"

Then Shining said "watch yip yip".

Then Scale took off and Fleur said "wow this is amazing is it always this cold up here?"

Then Shining said "not when your with someone".

Fleur then said "wow" as they looked into each others eyes the it started snowing black "wait whats going on?"

Shining then said "Oh no this is not good" they went back to the ground and shining said "soot".

Then Fleur said "what?"

"Its soot mixed with snow I've seen it before It means the earth kingdom is closing in on the north pole".

Meanwhile on the lead earth kingdom ship General Garble said "this is going to be one for the history books Stygian as I general Garble destroy the last of the water tribe".

Stygian then said "be careful what you wish for history is not always kind to its subjects".

Garble then said "I know you speak from experience but don't fear this will be nothing like your legendary failure of

Stygian then said "for your sake I hope not".

Back at the north the people were all running to the castle but Fleur stopped and Shining asked "Fleur whats wrong?"

Fleur then said "sorry shining but I can't see you anymore I getting married".

Then Shining said "so what were friends".

Fleur then said "I wish we could just be friends but I like you to much and its to confusing so goodbye" as she ran off.

Later the chief was talking "the day we have feared for so long has come the earth kingdom is at our door this is why I have called my family here for I know many faces here will not be seen after this battle so I must ask some of you to step forth and fight but be warned some of you will not return if you accept please come forward to receive my mark but first Great spirit of the moon and ocean please aid us in this battle".

Then shining when and got the mark as well Fleur looked at him then looked away with tears in her eyes later with Flash he was sitting outside staring out at the ocean when the chief and twilight came over and he said "I wasn't there when the earth kingdom took out my people I couldn't stop them this time I'm gonna make a difference".

Later solders were on the wall waiting for it then in the distance they saw an earth kingdom ship and then a giant lava rock was headed straight for them, it hit the wall and knocked them back. Then more magma rocks started coming in Flash then got on Scales back then flew out to the ship and took out there catapults then the ship was trapped by giant ice spikes then Flash saw a lot more ships coming in and said "you've got to be kidding".

Back at the north the chief was talking with his soldiers and said "you will be going undercover in the Earth kingdoms navy so you will all need one of these uniforms" as he gestured to a young man wearing old fashioned earth kingdom armor.

Then Shining let out a small laugh and the guy in the armor said "is something funny?"

Shining then said "earth soldier uniforms don't look like that".

Then the guy said "I will have you know this are actual uniforms taken from actual earth soldiers".

Shining then walked over and said "when forty years ago?"

The chief then said "seventy".

Shining then said "Earth soldiers don't were shoulder spikes anymore the uniforms are more stream lined now".

The chief the said "I guess were going to have to modify these armors if this will work but afterwards we will have to identify there commanding officer".

Shining then said "his name is General Garble red skin and orange hair".

Then the chief said "Shining we will need you to tell us anything you know that might be helpful" he then looked to the guy in armor "fancy pants I want you to hear everything he has to say I wouldn't expect any less from my future son in law".

Shining then gasped "your the one Fleur de lis is engaged to?"

Fancy then said "yes why do you ask?"

Shining then said "no reason, no reason at all".

Meanwhile outside Star swirl was with a group of other water benders as more lava rocks were coming in he said "stop those lava rocks" and they used there water bending to catch and cool them.

Over at the lead ship Stygian said "I must warn you general it is almost night water benders draw there power from the moon and it is nearly full tonight you should hold off your attack until daybreak."

Garble then said "I am aware of the moon problem and I am working on a solution but for now daybreak it is".

Back at the village Fleur said "they stopped firing for now".

Then Flash came in on Scale and they went over to him as he said "I can't do it I must have taken out a dozen earth navy ships but there's just to many I can't fight them all".

Fleur then said "but you have to your the avatar".

Flash then said "I'm just one guy".

Back at the ship Timber was taking a boat when Stygian walked in and said "be careful Timber".

Timber then said "yes I know"

Stygian then said "you know ever since I lost my son I think of you as my own".

Timber then said "thank you and we will see each other again as soon as I have the avatar" as he lowered the boat into the water.

Over with Shining they were sharpening axes when the chief walked in and said "Shining I just thought of something that I need someone to do".

Shining then asked "what is it?"

The chief then said "I know you signed up to protected the tribe but I need someone to protect my daughter do you mind?"

Shining then smiled and said "not at all".

Meanwhile Timber was rowing his boat over to the tribe then landed on an iceberg then pulled out some rocks then melted them into a lava ring then used it to make a tunnel in the ice. Over with Flash Fleur said "the legend said the moon was the first water bender own ancestors saw how it pushed and pulled the tide and learned water bending from it".

Twilight then said "I have noticed my bending is stronger at night".

Fleur then said "Our power comes from the spirit of the moon and our life comes from the spirit of the ocean they work together to keep balance".

Then Flash said "the spirits maybe I can find them and get there help".

Fleur then asked "how can you do that?"

Twilight then said "the avatar is the great bridge between both worlds Flash can talk to them".

Then Fleur said "maybe they can give you the wisdom to win this battle".

Then Twilight said "the only problem is last time he got to the spirit world by accident" she then looked at Flash "how are you going to get there this time?"

Then Fleur said "I have an idea follow me" she lead them to a door "this is the most spiritual place in the north pole".

They went though and were amazed "Flash then said "wow your right Fleur I can feel something" then he started meditating.

Over with Timber he had finished drilling through the ice and found a hidden cave but was cold so he used his lava rocks to warm up for a minute then went over to a stream and followed it to its source then found an ice wall which he used his metal blade to brake open. Over with Flash he was meditating and saw the two koi fish in the pond swimming in a circle then they formed a ying-yang and then Flash's eyes started glowing and Fleur asked "is he okay?"

Twilight then said "he's fine he must be in the spirit world he will be fine as long as we don't move his body thats his way back to the real world".

Fleur then said "maybe we should get some help".

Then Twilight said "no hes my friend and I'm perfectly capable of protecting him".

Then a voice said "well isn't that nice".

Twilight then said "no".

Timber then said "yes hand him over and I wont have to hurt you" then they started fighting Timber shot his metal strings at her but she moved out of the way then trapped him in ice.

Then the sun started to rise and over on the ship Garble said "Its daybreak at last lets wright history".

Over with Timber he broke out of the ice and ran towards Twilight she tried to fight back but he was to strong and knocked her into a wall then said "your power rises with the moon my power is strong at all times".

Then Earth ships crashed into the wall and the solders ran into battle when Twilight got up she looked around and saw Flash was gone then Scale landed with Shining and Fleur and Shining said "Twilight wheres Flash?"

Twilight then said "Timber came and took him now what do we do they could be anywhere".