• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 1,086 Views, 38 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

  • ...

The northern fire kingdom

Flash, Twilight, and Shining were picking up from camp and getting ready to leave when Flash said "I can't wait to see my old home the north fire kingdom".

Twilight then said "Flash you know you haven't been there for one hundred years".

"Ya thats why i'm so excited".

"Just keep in mind a lot can change in that much time".

Then Shining said "well we had better get going". Then they all saddled up on Scales back and flew off to the fire nation.

When they arrived Flash started showing them around "over there is the training dojo and over there is the dragon stables" Flash looked around and got confused "strange last time I was here there were fire benders, dragons, and fire ferrets everywhere so much has changed".

Then Twilight said "Flash remember what my grandmother said nobody has see a fire bender since we found you".

Then Flash said "Yes but the fire nation is a power nation no way they could all be wiped out so easily let me show yo something" he lead them over to a statue of someone.

Shining then said "who is this?"

Then flash said "this is my old teacher Smart cookie she was a great teacher about many things once she told me when i'm ready I will enter the temple and meet someone who can help me learn to be the avatar you know what its been one hundred years I am defiantly ready".


Timber and his uncle were stopped at an earth kingdom port and Timber said "lets get this over with quickly I don't want anyone finding out how the ship got so damaged".

Then a general named Garble walked over to them and said "oh Timber what brings you here?"

Timber then pointed his hand towards his ship and said "my ship needs repairs".

"Thats a lot of damage what caused it?"

"Thats none of your concern"

(back with flash and the group)

They went up to the temple and saw a strange looking door with two dragon heads on it and Twilight said "Flash there no way someone could have survived in there for one hundred years".

Flash then said "well I survived in that ice berg for one hundred years".

Twilight then looked away with a blush and said "oh right".

Then Shining said "so how do you open the door?"

Flash then said "simple stand back" he then shot fire out of his hands and into both dragon heads and then the door opened and they walked in and saw statues everywhere.

Shining then said "wow whats with all the statues".

Then flash pointed to one and said "look this ones a fire bender".

Twilight then said "yes then there's water, air, earth these are all past avatars".

Flash then looked at the earth bender one and said "wow".

Then Twilight said "what is it?"

Then Flash held up his hand to it and said "Avatar Rock hoof the avatar before me".

Shining then said "An earth bender no wonder I didn't trust you at first".

Twilight then said "there's no writing how do you know that?"

"I just feel like I know him somehow" Flash said.

Then they heard something and Shining said "oh no hid".

They hid behind the statues but when they looked it was just an animal and Flash said "a fire ferret".

Then shining said "dinner".

Then the fire ferret ran off and Flash said "hey don't go" as he and shinning ran after it.

The fire ferret then when out onto a balcony and climbed down the wall and Flash followed it by fire bending to slow down his falling then Shining said "oh man".

Back with Timber he was waiting for them to finish repairs on his ship when Garble came in and said "Timber I want to know the truth what happened to your ship".

"I told you before thats none of your concern".

Then guards came in and pointed spears at him and Garble said "you gonna talk now?"

Timber was mad but said "fine".

After he told them Garble said "well now you need to give up the avatar because now it my job".

Timber then got up and said "don't you dare get in my way I will find the avatar".

Then garble said "is that a challenge?"

"Sure lava rock disk at sundown".

Back with Flash the fire ferret ran into a house and flash followed it but what he saw inside made him gasp a skeleton wearing Smart cookies cloths surrounded by earth solder helmets then Shining walked in and said "hey Flash did you find my dinner?" then saw what flash was looking at "oh no um Flash I know this is hard to take in but..."

Then Flash turned his head and revealed his glowing eyes back in the temple Twilight was walking around when the statues eyes started glowing "what the" she said

Meanwhile at the north pole a temple much like the fire one had a glowing light coming from it same for the air temple and at the earth temple when someone saw he said "contact the earth king the avatar has returned".

Twilight had run over to where Flash and Shining were and said "Shining what happened?"

Shining then said "I don't know when he saw the body of his former teacher his eyes started glowing and a ring of fire appeared around his body".

"Thats his avatar spirit he must have triggered it I gonna try to calm him down"

"Better do it quick before he burns us to a crisp".

Twilight went over to him and said "Flash please I understand how it feels to lose someone you care about the earth kingdom killed my mother but please calm down were here for you".

Then Flash lowered to the ground, his eyes stopped glowing and the ring of fire disappeared and he said "so its true i'm the last fire bender and i'm the only one who can end the war".

Then Shining came over and said "don't worry Flash we will help you"

Then Flash said "thanks guys".

Back with Timber he and Gable were in the middle of there match the idea is to get the lava rock into the other players goal without touching it then Timber won and said "now don't get in my way" as he and his uncle went back to the ship.

Back at the fire nation Shining was eating some fruit he found when the fire ferret came over and took one of his apples and then climbed onto Flashes shoulder and Twilight said "looks like you found a new friend what will you name him".

Flash thought for a minute then said "Ring tail".

Then Twilight said "well we had better get going".

(To be continued)

Author's Note:

Well that took some time but now the world knows about the avatar tune in next time to see something that will be great but for now ghost out.