• Published 24th Mar 2019
  • 826 Views, 3 Comments

The Sapphire in the Stallion - AzureAKASapphire

The store of Azure and how he became part of the Jewelry Box

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Jewelry coordination

Azure woke up with a yawn as he stretched and sat up from his comfy bed. “Hmm…What a good night’s sleep” He said, his voice still a bit groggy. He looked over at the clock on the wall of his bedroom, it read at 7 o’clock. Azure gasped. “Today’s the day!” He cheered as he got out of bed.

It had been close to a year since Azure Joined the Jewelry Box, a club where Stallions and Colts like him can be free to be as Feminine and girly as they please, without judgment of others. He was brought in by one of the older members, Bulkhead, who goes by the name Sapphire too, and since then he’s been enjoying all the time he spent with them. They posed for Photoshoots, modeled for clothing stores and Fashion shows, and they help all sorts of charities with their events of fun and merriment.

Today was the day that he had been waiting for since his first day, today he was going to be granted a gemstone of his very own and become a full member. Right now he was only Sapphire’s apprentice, his “Ore” but today was the day of his “Refinement” by Sapphire his “Jeweler.”

As he washed in the bathtub, he started to wonder what Gem he would be given, Any blue gem was his to be taken, so long as no other pony had claimed it. He wished that Sapphire could be available, but that was his mentor’s gem name. Sapphire was his Mare name since he was very Little, his older sister, Rose, had commented when he first started dressing that he “Shined like a Sapphire,” and the name stuck.

After finishing his bubble bath. he dried his coat and main and began to dress, today was a special day so he had to look the part. Luckily he had an outfit ready for this day. going into his closet, he uses his magic to pull out the Pink gown that he bought from the boutique in the Jewelry Box’s secret location. He fell in love with it the first time he saw it and knew it was the one.

Azure wanted to take his time with this dress, so he started with a matching set of panties and Bra, the silk garment brushed his coat and he giggled. Next came a pair of stockings for his hind legs. followed by four pairs of matching heeled horseshoes. He giggled as he took a few struts in them, feeling feminine and beautiful. After getting on the petticoats, he gently slips the pink dress on his body, which hugged his slender frame, the one he worked hard on getting.

He then picked up his Blonde wig and tucked his pink hair under it, the tail extension came next. After topping the hair with his pink bow, he walks over to his vanity mirror and uses his magic to apply his makeup. Alexandrite really helped with makeup application, he now knew how to apply makeup with perfection: light pink eyeshadow and blush, mascara and eyeliner and to top it off, pink lipstick. He saw his new girl self on his reflection and smiled, “This is gonna be a great day.”


Ponyville seemed to be a hive of activity today, because the Ponies who lived there were all out, doing whatever choirs and errands they usually do. Azure was walking past one of the many shops, getting all sorts of attention from the guys, Azure blushed at this and smiled at any stallion that smiled and winked at his direction. It felt like a perfect day: Sun was shining, birds were chirping, and ponies were out and working. But what they were working on was what caught his attention: there were ponies bucking trees, knocking down loose branches and collecting them, some were putting tarps over statues and rooftops of buildings, he wasn’t sure why until he looked up in the sky: the pegasus ponies who were in charge of the weather were setting up dark clouds. “Oh no…” Azure gasped as he rushed to one of the ponies, “Excuse me, but what’s going on?” He asked in his girl's voice.

“You must have missed the last town meeting,” the unicorn pony said, “The weather ponies missed a few days of scheduled rain again, they’re making a big storm today to help make up for it. They should be ready in another minute.”

“Oh…of all the days!” Azure let out before he started to gallop. He was still a good 5 minutes away from Carousel boutique, if he ran now, he might make it before the rain came. However heels were never great for running, and the long dress was also a problem, he used his unicorn horn to hike it more but he was still running slow, “Oh…why didn’t I learn that bubble protection spell when I had the chance?” He asked himself, regretting the action. His fear was starting to come true when he heard the cascade of rainfall rushing his way. He was trapped now, the rain would get him and ruin his outfit and makeup, the coordination would be canceled. He shut his eyes and waited for the water to come at him.

…however, a good minute passed and he felt nothing, he looked around and gasped, the rain was drenching everything…everything but him. It looked like he was beneath something that not only protected him from the rain but still showed the sunlight. he looked up and saw that one of the rainclouds has a hole in it. Looking down from that hole was a pegasus pony. “Miss? Are you ok?” The pony asked, it sounded male.

Azure looked up, squinting a little as he tried to see past the sunlight, “Um…yes…I think so.”

The Pegasus dives through the hole and hovers right over him, Azure could get a good look at the pony: a male Pegasus, orange coat with a dark-orange and light blue striped mane and tail. and his cutie mark was that of arrows and familiar weather chart patterns. “Where are you heading for?”

“Um…Carousel Boutique,” Azure answered in his girl's voice, looking at the pony.

He looks at him and smiles, “I think I can help you out. take my hoof,” He offered. Azure takes it and the Pegasus lifts him up and gets him on his back “Hold on tight.” He warned as he started to fly upward, Azure held on tight, one hoof on his head so his wig won’t fall off.


The pegasus carried Azure towards one of the few cloud houses that hovered over Ponyville. He stops at one that, obviously, was his home. he opens the door and enters, “Don’t let go yet, you’ll fall right through the floor,” He said with light amusement, as only pegasus ponies could manipulate and walk on clouds. he walks over to a cabinet and pulls out some sort of elixir, “Drink this.”

Azure picks it up with his magic and takes a few sips of the elixir, it tasted a little sour but he downed it. he feels a light tingle throughout his body, “What is this stuff?”

“Something a friend of mine mixed for me when I have a non-flying guest,” The pony said as he helped Azure off.

To Azure’s amazement, he felt the cloud solid under him “…Oh wow…that’s amazing.” He said in awe.

“Yeah, it kinda is. The effects last one hour for every tablespoon.” He explained, “By the way, my name is Cold Front.”

“Sapphire,” Azure introduced, offering his hoof. The pony smiled as he took it and shake it.

“So, Where are you off to in such a pretty outfit?” Cold Front asked, “I mean I know you told me Carousel Boutique, but what’s going on there?”

“Well…it’s kind of a secret,” Azure said.

“Ah, I know all about secrets. I have a few myself.” Cold Front said, his face had a light pink color on them.

This made Azure smile a little, “I guess everyone does,” Azure said, “Well, I am in your debt, you went out of your way to keep me from getting drenched. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

Cold Front gave a smile, “Well…There may be something…but it’s kind of embarrassing to ask,” he said, his face blushed again.

“Well, you don’t have to tell me if you feel embarrassed by it. I wouldn’t want you to feel bad or anything,” Azure said in a reassuring tone.

Cold Front smiled at that, “You’re very kind. You remind me of my friend…my boyfriend.” He said, his face turning red.

This surprised Azure, “Your boyfriend?”

“Yes, his name is Disty Dusk, he’s a unicorn, like you” He walks over to a nightstand and brushes a small photograph in a frame with his wing, “This is him,” he explained pointing it to the picture, it was a portrait of him and a unicorn pony with a grey coat, a brown tail, and mane with a small braid decorated on his side and an hourglass cutie mark.

“Hey, I know him. He works at the timepiece shop,” azure noted.

“Yeah, that’s my Dusky.” Cold Front said with a smile, “I met him after moving to Ponyville. We were friends at first, we liked all the same things…including other Stallions” He added with a blush.

“Well, if it makes you feel comfortable, I’ve always felt attracted to both stallions and mares,” Azure admitted.

Cold Front looked at him and smiled, “Glad to know there are more ponies like me.”

“As a friend told me once, there are lots of ponies like us,” Azure said, “you just haven’t met them yet.”

“Then I guess it’s ok to tell you,” Cold Front began, “I’m not like other ponies, aside from what you already know. I also like….Dressing up,” He said, the blush on his cheek never left.

Azure’s eyes widened, “You mean…like a Mare?”

Cold Front nods, “Disty does it too…and we have such fun when we do it. Though to be honest…I don’t have much of a collection.” he pauses for a moment, his hooves gently brushing the floor in nervousness, “I know I just met you, and I understand if you say-“

“You want me to try and get you one of Rarity’s dresses?” Azure asked. Cold Front nods, the blush on his cheek still present, Azure smiled, “I think I might be able to help you both out.”

“Really?” Cold Front asked in surprise.

“Really. But I still need to get to Carousel Boutique,” Azure continued.

“Oh! I almost forgot.” Cold Front leads Azure back outside, the clouds below them still poured on the Rain down Ponyville, but Cold Front kicked a few clouds to nothingness, leaving behind an eye in the storm. Azure looked down and saw that they were right under Carousel Boutique, “Yeah, lucky for me, my home is right above my favorite shop in all of Ponyville,” He admitted.

Azure gave a smile, “Cold Front, you are the sweetest Pony I ever knew,” He then surprises him with a kiss on the cheek, leaving behind a mark of lipstick.

“Aw shucks, …it was nothing, really…” Cold Front said, feeling bashful that very moment.


It turns out, Azure had made it just in time. After Cold Front helped him down to the Boutique, he instantly came across Rarity, who was nervously waiting. The other girls were worried that Azure would be caught by the storm and would have to postpone, However, Azure reassured them all that he was alright and ready for his refinement.

He stood proudly, still looking as beautiful as he stepped out. He stood back as Rarity addressed the other stallions, all dressed up in their feminine best, “Welcome my beautiful Gems,” Rarity began, the ponies stomped on the ground in applause, “Today we are celebrating two important moments in our little Jewelry Box. First is the retirement of our oldest member, Sapphire.” a Spotlight shows the older Stallion in an elegant Ice blue gown, her hair done up with a Tiara, the crowd applauded as she bowed elegantly, “The second is the refinery of our newest member,” When the light it Azure, he smiled and curtsied. “Sapphire, would you like to begin?”

The stallion smiled as he approached the stage, “Thank you, Gem Mother.” He began, “My Fellow Gems, it warms my heart to see all of you here, As one of the founding members of the Jewelry Box, I helped young Stallions who were like us: stallions who were different from others, Stallions who preferred to dress as mares, stallions that Identify as mares, stallions who find joy in being beautiful, in being feminine. These stallions were so much like gem ores, and it was with our nurturing and care, we made them into the beauties they were inside.” He pauses as the memories of days past came to him, his eyes glistened with tears he tried to hold back. “However, it is with a heavy heart that my time has come. As you know, a Gem gets a final accomplishment before they turn in their bracelets. I remember the First Ruby and how she managed to be the first of our members to attend Canterlot’s Fashion Week. I remember the first Emerald and when she lived her dream of marrying someone who loved her for who she was inside.”

There was a moment of silence, Sapphire smiled, then turned to Azure, “My final accomplishment may seem simple, but I think it carries great meaning. So, will my Ore please step forward?”

Azure blushed as he gently walked over to his mentor, his Jeweler. He smiled as he faced her, She turned to him and began, “Azure, do you swear to uphold the traditions of our organization, to help ponies look within themselves to be beautiful, whether they identify as either male or female?”

“I do,” Azure said proudly.

“Do you swear to help Stallions and Colts who wish to be Mares and Fillies, whether they identify as such or they wish to be one even for a day?” Sapphire asked

“I do.”

“And do you swear to always represent the Jewelry Box with Beauty, Grace, and even a little naughtiness if it is desired?” She asked with a smirk.

“With all of my heart,” Azure said.

“Then I, Sapphire, your Jeweler, am happy to declare you, my Ore Refined.” Sapphire said, she looked over to Rarity, she nodded, “Now…by the power vested in me, and the blessings of the gem mother…you are defined as…” He then removed his bracelet and presented it to Azure, “Sapphire.”

Azure and some of the other members for that matter were surprised at this action and gasped. Rarity smiled, knowing this would happen, “You…you’re giving me…”

“The Mantel of Sapphire must be passed, and I can’t think of any other pony that’s worthy of it.” Sapphire, now Bulkhead, said sweetly as he held the bracelet. Azure, with tears in his eyes, lifted his left front hoof to his mentor, He gently places the bracelet on, its blue Sapphire gem shimmered in the light, “Congratulations.”

The crowd went wild, they applauded, they cheered and whistled. Azure…now truly Sapphire, smiled with such joy as he suddenly embraced him in a tight hug, “I won’t let you down.”

“Care to say a few words?” Rarity asked.

Azure approached the crowd, “For the longest time, I felt very alone, I thought that there were no other ponies like me. But that all changed when I came to this little town, and now…I feel like the Belle of the Ball. You all have shown me such kindness, you helped bring me…bring Sapphire, out in all her glory. Thank you, Every pony.” They all applauded at that, they began chanting his new name.

“So, Sapphire, “Rarity asked, “Now that you’re a full member, what are you going to do first?”

Azure smiled, “Funny you should say that. Being a Jeweler looked like such fun. I would be happy to help another pony into this amazing group.”

“Ooh, …sounds like you may have Some Pony in mind.” Rarity cooed.


Ponyville shined as another beautiful day graced the small hamlet. In one small shop, a Unicorn Pony finishes handing the conductor pony a beautiful pocket watch, “make sure you wind it up as the instructions say,” the unicorn said to the earth pony.

“You are a life-saver, Disty,” the stallion said, “my old watch was starting to wear out.”

“Anytime, Sir. Thank you for your business,” the pony, now known to be Disty, said.

The Earth pony paid the bits before making his way out, that’s when another Pony entered the shop, a Pegasus. “Cold Front?”

“Hey Dusky” Cold Front greeted, “I finished my cloud busting early today so I thought I’d drop in.”

“What a sweet surprise.” Disty said with a smile before they nuzzled each other gently, “It’s great to see you again.”

“Likewise,” Cold Front added with a blush.

At that moment, the bell on the store's door rang out, indicating another customer, they turn and saw a Unicorn with a stone-blue coat, a pink mane and tail, and a red bowtie, “Hi there, I don’t mean to interrupt, but are you Cold Front and Disty Dusk?”

“We are,” Disty said, “who are you?”

“My name is Azure,” he greeted, “I believe Cold Front knows a pony named Sapphire.”

“You know Sapphire?” Cold Front asked.

“My twin sister,” He said.

“Oh wow, I see the resemblance,” Cold Front said.

“Sapphire…that’s the pony you saved from getting soaked yesterday, right?” Disty asked.

“Yes she is and she asked me to help show you her thanks,” Azure began, “If you and…Mr. Dusk would follow me please?”

Cold Front looks to Disty, “Well…I suppose I can close up early.”

“Perfect,” Azure said with glee. “Oh…one more thing…” he uses his magic to hold up a set of blindfolds, “You’ll be safe, trust me.”

The two looked at one another, wondering what was going to happen.


The two ponies continued walking in the dark, “Um, Azure..how much longer is it?” Disty asked.

“We’re almost there,” Azure said.

Suddenly, the two stopped and the blindfolds came off. The ponies found themselves in what looked like a dress shop. It looked like Carousel Boutique. except there were no windows, and Azure was nowhere to be seen, “Um…Azure?” Cold Front asked.

“Yes…and no,” they heard the pony say. They see him poke his head from behind a shelf as he looked over to them, “I guess now is a good time, to tell the truth. You see…Sapphire isn’t really my sister.” he then stepped out from behind the shelf. Cold Front and Disty Dusk gasped as they saw him in a beautiful pink dress with matching heels…and a blonde tail.

Cold Front was the first to realize, “Sapphire?”

He answered by using his magic to slip on the blonde wig, then he finished the ensemble with the Gold bracelet with the single Sapphire gem, “That’s right, Cold Front,” He said in his girl's voice, “We are one and the same.” He felt pride, this must have been what Bulkhead felt when he revealed himself.

“Ohmygosh!” Both ponies gasped in glee, “Look at you,” “so Beautiful” they said over each other as they admired the Pony who had the same desires they did.

“You both are too kind,” Azure, now Sapphire giggled gleefully.

“Is this why you brought us here?” Cold Front asked. “Are you going to…”

“It’s not just that,” Azure began, “I spoke with my…superior. She told me usually a member joins one at a time, but I helped make an exception for you two.”

“Members?” Disty asked.

“Would you like to bring out your…feminine sides more frequently than you do now?” He asked, “If so, I can help you, just as another pony helped me.”

The two looked at one another, “Dusky?” Cold Front asked.

The Unicorn looked over at his special somepony, he gave a blush, “How could I refuse you, my sweet.”

Cold Front smiled and pulled Disty close, and then kissed him on the lips, Disty happily kissed back, pulling Cold Front close.

“I take it that’s a yes?” Azure asked. The two pulled away, blushing hard before turning to their soon-to-be mentor and nodded, “Then welcome my pretties…to the Jewelry Box.”

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