• Published 24th Mar 2019
  • 823 Views, 3 Comments

The Sapphire in the Stallion - AzureAKASapphire

The store of Azure and how he became part of the Jewelry Box

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the Jewelry Box

In the Small Town of Ponyville, Every pony lived simple lives…well, as simple as one can get when The Princess of Friendship and her friends aren’t saving the day from some catastrophe. As the Friendship Express pulled in at the Train Station, we focus on a lone Colt wearing a saddle bag that matched his coat. A Unicorn Pony with a Violet-eyes, Stone-blue coat and short light pink mane and tail, and a simple red bowtie around his neck.

As he stepped off the Train he looked around and took a deep breath, he felt a sense of exploration, as this was his first time visiting the small, yet popular, town. He had never been to Ponyville before but knew it’s reputation from here say and from newspapers. Of the many things he had heard from Ponyville, there was only one thing that brought him here, and that was the famous Carousel Boutique, known for high-end fashion.

As he entered what looked like Town Square, he looks around, seeing all the shops and stands, ponies selling their goods, it felt small and simple, though, for a pony like him, That could be good or bad.

It was at this point he hears the sound of a party horn, making him jump at the sudden sound. He turns and sees an Earth Pony with a Pink Coat and a dark pink curly mane and tail. “Well Hi there, Mister, are you new here?” She asked, “You must be new here since I know EVERY Pony in Ponyville. My name is Pinkie Pie, what’s yours?”

“Um…My name’s Azure” The Colt greeted, feeling a bit uncomfortable by the Mare’s energy.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Azure” Pinkie Pie said, then noticed his back, “Oh wow, I’ve never seen a Cutie Mark like that before”

On Azure’s flank was something all ponies received as they got older: A Cute Mark. When a Pony discovers that they have a special talent, one that not all ponies could do, a Magical occurrence takes place, and a magical mark appears on the Pony’s flank, tying their destiny to their talent for life. Not all Cutie Marks were the same in appearance, and their imaging isn’t always exact. In Azure’s case, his Cutie Mark was that of a Circle with an Arrow; the symbol that represents the male gender, yet this one had a decoration of what looked like a bikini, something females wore, on top of an open book.

“Oh yes,” Azure said with a light blush, “It represents my understanding of Mares, though I’m a Colt myself”

“Ooh, fascinating. What do you do?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, I do a little writing, nothing big” Azure answered.

“Well, if you need any help, I’m at your services. I live over at Sugar Cube Corner, the best Bakery in all of Equestria” She said proudly.

“That’s very kind of you to offer,” Azure said, “Actually, if you could, can you direct me to Carousel Boutique?”

“Carousel Boutique? Oh yeah, my best friend Rarity works there” Pinkie said, “It’s down this road, and towards the left, you can’t miss it”

“Thank you, Miss Pie,” Azure said with a bow.

“Aw shucks, you can call me Pinkie,” She said, "and if you ever need anything else, You know where to find me,” She said before hopping away.

“What a nice pony. A bit hyperactive though” Azure said before following her directions.


It didn’t take long for Azure to find the Carousel Boutique, it was as nice as he had heard. Azure faced the door, he started to feel nervous, so he takes a deep breath to calm himself. He enters the door and the bell rung.

“A Customer” a voice greeted. He sees the owner of the Shop, Rarity, approach, “Welcome to Carousel Boutique. Oh, Azure. How nice to see you again.”

“Greetings Miss Rarity,” Azure said politely, “My sister called a while ago. I have the outfit she wanted you to look at.”

“Ah, of course, my Good Azure” Rarity said, “I’ll be with you in a moment, Just finishing another customer. You wait right here” She turned around and walked over to the other side of the store.

Azure turns to where Rarity went to and sees another Mare in a lovely dress and matching hat. She was an Earth Pony as well, had purple eyes, a blue coat with a white mane and tail. He smiled lightly as she was quite a beauty, despite the light age that showed around her eyes. Azure didn’t want to snoop in so he turned his attention to the displays, there were new dresses and a few suits on mannequins, obviously new designs as he had never seen them before. One outfit caught his attention: a pink gown, with a simple-designed bodice, wrapped off-the-shoulder sleeves, a wide-hemmed floor-length skirt made of 8 triangular panels and a multiple-layered white petticoat with scalloped edging on the hemline. “Wow…” He said with a light whisper, “I know Sapphire would look good in this” he said. He sees more of the dress on the racks next to him, His horn glows a light pink color and a dress becomes enveloped in the same aura.


“I can’t believe you’re retiring, Sapphire” Rarity said to her Customer, “It feels as if it was just yesterday when you first became part of our little group.”

“Oh Yes, Rarity, and we’ve had a lot of grand times” The Mare, Sapphire said sweetly, “But as much as I want to, I can’t continue on forever. It’s time to hang up my bracelet” As she said that, she lifts her left hoof. On it was a golden bracelet, adorned in its center was a blue gemstone; a Sapphire.

“The others are sure going to miss you,” Rarity said, “I mean, you’re the last of our first Generation Mares, You were here long before I started leading.”

“Yes, I remember when she gave you the keys,” Sapphire said, “But I know you girls will do good without me”

“Have you decide on the date of your retirement ceremony? Or even your last accomplishment? The other retiring gems had theirs too” Rarity continued.

Before Sapphire could reply, she notices something at the corner of the mirror. She sees in its reflection the Unicorn Pony that entered, he was now holding up one of Rarity’s new Gala gowns she had displayed, the pink one. Then, to her surprise, The pony used his magic and held the dress up, and in front of himself, something she did often when looking for a new outfit. She smiled, “Rarity…who is that?” She whispered, pointing her hoof at the reflection.

Rarity sees it and lightly gasped, she turned to the pony to get a better look, “Why…That’s Azure, He came from canterlot, he’s here for a drop off from his sister.”

“His…sister?” She asked, with emphasis on the word.

“Oh, He does have a Sister, Rose Diamond, I met them both during Canterlot’s fashion week, She’s an up and coming Fashion designer, like yours truly” She giggled, “She asked me to look over one of her outfits for my opinion, and asked her brother to make the delivery” She looks as Azure blushes and smiles at his reflection before putting the dress back, “Though…I didn’t imagine that Azure would have that kind of interest.”

Sapphire looked at Azure again and smiled.


Azure swallowed, he had hoped that no one saw him looking at the dress, but he was practically the only one there. He hears a light trot and sees Rarity returning, “Parton me, Azure, but I’m ready to look at that dress.”

“Oh-uh. Yes, right” He said as he sweated a little. He opens his saddlebag and uses his magic to pull the dress out. a dark green and white dress.

“Ooh, green. Well, I suppose the shade is a nice touch. Oh, and I love the lace at the ends. Yes…” She said as she took the dress upstairs.

Azure gave a light sigh. He turns to the Mirror and notices his bowtie was uneven. he uses his magic to straighten it. “Looking sharp” he hears, he turns and sees the older Mare Rarity was working with.

“Oh, thank you, Ma’am.” Azure said, “Yes, I try to keep looking nice”

“Oh I’m sure you do,” She said, “You seem like the kind of Pony that likes to dress up. The name is Sapphire”

“Azure” He greeted back, “And yeah, I do like to dress up now and again, I just like how the suits look on me”

“Oh, I’m sure suits aren’t the only thing you’d look good in,” She said with a wink.

Azure’s Cheeks turned bright pink, “I…I’m not sure what-“ He was interrupted when the mare placed her hoof on his lips.

“There ’s no need to be ashamed,” She said, “I see the way you look at them” She explained glancing at the dress he was looking at, “I also have a Stallion friend who likes to…Dress up now and again” She giggled, “What is …her name?” she asked.

Azure’s blush stayed as he said “Um…Sapphire too”

“That is a beautiful name, I should know,” She said with a light laugh. “So Azure, how often does…your Sapphire come out to play?”

Azure felt weird talking about this to a stranger, but she felt more…open minded than some of the Ponies he talked about this with, he felt a connection with the older Mare that he started to enjoy, “Well…” He began with a light blush, “let’s just say I kinda want it to be more often than it is now.”

Sapphire smiled, “well…I might be able to help with that.” She said as she pulled something from the blouse of the dress, it was a card of some kind, “Come to this location later today. My friend will be there waiting for you.”

Azure takes the card with his magic. A closer look reveals that it’s a business card which read: “Ship-Shape Ship Repairs: Whether sea or air, Ship-Shape will help you get there.”

“Look for a stallion named Bulkhead and tell him Sapphire sent you” She explained, “You will be staying in ponyville, won’t you?”

“Well…I’m not sure, I was just supposed to make the drop-off, Then-“

“Azure!” Rarity called out, “I’m afraid to say this, but examining the outfit might take longer than I thought. I just remembered a big order I was supposed to take care of, and it seems I’ll need to pull an all-nighter. Will that be a problem?”

Azure looked at where he heard Rarity, “Um…no, I don’t suppose it will. I can get a room somewhere to say for the night and come back tomorrow”

“Splendid, and tell your sister I’m dreadfully sorry for the delay” Rarity called out.

“I will” Azure called back, then turned to Sapphire, “Well then, miss Sapphire, I guess I can make that trip after all”

“Perfect, I’ll be seeing you then,” She said, “Now if you’ll excuse me, the new swimsuits have arrived and I was planning on a new set for the summer” She hummed softly before making her way to the other side of the store. She smiled to herself, “Looks like I’ll be Refining a new Ore before I leave.”


“So Rarity said that she’ll look at the dress tomorrow?”

“That's right, Rose,” Azure said as he spoke into a phone, after leaving Rarity’s shop, he went searing for a place to stay, once he did, he had asked if he could use their phone to call his sister. “She said she forgot another order she was supposed to do. But it’s ok, I already found a nice inn to spend the night, and I should be back tomorrow”

“Ok then. You be careful little brother” Rose replied.

“I will. Love you, Sis” Azure said before hanging up. “Thank you for letting use your phone.”

“No problem," The innkeeper said, “is there anything else I can help you with?”

“Well actually, do you know where I can find this place?” Azure asked handing the innkeeper the card given to him.

“Hmm…Why yes Actually, It’s right outside of town, by the beach” The innkeeper answered.


After getting a bite to eat, Azure made his way to the beach. It was a bit of a trip as Ponyville was in the heart of the land, but it wasn’t too far that it made Azure tired. He looked in awe at the Sandy beaches and the beautiful ocean, it was a photographic moment. As much as Azure wanted to keep watching, he had other things to do.

He walked down the beach until he spots a shipyard, all the way at the end. A mix of sea ships and airships were docked on the bay, some single boats while others were luxury cruise ships that he had seen in Canterlot. He looks around until he sees a sign, it read “Ship-Shape Ship Repairs." He smiled as he trotted towards the entrance.

“Um, Excuse me? Any Pony home?” He called out before a pony faced him, a Unicorn Stallion with a Grey coat and matching mane.

“Welcome to Ship-Shape, how can I help you?” The Stallion greeted.

“Greetings sir.” Azure replied, “I was wondering if you can help me, I’m looking for a pony named Bulkhead.”

“Old Bulk? Heh, He’s just about to end his shift. If you hurry, you might catch him” The Pony said as he stepped aside, letting Azure in.

Azure trotted lightly into the repair shop. He looks around, it didn’t seem very active at the moment, of course, it was almost night time. He spots a lone Stallion packing his tools; an Earth Pony with a Blue coat and short chestnut Mane and tail, his Cutie mark was that of a Boat with its paint shaved off and a wrench, his fetlocks showed as he was gathering his tools.

Azure cleared his throat, “Um…Excuse me, Mr. Bulkhead?” He asked

“Sorry, bub,” The pony said, not bother looking at him, “my shift is over, Go tell your repair problems to Some pony else.”

“Um…That’s not why I’m here” Azure said, “…Sapphire sent me”

The pony stopped what he was doing and turned, Azure saw his face, lightly wrinkled that showed his age, and purple eyes…much like Sapphire. He smiled, “Sapphire huh? She messaged me about you” He said walking up to him.

“I wouldn’t be surprised, she told me you were her friend,” Azure said, “And she said you could help me”

Bulkhead chuckled lightly, “Yes, I’m sure she did. And I can help you. Come with me, I usually call a Taxi back to Ponyville”

“Back to Ponyville?” Azure asked, “huh, I figure that whatever was going to happen, it’d be out here”

“Oh no” Bulkhead began, “You see, where we are going is a secret place and well…I need to blindfold you.”

“Blindfold me?” Azure asked in shock

“Don’t worry, it’s very safe,” He said as he took a black cloth and placed it over Azure’s eyes, blinding him completely, “And no peaking with your magic” He said

“Yes, Sir,” Azure said, feeling a bit strange wearing the blindfold.


Azure was in Pitch black the entire ride with Bulkhead. He had no idea where he would be going, only that it was somewhere in Ponyville. Maybe it was Princess Twilight’s Castle? But that wouldn’t make sense, every pony knew where that place was. No, this had to be somewhere secret, out of plain sight. He felt himself walking now, they must be getting closer.

“How are you holding out?” He heard Bulkhead ask.

“A bit nervous, but ok,” Azure said.

Bulkhead let out a light but hearty laugh, “It’s ok, I was like that when I just came here”

Before he could ask what he meant by that, Azure felt the blindfold pulled off of him. He gasped at the site before him: It resembled a resort that he had seen in Canterlot: large fountains, beautiful statues and a front end desk that blocked off a set of large doors. He spots a unicorn pony running the front, a Familiar pony with a sky blue coat and flame-colored mane and tail.

“Hey, isn’t that Sassy Saddles?” Azure asked, “I recognize her, she runs Rarity’s boutique in Canterlot.”

“That’s her” Bulkhead said as he motioned Azure to follow him.

Sassy Saddles spots Bulkhead smiled, “Mr. Bulkhead, Welcome back to-“ She stops as she sees Azure behind him, “Oh. And who is this sweetie?”

“Sassy, this is Azure. I wish to take him to see the Gem Mother” Bulkhead said.

“Gem Mother?” Azure asked

“Why Bulkhead, one last Refinement? That’s quite a send-off. But…You know the rules” Sassy said

“I’m well aware, that’s why I’m taking him Shopping” Bulkhead said

Sassy smiled as she got up from her seat, “Follow me” She said as she leads the two behind the desk and through the double doors.

Azure looked in awe at what he saw, it resembled a mall back in Canterlot: there were stores and cafes, He notices a few mares waking around, wearing beautiful dresses. He walks closer to Bulkhead, “Mr. Bulkhead, what is this Place?”

“Well, Azure, it’s time I told you the truth. You see, Sapphire isn’t really a friend of mine” He said as he takes something out of his Saddlebag; a Bracelet, but not just any bracelet, this one had a blue gem on it, a Sapphire…the same one Azure saw on…

“…No way” Azure gasped as he came to a conclusion.

Bulkhead puts the bracelet on his hoof and cleared his throat, “That’s right, Azure” He began, now Sounding like a Mare, “Sapphire and I are one and the same.”

Azure’s eyes widened in awe and his jaw dropped, “You…You’re a crossdresser too!” He said in an excited voice, his tail wagging slightly.

Bulkhead chuckled before taking the bracelet off, “That’s correct” He answered, his male voice returning, “And this is no ordinary bracelet, not only is it enchanted to change my voice, it is a symbol of my group. You see, I’m part of a secret society where Stallions, like myself, can be ourselves, and dress as mares without persecution or the judgment of others. And we call our group the Jewelry Box. since all our girl names are based on gemstones.”

Azure looks around, he noticed that the Mares that were walking about also have gold bracelets with gems on their hoofs, though their gemstones were all different, many of the gems shared the same color as the Pony ’s coat. “So every pony here is a Colt in mares’ clothing,” Azure said.

“In a nutshell yes, though some prefer to be referred to as mares,” Bulkhead said, “But we still have those who dress up for the thrill, like myself” He said, “But I think you’re a little more complex I believe, your Cutie Mark seems to show that.”

Azure blushed, “Yes. I still remember the day I got it” He began as his mind wander to that day, “As a foal, I loved costumes, It wasn’t just for Nightmare Night, I would dress up every day, and pretend to be some pony else for a day. One day, Rose, my Big sister, dared me into being a Princess for a day. I thought that it was silly to even for me, I mean pretend to be a girl? But my sister egged me on, saying I was scared, so to prove her wrong, I wore the dress and Tiara.” Azure paused for a moment and smiled, “I’ll never forget the moment I saw my reflection, I looked so pretty and girly, it felt …right to be. Not only did I keep the dress on all day I found myself putting on more dresses, more of my sister's clothing. I even got into her makeup” He laughed lightly. “And that’s when my flank glowed and this appeared” He glances over his flank, “I realized that my Spacial talent was being a Colt in Mare’s clothing, I looked so much like a girl that I even fooled a few boys around town” He said with a blush, “I guess that’s what also brought my attraction to them as well…and Girls too.”

Bulkhead chuckled, “Don’t be worried. As I said, you’re in good company, the Jewelry Box is full of stallions who like both stallions, mares and everything in between. I myself like girls, even though I like dressing like one.”

“Ah, here we go” Sassy announced as she leads the two at a Bouquet, “You know how much the Gem mother likes first impressions”

“That I do,” Bulkhead said, “Come on Azure”

Azure felt a light giddiness as he followed him inside. He looks around, “Say, these are some of the same Dresses at Rarity’s Boutique”

“They are the same” Bulkhead said, “except that these dresses are tailored to fit Stallions. Take your pick, and after we’ll begin your makeover.”

Azure just looked around in awe, feeling like a kid in a candy store. That ’s when he spots the same pink dress he saw in Rarity’s Shop. “That one,” He said.

“Hold on there,” A Voice said. Azure sure and saw a unicorn with a midnight blue coat and raven black mane and tail, “Ore, huh?”

“Ore?” Azure asked

“It’s what we call new members,” Bulkhead said, “Before they get their gems, they are Ores that need to be refined by a Jeweler, which is what we call it when a senior member trains a new member.”

“So that means you’ll be my Jeweler?” Azure asked.

“That’s correct,” Bulkhead said.

“Bulkhead, I didn’t think you’d be back to being a Jeweler,” The new Stallion said.

“Well, I saw this guy and can see he has potential” Bulkhead said, “Azure, this is one of our members, Evil Frenzy”

“Evil?” Azure asked.

“Its initials,” The Pony said, “my full name is Eon Vincent Ivo Levi Frenzy. But since that’s a mouthful and the Initials spelled out a word, I’m called Evil for short.”

“Nice to meet you. Are you an Ore too?” Azure asked

“Nope, Got my gem,” He said showing him the same Bracelet that Bulkhead had, only this one had a light blue teardrop-shaped gem, “Lapis Lazuli,” He said.

“That’s pretty,” Azure said.

“And I’m sure you ’d look pretty in this” Evil said holding the dress up with his magic, “But if you’re making a first impression with the Gem Mother, Then you don’t want to be too flashy. I made that mistake when I first got here.”

“Yes, I remember that all too well,” Bulkhead said with a laugh, “She ended up making you her personal Mannequin for a week”

The two chuckled amongst themselves before Evil turned to Azure, “Now then, if you want to make a good impression, try not to look so Flashy, A nice dress will say a lot about the mare you like to be.”

Azure blushed, “Ok, I’ll trust you” He said as he looked around, He notices another pick dress, though this one was more simple: full skirt, simple bodice and a looping strap that held the bodice up by wrapping around his neck, He smiled “I think I found it.”

“Heh, that is a classic” Bulkhead said.

“I think the Mother will like it.” Evil said before turning back to Azure, “Since you’ve done this before, I assume you already have a wig and tail ready?”

Azure blushed again as he went into his saddlebag, “I don’t know why but something told me I should bring this” He pulls out with his magic a Blonde wig and tail extensions.

“Ooh, Blonde. Blondes do have more fun” Bulkhead said with a smile. “Well? Go ahead, try it on”

“Oh…yes, of course,” Azure said as he took the dress into the dressing room.

“Hold on” Evil called out before Azure entered, “I think you’ll need these too.” Using his magic, Evil gives Azure more clothing, this being a set Azure was familiar with. Lingerie, something many mares wore under their dresses, this set was pink like the dress.

Azure blushed but smile, “well..thank you,” he said before entering the dressing room.

“A bit of a shy one” Evil said.

“First Timers usually are” Bulkhead replied.


Azure took his Saddlebag off before looking at his reflection, He had done this dozen of times, but this time was different. He was going to be dressing up for ponies he had just met, and this “Gem Mother", whoever that was. He took in a breath to relax and smiled, He started with the Lingerie, the Pink panties went on first, covering his bottom with lace and silk. He giggled at the sensation it gave him, then the Lacy top part was next, something that was called a Bra. It didn’t really serve a purpose to ponies, but it did add an attractiveness when worn. He blushed as he got on his hind legs to get a better look. Smiling at how it fit him, he then worked on the dress, inside the dress was a petticoat, meant to fill the skirt out. he slipped it on with ease before draping the pink dress over him. He giggled and did a twirl, loving how the dress felt on him.

There was one final touch left. Using his magic, Azure first takes the tail extensions, slipping the extension over his regular short tail. He wags it lightly, the blond hair of the tail swaying as he did so. Then came the Wig, he tucks his short pink hair in a cap, then gently places the wig on. He runs his hooves through it lightly and shook his head, I dropped his face naturally. He tops the wig with a big pink bow at the back.

He takes a step back and gets a good look. The dress fit him like a glove and it looked beautiful on him..or rather her now. A girlish giggle came from his lips, “I hope those boys are ready” He said, His voice sounding more feminine, “Because Sapphire is ready to show off”


“So, this month’s Photo-op, I’m thinking Bunny girls,” Evil said as he spoke with Bulkhead.

“She might go for that, but I hear she’s planning on Prance Maids” Bulkhead replied.

“That does have a bit of frilliness she likes” Before Evil could continue, The Drapes covering the Dressing room folded back and Azure came out, fully feminized.

The Ponies saw him and their jaws dropped, “Whoa…” Bulkhead gasped, followed by a smile, “I knew you’d look good.”

“By Luna’s might, you make a pretty convincing Mare, Azure” Evil said.

Azure giggled in his girlish voice, “When I’m pretty like this, I go by Sapphire” He said sweetly and flirty, “And it does look good, doesn’t it?” He asked before twirling lightly, making the dress rise a little.

“Oh yeah, I know a few Stallions who would eat you up,” Evil said with a smile.

“You do look amazing” Bulkhead began, “But we’re not ready yet. You need a makeover, girl”

“Tee-hee. I love makeovers” Azure said sweetly.

“And you may call yourself Sapphire, but in here, you will be referred to as my Ore” Bulkhead said.

“I guess that’s fair, I wouldn’t want anyone to confuse you with me,” He said with a light laugh.

“Speaking of Sapphire, you know the Gem mother would want to see her presenting your Ore” Evil said

“I know and she will” Bulkhead, “Think you can take my Ore to the Salon while I get myself ready?”

“Oh of course,” Evil said, “I’ve been meaning to get one myself” He trots lightly to Azure, “Come on now, little ore, let’s make you look a little more presentable.”


Evil leads Azure to a small little Salon where a few Ponies were already getting makeovers, all of them wearing the Gemstone bracelet. “This place looks amazing,” Azure said.

“Oh it is, I wonder if we’ll have Alexandrite work on you” Evil said

“Did Somepony say my name?”

The two turned and saw a Pony wearing a white Salon beautician uniform. She was shorter than the other ponies but looked rather important, her coat was a dark green color and her mane and tail was a lavender shade. Her fetlocks showed a little as she trotted towards the two, “My My Evil, who’s your cute little friend?” She asked, her voice was a little raspy but quite feminine.

“She’s Sapphire’s new Ore,” Evil said, “Here for her makeover to see the Gem Mother.”

“Sapphire is refining a new Ore? Oh my, I thought she was retiring” The pony said.

“One last Hurrah it seems,” Evil said, “Azure, this is Alexandrite, she’s the Jewelry Box’s expert makeup artist.”

"Comes with the experience,” Alexandrite said, lifting her left hoof, revealing a bracelet with a green/magenta gemstone.

“Wow, I had no ideas there were this many ponies like me," Azure said.

“Honey, there are lots of ponies like us, you just haven’t met them yet,” Alexandrite said with a smile, “Now then, I see you’ve already got your dress and your hair so we’ll get right to the makeup.”

“Think you have an opening for me as well?” Evil asked

“Oh of course,” Alexandrite said. She whistled loudly and two ponies appeared; one with a pink coat and blue mane, and another whose coat and mane were the inverse of the first, “Louts, Aloe, Evil here wishes to bring Lapis Lazuli out, do take care of him”

The ponies smiled and took Evil by the Hooves and lead him inside the salon, “And you, Little miss Ore, are coming with me” Alexandrite said leading Azure to a salon chair. “So, what would you like?”

“Me? Well…I don’t know. I’ve worn makeup but I’ve never had a professional work on me before” Azure said.

“Oh, I understand quite well, dear. Makeup can be quite the challenge, Even to some of the Unicorns, I work with” Alexandrite explained, “But don’t you worry, I’m the best there is. Now then, makeup should match your ensemble, and since you look pretty in pink, pink shall be your theme”

Azure smiled, “I’m in your hooves, Alexandrite,” He said sweetly before he sat back a little.

Alexandrite hummed a turn as she started with a clean cloth to white Azure’s face clean. once that was done, she started with her cheeks, taking a brush in her mouth, the pony beautician applied a light pink blush to his cheeks. “So, tell me a little about yourself,” she said with the brush between her teeth.

“Heh, well, where should I start?” Azure asked

“How about where you’re from. I don’t think I’ve seen you in Ponyville” Alexandrite began

“Well, that’s because I’m from Canterlot” Azure answered.

“Canterlot huh? Maybe I’ve seen you there. I work at a Barber Shop in Canterlot” She explained.

“Barbershop?” Azure asked she looked at Alexandrite again, “You…wouldn’t happen to have a purple mane would you?”

She smiled, “I do actually,” she said lifting her hair, revealing her natural boy mane.

Azure gasped, “Combover Comb” he whispered, “I remember you, You styled my hair once for a party my mother was taking me to” he lifts his wig, showing his hair.

Alexandrite smiled, “I knew I recognized your coat.” She giggled lightly, “Who knew you’d be making such a pretty Mare” she added as she began working on his eyes, Adding eyeliner around his eyes, “Close your eyes dear,” she said before adding a pink eyeshadow to match his dress.

Azure blushed as he felt the makeup being applied, “So how long have you been here?” He asked

“Oh, not as long as Sapphire, that’s for sure, but I’ve helped many colts here be the mares they are inside,” Alexandrite said as she applied mascara.

“Well, I’m honored that you’re helping me,” Azure said with a smile.

“Anytime,” she said before taking a lip balm, adding a clear coat on his lips before finishing with a shiny pink color, “My finest work yet,” She said turning Azure’s chair to the mirror.

Azure gasped at his reflection, he wore makeup before but it never looks this good. He blushed bashfully and smiled “It’s…perfect.”

“I know,” Alexandrite said with a smile.

Suddenly, the sound of a wolf whistle was heard, Azure blushed at that and turned, seeing Evil, now looking feminine with an orange mane and tail styled in a big wild ponytail, “If I didn’t know it, I’d say you are one pretty Filly”

This made Azure Blush harder, “Thank you, Ev-I mean Lapis” he said in his girl's voice.

“I couldn’t agree more” Azure turned and gasped, There Stood Bulkhead, only now he was fully feminized, being Sapphire again. She was in a red and white polka-dot Bikini top, her white mane was held back in a matching bandana, the front tied in a little bow and her flank was covered in a matching long skirt.

“Sapphire” Azure said trotting to her with a smile, “You look very pretty”

“Heh, not as Pretty as you, my Ore,” She said sweetly, “Are you ready to face the Gem mother?”

“Ready, as I’ll ever be,” Azure said in his girl's voice.


Azure followed Sapphire into a small Waiting room, behind the min mall-like area where they shopped and got made over. The room had several seats, a water cooler and a table with a few magazines.

“Well, the Gem Mother said she’ll be with us in a moment, she just needs to get herself ready,” Sapphire said

“This is rather exciting,” Azure said, “I’m getting goosebumps.”

“Don’t worry, you aren’t the first” Sapphire measured, “I’ve refined many ores who were like you”

Azure laugh, “This gem talk is pretty fun,” He said.

Suddenly, the door opened slightly. “That’s our cue,” Sapphire said.

Azure took in a breath before he followed Sapphire in. The room resembled an office room, he noticed file cabinets on the right, on top were several types of gemstones on display. On the left was another cabinet, on top were glasses and bottles of Sweet Apple Acres apple cider on ice. In front of him was in shadow, but he saw a figure at a desk, no doubt this was the Gem Mother. “Sapphire, Good to see you,” The Gem Mother said, her voice sounded familiar but she spoke in a way that made it hard to recognize it. “And who is this?”

“Gem Mother, this is Azure. As you can see, He has an interest in what we gems love to do” Sapphire said.

Azure stepped closer and performed a bow, “Greetings Gem Mother” He said in his girl's voice.

“Oh my…He is just adorable…or rather SHE is Adorable” the Gem mother giggled. “A Final Ore to Refine, Sapphire?”

“My last accomplishment” Sapphire answered, “And I think that Azure has grand potential.”

The figure was silent for a moment, suddenly, there was a glow, she had a unicorn horn and it's magic lid up the room. “I think so too,” The Gem Mother said, now fully recognizable.

Azure gasped, “Miss Rarity?”

Indeed it was Rarity behind the table, she wore a white and black lady’s suit with a bow tie, “That’s correct Azure” She said clearly, “I’ve been leading the Jewelry Box for some time. Tell me, do you know what it is we do here?”

“Well…all I know so far is that it’s a group of colts who like to dress up like fillies, and it’s a safe place for ponies like me” Azure answered.

“That’s correct, we offer helping hooves for ponies who are…different, We help them embrace who they are inside, such as hosting parties and get-togethers, and charity drives.” Rarity explained, “The Jewelry Box is all about opening up and exploration, though not every pony is up for this.” Azure swallows nervously at that, but Rarity continued, “Which is why the choice is yours, Azure. If you wish to be a member, it will be a devotion to our cause and to our lifestyle.”

“It is a big step into a new world” Sapphire added, “I wouldn’t blame you if you said no, but if you say yes, that means your Sapphire can come out more, just like you want to.”

Azure looked between them, he then looks at his reflection in a nearby mirror, who knew a simple trip to Ponyville would lead to the start of something grand and exciting. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, something that might never come again, it might be worth the tough moments rarity mentioned.

Azure smiled and turned to Rarity, he spoke in his best, his most elegant girl voice, “Miss Rarity, I would like to show you that I can do it. I would love to be part of the Jewelry Box”

Rarity smiled, “Why what a confident young filly you are,” She said, “Very well. Welcome…to the Jewelry Box”

Azure smiled, he got to his hind legs and performed a curtsy with his bow, “Thank you…Gem Mother” He said sweetly.

“First thing first” Rarity began, “We must set up the ground rules: from this moment, You refer to me only as ‘Gem Mother’ and you will be only referred to as Sapphire’s ore. When you get refined by your Jeweler, you will take the name of the Gem that is bestowed upon you, and no matter what girl name you chose for yourself, you will be referred to as the name of the gem that is given to you.”

Azure looked surprised, The name Sapphire was something that came from within himself, something that he felt was the right choice, that Sapphire was who SHE was. But Azure had to follow these rules now, he nods, “I understand, Gem Mother.”

“Now, we offer lodgings here,” Rarity said, “Something to make you feel more at home”

“Here? Well…I already had a room set up in a local Inn” Azure said.

“I’ll take care of that, Darling,” Rarity said, “an Ore should feel comfortable day and night”

“…you are too kind, Miss Ra- I mean, Gem Mother,” Azure said.

“Oh, trust me…I’m sure that’ll change,” She said with a small snicker, “Well, I must be off, “You’ll lead your Ore to the guest bedrooms, Sapphire?”

“Yes, Gem Mother” Sapphire said with a bow.

“Get plenty of rest, Sapphire’s Ore” Rarity said, “You’ll have a big day ahead of you”

“I will,” Azure said, bowing himself before following Sapphire, he blushed and smiled, it felt like a dream come true, one that he never wanted to wake from.