• Published 10th May 2019
  • 563 Views, 1 Comments

childish - venelopi

pinkie and rarity have a little talk about girl stuff in there tent at camp everfree

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After the entire camp had finished telling ghost stories and eating marshmallows, they all go to there tents, getting to sleep with the partner that was assigned to them earlier that day.

The girls were heading of to there tents, and with them, were pinkie pie and rarity.

Pinkie pie had a lot of fun with all her friends tonight, and after finishing all of her marshmallows, they both retired to the emerald tent.

On the way there, pinkie pie was quiet, as if the marshmallows had reminded her of something that she would rather forget.

Or maybe it was the fact that they went back to there tents. Either way, rarity did not miss her friend's behavior, and decided to get to the bottom of this mystery.

As they got into the tent, they both got ready to go to sleep. Finally, pinkie said something


"Yes, darling?" rarity turned from her bed, which she was organizing, to face her friend.

"I kind of need to change… could you...?"

"no problem, darling!" rarity turned again, facing her stuff, returning to organize her bed, while making sure not to turn around, as pinkie pie was changing into her pajamas.

She turned when she heard a sigh and "it's o.k. to look now" from pinkie pie.

Her voice was faint, and she didn't have her usual smile on.

"Pinkie pie" rarity started "is something the matter?"

"Is it that obvious?" her voice was still weak, something very unlike pinkie pie at all.

Rarity nodded, and then said "I swear I didn't peak, if that's what's upsetting you. Wait! Are you unhappy with the tent assignments?"

"No, it's nothing like that, silly!" pinkie pie said, trying to return her smile back.

"It's complicated, and… it's a little embarrassing… I don’t want you to…"

"Nonsense!" rarity said "you know that I am here for you, don't you? And what ever it is, I promise not to take it lightly."

Pinkie pie smiled a little, and sat down on her bed, giving another sigh before continuing.

"Do you ever fell like… you're all grown up?"

Rarity was surprised by the question, but didn't fully understand what pinkie pie was referring to.

"I don't think I understood the question, dear."

"Do you ever fell like you're growing up in one way, but you don't fell or want to grow up in some other way?"

Rarity thought about it for a few seconds, trying to figure out what pinkie had meant.

She looked at pinkie pie in her pajamas, and realized what this talk was about.

"Uh, pinkie pie" she came to her friend's side, sitting on pinkie's bed next to the pink haired girl "why in the world did you think that I would laugh at you for talking about this kind of thing?"

"I…. don't know. I guess I'm just… embarrassed."

"Of what?" rarity was confused.

"From… well… all of this." Pinkie pie referred with her hands to her entire body, going up from her head, down to her legs, that were currently crossed over on the bed.

"I know that this is supposed to happen but… It's weird! I don't fell grown up at all, but this just…. Appeared!"

Rarity saw tears forming in her friend's eyes, as pinkie pie kept going:

"And… if I physically change, soon everyone will expect me to change how I act, and it's pressuring me!"

"Why in the wide world do you think that someone will pressure you?" rarity's voice was soft, as she looked at her friend with a high degree of concern.

"If I grow up" pinkie pie was crying, but she managed to talk over the crying "then people will want me to be…. Different. They might say that I act like a child, all happy and excited about it all, and that I should be more grown up.

I really don't want to grow up and be someone I'm not, but…." Pinkie pie was subbing now, but she got out a sentence before it was too much for her:

"But I don't have a choice."

Pinkie pie couldn't take it anymore, and she let all of her tears out, leaving rarity with the information that was given to her.

She let pinkie pie cry as much as she needed to, comforting her as best she could.

When the crying finally died down, she said "pinkie pie, I know you can't change the fact that you are growing up, but it doesn't mean you have to be someone you're not."

"Of course it does!"

"No, it doesn't." Rarity said, waiting a few seconds to find the right words.

"Someone once told me that you can't stop time from moving: eventually we all grow up. But even when you get a job, live in you're own place and do all the grown up stuff, must of the adults fell like kids, but kids that do grown up stuff."

Pinkie pie refused to meat rarity's eyes, so she continued:

"Once, my mom found a nice summer job for me to do. I don't know what went over me, but the moment she said that, I started crying. I told her that it was too scary, to fell all grown up." Rarity took a deep breath.

"And then she told me that when she started her life in the real world, she too was really scared. She didn't feel like an adult at all! She just felt like a kid, doing grown up stuff."

No response came from pinkie pie, as she slowly looked up to meet rarity's eyes.

"Even if I won't fell like a grown up, everyone will expect me to stop acting like a child!"

"The same idea came into my head as well, a long time ago."

"You?" pinkie pie said "you're the most grown up person I know! You don’t act at all like a child! None of you girls do!"

"We actually do, but in a different way: like rainbow dash: she always wants to win and hates to lose. Isn't that childish?"

"Maybe… but It's a part of who she is, she just likes to win."

"And what about applejack? Sometimes she's so stubborn; it's like talking to an eight year old boy!"

"Yeah, but it's just part of who she…"

Pinkie pie stopped, as she realized where rarity was going with this.

"Then" rarity said "why shouldn't you're happy attitude be apart of who you are? Everyone is a little childish inside, but each person shows it in a different way. If you are happy, creative, smart and talented, no one will want you to change who you are. And besides….." rarity said "you shouldn't be afraid or embarrassed about growing up. Mentally" she pointed at pinkie's Brest "and physically."

Pinkie pie moved away from where rarity was pointing at, shielding her chest with her hands, blushing.

But then, she started laughing hysterically, as it seemed both weird and funny how rarity was perfectly comfortable talking about stuff like that without blushing profusely.

Rarity started laughing too, happy to see that she did something to try to help pinkie.

When the laughing died down, pinkie pie surprised rarity with a warm and gentle hug, that didn't crush her, but had a great vibe of gratitude, and friendship.

"Thanks, rarity" pinkie pie said with a cencer voice "you've helped me so much! It's good to let it all out."

"You're welcome".

* * *

The next morning, sunset got into rarity and pinkie's tent, to check on her friends.

"Hey girls! What's up?"

Pinkie turned to sunset. Sunset gave a shout "what happened to you, pinkie pie?"

Pinkie's face was red, especially around her eyes, probably from all the crying last night. She didn't get a chance to wash her face yet, since she was still getting dressed of the day, and didn't even eat breakfast.

"Pinkie pie, are you o.k.?" sunset got into the tent, coming to pinkie pie's side.

"Did something happen?" she gasped "did someone hurt you? Because if they did…."

"No, silly!" pinkie pie said, giggling to her self. "I'm fine. I just cried my heart out yesterday, that's all."

"And you were crying because…?" sunset was sure that no one hurt her friend: physically or mentally, with the way pinkie answered her question. But she did want to help her friend.

"I was just talking to rarity about growing up. Something stupid was bothering me, and she helped me get threw it."

Pinkie pie explained the whole thing to sunset, while trying to use the nicest words possible to describe the situation, without blushing, using words like 'development' and 'physical changes' to avoid any words that might make her feel uncomfortable (even if she sounded nothing like her self, but more like a doctor explaining to a teen that kind of stuff in a science lab)

"So basically" sunset said at the end of pinkie's explanation "you were feeling pressured to be an adult because your chest has gotten bigger."

"Sunset!" pinkie pie cried out, her voice in between embarrassment and holding her self from laughing hysterically. She took the pillow from her bed and started to beat sunset with it, as if trying to start a pillow fight.

"You…do…not… Say… those… things… like… that!"

She said, hitting sunset with every word she said.

Sunset couldn't help it, and was laughing hysterically from the moment pinkie pie had shouted 'sunset!' ,as she put her hands in front of her face to avoid the pillow from hitting her. But she found out that it was a hard thing to do, while you are trying not to fall down from laughter.

"o.k., o .k!" sunset said, in between pillow smacks from pinkie and laughing "I won't say it like that anymore!"

Pinkie pie stopped, and helped sunset up. The two looked at each other, and started laughing hysterically, both of them falling to the ground, which made them laugh even harder.
the end.

Author's Note:

this is rather short, but I still enjoyed writing it none the less.
as you can see, it's not anything romantic, but rather deep and full of thoght.
hope to hear what you all think.

Comments ( 1 )

The idea was pretty good, but there are a few major issues that need addressing.

  1. Characters’ names must be capitalised. Always. The main heroines, for example, are:
    * Sunset Shimmer
    * Pinkie Pie
    * Rarity
    * Applejack
    * Rainbow Dash
    * Fluttershy
    * Twilight Sparkle
  2. Titles (be it for the whole story or a chapter) have to be capitalised as well. Thus, you should change the story’s title from “childish” to “Childish”.
  3. There are a few typos and homophone confusion. For example:

    Something stupid was bothering me, and she helped me get threw it.

    It should be:

    Something stupid was bothering me, and she helped me get through it.

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