• Published 10th Aug 2021
  • 605 Views, 12 Comments

The Darkest of The Light - Moonghost

This is a story about a character I call The Court Jester There’s not much more about him heck I don’t remember most of the backstory from when I was first writing the character. Oh, but, I do remember is that Celestia wary of them.

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Chapter 5

Celestia was anxious Blue Blood hadn’t left his room for the last eight days. Silver Spade had recovered for the most part, but, the stallion had lost all control of his left eye, and the dagger's blade was fused to his spine, which caused the teacher to be in a permanent slumped stance, forcing him to walk with a cane. When Blue had finally come out of his room he asked a question that made Celestia's heart drop like a stone.

"Auntie, what do you know about The Vita Statera?" Blue said,

Celestia was mortified, as her mind raced to come up with a solution, without using that thing's name.
"W-W-Well, Blue, The Vita Statera was a group of six... beings that control the balance of life." Celestia said, hoping that that was enough to satisfy his curiosity, It wasn't.

"And who were the beings of which you speak?" Blue continued,

“I-I can’t, I-I won’t, I-I am un-un-unable to say anything more on this subject.” Celestia said, as she began to shakes uncontrollably, before trying and partly failing to stop, as the tremors did partly subside. “W-What I can tell you is this who ever tolled you that is f-far old t-then you think they a-are.”