• Published 10th Aug 2021
  • 604 Views, 12 Comments

The Darkest of The Light - Moonghost

This is a story about a character I call The Court Jester There’s not much more about him heck I don’t remember most of the backstory from when I was first writing the character. Oh, but, I do remember is that Celestia wary of them.

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Chapter 1

“Hello, my name is… Well my name is not important. What you do need to know is that I am the Court Jester or at least I was, until someone mysteriously died. Leaving me in charge of an entire planet it was fun at first but then I got bored and that caused some very very big problems. you see I control the sun in the moon of this planet, and every so often now people would try and rest control of it from me, there was this one time you know that these two Alicorns They thought they could rest control of the sun from me no no they really couldn’t, but I humored them while I took a nap.

‘No, this one is no fun.’ The Jester Thought.

In an universe, in old galaxy, on the planet Equss, in the land of equestria, in the Everfree forest, near the ruins of the castle of the royal pony sisters, there is the Petrified form of a very unique being, Bound in vines and chains of ivories, golds, silvers, crackling yellows, Burning oranges, green, and blacks, And beneath all of bindings,

“Nope, Just nope!!!!” The Jester shouted.

“Now tell me class what do you think this statue is a representation of?” A gray unicorn stallion asked his class, the statue is the form of a very unique being, Bound in vines and chains of golds, silvers, and blacks, And beneath all of the bindings, is the form of what appears to be a simple jester wearing a grin that is far too wide. The Stallion points to a midnight purple filly named Twilight A.Sparkle.

“That’s The Court Jester!” Twilight whimpers.

“That’s correct, but why’re you scared? It's just a statue.” The stallion said confused when a very loud sound of laughter came from what the stallion had assumed was a statue.

The laughter was long and cruel, Like nails on a chalkboard, The screaming of banshees, and thousands of breaking bones, after which the ‘statue’ straightened up from the Crouched position, standing at an imposing height of sixteen and a half feet. “It would be wise for everyone to fear me, But you, young Twilight, you needn’t fear me.”The Court Jester said,

“Wwwhy?” Twilight Stammered.

“Because why would I hurt my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfilly? speaking of which is Owlbert OK?” The Court Jester said,

“What!!!” Twilight yelled out in shock.

“Oh right, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Oh well, the cat’s out of the bag anyway.” The Court Jester said dismissively.

(5 hours later)

“Wait, what’s your name?” The Teacher asked The Court Jester.

“You answer first Teach.” The Court Jester replies,

“Fine, It’s Silver Spade, and you.” Silver replies,

Well, that’s nice, I can’t actually tell you my name without it trying to kill you, just call me Arch Ace.” Arch said,

“Nice to meet you, Arch.” Silver said,

“Nice to meet you, Silver.” Arch said,

‘Yes, I like this one.’ The Jester thought, as the timeline solidified into place around them.

“Now I think I’ll be leaving.” Arch said,

“What! But, what about all your bindings.” Silver spluttered,

“Oh, right.” Arch said, as the black chains burst into gray flames, and broke apart, followed by the silver and then the gold. “OK there we are.” Arch said as they stretched.

“What are you?” Silver asked,

“You know just your friendly Court Jester.” Arch said, as It began to walk in a random direction.

“Wait isn’t someone going to recognize you?” Silver said before immediately covering his mouth in panic.

“Oh, right, Celestia. Thank you for reminding me.” Arch said, as they turned themself into an androgynous Thestral with rather peculiar wings, in that the wings did not have any muscle or skin, but only the long spindly bones. Arch’s clothes changed from they’re gold and silver Jester’s clothes to black suit pants, grey jade horseshoes, a white dress shirt, a platinum suit coat, and a black with onyx banded top hat. Arch’s face changed very little save for their teeth, which became less pointed, save for the canines which were still the same. Arch’s coat changed from slate gray to jet black, and mane from black to blood red. Arch’s one foot long dagger in the fashion of that of a Russian dagger changed into four inch long daggers , that were then put into an inner pocket of Arch’s suit coat. “ that’s much better. Now I am off. Oh and silver next time you see Celestia, tell her N is ready and waiting.” Arch said, before walking off.

Author's Note:

This story is a class 4.5 Anthro