• Published 10th Aug 2021
  • 603 Views, 12 Comments

The Darkest of The Light - Moonghost

This is a story about a character I call The Court Jester There’s not much more about him heck I don’t remember most of the backstory from when I was first writing the character. Oh, but, I do remember is that Celestia wary of them.

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Chapter 2

“Let me in, I need to see princess Celestia!!!” Silver shouts as he tries to push his way through the guards into the throne room in a panic.

“Sir, please, calm yourself, once you do we will let you in.” One of the guards said,

“But, I can’t calm down, Celestia, she… she needs to know, what I have to tell her.” Silver continues shout out of desperation.

“What is going on here?” Princess Celestia said having come out to see what all the fuss is about.

“Princess, I don’t know why, but, I must tell you, N is ready and waiting.” Silver said,

“Guards get this stallion every anti-toxin we have.” Celestia shouts, as the guards stand shocked to see their princess panicked. “What are waiting for go!!!” Celestia exclaimed, causing the guards to scrambled to go and get the anti-toxins.

(2 hours later)

“What do they look like?” Celestia asks Silver,

“What or who are you talking about?” Silver rasps,

“I’m talking about-” Celestia yells before calming herself. *Hmm Mmm* “I’m talking about The Court Jester, Is this any thing you can remember about their appearance?” Celestia said,

“I’m sorry, but who are you talking about?” Silver says befuddled.

‘Of course It don’t be that easy.’ Celestia thought. “Thank you for your time.” Celestia said as she left.

Author's Note:

There is a reason why I did not describe what Celestia looks like, it is going to come in to play later on in the story