• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 675 Views, 17 Comments

Tales of War - Swift As Lightning

Luna invites Twilight for a night of organizing the old Canterlot library.

  • ...

Tasty Turkey and Smelly Pubs

Chapter 2

Twilight sat wide eyed on the edge of a circular table. The ‘shelter’ they had found was a run of the mill dirty, loud, pub. It was so out of her norm all she could do was sit there and stare as jokes were told, food was devoured, betting games were played, and stallions got drunk. That was another thing. There were bare chested stallions everywhere! Even the soldiers had shed their armor at the door. She had never seen so many stallions in one place!


“Oh uh what?” asked Twilight looking toward a plump mare who had a pen in her mouth and a notepad in her hoof.

“I said what can I get you miss?” replied the mare.

“Oh um, I’m not-” Twilight’s belly rumbled cutting off her sentence, “I’ll take a carrot soup please.”

The waiter just nodded, “And for you sirs?” she asked turning to the soldiers on the other side of the table.

“Get us the sandwich platter,” said Nightingale.

“And make it snappy!” demanded Royal Flush, “I’m hungrier than a rabid wolf on Saturday night!”

“So...” said Twilight trying figure out a way to approach the subject. She had a great multitude of theories, but to confirm them she had to ask the right questions. “Where am I?” she asked.

“You are in The Mare Barn! Finest tavern in all of Equestria!” announced Sormwind swirling a spear about in a circle indicating where the tavern was.

“Okay, maybe I’m asking the wrong question.” she said eyeing the spear, “when am I?” she asked.

Royal Flush’s ears perked up and he now sat attentive whereas before he had been eyeing some food another patron was eating, but it was Nightingale who answered, “If you mean what year it is then it’s-” he stopped when the service mare came back to the table.

“Alright that’s a carrot soup for you, miss.” said the waiter setting a bowl in front of Twilight. “and sandwiches for the sirs.” she set a platter down in front of the three stallions.

“It’s about time I’m starving!” said Nightingale picking up a sandwich the mare’s question totally forgotten. The two ‘rookies’ as they had been introduced to Twilight grabbed the same sandwich and began arguing over who had it first.

“Took the words out of my mouth.” said Stormwind half a sandwich already in his mouth, “these are delicious! But it seems like there’s something missing...” he chewed thoughtfully.

Royal took a humungous bite out of his sandwich only to spit it out a second later. All of his squad mates looked over at him, “What’s the matter Royal? Lose your appetite?” asked Stormwind.

“This sandwich.” he said picking up the tray, “DOESN’T HAVE ANY TURKEY IN IT!!!” he roared throwing the tray across the pub scattering sandwich bits everywhere. “Bucking, GET IT RIGHT!” he shouted after the airborne tray.

Twilight sat stunned. What the buck just happened?!

“My sandwich...” said the green maned rookie looking dejectedly down at where the food had been only seconds ago.

Stormwind put a hoof across his face and sighed, “I knew those sandwiches were missing something.”

Twilight trying to pretend nothing had happened picked small sandwich bits out of her... carrot... soup... wait this isn’t a carrot... “Umm sir?” she asked Nightingale.

“Hm? Oh! Yes, I almost forgot you were here and we haven’t even been introduced properly!” he said aghast, “my name is Captain Nightingale.” he said shaking her hoof.

“Nice to meet you captain but-”

“This here is my second in command Stormwind,” he pointed to the grey furred, and rather large pegasus next to him.


“This one is Royal Flush,” he pointed to the crazy sandwich flinging one.


“And these are the rookies, this one is-”

“CAPTAIN!” bellowed Twilight, Nightingale jumped back surprised, “what is this?” she asked showing him the piece of whateveritwas that she had found in her soup.

“Chicken?” he half asked.

Twilight Sparkle was speechless. Well almost. “CHICKEN?! WHY IS THERE CHICKEN IN THE SOUP?!” she screamed like a banshee.

“Because it’s tasty, duh.” said Royal Flush oh so tactfully.

Twilight was speechless, or at least as speechless as Twilight Sparkle can be, “But we’re ponies! We don’t eat mea-!” Royal shoved a hoof into Twilight’s mouth. The room suddenly became all kinds of silent.

“Shut up and eat,” he said breaking at least three of the silences as he removed his hoof.

Twilight sniffed at the table, it smelled sweet but salty. It made her mouth water NO! Remember this is meat! It is made of animal. But it smelled soo-! Twilight slapped herself. “I’m not eating that!” she exclaimed.

“Suit yourself,” said Royal Flush eating a slice of bacon.

Twilight sat stock still as the sound of normal pub activity slowly returned. She remained in a half conscious trance focused on almost nothing until Nightingale prodded her shoulder. She jolted upright looking him square in the eye. “Time to move out,” he said turning and not waiting for her reply. Realizing she was the last one at the table she trotted after him swiftly. They got to the door where the rest of the squad was donning their armor. They did not have any sort of uniformity to their gear. The rookies had some simple leather armor dyed black as a moonless night.

The green-maned one had a mace covered in nasty barbs, and the other one had a halberd with a shaft made of ebony which seemed far too big for a pony of his size but he carried it gently with ease like a mother tiger carries her cubs.

Stormwind had a vest of chain links, white as snow and plate shoulder pads to match, and a rapier at his side.

Nightingale had a chain vest of pure midnight, onyx shoulder pads, and black plated boots with a bastard sword strapped to his back.

Royal Flush had a wide array of armor. Emerald shin guards, crimson plate mail on his torso, cyan shoulder pad on the left, grey on the right with several spikes poking out from it. and on his back were two compartments, for what they were used for Twilight could only guess.

“Well... he’s very...” Twilight began.

“Colorful.” finished Nightingale as he pulled on his plated boots.

“Yes. Why all the flashy armor? Wouldn’t that just attract enemies?” asked Twilight.

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” said Royal Flush with a wicked smile.

“Here put these on it will protect you from the elements.” said Nightingale tossing her a cloak and fur boots.

Donning the rough-sewn apparel Twilight trotted outside with Nightingale and his squad. "Brr," Twilight shivered and pulled the cloak closer to herself with magic. It help keep the bit of the wind off her at least, “So what now captain?” she asked.

“Now,” he said with a smile very akin to the one Luna had given her in the library, “we fly north!” he shouted as he slid under Twilight and began carrying her like a burlap sack and took off at full speed.