> Tales of War > by Swift As Lightning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tales of War: Prologue Ahh the night. A time most might consider to be the most magical time of any day. Night is when the interesting stuff happens. Hard working ponies can drop their tools and go for a night of good company and even better drinks! Parents get to relax knowing the foals and are tucked away safe and warm. Older folk can sit down in front of a warm fire with a nice book, while the younger enjoy their hot beds. Police stay extra vigilant keeping an eye out for anypony who would break the law. However, this night for one pony in particular will be most exciting! Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna sat together in the Canterlot library as they searched through stacks of old tomes the books occasionally acquiring a lavender or blue aura as they were picked up to be inspected. Twilight, earlier that day had received a letter via spike from the princess which said she was sorting out the royal archives and would like somepony with extraordinary organizing skills, and who better to call than the student of Celestia herself? As they continued to stack books Luna found a very old book, neigh a journal. The dark leather binding and moon seal perfectly preserved in the enchantments that wrapped the library. Opening the first page Luna read it smiling, the farther down she went the bigger her smile grew until she was all teeth. “What are you reading princess?” asked Twilight noticing her rather large smile “What doest thou know of the concept of ‘war’ Twilight Sparkle?” asked Luna keeping her eyes on the journal. “Well, it is a conflict carried by a force of arms between two opposing nations or parties within a nations.” stated Twilight “A textbook answer. We would expect no less of our sister’s most faithful student. Now, canst thou tell us who wins the war and how?” asked Luna lifting her gaze to meet Twilight’s. “A war is won by backing the opposing side into a surrender. The winning side is the one with the most militaristic potential." "While your statement is true. You are wrong." said Luna standing she walked up next to Twilight. "But princess how can I be right and wrong at the same time?" asked Twilight confused. "Because there are no winners in war Twilight Sparkle." Luna said still smiling, showing her the journal she had been reading. “A journal?” asked Twilight taking it into her own magical grasp. “Not just any journal. Look here on the cover!” said Luna excitedly. Using a hoof she turned the book until the cover was visible. Twilight saw on the top corner a number one carved into the leather along with some strange markings. Twilights eyes moved down and inspected the front page there was a turquoise star surrounded by a crescent moon on a navy blue field. “Princess I don’t-” began Twilight. “Oh of course! How silly of us you can’t read ancient equestrian! Not to worry though we can fix that.” without warning Luna ignited her horn and pressed it to Twilight’s forehead. Twilight gasped as the magic flowed through her and closed her eyes. But just quickly as it had happened the magic was gone. Opening her eyes again Twilight looked to the book and found she could read the strange markings now. 1st battalion. “Battalion?” asked Twilight, “battalion of what?” “It is the first battalion of our army!” if Twilight had coffee in her mouth at that moment she would have spewed it so fast even Rainbow Dash would be jealous. “You have an army?!” exclaimed Twilight. “Well no, not exactly. You see we had an army. Tia and I that is. Full of only the strongest and most powerful of stallions!” explained Luna pride glinting in her eyes. “Oh. Well where are they now?” Luna’s head drooped at the question. “All dead I should think.” she said somberly. Twilight flushed, embarrassed that she had asked such an ignorant question. Of course they were all dead! Luna had been banished a thousand years, only alicorns could live that long. “I’m sorry princess I should have realized-” realized what exactly? That no mortal pony could live to be a thousand and that Luna had friends back then too? Closing her mouth before she opened any more old wounds Twilight look at the front page of the book. ----------------------- The year is 2000 A.C. My name is Moon Chaser Private First Class of the Lunar Stallions first battalion in service to her night time majesty Princess Luna Equestris. It seems almost a poetic irony that I should be sitting here writing this journal in the same spot that I started my time in the royal guard. The first anniversary of my service time, spent in the same place it started. With the same cold winds howling outside my tent, and only a small candle to write with. I made fast friends with a pegasus called Swifthold who assures me that keeping this journal will help me keep sane in the years to come. He’s been in the lunar corps for several years now, and was even in the battle of Cold Peak mountain. I have yet to see a battle. The gryphons seem content to just sit and watch us freeze in our own beds. This whole mess started nigh on three moons past when a lone pony assassin tried to make an attempt on High King Ordic's life. No pony knows who he was since after the gryphons were done with him he was sent to the princesses in a box no larger than my hoof. The box was more than enough to spark princess Luna’s need to fight, but ever the calm one Celestia stopped her and even sent Ordic a messenger asking him to sit down and TALK of all things. All she got was another box... ----------------------- "A pony and gryphon war?" questioned a lavender mare stooped over a very old journal, "I don't remember any of my professors talking of this war back at the school." she said looking up from the book with a confused expression. "War is no pleasant thing to speak of dearest Twilight. However, as the old saying goes 'those who do not learn the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them' and so I am teaching you now." said the large midnight alicorn. "But why learn it now? Why not when I was at the school surrounded by knowledge and wisdom?" asked the mare as she closed the book with her magic. "Because sometimes," said Luna taking on a malicious grin and igniting her horn, "the only way to learn is through experience!" > Falling for mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Take a trip with me. A trip back. Back before the peace loving Equestria we all know and love ever existed. In this world the bigger hoof gave you the right of way and a claw made you the eternal enemy of all pony kind. Before even the dragons migrated to the Equestrian crags. Before Harmony, before Chaos, before Friendship. There was war. “Alright ponies let’s move!” commanded Captain Nightingale as he shook snow from his wings. At his word a small group pegasi lifted off from an abandoned building scattering flecks of snow off the edge. The roof of an abandoned bakery had been their perch for the last five hours. “Stay in formation!” barked Nightingale, as one of his two rookies did an impromptu barrel roll in his excitement. His myrtle cheeks reddening a bit and looking anywhere but the captain’s angry face the rookie returned to his position. He couldn’t really blame him for his enthusiasm, returning to the camp was almost like going back home for the soldiers of Luna’s army. “He’s rather green. Heyo!” said Stormwind laughing; he was Nightingale’s second in command, rather big for a pegasus but the size did not come without speed. He was the fastest flier in the whole group. Nightingale facehoofed mid flight. Stormwind’s puns were fine every once in awhile, but when they came every other minute after five hours it was just annoying. “Those puns will get you killed one day,” said Nightingale turning to Stormwind. “Pfft, a joke never hurt anypony,” said Stormwind with a dismissive flick of his hoof. Nightingale rolled his eyes and pointed his head forward again. He was proud of his squad despite all their flaws out of the action; once it came time to fight they were a well-oiled fighting machine. Sure they were just the scouting party but scouts see more action than you might think. From his original squad only three remained. Himself the captain, he was slim and had dark blue fur that appeared somewhat purple at the right angle, his mane was short just like everypony else who was serving in the military, it was colored burgundy with a golden stripe through its center. There was Stormwind second in command as mentioned before, was rather large for his species. His fur was grey, and had a white mane. And last but not lea- “Can you not fly in a straight line ya git!” Nightingale’s thought were interrupted by a white and red pony yelling at the other rookie with a green mane. Yup Royal Flush. White with red stripes all over him with a mane containing a red only slightly darker than his stripes. He was an average pegasus in body build, but in mind he was something else entirely. He was clever but eccentric. Due to his eccentricities strange rumors circulated about him. Some ponies said he was part zebra, others said he was insane and painted himself with stripes, the craziest Nightingale had ever heard was that he had come from some blue planet full of hairless apes and was in fact a hairless ape himself. All Nightingale knew after being with him for almost two years now the stripes were not paint, and he was a ferocious fighter. Trying to refocus on returning to camp Nightingale turned back to his squad, “Try and keep it together back there! At least until we get back to camp!” he shouted. There was an altogether, “Yes Sir!” The green maned rookie tried to salute mid flight causing him to almost bump Royal Flush again. Well-oiled indeed. “Are we there yet?” asked Royal Flush in a mock whining voice. “Oh yes Royal Flush we’ve been here for almost an hour now.” Said Nightingale in a sarcastic drawl. “But this doesn’t look like camp!” whined Royal Flush again. “Just look around you it’s obviously camp!” exclaimed Stormwind joining the conversation. “Where’s my- oof!” “What was that Royal?” asked Nightingale turning around, but Royal Flush was not there. He was instead plummeting toward the ground at a frightening rate with a purple attachment. Seeing his squad mate in danger Nightingale pinned his wings to his side faced downward and fell as fast as he could make himself to try and catch up with his falling comrade. He fell faster and faster. They were a mere five hundred meters from the ground. Four hundred he stretched out a hoof. Three hundred he was almost there. Two hundred just a little farther. One hundr- BOING! Suddenly Nightingale was surrounded by a lavender bubble causing himself and Royal Flush to bounce off the ground and back into the sky. They rocketed all the way back up to where the rest of the squad was flapping there dumbfounded wings. “By the princess’ tiara never thought I’d see that.” Said Stormwind slack jawed. Royal Flush who had become conscious again on the way up coughed a bit, “the princess doesn’t wear a tiara.” Stormwind promptly cuffed Royal Flush on the back of the head. “Settle down you two, we seem to have a guest,” said Nightingale pointing to Royal Flush’s attachment which turned out to be a unicorn mare up close. “I knew you were a mare magnet Royal, but I didn’t know you were THAT good!” exclaimed Stormwind laughing. “It’s a curse I know,” said Royal Flush hanging his head and sighing in mock disappointment. “Uhhh, what happened? Oww, my head,” groaned the mare still on Royal’s back. She put her hooves on her head as though she was hung over. “Well, to put it short you interrupted my afternoon flight,” said Royal Flush. “Afternoon flight?” questioned Twilight opening her eyes and looking down. “Buh wha!?” after a bit of scrambling she found a way to get all four legs wrapped around Royal Flush like bubble wrap around a glass ball. “Who-what-princess-library-book-spell!” rambled Twilight. “Whatever you say lady.” said Royal Flush. Stormwind flapped closer to Royal and whispered “Did you really understand any of that?” “She want’s to see Princess Luna.” said Royal as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. Nightingale looked to the strange mare. She was shivering. Oh, right. Winter did that to a pony with no clothes. “Let’s get her into to shelter then we can sort this out.” he commanded. > Tasty Turkey and Smelly Pubs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Twilight sat wide eyed on the edge of a circular table. The ‘shelter’ they had found was a run of the mill dirty, loud, pub. It was so out of her norm all she could do was sit there and stare as jokes were told, food was devoured, betting games were played, and stallions got drunk. That was another thing. There were bare chested stallions everywhere! Even the soldiers had shed their armor at the door. She had never seen so many stallions in one place! “Miss?” “Oh uh what?” asked Twilight looking toward a plump mare who had a pen in her mouth and a notepad in her hoof. “I said what can I get you miss?” replied the mare. “Oh um, I’m not-” Twilight’s belly rumbled cutting off her sentence, “I’ll take a carrot soup please.” The waiter just nodded, “And for you sirs?” she asked turning to the soldiers on the other side of the table. “Get us the sandwich platter,” said Nightingale. “And make it snappy!” demanded Royal Flush, “I’m hungrier than a rabid wolf on Saturday night!” “So...” said Twilight trying figure out a way to approach the subject. She had a great multitude of theories, but to confirm them she had to ask the right questions. “Where am I?” she asked. “You are in The Mare Barn! Finest tavern in all of Equestria!” announced Sormwind swirling a spear about in a circle indicating where the tavern was. “Okay, maybe I’m asking the wrong question.” she said eyeing the spear, “when am I?” she asked. Royal Flush’s ears perked up and he now sat attentive whereas before he had been eyeing some food another patron was eating, but it was Nightingale who answered, “If you mean what year it is then it’s-” he stopped when the service mare came back to the table. “Alright that’s a carrot soup for you, miss.” said the waiter setting a bowl in front of Twilight. “and sandwiches for the sirs.” she set a platter down in front of the three stallions. “It’s about time I’m starving!” said Nightingale picking up a sandwich the mare’s question totally forgotten. The two ‘rookies’ as they had been introduced to Twilight grabbed the same sandwich and began arguing over who had it first. “Took the words out of my mouth.” said Stormwind half a sandwich already in his mouth, “these are delicious! But it seems like there’s something missing...” he chewed thoughtfully. Royal took a humungous bite out of his sandwich only to spit it out a second later. All of his squad mates looked over at him, “What’s the matter Royal? Lose your appetite?” asked Stormwind. “This sandwich.” he said picking up the tray, “DOESN’T HAVE ANY TURKEY IN IT!!!” he roared throwing the tray across the pub scattering sandwich bits everywhere. “Bucking, GET IT RIGHT!” he shouted after the airborne tray. Twilight sat stunned. What the buck just happened?! “My sandwich...” said the green maned rookie looking dejectedly down at where the food had been only seconds ago. Stormwind put a hoof across his face and sighed, “I knew those sandwiches were missing something.” Twilight trying to pretend nothing had happened picked small sandwich bits out of her... carrot... soup... wait this isn’t a carrot... “Umm sir?” she asked Nightingale. “Hm? Oh! Yes, I almost forgot you were here and we haven’t even been introduced properly!” he said aghast, “my name is Captain Nightingale.” he said shaking her hoof. “Nice to meet you captain but-” “This here is my second in command Stormwind,” he pointed to the grey furred, and rather large pegasus next to him. “But-” “This one is Royal Flush,” he pointed to the crazy sandwich flinging one. “Sir-” “And these are the rookies, this one is-” “CAPTAIN!” bellowed Twilight, Nightingale jumped back surprised, “what is this?” she asked showing him the piece of whateveritwas that she had found in her soup. “Chicken?” he half asked. Twilight Sparkle was speechless. Well almost. “CHICKEN?! WHY IS THERE CHICKEN IN THE SOUP?!” she screamed like a banshee. “Because it’s tasty, duh.” said Royal Flush oh so tactfully. Twilight was speechless, or at least as speechless as Twilight Sparkle can be, “But we’re ponies! We don’t eat mea-!” Royal shoved a hoof into Twilight’s mouth. The room suddenly became all kinds of silent. “Shut up and eat,” he said breaking at least three of the silences as he removed his hoof. Twilight sniffed at the table, it smelled sweet but salty. It made her mouth water NO! Remember this is meat! It is made of animal. But it smelled soo-! Twilight slapped herself. “I’m not eating that!” she exclaimed. “Suit yourself,” said Royal Flush eating a slice of bacon. Twilight sat stock still as the sound of normal pub activity slowly returned. She remained in a half conscious trance focused on almost nothing until Nightingale prodded her shoulder. She jolted upright looking him square in the eye. “Time to move out,” he said turning and not waiting for her reply. Realizing she was the last one at the table she trotted after him swiftly. They got to the door where the rest of the squad was donning their armor. They did not have any sort of uniformity to their gear. The rookies had some simple leather armor dyed black as a moonless night. The green-maned one had a mace covered in nasty barbs, and the other one had a halberd with a shaft made of ebony which seemed far too big for a pony of his size but he carried it gently with ease like a mother tiger carries her cubs. Stormwind had a vest of chain links, white as snow and plate shoulder pads to match, and a rapier at his side. Nightingale had a chain vest of pure midnight, onyx shoulder pads, and black plated boots with a bastard sword strapped to his back. Royal Flush had a wide array of armor. Emerald shin guards, crimson plate mail on his torso, cyan shoulder pad on the left, grey on the right with several spikes poking out from it. and on his back were two compartments, for what they were used for Twilight could only guess. “Well... he’s very...” Twilight began. “Colorful.” finished Nightingale as he pulled on his plated boots. “Yes. Why all the flashy armor? Wouldn’t that just attract enemies?” asked Twilight. “That’s what I’m hoping for,” said Royal Flush with a wicked smile. “Here put these on it will protect you from the elements.” said Nightingale tossing her a cloak and fur boots. Donning the rough-sewn apparel Twilight trotted outside with Nightingale and his squad. "Brr," Twilight shivered and pulled the cloak closer to herself with magic. It help keep the bit of the wind off her at least, “So what now captain?” she asked. “Now,” he said with a smile very akin to the one Luna had given her in the library, “we fly north!” he shouted as he slid under Twilight and began carrying her like a burlap sack and took off at full speed. > Forget to remember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight bolted upright in her bed wincing as a sharp pain hit her ribs. She looked down to see big fur sheets atop her. Removing them she found herself bandaged around the middle with a mostly white cloth, it had a dark patch which Twilight determined was in fact her own blood. “Ah, you’re awake!” said a familiar voice. Accursed light flooded Twilight’s stinging eyes as a tent flap was flung open allowing the blasphemous rays into her corneas and filling the small tent with sharp shadows. Rubbing her head she took stock of her surroundings. The tents fabric was thick and almost pitch black, shadows danced across her face emanating from a single flickering candle. To her left was a night stand with a map penetrated by daggers at the corners to keep it open, to her ri- “Agh!” she yelped in pain as she tried to look over. Reaching around to her shoulder she felt a bulky piece of cloth that she could only guess was a bandage. “Now try to move miss Twinkle, the medics already had a hard enough time patching you up no need to go and hurt yourself more.” “H-hurt?” she asked, “how was I hurt?” “You mean you don’t remember? The tavern, the flight, the mountain... the gryphons?” asked the stallion. Twilight’s head hurt she KNEW this pony why could she not remember him?! “No, no I don’t. I don’t remember anything.” she said quietly, she looked down at her hooves. She had always been great at remembering what other ponies did, like when Starswirl the Bearded struck down the mighty Dragon of the East, Malog Grimtail, to save an entire encampment of... of pegasi. Twilight shot out of her sleeping mat bolting out the tent. She was met by a sea of black tents and snow, quickly casting a warming spell on herself she dashed around the camp pain ripping through her shoulder completely negated by fear looking from pony to pony. Wings, wings, and Faust damn it more wings. Every single stallion was a pegasus. A hoof caught her good shoulder, whipping around she came face to face with a stone-faced, grey and particularly large pegasus. Then she felt pain and blacked out. Twilight awoke in the Canterlot library, she stood shakily. Princess Luna was standing at the window staring out at her night sky. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, as though the usual revels of Canterlot night life had simply ceased to be. Without turning Luna spoke, “Who art thou, little one? Ye with so much knowledge of my sister and I.” “P-princess? Princess it’s me Twilight Sparkle! Your sister’s star student.” she said confused as to why the princess would fail to recognize her. “Our dearest sister has many students but thou are the first we have not had word of.” Luna turned around to inspect Twilight. Up and down, left and right, she thoroughly scanned the mare with both eyes and magic. “Thou hast certainly been in contact with large amounts of solar magic. Yet I find traces of mine own as well... Come to me little one, come to Canterlot Palace.” Princess Luna walked towards the door. She paused door knob in her magical grasp. “And bring the captain with you.” and with that she was gone. Twilight awoke with a start hitting something hard with her head. She held her head with her good hoof, brain fuzzy. “W-where am I?” she asked tiredly, as though she had not slept in days. “Be still Miss Sparkle you are among friends.” said a gentle voice. Twilight opened her eyes and saw a wooden beam above her head. There was an imperceptible dent parallel with her head. She looked over and saw a white mare lying next to her under the beam. “Who-” Twilight tried swallowed, her throat parched. “water..” she gasped. A small porcelain cup was passed her way, and she carefully maneuvered away from the wooden structure so she could sit up and drink her water. After a few sips she spoke again, “Who are you, and where am I?” “My name is Healing Salve, and you are in a cart headed for the small town of Hoofburg.” said the mare. “Hoofburg? B-but the camp t-the dragon!” she exclaimed hysterical. “Relax Miss Sparkle a dragon has not been seen within a hundred leagues of Equine borders since Thundermaw Brimstone was frozen in a prison of ice.” assured Healing Salve. “B-but t-the history a-and future,” Twilight babled, the cart made a sudden jerk and she nearly hit her head on the beam again. “We’re here!” exclaimed Nightingale’s voice from outside. The doors of the cabin were flung wide open and Nightingale stepped in all teeth, “well don’t you two look snug back there, come on then Miss Sparkle times a wastin!” Twilight was pulled bodily from the cart and flung over Nightingale’s back like a sack of potatoes. “You too Miss Salve!” said Stormwind tossing a scarf to Healing Salve. She wrapped herself in it and exited the cabin making immediately for a wooden house with a red cross painted on the side. “To the hospital residence! Those ponies are famous for their healing knack, strange bunch though with their ‘last name’ business. That cross there is the family crest, who knows it may catch on some day.” Stormwind was a fast talker he could put Pinkie Pie to shame, that is, if she had any... “Umm, Captain?” asked Twilight. “Yes, Miss Sparkle?” responded Nightingale, ears perked. “How did we get here?” “In a cart ma’am.” he said evasively. “Why would be need a cart when you can fly?” she asked irritated. “There’s this thing we have in the soldier business called a ‘torn muscle’ maybe you’ve heard of it?” he said with a bite. “You’re injured?!” Twilight asked concern creasing her forehead, “when did that happen?” “What do you mean when? You were right there! Guess that ice hit you harder than I thought...” “Ice?! What ice hit me where?!” she panicked. “I’ll explain everything over some hot cider and a nice meal.” he said with a slightly-less-than-reassuring grin. > Terrors of the East > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat at a wooden table an unarmored Nightingale sitting across from her, she sipped her hot cider, it burned a bit on the way down but it kept the bite of winter away. They were holed up in a small cottage not far from the local tavern. Nightingale had a ‘drumstick’ as he called it sitting in front of him, having removed the boots from his front hooves he ate with as much grace as an angry gorilla looking for bananas, Twilight half stared as he voraciously attacked the helpless hunk of meat. He tore at it with ferocious bites, as though he had not eaten in days. Or maybe it was just really good chicken? “Why do you eat that?” she finally asked. “Tastes good, why don’t you?” he asked with a raised brow. “It would be an abomination where I come from.” she said trying to keep disgust out of her voice. “You mean the future,” she nodded in affirmative, “it wasn’t always like this, ponies started eating meat for survival purposes.” he said with a small shrug. “And what pray tell does meat have to do with surviving? Why not grow some crops.” “Well, Miss Sparkle, tell me. What is outside right now?” Twilight thought for a moment, “Snow?” “Yes, and what does snow do to crops?” “Well it kills them of course, but what does that have to do with the meat?” she raised an eyebrow at him. “That snow has been there since my father was a colt. We can’t grow normal crops, and the crops we do grow are normally only available to those with the bits to afford them. Except carrots.” he said with a grimace. “Why are carrots the exception? And how has it been winter for so long?” Twilight asked confused. “Because, the way we grow anything now is with magic, and carrots grow a lot faster when introduced to magic than other plants. They kinda go woosh~” said Nightingale extending his hooves like he would in flight. “Woosh?” Twilight was thrown for a loop by the simple word. “Woosh.” Nightingale nodded sagely like a master imparting wisdom to his student, “for example, I heard one farmer was crushed to death by his own carrot farm when he tried to grow them all at once.” “Oh...” was the only response that came to mind, “woosh.” For some reason Twilight thought she was missing something important. Something, urgent. She rubbed the side of her head feeling a lump that had formed there under the fur. Oh right, she had been knocked out without explanation. “What hit me?” she asked bluntly. “Ice, that mountain we were on top of is notorious for hail the size of a hoof,” he said holding up his own hoof, “from what Stormwind told me you were running around like a mad pony until he stopped you right as you got hit.” “Oh...” Twilight shrank inwardly. Why would she have reason to do such a thing? “Sooooo. That’s that! Time to move, we have to get you to the princess eh? Swift as a dragon and punctual like paper!” exclaimed Nightingale. Twilight jumped from her seat, “DRAGON!!!” Nightingale fell backwards out of his chair, performing a backwards somersault he vaulted back up with a knife in his teeth ready for an ambush. “What, dragon! where?!” He exclaimed. “The one, the big one! BIG! Dragon, big, campsite, Starswirl!” Twilight babbled gibberish unable to contain herself. “SILENCE!” yelled Nightingale shoving a hoof into Twilight’s mouth and momentarily. He slowly let the hoof down after she stopped flailing. “Now, let’s talk about this like two normal grown up ponies. Okay?” Twilight took a shuddering breath, “...but the dragon-” “There haven’t been any dragons anywhere near Equestria since the mighty Frostmane Iceborn locked The Brimstone away in a glacier under a powerful sleep spell never to wake again.” said Nightingale almost reverently. “N-no. It’s n-not.” stuttered Twilight “This dragon comes from the East. He is written to be the most terrifying of his kin, the bane of all who would meet his gaze, and if my history books are accurate he’s going to attack the very camp that we were just at!” “What?!” Nightingale’s face turned pale. Doing an about face throwing his armor on he bolted out the door headed for the tavern. “Hey! Wait for me!!!” shouted Twilight galloping after him. Meanwhile Luna contemplated the sunset before her. Readying a spell as old as time itself. Passed down from father to son, mother to daughter. In the tradition of the moon clan. Primal magic filled her horn writhing with archaic power. Eyes glowing the magic growled begging for release. Rearing back Luna unleashed the spell stomping both hooves into the granite floor with a loud cracking noise. Ancient blue light leapt forth from her horn and rocketed across the sky and over the east horizon to fetch it’s prey. The spell made contact with the moon biting, dragging, clawing, forcing it into a slow and unwilling ascent. “How long will you fight old one...” Luna mumbled to herself. As Luna was about to head to her nightly duties she noticed the sun had not yet sunk below the horizon. She sighed, it was like ‘Tia to get lazy with the sun sometimes and not wait for it to descend completely before heading off for rest. She looked disapprovingly at the imposing sun’s rays that lingered. After her second look something caught her eye, the sun never smoked. This was fire, a very large fire. Luna dashed over to her study ripping a map off the wall and several star charts, overturning furniture she eventually found her sextant. Bringing the articles to her balcony she adjusted her sextant in the direction of the fires and made several quick references to her maps and star charts she determined where the fire was. Ah. ‘tis just the mountain of Griffingaurd. The dismissive thought came flitting through her conscience. The mountain was unremarkable being the closest place of Equestrian territory anypony could be without being in griffin lands. An odd name considering no griffin had ever claimed it under their king. But the king has more important business to attend to than claiming every mountain in sight. After all, there was an invasion force headed his way bent on ending this war once and for all. On a whim Luna plucked the latest report of said force from her stacks of self same reports. The paper was crumpled and torn around the edges, the normally damp parchment had been dried out by cold weather. An officer’s seal made of wax that had once kept the letter closed now cracked open looked flaky, drooping, and overall disappointed. Strange considering the inanimate nature of wax. Taking her mind away from the sad life of the sealing wax Luna scanned the report. Taking note of the estimated arrival date and destination. Destination: Peak of Griffingaurd ETA: 4/17 But... that was two weeks ago?! Whatever was happening her stallions were in the middle of it. Casting out with magic in a seeking spell she found her scrying crystal and immediately fixed it toward the camp. Sure enough the mountain was ablaze, Luna was horror struck. The power of her crystal seeing every detail of the spewing fire like it was sort of... There was movement off to the left, Luna followed it heart dropping into her stomach at the sight. The silhouette of some monstrous lizard the only defining part of the mass of shadow was the long neck and horns atop his menacing head. A dragon... It rampaged through the camp tearing, smashing, and burning with cursed flame. She had to do something, she had to save her stallions. > Forsaken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna dove through the armory window almost crashing into the rack of spears. Torches flickered in the wind of her speed, as she ran to a large violet chest with her royal insignia painted elegantly on the lid. She blasted the chest open with her powerful magic, splinters flying every which way to reveal a set of majestic azure armor. She slipped on the pieces as quick as she could, finally she reached into the chest with her magic and pulled out a blade, it was bloody crimson and the point was sharper than a dragon’s claw. She reverently sheathed the blade in a sheath matching her armor. Finally fitted for battle she began channeling a powerful spell, ancient runes engraved themselves around her in a circle. She increased the power through her horn to its limit. Her eyes began to glow a sickly purple. Celestia awoke with a start cold sweat dripping down her muzzle, she sensed dark magic afoot. Throwing her sheets off she dove out the nearest window, chill air catching her wings as she followed her senses. They led her to the armory, she burst through the door, only to find her little sister, black magic dripping from her horn clad in her war regalia. “Luna!” shouted Celestia, she dashed toward her sister only to be stopped short by a barrier made of lunar magic, “Luna stop!” she cried. “I cannot!” shouted Luna her voice warped and deepened with the use of evil magic, “I must save my stallions!” “Luna stop this is not the way! Please, this magic will destroy you!” Luna looked toward her sister a tear rolled down her face, “I am sorry sister...” Luna released her spell, the runes were ripped from the floor surrounding her, in an instant she was transformed into a new pony. Her fur was pitch black, her teeth sharp as piranhas and her wings were leathery like a bat’s. She quickly readied a teleportation spell, a simple flick of her horn and she was gone. Celestia fell to her stomach, and wept for the fate of her sister. She wept because she knew she may never see her again. Nightingale’s wings pumped faster and faster. He could not afford to be slow this time. He knew his crew was behind him, but how far he had no idea, he had left Twilight to ride on Royal Flush so that would slow them down all but Stormwind who was right on his tail. He felt something at the back of his mind, prodding at his consciousness. There was a sudden rush of purple around his field of vision, it consumed him, he lost control of his body and he plummeted toward the ground. He caught sight of Stormwind who had suffered a similar fate. He felt something come into contact with the side of his head and was engulfed in blackness. It’s cold down here. Thought a gold maned Pegasus, he was laying on a stone floor, one wing nearly snapped in half. A golden helm split in two pitiful halves lie next to him and an ancient zweihander stuck in the ground several paces from his helm, its handle had been sheered in two pieces making a hoof and a half sword with a far too large of a blade. It had once been a weapon of great power, crafted by Zirdzin Ticiva in the great forge of the Crystal Empire now it was just a useless piece of steel as far as the pegasus was concerned. Sunstriker was his name, a name that described his post as a paladin, or it did. He attempted to stand only to have hot blood drip from his forehead and into his eyes blinding him. He sank back down to the cool floor. Arise, champion of light. A female voice echoed through his head. Arise and carry out thine destiny. The voice commanded He stood shakily to his hooves, wincing as every shift of his body caused his wing to move. His mind cleared enough to form words. “Fate is so unkind... I should have known... I had been... blinded by the light...reaping my very soul. If it all amounts to nothing... Then, why. Why am I standing here?” he begged. “Because Sunstriker, you still have a duty, to your princess and to Equestria...” the ominous voice reverberated about the room. He tried to open his eyes but to no avail, the blood had crusted his eyes shut. “Duty? Duty ends after death ma’am...” he said somberly, “my brothers knew this well, they moved on. But I guess I’m just too stubborn to even die proper. And are you to know of me?” “Death is but a part of a greater service young paladin...” soothed the voice, “your brothers are well and happy serving She that made the cosmos.” Faust? Wondered Sunstriker, it was said the deity had formed the foundation of the universe and appointed her children to watch over it. Merely a- “Foal’s tale?” queried the voice, “truly you are without faith paladin, how do you expect your god’s favor like that?” “My ‘god’ abandoned me to the claws of my enemy!” he shouted angrily, “if she is even a god at all.” “Mayhap you are in search of a new god?” suggested the voice. “What god would take me into their service if I have already been forsaken?” “One who can see your potential...” the blood crumbled off of Sunstriker’s face, “Master Paladin Sunstriker.” the voice addressed him in full title, he turned around and was confronted with her glorious night Princess Luna, “wilt thou renounce allegiance to The Light and accept my offer of servitude to The Night, for the greater good of all night dwellers and bring swift justice when thine post demands it?” This was serious, Sunstriker had only ever taken this self same oath before, but for its opposite... The Light. This was truly out of nowhere, he had been told the night princess could be spontaneous, but requesting his oath of service after a minute of anonymous conversation? He looked back to his broken wing, stained red by his own blood, red like dawn, the same dawn that had left him broken in this place. He set his jaw decided on what to do. “I, Sunstriker, Master Paladin, Light Vigilant, and Keeper of Dawn’s Light, hereby renounce my allegiance to The Light, for the greater good of all night dwellers and to bring swift justice when my post demands it... I serve The Night!” he proclaimed. “We accept your oath, welcome my son of night, Nightingale, Master Doomknight, Stalker of Evil, welcome to The Night...” Wait on my calling young doomknight...