• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 675 Views, 17 Comments

Tales of War - Swift As Lightning

Luna invites Twilight for a night of organizing the old Canterlot library.

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Tales of War: Prologue

Ahh the night. A time most might consider to be the most magical time of any day. Night is when the interesting stuff happens. Hard working ponies can drop their tools and go for a night of good company and even better drinks! Parents get to relax knowing the foals and are tucked away safe and warm. Older folk can sit down in front of a warm fire with a nice book, while the younger enjoy their hot beds. Police stay extra vigilant keeping an eye out for anypony who would break the law. However, this night for one pony in particular will be most exciting!

Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna sat together in the Canterlot library as they searched through stacks of old tomes the books occasionally acquiring a lavender or blue aura as they were picked up to be inspected. Twilight, earlier that day had received a letter via spike from the princess which said she was sorting out the royal archives and would like somepony with extraordinary organizing skills, and who better to call than the student of Celestia herself?

As they continued to stack books Luna found a very old book, neigh a journal. The dark leather binding and moon seal perfectly preserved in the enchantments that wrapped the library. Opening the first page Luna read it smiling, the farther down she went the bigger her smile grew until she was all teeth.

“What are you reading princess?” asked Twilight noticing her rather large smile

“What doest thou know of the concept of ‘war’ Twilight Sparkle?” asked Luna keeping her eyes on the journal.

“Well, it is a conflict carried by a force of arms between two opposing nations or parties within a nations.” stated Twilight

“A textbook answer. We would expect no less of our sister’s most faithful student. Now, canst thou tell us who wins the war and how?” asked Luna lifting her gaze to meet Twilight’s.

“A war is won by backing the opposing side into a surrender. The winning side is the one with the most militaristic potential."

"While your statement is true. You are wrong." said Luna standing she walked up next to Twilight.

"But princess how can I be right and wrong at the same time?" asked Twilight confused.

"Because there are no winners in war Twilight Sparkle." Luna said still smiling, showing her the journal she had been reading. “A journal?” asked Twilight taking it into her own magical grasp.

“Not just any journal. Look here on the cover!” said Luna excitedly. Using a hoof she turned the book until the cover was visible. Twilight saw on the top corner a number one carved into the leather along with some strange markings. Twilights eyes moved down and inspected the front page there was a turquoise star surrounded by a crescent moon on a navy blue field.

“Princess I don’t-” began Twilight. “Oh of course! How silly of us you can’t read ancient equestrian! Not to worry though we can fix that.” without warning Luna ignited her horn and pressed it to Twilight’s forehead. Twilight gasped as the magic flowed through her and closed her eyes. But just quickly as it had happened the magic was gone. Opening her eyes again Twilight looked to the book and found she could read the strange markings now. 1st battalion.

“Battalion?” asked Twilight, “battalion of what?”

“It is the first battalion of our army!” if Twilight had coffee in her mouth at that moment she would have spewed it so fast even Rainbow Dash would be jealous.

“You have an army?!” exclaimed Twilight.

“Well no, not exactly. You see we had an army. Tia and I that is. Full of only the strongest and most powerful of stallions!” explained Luna pride glinting in her eyes.

“Oh. Well where are they now?” Luna’s head drooped at the question. “All dead I should think.” she said somberly.

Twilight flushed, embarrassed that she had asked such an ignorant question. Of course they were all dead! Luna had been banished a thousand years, only alicorns could live that long. “I’m sorry princess I should have realized-” realized what exactly? That no mortal pony could live to be a thousand and that Luna had friends back then too? Closing her mouth before she opened any more old wounds Twilight look at the front page of the book.

The year is 2000 A.C. My name is Moon Chaser Private First Class of the Lunar Stallions first battalion in service to her night time majesty Princess Luna Equestris.

It seems almost a poetic irony that I should be sitting here writing this journal in the same spot that I started my time in the royal guard. The first anniversary of my service time, spent in the same place it started.

With the same cold winds howling outside my tent, and only a small candle to write with. I made fast friends with a pegasus called Swifthold who assures me that keeping this journal will help me keep sane in the years to come. He’s been in the lunar corps for several years now, and was even in the battle of Cold Peak mountain. I have yet to see a battle. The gryphons seem content to just sit and watch us freeze in our own beds.

This whole mess started nigh on three moons past when a lone pony assassin tried to make an attempt on High King Ordic's life. No pony knows who he was since after the gryphons were done with him he was sent to the princesses in a box no larger than my hoof. The box was more than enough to spark princess Luna’s need to fight, but ever the calm one Celestia stopped her and even sent Ordic a messenger asking him to sit down and TALK of all things. All she got was another box...

"A pony and gryphon war?" questioned a lavender mare stooped over a very old journal, "I don't remember any of my professors talking of this war back at the school." she said looking up from the book with a confused expression.

"War is no pleasant thing to speak of dearest Twilight. However, as the old saying goes 'those who do not learn the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them' and so I am teaching you now." said the large midnight alicorn.

"But why learn it now? Why not when I was at the school surrounded by knowledge and wisdom?" asked the mare as she closed the book with her magic.

"Because sometimes," said Luna taking on a malicious grin and igniting her horn, "the only way to learn is through experience!"