• Published 13th Mar 2019
  • 11,276 Views, 63 Comments

A Helpful Hoof - Some Leech

Alone, ripped from everything he's ever known, Anon finds himself in a strange land. Yet there's one who comes to greet him.

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Comments ( 39 )

Very well done. The characters were generally solid (sole critique is that I would have thought Anon should be a bit more concerned about "how do I get home"), Mayor Mare was well done, the setting was good, and the action was hot. Nice job!

Well, I kinda had him in shock, which is reflected by the existential breakdown he had later. Still, thanks for the compliment! :twilightsmile:

Huh. No kink list this time...

Very strange indeed.

Shit, you're right!

The existential breakdown was a very well placed thing, and definitely was a big part of my affinity for your Anon. It went a long way towards making him feel real. As I said, his lack of focus on getting home was really my only meaningful complaint, and a fairly small one.

That's a fair point

Romantic Hoof Holding

You absolute madladd!

Hot, Spicy, Romantic Hoof Holding

You disgust me....

Reaching far into the anal cavity and pulled out a story I genuinely enjoyed. Minus the smut. Although that hoof holding doesn't help your cause

A serviceable story, Leech, but I have a few criticisms:

Firstly, this story's Anon is not an interesting protagonist, and the manner in which the readers are introduced to him―a lone human suddenly waking up on the outskirts of Ponyville―has been done ad nauseam. Everything was too safe, never leaving the beaten path even for a step.

There was nothing for me to particularly dislike about Anon, aside from him being almost aggressively generic personalitywise, but by that same token there wasn't much for me to like about him either. He felt more so like a tool driving the story forward―mostly because he seemed to be an audience surrogate for an audience that is already familiar with MLP and his inner existential conflict is touched on but never really addressed―than a character who had his own unique quirks and experiences to bring to the table; this is likely because much of Anon's acceptance of his new lot in life is told to us rather than shown.

The next time you attempt a story like this, my suggestion is to shorten the story to a smaller number of impactful scenes that develop the characters as opposed to listing all that transpires from first contact to final scene but rarely elucidating.

Secondly, the dialogue was stilted and unnatural. It's understandable that there would be some awkwardness initially between strangers, yet a lot of it felt clunky. Take this scene from the third chapter as an example:

“Wait, May? Who’s May?” Twilight inquired, looking between the two. She’d never heard of anypony named May before, so she was a bit confused.

“Oh, I told Anon he could call me May, since Mayor Mare didn’t sit well with him,” May clarified, sitting beside her bipedal guest.

“And I’m guessing Anon is short for Anonymous?” Twilight pressed, shifting her attention to the man.

“Yeah. You can call me Anon, if you want,” Anon added. Princess or not, he saw no need to be so formal.

“In that case, just call me Twilight,” Twilight chimed in, her smile returning. If Mayor Mare was that comfortable around him, she saw no reason to be too suspicious, but she did have a few more questions.

Twilight comes across as dim for not understanding the concept of nicknames, and the rest of the conversation is quite forgettable. The readers know there is nothing at stake and Anon quickly snaps from being a man who is nervous and slightly fearful of how he will be perceived by a "living demigod" who could decide his fate with her authority, to someone who "[sees] no need to be formal" when in Twilight's presence.

Thirdly, and this is by and large my opinion, the relationship between Anon and Mayor Mare just didn't click for me. The romance seemed forced despite being the focus: there was no conflict between them and their interest in one another was nigh instantaneous. And then they fucked. With the way the story was presented―with Anon being whisked away from everything he knows and coming to terms with his new life in Equestria, and Mayor Mare being the shoulder he could lean on while at the same time finding herself more and more reliant on him―it was a bit jarring.

Overall, this isn't a bad story, but if anyone else wrote it it would have been met with much more lukewarm reception because of its pedestrian presentation. It could also use a touching up in the editing department (hmu, mate). I know you're capable of far higher quality than this, Leech, because you've proved it on multiple occasions. Best of luck with your next venture.

Cute read. May want to change this though:

when he dragged his tongue through the silken folks of her marehood.

This was good. I wish there where more stories about her.

I'm sorry but romantic hoof holding is just too lewd a kink for me to bother reading.

Just kidding, I enjoyed this alot. Not enough Mayor Mare fics out there!~<3

This story was super cute, ah wouldn't have even minded no sexy times. Though that there romantic hoof holding was a bit much. Ah found mahself gettin' mighty warm at times. Had ta fan mahself a bit. Fwoosh.

I kind of agree on the sexy times thing. If possible i would of had two stories. The first part here would be how they eventually hook up here. Then the next story would be the lead up to them bedding each other. But still this ain't bad either

While not breaking into new territory, I have to say that you enjoyed this story. It was nice to see Mayor Mare presented the way you did.

In some ways, I think of this kind of story as a home-cooked meal. Nothing too extravagant, and you know what you're going to get, but it's still something you enjoy.

An excellent story, I rarely find a good Mayor Mare work that I enjoy. I hope you do more with her she’s one of my personal faves.

Good stuff. It's actually pretty close to my own idea for a Mayor Mare x Human story. Right down to the human ending up her assistant for a lack of better work, and her needing more help around the office. Could have been longer, but it wasn't just a one-shot at least. Wouldn't say no to a possible sequel either.

I'm seeing more Mayor Mare content, oddly coinciding with my own sudden interest in content featuring her.

Nicely done! Much love to the, "Single Mature Mares of Equestria"! :moustache:

Think of it like a super generic name, like "John" or "Tim"

Mayor Mare stories are always appreciated.

A inferno of passion :rainbowkiss: i love it :heart:

Glad you enjoyed it!

It’s beautiful, mayor mare is such a good pony.

Such a good story! As usual, you never fail to impress.

This story's pretty good, but I notice that the closer it got to the clop, during the clop, and the bit after it, there are some trilby-tipper levels of writing in there. I half expected him to say "m'lady" before the story ended.
Other than a few missing words here it there, this story was good.

Good story. Always nice to see the mayor gettin' some much-needed lovin'. :ajsmug:


I wouldn't mind a sequel in the style of Love is Harsh. Not one bit. :D

So began Anon's MILF Quest.

Now that! Is how I want a story of Anon to be like. Anon was so sweet, so nice, so friendly even when he woke up in a world of ponies. Nice work Some Leech! As always.:twilightsmile:cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697893326417952810/700622061663420477/8088e1c8a2cc156fc5135d478874aae3.gif

Rare Mayor Mare fic, and it's good

Amazing fanfic. I loved it and it was adorable

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