> A Helpful Hoof > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To Pick You Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While he wasn’t sure how, or why, it had happened; Anon remembered the events clearly. One moment, he was warm and comfortable, beneath the blankets of his bed, as he drifted off to sleep; the next, the man was roused from his slumber by the piercing rays of light at dawn. Sitting upright, he discovered he was in a grassy field, far away from any signs of civilization. Slowly, as Anon’s higher functions began to stir, his confusion turned to panic. Getting to his feet, he looked around, taking stock of his environment. Gone was his room, his house, his possessions, everything was simply missing. Fortunately, he was still wearing the t-shirt and shorts he’d gone to sleep in. Unfortunately, however, Anon was far from home. Surveying his surroundings, he noticed a small village, off in the distance. With few other options, he set off on on foot, hoping to find someone who could give him some answers. Sadly, he had no way of knowing what he would encounter. It only took the man about half an hour, since departing from the field he had inexplicably found himself in, to reach his destination. As Anon approached the town, he spotted a handful of colorful creatures moving about. Doubtful of what he was seeing, and with his curiosity piqued, he continued onward. It wasn’t until he stepped onto the dusty road, which lead through the settlement, that he realized he was looking at horses. At least, that’s what he thought they were. Each of the small equines was a different hue or tint, and their proportions didn’t look quite right. It was like they were a miniature parody of powerful steeds, yet the maintained their hallmark morphology. Making his way into the village, several of the creatures spotted him. A few bolted, scampering off to lord knows where, while others met his inquisitive gaze with their own questioning looks. Numbly, Anon walked through the town. None of it felt real, from the oddly proportioned homes to the peculiar denizens of the hamlet. He’d begun to convince himself it was all some sort of dream, when he noted a pony making a beeline toward him. Well, she looked kinda like a pony, only one with somewhat cartoonish features. Anon watched, stopping in his tracks, as the tiny being drew nearer. She, he assumed the horse was a she, wore a pair of gold framed spectacles and a jade colored jabot, below a white collar, over her chest. Her mane and tail were both snow white, with streaks of grey, over a soft-looking manila colored coat. Trotting forward, her face was impassive, and her steely blue eyes never wavered from from him. Unsure of what to do, Anon held up a hand, while leaving the other to hang at his side. “Um...hello?” he called, trying his best to smile. Logically, if these creatures were capable of construction and socializing, they would have some manner of communication, but he had no earthly idea if they spoke english. Still, it was worth a shot. Upon hearing him talk, the pony stopped and cocked her head. “Well, hello to you too,” the mare kindly greeted, mirroring his questioning smile. Her soft voice basically cemented that she was, in fact, a she. Well, that, and the fact that her name was a dead giveaway. “I’m Mayor Mare, welcome to Ponyville,” she added, stepping closer and extending a foreleg in his direction. “I’m Anonymous, but most people just call me Anon,” the man responded, stooping down to shake the proffered hoof. Although he was surprised that they could communicate, he was tremendously relieved; the situation would have been exponentially more infuriating, if there wasn’t a way for him to freely interact with the lady. The pony, much like the other’s he’d seen, was relatively small. The tip of her head only came up to his stomach, with her withers reaching his upper thighs. His impromptu inspection was halted as she cleared her throat. “Oh, sorry,” he blurted, releasing her from his grip. “So, Anon, what brings you to Ponyville?” the mare asked, peering up at him. Under normal circumstances, she’d have summoned Twilight for backup, but the Princess was away on a friendship mission. As such, she was left to greet the mysterious biped who’d just wandered into town. He looked friendly enough, even if his size was a bit imposing. “I…” Anon paused, the crushing reality of everything suddenly bearing down upon him. His eyes darted about in panic, and his pulse raced. That was, until a hoof gently pressed against his leg. Glancing down, he noticed the mayor’s expression soften. “It’s alright, if you don’t want to tell me,” the mayor quietly muttered. Despite the fact that she had no clue what was wrong, something was clearly troubling the man. “Would you like to come to my office? Maybe have a hot cup of tea,” she offered, attempting to console him. Even though it may not be much help, she would be remiss for simply ignoring Anon’s distress. “Yeah...Yeah, that’d be nice,” Anon mumbled, the kind gesture alleviating some of his tension. If anything, the caffeine couldn’t hurt, not to mention being out of the open street. Standing to full height, as the mayor turned away, he was stricken with a perplexing question. “Mayor Mare, is that your name or just a title?” he inquired, walking beside the pony. “Why, it’s my name, of course,” the mare cheerfully replied, looking over her shoulder at him. The man chuckled a bit, causing her pace to slow. “Is that an uncommon name?” she pressed, genuinely curious. “Well, sort of? I mean, you’re a mayor, and a mare, so it’s just kind of ironic,” Anon asserted. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s sort of cute,” he quickly added, not wanting to offend her. Tapping a hoof to her chin, the mayor thought for a moment. “You could call me May, if that’s a little more agreeable for you. It’s an old nickname of mine, from back when I was a filly,” she tittered. Sweet Celestia, it had been ages since anypony had called her that. “Thanks...May,” Anon whispered. Grinning over at her, he couldn’t help but feel a modicum of comfort. Although he was in some far off and alien world, the mare’s warm words and friendly gesture were deeply comforting. Together, they walked through Ponyville, towards their destination. “So,” May began, as they closed on a large, circular structure, “this is the Ponyville town hall, it’s where we conduct official city business.” She paused, looking over at him. “Do they have those where you’re from?” Anon simply nodded, following her towards the building’s entryway. “Yeah, we have those on Earth. People go there to pay bills, get tax information, and all sorts of bureaucratic stuff,” he explained.  Walking inside, he had to admit, he was impressed. The central room was roughly circular and open, likely for meetings or public events, and there were several curtained doorways leading to, what he assumed were, offices or supply closets. “On occasion, we use the building for public events or rent it out for parties. Why, we’ve even had a hooffull of weddings in here!” May noted, beaming up at the man. The comment about community events caused Anon to realize how barren the structure seemed. He didn’t see anyone else in the building or, for that matter, while they were making their way through town. “Where is everybody? I saw a few ponies when I was coming into the village, but nobody since,” he wondered aloud, turning his attention to the official. Trotting towards her office, the mayor murmured, “Oh, well, they’re just a little shy, that’s all. It’s not every day that a tall... What were you again?” “Human,” Anon absentmindedly answered, while continuing to examine the interior. The craftsmanship easily rivalled anything he’d seen on earth; polished hardwood floors, masterful carpentry and glasswork, and the curtains all seemed to be of exceptional quality. Even though he wasn’t sure how they managed to craft such things with hooves, the ponies had clearly managed to pull it off somehow. His guide stopped, drawing back a veil and revealing her work suite. “Please, after you,” May intoned, nodding towards the interior. As he entered, she trotted in after him, moving toward a sink. “You can have a seat, I’ll get some tea started.” “You don’t have an assistant for that sort of thing?” Anon inquired, easing himself into a leather sofa; despite it being on the petite side, he managed to sit comfortably. Her office was cozy, with a large desk, two chairs, as well as the couch he occupied. Maps adorned the walls, along with a few photos, and a countertop sat to one side of the room. “Unfortunately, no. Raven, my previous aide, left to work for Princess Celestia several years ago. Since then, I’ve been handling everything myself, but I manage.” May filled a kettle and set it on a magical burner to boil. Snatching up a tin of shortbread cookies, a gift from Mrs. Cake, she trotted over to her guest. Hopping into a seat beside the davenport, and retrieving a treat for herself, she offered the container to the man. Baffled, Anon watched his host manipulate the tiny confection in her hoof. “How do you do that?” he queried, taking a cookie and setting the tin on empty cushion next to himself. “We have horses where I’m from, but they can’t use their hooves like that, and they certainly can’t talk.” After studying her hoof for a second, as if it was a foreign concept, the mayor turned to the man. “Honestly, I’ve never really given it much thought. Earth ponies, like myself, have some modicum of dexterity, but nothing compared to the finely tuned sorcery of unicorn magic,” she said, noting a surprised look in his eye. “Wait, there are unicorns here too?” Anon blurted, sending crumbs over his shirt. As if talking ponies wasn’t mystifying enough, apparently unicorns existed within this realm as well. “Mmmhmm,” May hummed, “we also have pegasi, zebras, changelings, yaks, hippogriffs, griffons, and a whole host of other intelligent creatures. I presume they don’t have such things where you’re from?” She giggled, attentive of his slack jawed expression. Anon slowly shook his head. “No. Well, kind of. A few of those exist in myths and legends, but nothing more than that,” he responded, mulling the concept over. Digesting the information, he opted to continue their conversation on a more mundane note. “So, how long have you been the Mayor?” The two sat for hours, asking questions of one another of their perspective worlds. Left undisturbed, they whiled away the day, only stopping when the light through the window began to dim. Admittedly, Anon found much of what the mayor said outlandish, yet he couldn’t argue with what he was hearing. There he was, in an office, amiably chatting with a small talking horse. He supposed she was just as confounded by his stories of advanced technology and space travel, so, in a sense, they were on equal footing with each other. Glancing outside, the mare took stock of the afternoon sun. “Anon, seeing as how you don’t have anywhere to stay tonight, and Twilight Sparkle has yet to return, you can use my spare bedroom. It may not be much, but it’ll be a roof over your head for the night.” “But what about your husband or your family?” “I’m single, and live alone, so you have nothing to worry about,” May laughed, moving to her guest’s side and fetching his emptied teacup. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume,” Anon quickly replied. “If you’re alright with it, sure, but I don’t want to be a burden.” He couldn’t say for certain, but he thought he’d detected a subtle shift in her tone. Still, knowing he wouldn’t need to sleep outdoors was a tremendous weight off his shoulders. “It’s no trouble at all. Twilight should be back tomorrow, and I’m sure she’ll be able to help. After all, she is one of the smartest ponies I’ve ever met,” Ms. Mare explained, crossing to the counter and an empty serving tray. “Just be sure to tell me if you need any help. I mean, if you’re letting me stay with you, feel free to put me to work,” he added, walking up behind the equine and setting the tin of cookies on the countertop. Without thinking, while he was studying a map of Equestria, he ran his fingers through her mane. The action was almost instinctual, considering he’d always had a fondness for animals, but had an immediate effect. The mare stiffened, nearly dropping a china saucer, as his digits gently combed through her hair. Feeling her jump, Anon realized he’d made a mistake, and he instantly retracted his hand. “I...I’m sorry, I…” “It’s...it’s alright, really,” May said, holding up a hoof. “Just warn me next time,” she chuckled. Breaking eye contact, she finished with cleaning up from their tea. Given the fact that they’d been chatting for most of the day, and she hadn’t had lunch, she was getting rather hungry. Peering over to a wall clock, and noting the town hall would be closing in just a few hours, the mayor came to a decision. “I’m going to close early today, since you showed up on Ponyville’s doorstep. I figure I could walk you around town, maybe introduce you to a few fine citizens. Well, if they’re brave enough, that is,” she huffed, somewhat annoyed that nopony had come to check on her. “Sure, that sounds great. I wouldn’t mind meeting some people, er, ponies,” Anon corrected, rubbing his neck. He could already tell, he was going to have a heck of a time adjusting to that. Ms. Mare walked to the curtain, covering her doorway, and reached to pull it aside. It felt odd, how she wore such little attire; only adorned with the jabot, collar, and her glasses. May had explained that, while ponies did occasionally wear clothes, exceptionally few did so on a regular basis. Those that did often had some nearly spiritual connect with the garment or garments, almost like they were a defining character trait. ‘Just one more thing I’ll need to get used to,’ Anon thought to himself, following her out. After locking the town hall, Mayor Mare walked Anon through the streets of her village. As they went, she pointed out various businesses and homes, noting what services were available and who lived where. Spying Pinkie Pie trotting out of Sugarcube Corner, May smiled to herself. If anypony was always eager to make a new friend, it would be her. “Pinkie!” she called, waving the violently pink pony over. Hearing her shout, the bouncy earth pony excitedly hopped over. “Hey, Mayor Mare. Who’s this? He kinda looks like a diamond dog, but not as smelly. Maybe a storm beast? No, not hairy enough for that,” Pinkie prattled on, broadcasting various conjectures and guesses as to exactly who and what Anon was. “Pinkie,” May calmly yet firmly tutted, “this is Anon. He’s a human. He’ll be in a town for a little while.” Running into Pinkie was a massive stroke of luck. Although she was hyper energetic, she was very close friends with Twilight Sparkle; they even taught at the School of Friendship together, so she’d be sure the purple alicorn would soon hear about the human’s arrival. Anon squatted down, bringing himself to her eye level, and extended a hand. “Nice to meet you,” he greeted. Pinkie Pie was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. She was roughly the same size as the Mayor, but was an extremely bright pink color, as her name implied. Her mane and tail almost looked like they were made of cotton candy, and her eyes were a brilliant blue. Having expected a hand/hoof shake, he was nearly toppled backward, as the energetic mare gave him a hug. Catching himself, he reluctantly wrapped one arm around the girl. It may have been his imagination, but she even smelled like candy. “Gee, you’re a pretty good hugger. I’ll give you a six out of eight,” Pinkie tittered, wriggling out of his grasp. “I’ve got to go get some more confectioner’s sugar for Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Hey, Anon,” she shouted, springing away, “stop by the bakery for a free cupcake. Tell ‘em it’s on me!” With that, she skipped into the distance. “Wow, she’s friendly,” Anon mused, beginning to stand back up. That was, until his guide cleared her throat. Mayor Mare smiled, as faces slowly appeared within windows and through cracked open doorways. Having seen the strange creature speaking with and receiving a hug from Pinkie Pie, the denizens of Ponyville had been reassured he wasn’t a threat. It wasn’t that they were scared of him, they just needed a bit of encouragement. Witnessing her walking along with Anon had helped, but watching him get embraced by the element of laughter, was on a magnitude higher than she could have hoped for. As citizens crept from their homes, their curiosity overriding their hesitation, May looked up to the man. “Might want to get comfortable,” she beamed, noticing a myriad of ponies moving in their direction. Watching as Anon was greeted by the residents of Ponyville, Mayor Mare grinned. Despite the man’s outlandish appearance, nearly everypony shook his hand or offered him a welcoming hug. While Anon had seemed somewhat hesitant at first, she noticed something rather interesting. As the ponies came and went, cheerfully questioning him or simply giving a fond hello, his expression steadily shifted. His reluctance and confusion transitioned into one of outright contentment, leaving him to beam upon the colorful equines of the village. After the better part of an hour passed, she cleared her throat, and stepped forward. “Alright, everypony. I’m sure Anon is quite tired from his trip and could use a bit of rest. Sweetie Belle,” she called, turning her attention to the tiny filly, “if you could let your sister know we’ll be needing her services for a rather unique project, I’d be most appreciative.” The young mare nodded enthusiastically. “I’ll tell her as soon as she’s back,” she chirped, galloping off, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in tow, towards the Carousel Boutique. Anon stood, waving goodbye to the friendly ponies as they began to disperse. “They really are nice,” he sighed, turning his attention to the mayor. Never in his life, had he received such a heartfelt greeting. Heck, on earth, he was lucky if people even acknowledged him walking into a room. He’d never had all that many friends, so the warmth and affection of the ponies, while unexpected, was quite refreshing. “I have some salad and pasta, at home. If you’d like, you’re welcome to some,” May yawned, feeling a bit worn out herself. While it hadn’t been a particularly taxing day, the lengthy conversation and excitement of Anon’s arrival had left her feeling slightly drained. Couple that with the fact that she hadn’t had a proper meal since breakfast, and she was pretty well spent. She wasn’t a filly anymore, and often found herself tiring easier than she used to. “Come on, we don’t have far to go,” she added, trotting past the man. Anon followed, unable to shake the silly grin from his face. In a matter of minutes, they’d approached a quaint cottage. The structure had a split-shingle roof, unlike a great many other houses in town. The exterior walls, each a cream colored plaster, were reinforced with timber supports. The small yard was decorated with a small flower bed, sitting just below a window. All told, it didn’t stand out all that much, but it had a certain charm to it, much like Mayor Mare herself. His guide let herself in and held the door for him. Stepping inside, he was greeted with a cozy home, which smelled faintly of sandalwood. As he surveyed the living room, May trotted through a doorway to his left. “I’ll heat us up some supper. There’s a guest room just beside mine, through the door on your right. Just make yourself at home, I’ll call once it’s ready,” May remarked, pulling a large bowl of mixed salad greens from the refrigerator. The sound of footfalls caused her to turn, and she found Anon looming behind her. “You’ve already done so much, let me help,” Anon stated, peering into the fridge. Spying a covered bowl of noodles, he stooped low and reached past the mare. Glancing over, with his face next to hers, their eyes briefly met. Their color was stunning, a mix of piercing blue and deep violet. They stood there, staring at each other, for only a moment, but it felt much longer. “Sorry, sorry,” he muttered, shaking his head and freeing himself from his trance. Grabbing the pasta, Anon withdrew. “You just have really pretty eyes, I didn’t mean to stare or anything,” he grumbled, hoping he hadn’t come off as creepy. “You’re just saying that,” May dismissively noted, carrying the bowl of mixed greens to the table. “No, really! I’ve never seen a woman, or anyone, with eyes like yours!” Anon asserted, looking around for a way to heat their meal. “My eye color isn’t that uncommon, but your compliment warms this old mare’s heart. Oh, you can use the oven, Dear, just turn that center knob to six,” the mayor responded to his unasked question, pointing towards her stove. Returning to the fridge, she looked to her condiments. “I have thousand island, red wine vinaigrette, and catalina dressing, which one would you like?” she asked. “Thousand island, please,” Anon replied, setting the pasta to warm. It barely registered that Equestria had several of the same salad dressings as Earth, but he wasn’t too surprised. They spoke the same language, had similar construction methods for buildings, and their society was comparable to his own. The oven hummed, heating almost instantly, as he turned the dial. Whatever was powering the thing was impressive, to say the least. While he waited, he turned and rested on the counter. “As for your little remark, you can’t be that old,” he commented. “Please, I’m old enough to be most of Ponyville’s mother,” May chuckled. As she piled some of the greens in their bowls, she stopped, when Anon spoke up. “Could’ve fooled me, you’re just as cute as any of those other ponies. And I didn’t see any of them coming out to greet me, when I first walked into town, so you score extra points for bravery,” he grinned, peeking at their dinner. His hunger grew exponentially, when he smelled the tomatoey sauce. “I…” May started, her eyes wandering over to the man. She really wasn’t sure how to react to his assertion. Nopony had complimented her like that in years, so she was caught on a back hoof. “Y...you’re just saying that…” she finally murmured, turning her attention back to her salad. “No, I really mean it,” Anon assuredly shot back, looking around for an oven mitt or cloth. From the looks of it, the pasta was already heated, even though it had only been a minute. After moving a trivet from the counter to the table, he snatched up a washcloth to carry the pot of noodles. Setting the small vat down, Anon seated himself. “Shoot, you got a fork?” he groaned, realizing he didn’t have any silverware. Mayor Mare nodded and pointed over to a drawer. “Just over there,” she instructed, still mulling over his words. Although it was likely unintentional, the flattery was pleasantly surprising. It wasn’t often she had guests, and most ponies in town saw her as more of a motherly figure, so Anon’s words were deeply appreciated. Strange biped or not, they brought a smile to her face. As the man moved to fetch a fork, she studied him move. By and large, bipeds were rather rare in Equestria, and she’d only ever dealt with a hoofful herself. Anon did possess a certain grace, unlike the scant few dragons she’d dealt with, and he wasn’t unattractive. Lacking a snout, he had a relatively smooth face, with a tiny nose and strong chin. If nothing else, he was certainly a curious and amiable creature, though a perplexing one. Retrieving a utensil, Anon then returned to the table. They were both quite hungry, so their meal passed in relative silence. “You know, this is pretty good,” he complimented, finishing the final bite from his plate. While he hadn’t seen any traces of meat in the dish, it was rich and filling. “Thanks. Old family recipe,” May said. Wiping her mouth with a napkin, she went to stand, but stopped as Anon walked over. “No, I got it,” Anon tutted, patting her shoulder. Snatching up her dirty dishes, he crossed to the sink, before washing them clean. They’d be easier to wash now, as opposed to letting the sauce cool and harden. “So,” he called over his shoulder, “what do you do for fun? You know, after work.” “Not much. I’m terribly boring. Most afternoons I’ll read or simply go for a walk, although I do occasionally go bowling,” the mayor answered, watching the man. “Hey, maybe we could go bowling, sometime. Or maybe go on a picnic,” Anon mused. After rinsing out the final salad bowl, he turned to his host. “The picnic would probably be the best option, since I’m flat broke,” he chuckled. While he hadn’t thought about it earlier, he realized he’d likely need some form of income. The ponies were friendly and all, sure, but they probably wouldn’t be too fond of him being a mooch. “Say,” Anon began, rubbing his chin, “you wouldn’t know anywhere that’s hiring, would you?” “Well, perhaps you could be my assistant at the town hall. The position has been vacant since Raven left, and nopony has really expressed an interest,” May thought aloud. “How good are you with organizing and taking notes?” she inquired. “Decent enough, I guess. I can clean, sort stuff, basically do whatever,” Anon explained, stifling a yawn. “I don’t see harm in giving you a shot, but we can discuss it in the morning. For now, I’m going to shower and crawl into bed,” May announced, trotting off to the bathroom. “I’ll be sure to leave a spare towel for you. Just hang it up, once you’re finished,” she instructed. “Will do, Boss,” Anon saluted, watching the mare disappear from sight. It didn’t take him long to finish with the dishes, drying them off and stacking them in a neat pile by the sink. Walking into the living room, he browsed a bookshelf, while he waited for his turn to shower. Various mystery and romance novels lined the shelves, as well as a few history books. Selecting one entitled The Sister’s Fall Anon made his way towards the guest bedroom. Just as he entered the hallway, the bathroom door opened, and Mayor Mare emerged. He stopped, taking in the sight before him. May’s mane and tail were still damp, limply hanging in place, as opposed to their lively and frizzy earlier state. Freed from her collar and jabot, she was fully nude; which was odd, considering she was basically naked from the time he met her. “Oh, excuse me,” May blurted, stepping back. Peering up at him, she squinted. Granted, she wasn’t wearing her glasses, but it almost looked like the man was blushing. Dismissing it as a figment of her imagination, she sauntered by. “There’s a towel near the sink, Dear,” she added, escaping into her room. “Thanks,” he acknowledged, watching the pony pass. His eyes wandered from her face, over her back, and to her rump. It wasn’t that he was into animals or anything, but there was something alluring about her. The way her muscles glided against each other, beneath her coat of cream colored fur, her graceful movements, and her captivating eyes. As stupid as it sounded, she was actually more than just cute. For all intents and purposes, she was a person, she just didn’t look like the ones he was used to dealing with. He’d never had much luck with women, but May seemed to tolerate him well enough. Sure, it was probably pity, yet he’d made her laugh. Hopping into the shower, Anon was left to ponder on the subject. It’s not like he’d ever given any thought to equine relations, although he hadn’t ever talked with a pony either. Before he knew it, he was cleaned up, but there was a problem. He only had the one pair of clothes, which he’d left on the sink, so changing into something fresh would be impossible. With a groan, he reached out of the shower for his towel, and felt it pressed into his hand. “Here you go,” May said, handing him the cloth. “I threw your garments in the wash, so they should be clean by morning. Anon’s heart nearly froze, upon seeing the mayor standing there. Fortunately, the shower curtain was semi-transparent, so she couldn’t make out any of the finer details of his anatomy. “T...thanks,” he stuttered, taking the towel and quickly wrapping it around himself. Mayor Mare nodded and turned to leave. “Just get me if you need anything. Have a good night, Anon,” she declared, moving off to her room. While she had only intended to wash his clothes, she’d been a bit curious about Anon’s features. There was something charming about the man, although she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it, and she was inquisitive about what lie beneath his apparel. Hopping up to her bed, and beneath a light sheet, she curled up for the evening. Now without anything to wear, Anon grunted in frustration. Wrapping the damp towel around his waist, he found the guest bedroom and let himself in. Though it was spartanly decorated, it would do. A bed sat on the far wall, with a simple dresser on one side, and a nightstand on the other. The temperature wasn’t cold, so the thin cover on the mattress would suffice. Draping the towel over a bedpost, Anon made himself comfortable. All things considered, the situation could be much, much worse, so he took comfort in that. Still, he had to wonder what the next day would bring… > To Show the Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a start, Anon bolted upright in his bed. Fearfully, he looked around, confused to his whereabouts. He glanced to the window, out into the moonlit streets of Ponyville. Ponyville...Right, that’s where he was now. There wasn’t a clock in the room, so there was no way for him to tell exactly what time it was, but it was still the dead of night. While sleeping, his subconscious mind had had time to process the events of the day, leading to his current state. In a word, Anon was in shock. Everything, every single thing he’d known was gone; his family, what few friends he had, all of his worldly possessions, all of it, simply gone. The cold, terrifying realization that he was a stranger in a strange land was a sobering one, to say the least. Slowly, Anon rolled from the bed, placing his feet on the hardwood floor. He stood, stark naked, as his eyes flitted over the room; as warm and welcoming as it was, it wasn’t his, and he felt desperately out of place. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, his chest felt tight, and he was having a hard time thinking clearly. Snatching the blanket from atop the bed, he wrapped it about his frame, affording himself some modicum of warmth and humility. Wandering out into the hallway, Anon looked about nervously. He didn’t know where he was going, so he simply shuffled through the home, eventually making his way into the living room. The area was dimly lit, but it afforded slightly better lighting, due to the loft moonlight streaming through three windows. He looked to the door, momentarily considering if he should leave, yet he hesitated, opting instead to seat himself on the couch. With what felt like the weight of the world bearing down on him, Anon buried his face in his hands. Here he was, a grown man, with absolutely nothing; whisked away to some far off, alien world, with only the clothes on his back. Alone. Helpless could only begin to describe the way he felt. It was all so overwhelming, he didn’t know what he was going to do. “Anon?” a voice quietly called, snapping him back to the present. Languidly, Anon looked to the hallway. There, in the door, stood Mayor Mare, looking half asleep. He tried to smile at her, but he faltered. “Hey,” he dejectedly said. “I...is everything alright?” May asked, taking a step closer. “Ye…” Anon stopped himself, he couldn’t bring himself to lie. Even if he could have, it wouldn’t have been difficult to tell he was a wreck. “No, no it’s not,” he concluded, shaking his head and rubbing his face. Mayor Mare crept nearer. She’d seen her fair share of ponies in distress, and the man was showing all the signs of some sort of breakdown. While she could make any number of guesses, as to what was troubling Anon, she couldn’t be entirely sure what was wrong. Regardless of what was bothering him, something was clearly wrong. As shrewd as she was, having dealt with upset town folks before, she lept into action. “Did you know, one time, in this very town, it rained chocolate?” May asked, taking a seat beside her guest. Anon looked at her, cocking an eyebrow. Of all the odd things she’d told him about, this was the strangest. “How?” he mumbled, his curiosity piqued. “Well, you see, there’s this odd fellow named Discord. He’s a draconequus, kind of a hodge-podge of different creatures. Mismatched horns, all sorts of different limbs, and the craziest snaggletooth you’ve ever seen,” she described. “So, he’s like a chimera?” Anon pressed, his attention wholly focussed on his host. “Oh no, not at all. I’ve seen a chimera or two before, trust me, Discord is far different,” May laughed. “Actually, now that I think about it, his form is rather fitting, for a lord of chaos,” she added. The mention of a ‘lord of chaos’ evoked several questions from Anon, which preceded several more. Before they knew it, the two found themselves chatting away once again, exchanging silly stories, until the light of dawn began to illuminate the room. May’s gambit had worked, distracting Anon from his woes and improving his mood substantially. As far as she could tell, he was distressed, and rightly so, from having found himself in her world. While their talk didn’t solve his problem, it gave him comfort, and sometimes that’s enough. “Seeing as how we’ve whiled away the morning, how about you go get dressed. Not that I’m opposed to the toga, but you may be more comfortable in your clothes,” May commented, hopping down from the couch. With a stretch, she trotted towards the kitchen. “Wait, what time is it?” Anon asked, looking out the window. “Just around six thirty, give or take. I heard you leave your room at four, so at least you got a little sleep,” May responded, disappearing into the other room. She headed straight to the coffee maker. She didn’t mind sitting up with Anon, but she knew she was going to be rightly spent by the afternoon. “You didn’t have to stay up with me,” Anon sighed, feeling awful that he’d robbed the mayor of her rest. “I’m not sure how folks act where you’re from, but around here, we try to help one another out. I mean, my goodness, what sort of pony would leave her guest in such a bad way,” May retorted. “Still, it’s appreciated. Is there anything I can do?” Anon said, lingering by the doorway. “No, not right now. Pinkie promised you a free sweet, so we can stop there for breakfast before I show you to Rarity’s shop. She’s the best seamstress in Ponyville, so you’ll be in good hooves,” May stated. “Wait, you want me to go talk to her by myself?” Anon inquired, feeling a bit anxious. Yeah, it didn’t sound like that big of a deal, although it sure didn’t feel like it. It wasn’t any different than going out to run errands in an unfamiliar town, except the town was full of cartoonish, talking equines. Still, if they were as nice as they’d been the day prior, he should be alright. “Anon, you’ll be fine, I promise. Besides, I’ll be expecting you to meet me at the Town Hall, once you’re finished up with her,” May remarked, pouring herself a cup of coffee. She was positive that he’d be fine. At worst, he may get pestered by some of the ponies in town, but certainly not in a malicious way. “Ok, just don’t blame me if I get turned around,” Anon weakly chuckled, finally heading into the laundry room to retrieve his garments. Fetching his things, he returned to the guest room, where he made his bed and changed. Returning to the kitchen, he found a mug of steaming java waiting for him. May was sitting at the table, reading over a newspaper, as she enjoyed her brew. “Alright, I’m going to tidy up a bit, then we can head out. There’s sugar on the counter and cream in the fridge, feel free to help yourself,” May noted, setting down the paper and trotting to her room. Before Anon knew it, they were both ready and on their way. Ponyville wasn’t exceptionally large, so their walk didn’t take all that long. Keeping to her idea, May brought him to Sugarcube Corner for a bite. He was able to meet Mr. and Mrs. Cake, the owners of the bakery, as he and May selected blueberry scones for breakfast. According to the couple, Pinkie Pie was asleep, since she preferred to take the afternoon shifts. Following their meal, May pointed out the Carousel Boutique, as she veered towards the town hall. “Just meet me at work, after you speak with Rarity,” she called, proceeding to her the town hall. Waving goodbye, Anon walked towards the boutique. True to its name, the Carousel Boutique had a circular shape, with striped support surrounding its exterior. Atop the structure sat a ring of poles, each with a carved pony. He’d never seen a building quite like it before, well, outside of children’s books. Strolling to the door, and noting an “Open” sign in its window, Anon let himself in. If the exterior was rather striking, the interior was downright jaw-dropping. Colorful curtains and displays adorned the floor, as well as several neatly dressed mannequins. It was quite unlike any clothing shop he’d ever been in, even disregarding the equine related garments and accessories. “Just a minute!” a lilting voice called out, drawing Anon’s attention to the back of the shop. As he turned, a snow white, horned pony came into view. Her mane and tail were both a deep indigo, her eyes azure, and her coat and horn were pure alabaster. The contrasting colors, unlike May’s, were rather stunning, leaving Anon to stare at her with a blank impression, which she mirrored back at him. That was, until she spoke again. “I presume you’re the Mr. Nonymous?” the mare greeted, appraising him from head to toe. While she’d met her fair number of creatures, especially while out with her friends, she’d never seen one quite like him. “You can just call me Anon,” he said, squatting down and extending a hand. “I’m guessing you’re Mrs. Rarity?” he probed, returning her formality with his own. “Mrs. Rarity,” the mare chuckled, dismissively waving a hoof. “Unfortunately, it’s simply Ms. Rarity. But yes, the one and only,” she concluded, shaking his hand. Still gripping his hand, Rarity pulled his arm out, to steadily inspecting the limb. After a second, she released it, before trotting around his still squatting body. Limbs not dissimilar to a diamond dogs or dragons, but the proportions were different, no thick scales or fur, clawless fingers and, she presumed, toes. Coming back around to his face, she rubbed her chin. “Sweetie Belle mentioned that an odd guest would be needing my services,” Rarity remarked, almost to herself. “Could you stand up, Darling?” she requested, levitating over a spool of measuring tape. Anon stumbled back, watching the tape strip of metered fabric draw closer. It had some sort of light blue aura around it, almost like it was…”Is that magic?” he blurted, pointing at the hovering object. “Yes, Darling. Do they not have sorcery where you’re from?” Rarity cooed, surprised by his shocked reaction. Drifting the tape to her hoof, she quelled her horn’s energy, attempting to calm the man. “No, not at all,” Anon flatly stated, shaking his head. Pushing himself up, he got to his feet. She certainly didn’t seem aggressive, but watching something literally float through the air, via some sort of unicorn spellcraft, had been shocking. Turning his attention back to the seamstress, he shook his head. “Sorry, it’s just that there’s a lot I’m trying to wrap my head around,” he admitted, with a pained expression. “No need to apologize! There are more creatures on Equestria whom can’t use magic than those that can. Now, be a Dear and hold your arms out to your sides. I have to get some measurements,” she tutted. Anon nodded, and did as he was asked. Standing in a rough T-pose, he watched the tape levitate towards him. Measuring one leg, and then the other, the ribbon of fabric worked its way over his body, all while Rarity muttered numbers to herself. Staying silent, so as not to distract her from her mental calculations, Anon simply glanced around the shop. Fortunately, it only took a minute or two before completed her task. “Well then, Anon, the good news is that I should be able to fashion you a few items within the next two days. Sadly, the bad news is that your timing is simply dreadful. I have a show in Canterlot I simply must attend tomorrow, so your visit couldn’t have come at a worse time,” Rarity dramatically commented. Rarity wasn’t all that concerned with yet another strange creature showing up in town, considering all of the strange and fantastical things she’d seen on her adventures with Twilight and the other Elements. What with relatively new development of the School of Friendship, and Ponyville’s propensity to attract all manner of malicious threats, she terribly surprised that some tall, docile biped had shown up. “I do hope you don’t mind some simple fare, for the time being, at least. Would a few shirts and shorts work, similar to the ones you’re currently wearing?” Rarity asked, glancing at his garments. “Oh, yeah, that’d be fine. Could I maybe get a pair of pants too?” Anon countered, feeling a little bad for asking. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I should be able to have them to you by this evening or, at the latest, tomorrow morning. Where should I have them delivered?” she continued, hovering a pad of paper and a pencil over. “I’m saying with May, for now.” Rarity raised an eyebrow.  “Beg your pardon?” “Mayor Mare,” Anon clarified, mirroring her confused expression. “Well, that’s certainly interesting. I’ve only ever referred to as Mayor Mare. Did you give her this nickname, Anon?” Rarity pressed. “What? No, she told me I could call her that,” Anon countered, feeling a bit defensive. He couldn’t tell if the pony’s tone was accusatory or not, but he’d clearly piqued her interest. “Simply curious, that’s all. I certainly didn’t mean to gave the wrong impression,” Rarity distractedly said, glancing up at a wall mounted clock. “Oh, I am dreadfully sorry, but can we continue this conversation later? I don’t mean to shoo you off, but I simply must get back to work,” she added, realizing his order would eat up more of her already busy day. “Sure, that’s fine. Just don’t work yourself too hard,” Anon commented, as he turned towards the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll be getting you your order completed as soon as I can. Take care!” Rarity waved, scampering behind the counter and to her work station in back. She really would like to speak with him more, but business was business. If she stopped working for every peculiar thing, she’d have gone bankrupt long ago. Seeing himself out, Anon looked about, to get his bearings. If he remembered correctly, the town hall was down the road, just over a small stream. His exchange with Rarity had been painfully brief, and he felt somewhat guilty for asking her for an order. Sure, he planned on repaying her somehow, yet she seemed overworked. As he strolled along, the village was awakening; ponies started moving about, beginning their day. Walking through town, Anon was greeted by smiling faces and waving hooves. It was a far departure from his arrival on the day before. As he returned their greetings, he couldn’t help but grin. While it was certainly out of the ordinary for him, it actually felt really nice to be acknowledged in such a friendly manner. Sure enough, within a scant few minutes, he found his way to the town hall. Stepping onto the porch, Anon let himself inside. There were a handful of ponies flitting about, presumably paying bills or handling their business, but the building wasn’t all that busy. Given that he had an entire unplanned day ahead of him, he figured he may as well make himself useful. Remembering where the mayor’s office was, he walked over and pulled the curtain aside. “May?” Anon called, poking his head inside. Her office was empty, leaving him to wonder where she’d gotten off to. “I...I’m sorry, a...are you looking for the Mayor?” a soft voice whispered, causing Anon to look behind him. A demure, buttery yellow mare stood there, awkwardly glancing up at him, from behind a sweeping, flamingo pink mane. To his astonishment, a pair of wings, each the same color as her coat, were pinned to her back. Whoever she was, she seemed rather nervous. Acting accordingly, Anon squatted down, almost seating himself, as he turned to the demure pegasus. “Yeah, I’m looking for her. My name’s Anon, by the way,” he quietly said, slowly extending a hand. In his experience, both with timid animals and humans, it often helped to make yourself as least threatening as possible. “I’m Fluttershy,” the mare murmured, her cyan eyes settling upon him. “The Mayor went off to the records room, to check on a deed for me. I was hoping to expand my animal sanctuary, but I didn’t want to disturb anyone else’s land,” she explained, shuffling closer. Pinkie had mentioned some “tall, funny looking creature” in town, which explained who Anon was. She didn’t have any idea where he could be from, but if Pinkie trusted the man, that was a good enough start for her. “Can you point out where she went? I’d like to see if I can help,” Anon said, slowly getting up. Nodding, Fluttershy pointed out a doorway some short distance away. He was pretty big, and strong-looking too, yet she wasn’t sensing any ill intent from him. As she watched him plod towards the records room, she made a mental note to speak to Twilight about him, and perhaps ask if he could join them for tea at the Friendship Castle. While it was true she’d like to speak with him, if only to get a better gauge of his character, she’d be more comfortable with one or two of her friends present. “Thanks,” Anon responded, trodding off towards the room which Fluttershy had indicated. Pulling the curtain aside, he stepped in. As fate would have it, he didn’t notice the base of the stepladder by the door. Taking a step forward, he accidentally kicked its leg, sending it off balance, and stubbing his toe in the process. Before he could utter a pained curse, he heard a surprised squeak. Mayor Mare stifled a surprised yelp, as the ladder she was on violently shuddered. She only had a second to peek down, noticing Anon, before she started to lose her balance. Reaching for the shelf, and failing, she was overcome by a feeling of weightlessness, just as he tumbled over the edge. It wasn’t that far of a fall, but she knew it wasn’t going to feel great. The following moment took place in a flash, but it sure didn’t feel like it. Looking up, Anon noticed May, perched atop the stepladder, just as she lost her balance. Angling his torso, he reached for her, realizing she was about to fall. Just as her hooves lost purchase, and affixing him with a startled, fearful expression, she went crashing into him. The weight of May landing in his arms and chest, caused Anon to stumble. Now thoroughly off balance, he tumbled backward to land on his butt. Thankfully, he’d spared the mayor from plummeting to the floor. Now seated, and bracing himself with one arm, he looked at his cargo, just as she looked back at him. “Are you alright?” they both asked. Each of them smiled, if only for a second, before May shook her head. “I shouldn’t have set that ladder there,” the mayor groaned, glancing up towards the neatly arranged books of records. “Nah, I should’ve been paying attention. You’re not hurt, are you?” Anon asked. “Yes, yes I’m fine. And you?” May countered, her eyes dancing over him, for any obvious signs of injury. “I’m ok, just a stubbed toe,” Anon chuckled. Her body weight, warm and heavy, rested upon him. The fingers of his hand, still holding her back, gently caressed her fur. It was velveteen and warm, far softer than he would have imagined. Feeling Anon’s digits softly stroked her coat, May sighed. They were far more nimble than hooves, each with a meaty pad and small nail; and, if she had to guess, they could rival a unicorn’s dexterity. She could have told him to stop, simply asking him to put her down, yet she was reluctant to. A part of her recognized she should probably speak up, although there was something deeply comforting about the situation. Not only did he catch her, injuring himself in the process, but he seemed legitimately concerned about her. He didn’t want the situation to get any more awkward than it already was, so he decided to end it. Leaning forward, moving to right himself, Anon gingerly sat May beside himself. “Alright, which book was it?” he inquired, looking between the tomes and the mayor. “Furthest on the right, closest to the door frame. Yes, that one,” May directed, affirming once he’d found it. Since he was roughly double her height, maybe even slightly taller, he procured the book with ease. There was also the matter of how strong he was. Now, she couldn’t be completely sure, but he had just caught her with relative ease. Tapping her chin, she began cogitating the best use for him. Noticing the mayor’s distracted look, Anon took the time to check his foot. Leaning against the bookshelf, he examined his injured toe. It wasn’t broken, fortunately, but it was sore as all get out. It wasn’t until that moment he realized shoes would be another item on his “have to get” list; he only hoped Rarity would be able to craft him some, or direct him to someone who could. Clearing her throat, May directed her attention to her guest. “Anon, I have a proposal. Since you’re willing and able, how would you like to be the town gopher?” she asked, giving him a smug grin. “Like, go-for this or go-for that?” Anon countered. Even on earth, a “gopher” was sort of like an errand boy. Not the most dignified position, but it was better than nothing. Before he could ask her to clarify, she spoke up. “Considering your stature, and the fact that training you all the ins and outs of being my assistant will take some time, this seems like the best option. You can help me, or ponies about town, with various tasks. This way, you’ll be able to start building a rapport with everypony, help me with projects, and make a few bits for yourself,” May explained. Given their options, it wasn’t a bad one. She didn’t have the time to train Anon and tend to her own duties, so her initial idea of having him as an assistant was out, at least, for the time being. “Sounds like a plan, boss,” Anon laughed, kneeling before her and issuing a lighthearted salute. “Congratulations, you have the position,” May beamed, shaking his hand with her hoof. > To Protect You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The previous day, while resulting with Anon’s employment, had been a lively one. Visitor or not, Equestria’s daily business wasn’t going to grind to a halt, due to the appearance of a strange, bipedal alien. While Mayor Mare had busied herself with her duties, Anon was kept occupied with menial tasks. He swept the town hall, opened and sorted letters, and delivered a few formal documents. While it didn’t sound all that interesting, it started laying the foundations for his societal integration. Although they were relatively mundane, they allowed him to meet different townsfolk, familiarize himself with Ponyville, and help him grasp the ins and outs of daily life. Those, coupled with the fact that he was still coming to grips with the colorful and surprisingly cheerful equines, left him rather contented. As the day drew to a close, May and Anon returned home for a well-earned meal. True to her word, Rarity delivered a handful of garments for the man. A care package, left neatly wrapped on May’s doorstep, contained three t-shirts, two pairs of shorts, and a lone pair of pants. Even though he was without foot wear, or any undergarments, Anon was extremely impressed. The spring weather meant he could go without shoes for some time, which was fortunate. The lack of underwear, while a bit disconcerting, wasn’t truly a functional issue, since he had some outer clothing to conceal himself. After their meal, and a casual discussion, the two had retired for the evening. Thankfully, their night was a much calmer one, in comparison to the one prior. Satisfied with his work, and his interactions with the ponies in town, Anon slept like a brick. Sure, he had a bill from Rarity, and was unsure of what the next day held for him, but he felt substantially more relaxed. At least, as relaxed as anybody would, given the circumstances. ~ “Anon. Anon, wake up,” May urged, gently shaking Anon’s shoulder. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have entered his room unannounced, or waken him without due cause. Jostled from his slumber, Anon cracked an eye open. “May?” he mumbled, his mind still half asleep. “Anon, you have a visitor. If you could get up, she’d like to speak with you,” May said, with a half smile. While the mayor wasn’t overtly distressed, Anon could tell something was off. She was shuffling uncomfortably, and looked over her shoulder, towards the hallway, at least twice. Rolling to his side, he looked at her. “Who is it?” he asked. “It’s the Princess,” May replied, her tone somber. Anon gulped. He’d heard about the Princesses, a scant few, extremely powerful beings known as alicorns. As unsurprising as one of them showing up was, he still felt a knot forming in his stomach. “Twilight?” he murmured, assuming which of the quartet had come to speak with him. May nodded, affirming his suspicions. “Alright, tell her I’ll be right there. Just let me get dressed and wash my face,” he continued, wiping the crust from his eyes. Nodding a second time, May turned and departed. She realized Twilight, or one of the other Princesses, would be coming to investigate, but it still made her anxious. They were, for all intents and purposes, living demigods, and their power was nigh unfathomable. As if that wasn’t sobering enough, their rule was virtually absolute; meaning Anon’s fate lay in their hooves. “He’ll be right in, just give him a moment. Would you like some tea?” May inquired, rounding a corner and moving into the living room. “That sounds lovely,” Twilight Sparkle responded, from beside the mayor’s bookshelf. Her host trotted past, disappearing into the kitchen, while she awaited Anon’s appearance. She’d heard from both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy that Ponyville had received an unexpected guest, and an odd one, at that. Neither of them seemed too concerned with him, but she would be remiss for not investigating. As busy as she was, she couldn’t allow strange, sapient creatures simply appearing without looking into things. Contenting herself to browse the mayor’s literature, Twilight was left to ponder a great many things, all of which she hoped to receive answers for. After donning a new pair of shorts and shirt, Anon plodded off to the bathroom. Hastily rinsing off his face, and running his fingers through his hair, he moved towards the living room. There was no running from this; even if he’d wanted to, he had nowhere else to go. Taking a deep breath, to calm his frazzled nerves, he stepped inside. Looking over the room, it took him a second to realize the Princess wasn’t any larger than May. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting; but from the descriptions of her, he would have thought she’d be larger or more imposing. The only thing which stood out about Twilight was that she had both a pair of wings and a horn, almost like she was some combination of a pegasus and a unicorn. As he quietly studied her, she turned. “I’m guessing, you’re Anonymous?” Twilight asked, looking over the tall man. He wasn’t unlike the humans she’d met in that strange reality which Sunset Shimmer had fled to, but there were subtle differences. The tone of his flesh wasn’t as colorful, and his features were a bit sharper, more defined. He nodded, affirming his identity. “Please, take a seat,” she said, waiving to the couch and chair. Walking over, Anon did as instructed and sat down on the sofa. She didn’t have an unpleasant tone — at least, not outwardly — and he watched her as she trotted around and seated herself on the recliner opposite. Much like most ponies in town, she really wasn’t wearing anything at all. “So,” he began, watching her hop up onto the chair opposite, “you’re Twilight Sparkle?” “Yup, that’s me,” Twilight said, with a grin. “Alright, before you ask, no, I have no idea how I got here. One minute, I was lying in my bed, the next, I woke up in a field outside of town,” Anon stated, realizing it must have been one of the questions on her mind. “Ah, right to the point.” Twilight’s smile faltered. “Honestly, I’m not sure how you got here either. At least, I’m not sure yet. I fully plan on exploring the matter, but Discord swears he had nothing to do with it,” she sighed. The chaos deity had been the first one she’d directly questioned, assuming he’d had some hand, or claw, in the matter. The fact that he denied any knowledge of Anonymous’ appearance, coupled with not sensing any magical traces of his arrival, was troubling. Stranger things had happened in Equestria, and likely would continue to happen, so she wasn’t terribly surprised with a human seemingly emerging from thin air. “May told me about Discord. He’s the big mishmash guy, right?” Anon thoughtfully said, considering the Princess’ words. As if summoned, May appeared, carrying two steaming mugs of tea. Accepting one, me smiled to his host. “Thanks.” “Wait, May? Who’s May?” Twilight inquired, looking between the two. She’d never heard of anypony named May before, so she was a bit confused. “Oh, I told Anon he could call me May, since Mayor Mare didn’t sit well with him,” May clarified, sitting beside her bipedal guest. “And I’m guessing Anon is short for Anonymous?” Twilight pressed, shifting her attention to the man. “Yeah. You can call me Anon, if you want,” Anon added. Princess or not, he saw no need to be so formal. “In that case, just call me Twilight,” Twilight chimed in, her smile returning. If Mayor Mare was that comfortable around him, she saw no reason to be too suspicious, but she did have a few more questions. “Anon, if you don’t mind me asking. What do you intend to do here? Hypothetically, if we can’t find a way home for you, what are you going to do?” Twilight asked, cocking an eyebrow. Her inquisitorial look melted, as she suddenly facehoofed herself. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. Don’t get me wrong, we are going to try to figure out a way to send you home, I’m just playing the ‘what if’ game here,” she hastily added. “Nah, you’re fine,” Anon acknowledged, waving away her concern. “But honestly, I’m not sure. I guess I’ll just do what anyone would do: try to make myself useful, do my best to get by, live. I know it probably sounds kinda crazy, but it’s not that bad here. At least, compared to where I’m from,” he answered, his mind wandering to his life on Earth. Just as he started to zone out, Anon felt something on his leg. Peering down, he noticed May’s hoof on his thigh. Looking up at her, to her comforting face, he couldn’t help but grin. Slowly, he placed his hand on her hoof. Maybe it was because she’d been the first pony to greet him, or how she’d been with him since he wandered into town, but he found her presence immensely soothing. “Twilight, if you’re worried about Anon, I assure you, I’ll keep an eye on him,” May began, her tone firm and professional. “He’s taken the initiative to help me around the office, made a concerted effort to familiarize himself with town, and hasn’t been anything but considerate to everypony he’s met. I must confess, while I was somewhat reluctant to go out and speak with him, no offense,” she interjected, patting his leg, “Anon has shown himself to be quite the gentleman.” As she concluded, her look softened, and she smiled over at him. Glancing between Anon and Mayor Mare, Twilight noticed something rather interesting; well, several somethings, in fact. First of all, she’d never seen Mayor Mare with the exact expression she was currently wearing. Secondly, Anon, while out of place, really wasn’t giving her any sort of bad impression. Considering the mayor and two of her friends had favorable impressions of him, she was inclined to go with her gut instinct. Lastly, and most clandestinely, she’d sweeped the house for any magical activity. If Anon did have any sorcerous ability, he was either a grand master of concealing it, or, as she assumed, he simply lacked any such abilities. All told, her concerns had been assuaged, for the time being. “Well then, that’s good enough for me,” Twilight said, hopping down from her chair. “Anon, I’ll let you know if I can figure out exactly what brought you here. In the meantime, if anything strange develops, feel free to drop me a scroll,” she stated, turning her attention to Mayor Mare. “As always, it was great to see you. Thank you for the tea,” she continued, giving the mayor a parting hug. As deep of a mystery as Anon was, there were more pressing issues to attend to. Between running the school, addressing any friendship issues which she and her friends were summoned to, and the periodic threats to Equestria, she had her hooves full. A lone human in Ponyville was hardly her biggest concern, and Mayor Mare was one of the most capable ponies she’d ever met, so she was sure things would work themselves out. Stepping outside, Twilight extended her wings. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing the two of you around town. Just let me know if there’s anything I can do to help,” she noted, waving goodbye. Trotting out onto the street, she broke into a gallop, before ultimately taking flight. Even though she wasn’t awfully worried about the situation, she’d be sure to keep tabs on Ponyville’s newest resident. From the doorway, standing side by side, May and Anon watched the Princess depart. Twilight’s arrival, while unexpected, had been an inevitability. While he’d initially been anxious about the encounter, it hadn’t been nearly as intense as he had expected. That being said, Anon was relieved it had ended on a pleasant note. “She seems kinda nice,” Anon commented, turning to face his host. He’d anticipated a much more thorough grilling, but was pleased with the brief, relatively peaceful questioning. “She is. She’s just terribly busy, that’s all,” May wistfully affirmed, having been reminded of a time when Twilight’s days were far less demanding. Truly, after ascending to become an alicorn, she’d blossomed into quite the able leader and a key defender of Equestria. “Thank you,” Anon murmured, squatting down beside May. “For?” May countered, thrown off by the abrupt gratitude. “Just for helping me, for blindingly trusting some big, weird guy who showed up at your doorstep. Heck, I don’t know what I would have done, if you hadn’t helped me so much,” Anon admitted, his chest growing tight. If he’d ever questioned her motivation for helping him, it stopped when she spoke up for him to Twilight. “I’m sure you’d have done the same thing for me or anypony else,” she warmly sighed, beaming at him. Although she’d only known him for a day, she’d put her bottom bit on him being a genuinely good human. She had no way to tell for certain, but her gut rarely, if ever, steered her wrong. Leaning in, Anon impulsively gave her a hug. Not only had she shown him sincere kindness, but because she’d actually made him question himself. If some alien creature had shown up in his town, he really couldn’t say what he would do. Yet here she was, a paragon of compassion, who had done everything she could for him. He wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve such a glimmer of hope, but he didn’t feel worthy. Wrapping one foreleg around Anon’s torso, May stroked his back. She really didn’t have anything to say, so she simply held him. While hugs weren’t an uncommon happening, this was different. Something about the way he held her, how his head rested on her shoulder, with his fingers softly clutching her back. It wasn’t unpleasant — in fact, she actually found it rather soothing. “But really, thank you,” Anon repeated, breaking their embrace. He was in her debt, finding himself increasingly appreciative of her, with every passing moment. “Well then, since you’re so thankful, how about you make us some breakfast?” May chuckled, briskly trotting into the house. “Sure, what would you like?” Anon asked, watching her head towards her room. “Surprise me,” she shot back, intent on taking her morning shower. Anon smiled and something inside of him settled. Even if he did wind up stuck in Ponyville, maybe, just maybe, things wouldn’t be that bad. Especially if he had May... > To Complete You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following two weeks were a whirlwind of activity, both for Mayor Mare and Anonymous. May stayed busy with her routine affairs, while Anon’s newly acquired job kept him busy. Often times, he’d act as a courier for May, hand-delivering important documents or correspondence to the ponies in town. Heck, she’d even sent him to pick up a package from a zebra in the woods once! All told, he honestly enjoyed it, since it allowed him to meet new ponies and get a fair bit of exercise. Twilight, true to her word, had paid Anon two other short visits. While she hadn’t ascertained who or what had sent him to Equestria, she’d periodically appear with a list of questions about his world. He didn’t mind, since she was always pleasant, so he happily obliged her. Upon her third appearance, she’d brought her assistant, Spike, with her. The runtish dragon was surprisingly witty, and the two quickly hit it off, leading to another potential friendship in his newfound homeland. As far as Anon’s integration into life in Equestria, it was unusually smooth. Working in the town hall gave him ample opportunity to meet and interact with the citizens of the village, while also letting him grasp the ins and outs of how Ponyville functioned. The strangest thing, for him, was just how quickly he’d acclimated to the multicolor equines of the land. Sure, they were slightly different than humans, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Darn near everyone was friendly and got along with one another. Theirs was a simpler world, one without the omnipresent strife and conflict of Earth. There was no social media, no news outlets blaring scandals or political faux, or the seemingly endless drama that humans suffered through. Honestly, it was like a breath of fresh air, and one he’d grown increasingly appreciative of. Anon’s daily activities had taken on a simple, but pleasant routine. After waking up, he and the mayor would go to work, trotting off to the town hall together. Once the office closed, they’d return home or, on occasion, go out for a meal together. Sure, it may not have been the most exciting sort of setup, but it filled him with contentment. For the first time in a long, long time, he was starting to feel like he belonged. As for Mayor Mare, well, she was deeply enjoying the company. After living alone for a number of years, having someone to share her home with was a refreshing change of pace. She found herself looking forward to their stroll to the town hall, their genial conversations together in the evenings, and his pleasant company as a whole. Sure, some days were busier than others, but every afternoon, without fail, they made time to chat over tea and a meal. Although she may not have been aware of it, the townsfolk of Ponyville had begun to take note of how close the two were growing, but not in a negative way. No, everypony was actually glad she’d found some companionship, not to mention the help she was getting around the office. All in all, both of them were happy and their bond was growing stronger by the day. After Anon’s third week in Equestria, on a brisk Saturday morning, Mayor Mare awoke promptly at six and shuffled off to the bathroom to begin her day. As much as it pained her to admit it, her routine was painfully mechanical. After brushing her teeth, she trotted off to the kitchen, to set a pot of coffee brewing. As usual, she’d wait to start breakfast until after a cup of joe, and it was Anon’s turn to cook anyways. Fetching a load of his laundry from the dryer, and neatly folding it for the man, she trotted off to wake her guest. Making her way to his room, May knocked on the door. “Anon, it’s time to get up,” she called, giving another rap on the frame. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have intruded, but he was a notoriously heavy sleeper. Considering how comfortable they’d gotten with one another, and without hearing any signs of him stirring, she let herself in. Curled up on the bed, with a sheet loosely draped over his frame, Anon lie dozing. He was rather handsome, although she couldn’t put her hoof on exactly why. Slowly, she examined the man. His limbs were well built and, if she had to guess, easily comparable in might to a large stallion’s. His torso, while shaped differently than a ponies, was adorned with a pair of nipples, each an off shade of color, as opposed to the rest of his hide. Speaking of which, the only place on him which seemed to have much hair was his head. As her gaze drifted down his body, her face went flushed, as she noticed a bulge at his groin. Lying on his back, and pressing against the thin blanket, Anon was sporting a bit of morning wood, or so it seemed. His rather unique physiology, in comparison to an equine’s, filled her with a burning interest. The fact that most of the denizens of Equestria walked around buck naked was a fact of life, but this human seemed to take great care in concealing himself. Bearing that in mind, she felt slightly ashamed whilst gazing at his veiled privates. Suddenly, Anon groaned, causing May to start. “I...I just wanted to say that I have some coffee going. H...here,” she stammered, hastily setting his freshly laundered clothes on the mattress, before turning an about face and trotting out of the room. Dreamily looking over, Anon rubbed his eyes. Looking between his neatly stacked garments and the fleeing pony’s rump, he smiled. “Thanks,” he called, slowly swinging his legs from the bed. Wearily, he stood and began dressing himself, spurred by the smell of brewing java. Making his way through the house, and into the kitchen, Anon paused. Standing on her hind legs, May was reaching for something in the cupboard. The position gave Anon a tantalizing look at the mare’s tush and back, both rather shapely, given her age. He looked up, just as he heard her clear her throat, and froze. At some point, she’d taken note of the attention, and decided to let him know he’d been caught. “Well,” May began, hopping back down, “I see someone’s feeling well this morning.” Though she came off as being collected, her pulse was racing. It had been quite some time since a stallion had given her that sort of look. Now, she couldn’t be one hundred percent sure he’d actually been ogling her behind, but it sure looked like he had been. Having retrieved a second coffee mug, she proceeded to the percolator bubbling on the oven range. “S...sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude,” Anon grumbled, plodding over to the table to have a seat. As close as they’d grown, despite her being a different species, he didn’t view her as an animal in the slightest. She was a grown, capable, and independant woman, regardless of what she looked like. As such, he’d come to respect her dearly, both as a friend and a roommate. Silently, May poured them each a steaming cup of java, while she digested the unexpected turn of events. If Anon really was interested in her, physically, it may be worth exploring. She had grown increasingly comfortable with the man, so she saw little reason not to explore how he viewed her. “Anon, could you come help me for a moment?” Mayor Mare humbly asked. As a simple earth pony, carrying two mugs would be a bit tricky, and she saw no reason he couldn’t help himself. As the man approached, and leaned over to take his mug, she gently placed her hoof over his hand. Through all her life, she had learned that the direct approach was often the best option, so she acted accordingly. “D...do you really find me attractive?” May murmured, refusing to look him in the eye. It wasn’t that she would actually mind, if he did — in fact, quite the opposite. Over the last few years, she’d tried her hoof at the dating game, and always seemed to find herself lacking. Heck, she’d even gone to Manehatten for a singles’ mixer a few months ago, but nothing had come of it. Everypony only saw her as what she was; the mayor, and little more. Anon was different though — as far from ponykind as possible — so she may have a chance with him. “I…” Anon started, taking a second to formulate a response. The question had caught him woefully off-guard, especially since he’d only known her for a relatively short period of time. He couldn’t deny that he had found himself more and more interested her. She was sweet, doting, and deeply cared for her citizens, all traits he found admirable, but something else had been gnawing at him. Thought it was subtle, he’d actually noticed that he was increasingly captivated by her. Be damned if he could explain his reluctance to act on it, yet he’d been hesitant all the same. With his lack of reply, Mayor Mare disengaged. She laughed, removing her hoof from his hand, as she moved towards the table. “It’s alright, I was just joking,” she chuckled, attempting to defuse the awkward situation. What was she thinking, asking something so brazen? She was old — older than a great many mares in Ponyville. Why would Anon, a strapping young man, find any interest in her? “I do…” Anon blurted, turning to face her and causing her to freeze. “You’re a wonderful woman and, to be honest, I can’t understand how you’ve stayed single for this long,” he added. To hell with it, if he was going to be stuck in Equestria, he may as well be genuine with himself and with her. She’d stuck her neck out for him, given him a home, and was the only pony brave enough to come to greet him, upon his arrival, so she deserved a sincere answer. Shakily, May set her coffee on the table. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him, not because she was afraid he was lying, but because she was afraid he might actually be telling the truth. “Y...you’re joking…” she sputtered, unwilling or unable to turn around. He couldn’t really mean it, could he? Silently, Anon strode to her side and knelt. “No, no I’m not,” he muttered. Gently, he placed his hand on her cheek, and turned her to face him. “You’re a beautiful young woman, and anyone would be lucky to be with you,” he added, smiling sheepishly at her. “Even you?” May countered, her voice catching in her throat. As much as she tried to fight it, tears welled up in her eyes. The question, while spontaneous, caused her to realize something: in his time with her, she’d grown deeply attached to the man. More than a coworker, more than a friend, she realized she savored her time with him. Having him around, and helping him adjust to his new life, had been deeply rewarding for her; add to that the fact he reciprocated her appreciation, and she was quickly growing attached. “Especially me,” he unquestioningly replied, running his fingers through her snow white mane. As the admission passed his lips, their eyes met. Their world, in that moment, was one another. A man from a far off world, and a mare who had resigned herself to public service; each alone, in their own way, until that instant. Without a word, he leaned in and gave her a kiss. Feeling the man’s lips meet her own, something within Mayor Mare broke. It was like a piece of a puzzle falling into place, a piece which had been left wanting for so long that she’d nearly forgotten about it entirely. The floodgates opened, and tears streamed down her face, as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck; but he wasn’t done yet. Pulling away, Anon softly wiped May’s face. “I’m not sure if this will work, but I’d love to be with you. I couldn’t think of a more lovely mare to be with,” he whispered, struggling to maintain his composure. May leapt forward, tackling Anon to his back, as she locked lips with him once again. His coffee cup clattered to the floor, spilling its steamy contents, as the their bodies collided. Her heart was a maelstrom of emotions; joy of their confession for one another, fear for what may come, anger at herself for waiting so long to speak with him, but most of all, hope shined through it all. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly, as they kissed. He was giving her what she wanted, what she needed, for such a long time, and she couldn’t be more thankful. Holding her head with one hand, and her back with the other, Anon’s tongue warred with May’s. It was a focal point for them both, the magical instant where two beings discover happiness with each other. Even if it was fleeting, or if it really didn’t work out, that moment was theirs and theirs alone. The passion of their embrace was beyond reproach, as the man held the mare. Carefully, after freeing one hand, he pushed himself up, while being careful to cradle her to his chest. Holding her tightly, he stood, as they continued to make out. Slowly, May’s affections were drawn lower, as she peppered kisses down his neck, over his collar, and to his chest. His hands crept to her rear, leaving his fingers to firmly wrap around one buttock. Her heart thundered within her chest, while their bodies slowly became intertwined. A single bead of nectar crept from her marehood, creeping past her entrance and between the globes of her rump. The sensation of moisture on Anon’s finger’s stoked the fires of his desire. It wasn’t until his erection was painfully tenting his pants that he noticed just how worked up he was getting. Steadily, he moved a digit to May’s pronounced lower lips. As he caressed her marehood, she sinfully lipped his nipple. Even though neither of them had begun their day with anything raunchy in mind, their passionate admission had resulted in a rather heated moment. The catharsis of being open, expressing how they felt for one another, had ignited something within them. This wasn’t some lustful display, no. This was the apex of passion. “Bedroom,” May breathed, feeling him toying with her entrance. Sweet Celestia, she hadn’t been this turned on in ages. Rocking gently in the man’s arms as he carried her to her room, she continued to quietly kiss and worship his chest. While she’d never been this close to him, she had to admit, he smelled quite lovely. His hide, while unfurred, was soft and warm against her cheek. In a matter of seconds, she found Anon’s movement slowing, as they entered her chamber. Carefully, Anon lowered May to the bed. Lying her supine, he hovered over her, kissing his way down her body. He’d never done it with a horse, so he was acting on instinct, but she certainly didn’t seem to mind the attention, given how she was contentedly humming. As he passed her waist, he paused and took a second to appreciate what he was about to get into. Velvety, darkly tanned flesh covered her meaty marehood. It didn’t look all that different from a human woman’s; at least, he thought it didn’t. As he leaned in, it opened slightly, allowing her clit to bulge forth. Caught by surprise, he looked up to her. “T...that just means I’m excited,” May cood, blushing slightly. She shouldn’t have expected a human would realize what winking was, but she was still a bit embarrassed. The position Anon had her in was somewhat odd, although not uncomfortable. One of the benefits of being on her back was that she could easily watch what he was doing, a stark contrast to the typical standing position of equine coitus. He shot her a devilish smile, as he brought his face to her loins. Any question of what he was intending was immediately dispelled, when he dragged his tongue through the silken folds of her marehood. May gasped, caught unprepared for his oral ministrations. While she’d read and heard about stallions eating out mares, she’d never been lucky enough to experience it herself, and the sensation was divine. Kneeling at the side of the bed, Anon wrapped his arms around May’s hind legs. Gradually, he pulled her to himself as he serviced her. The taste was interesting — slightly citrusy and salty, with a subtle, grassy undertone. As he lapped at her nethers, periodically caressing her clit with his nose, her thighs closed around his head. Her fur was delightfully warm and soft, and her smell was wonderful. Sensing movement, Anon found a hoof gingerly pressing the back of his head. “A...Anon,” May whimpered, pressing the man’s visage deeper into her loins. It was incredible, unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. The way his fingers caressed her hind legs, how his tongue teased and caressed her sex, and the deep, masculine hums he was making, it was all quickly becoming too much to bear. “I...I want you inside of me,” she pleaded, yearning to experience everything he had to offer. Her request caused Anon to slow, as his countenance appeared from betwixt her quivering thighs. Ponderously, Anon stood and undid his pants. Pulling the garment down his legs, his manhood sprang forth, standing proudly as a testament to his arousal. Thankfully, the bed’s height allowed him to assume a standing missionary style position, without much trouble. Holding May’s hip with one hand, and guiding his tool with the other, he tauntingly glid it over her her snatch. His teasing didn’t last long, considering he was aching to bury himself in her. Lining himself up with her entrance, he looked up. “Just tell me if it’s too much,” he quietly said. She nodded, signalling him to continue. As Anon pressed forward, allowing his member to penetrate her, May sighed. The shape, while slightly different from a stallion’s, was far from unpleasant. Granted, she’d only had a moment to appreciate a view of it, before it slipped inside of her; it had a rounded head, vascular shaft, and a girthy base. She winced slightly, as he bottomed out, kissing the entrance of her womb. Not only was he rather sizeable, but it’d been quite a while since she’d gotten any action. Mercifully, he took note of her discomfort, and gave her time to adjust. May’s marehood was surprisingly warm and juicy. Anon chuckled, as he was reminded of a childhood fairytale. Not too warm, not too snug, but just right. Resting within her confines, he gently caressed her belly. Yeah, he could definitely get used to the whole fur thing. While he gave her a moment, he admired her figure. Interestingly, it was the first time he took note of her bosoms. Two fleshy mounds adorned her lower abdomen, each with a lone teat. Allowing his hands to wander downward, he massaged them each, before delicately running his fingers over her nipples. May groaned in response, causing him to look upward. “So, are you ready?” he tenderly asked. She nodded, and Anon started to move. Steadily, Anon withdrew from May’s depths, before he plunged back inside. A throaty moan escaped her, as she looked up at him. Relaxing herself on his thrusts, while flexing her pelvic muscles on his backstrokes, she did what she could to reciprocate, but it wasn’t easy. Her body rocked gently, and her breasts swayed in tune with the impetus of his movements. It was lovely, and the sensation was heavenly, but she wanted more. Without a word, she waved him closer. Seeing the mayor motioning for him, Anon leaned in. Their position, along with the height of the bed, allowed him to do so without interrupting their lovemaking. Wrapping one hand around the back of her head, he locked lips with the mare, while continuing to rut her. Steadily, his thrusts increased in speed and force as he embraced her. As fate would have it, the past few weeks had all led to this moment. Two individuals, each alone in their own way, had stumbled across one another and found solace. Strange though it may seem, they gave each other something that they each desperately needed. “H...harder,” May whimpered, momentarily breaking their kiss. Immediately, Anon obliged her, pistoning himself with gusto into her sex. Clamping her hind legs around his hips, she bucked up to meet his thrusts. She was getting close, she could tell. The culmination of pleasure was welling up within her, inexorably building to a crescendo. Sneaking one hoof around his neck, their tongues intertwined. She could taste herself on him, the cloying and slightly sour taste of her nectar lingering within his mouth, yet it wasn’t disagreeable. Sensing himself teetering on the edge, Anon pulled away from her face. “I...I’m getting close,” he wheezed. His body was on autopilot, leaving him to jackhammer away at the pony beneath him. “Inside,” May mewled, desperate to feel her interior bathed in his seed. She was desperate, teetering on the brink of climactic release. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably, and her heart was racing a mile a minute, as she started into the oblivion of rapture. Suddenly, Anon hilted himself and grunted. Ever so slightly, her entrance expanded, as a torrent of cum surged through his manhood and into herself. The influx of his essence pushed her past the brink, and she climaxed with cataclysmic force. A scream of ecstasy escaped her, as she howled to the heavens in carnal bliss. May’s marehood seized around Anon’s cock, virtually milking every drop of sperm from his throbbing length. She writhed under him, adrift in a sea of pleasure, as he filled her. Panting, he brought his face to hers, passionately kissing her, as they rode out their orgasm together. After what felt like an eternity, they each pulled away and looked deeply into each other’s eyes. Panting, slick with sweat, and lost to post coitus stupor, they smiled at one another. Neither knew exactly what to say, having just breached the interspecies barrier for the first time, until May started to giggle. The laugh was infectious, causing Anon to laugh in turn. Whether through the sheer absurdity of the deed, the potent cocktail of neurochemicals, or both, they each found great amusement in the moment. “To think, an older mare like me could wrangle a young stud like yourself,” May tittered, still keenly aware of her partner’s manhood entombed within herself. “Honestly,” Anon began, leaning in and giving her a peck on the cheek, “I’m surprised a young guy, like me, could keep up with you!” As their laughter slowly died, their eyes met. Brushing the now exceptionally frazzled hair from her eyes, he gradually hauled himself from her confines. “Well, that does it,” he sternly proclaimed, scooping her up in his arms. “Does what?” May inquired, a bit confused by his statement. Glancing around, she realized they were headed towards the bathroom. While it was true they were in dire need of a shower, she hadn’t expected him to be such a gentleman. “Can’t have the mayor of Ponyville looking like a ragamuffin, now can we?” Anon countered, cocking an eyebrow and giving her a cheeky grin. “With a wonderful assistant like you keeping an eye on me, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” May remarked, hugging his neck. Though neither of them realized it, they’d found something truly special. Thus, it was the start of a wondrous and loving adventure between a mare and her man.