• Published 5th Mar 2019
  • 545 Views, 95 Comments

The Carnivore Council - CreativeOverflow

As the Everfree forest is cleared to make room for another new pony settlement, the current guardians of the forest are driven to confront their growing hunger.

  • ...

Chapter 6

An aching groan came from under the tiger's weight and Faolan slowly lifted the council's seal into view with a shaky paw. It took a moment for the tigress to recognise it, but she quickly took her paw off his head and stepped back.

"A thousand apologies, I didn’t know you were working with the council” She dipped her head in respect.

Faolan coughed and sat up. He spat a thick glob of blood onto the battle torn sod. “Next time, if you could stop and listen first, I’d very much appreciate it.” He scowled, wincing as he touched the deep gouges on his cheek.

The tigress coughed politely with her eyes averted. "Sorry, I thought you were trying to steal my kill."

Faolan slowly stood up, testing his limbs for sturdiness. He glanced at the pony who seemed to be stunned and cowering against the rock face. "Well I'm just glad I made it in time. She still seems to be all right... well, alive at least."

Remedy cradled her foreleg gingerly. Her mind stunned by the surreal scene. These two murderous monsters were having the most polite conversation just seconds after attempting to kill each other with desperate abandon.

"I'm sorry to take an easy kill from you in these trying times, " Faolan continued, "but this one is under the protection of the council, and none shall prey upon her. She is needed for the summit."

The tigress raised an eyebrow. "Why? What does the council need a tiny equus for, horse d'oeuvres?"

"I'm afraid I do not have the precise details, but I do know that Abidah has personally organised her participation and has decreed that no harm will come to her. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll be taking her back to our den. I expect you will find out more at the council summit."

The tigress gave a nod and with a small bow quietly slipped back into the forest.

Faolan watched her go. AS soon as she was out of site, he whipped his head around and glared angrily at the pony.

"Pony! Would you kindly pleeeease STOP running off and trying to get US BOTH KILLED!" He barked.

Remedy's nose wrinkled in furious offense and she rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Well I'm soooo sorry. I didn't want to have all the fun, so I thought I'd SHARE THE EXPERIENCE!" she shouted back

Faolan shook his head and chuckled morbidly.

"Seriously? Is suicide a common trait of your kind, or is it something you personally specialise in?"

"Suicide!?" Remedy squawked, "I'm trying to SURVIVE this horrid place. I JUST WANT TO GO HOME!"

"If you stop running off into the forest like some day old pup with its eyes still closed, then you will yet see your home again in two days time!"

"Ha, the words of a monster. Lies. You just want my life for yourself."

Faolan clenched his eyes shut and groaned in frustration. He rubbed his temple to stave off the growing pounding in his head.

"You stupid pony. I'm trying to PROTECT YOU!" he snapped.

"Oh, protect me? I see now," Remedy began in a patronising sing-song voice, "first, attacked by wolves. Escape. Then attacked by unreasonably enormous spider. Paralysed. Recaptured by wolves. Attacked by same wolves while defenselessly tied down. Barely escape. And now, attacked by a tiger, and low and behold, my heroic wolf captor comes to my 'rescue'. Oh how I swoon."

Remedy slathered enough sarcasm in her words to rival Aleena for toxicity.

Faolan sighed.

"Pony, look. I am sorry about the method of your capture, and I'm sorry about Marrock back at the den. I shouldn't have left you alone. But please, I AM trying to protect you, and in two days time, if you don't get yourself killed in the meantime, I will personally escort you back out of the forest. OK?"

"And what about the spiders and tigers"

Faolan waved a paw dismissively. "Oh no no no, they were your fault. I mean seriously, who just runs into Aleena's lair, or romps about at dusk on the eve of the council summit? No I accept no culpability for that."

"And yet with the same breath he claims himself a protector." she snorted. She held her head high and stared icy daggers at the wolf.

"You're still alive aren't you pony? Of all the creatures you've run into today, the wolves were the only ones not trying to kill you."

Remedy narrowed her gaze.

"Well... well except for Marrok, but he's a bit of a special case" Faolan conceded, fumbling for an excuse, "he doesn't count."

"Oh how convenient, so not ALL the wolves are trying to eat me. Just some."

"Argh! Pony! Would you stop being so unreasonable!"

"Unreasonable? UNREASONABLE! In what world is any of THIS reasonable!" She waved her good leg at... everything, "and if you call me pony one more time..."

Faolan snorted in lieu of the angry growl he really wanted to give. "Fine, what is your name?"

Remedy hushed him with a hoof to her lips. Then looking to either side as if spies could be listening she beckoned the wolf closer.

Faolan watched her in dead-eyed disbelief. He gave out a world weary sigh and slowly approached. He cocked an ear and tilted his head to listen as she leaned toward him to whisper.

"I don't understand what the big secret is, I only asked for your name, you're the one who..."

The crack of Remedy's fierce left hook echoed off the sheer rock face and frightened every nearby cicada into silence.

"MY NAME IS REMEDY, AND THAT'S FOR KIDNAPPING ME!" she screamed at the staggered wolf.

Faolan fell backwards clutching the side of head. His lips peeled into a fierce snarl and he growled. His cold blue eyes burned at Remedy, but she just returned her own fierce scowl in reply.

The two spent a tense moment staring before Faolan looked away. He took a deep breath and let the anger flow away.

He got back to his feet and with his eyes still closed, spoke in a careful measured tone.

"Fine, are you happy now?"

"Hardly. You're still standing." Remedy bit back.

Faolan tried to keep his voice low and calm. It was a taxing effort.

"Look. I know you don't trust me, and I can't let you go. But if you want to live, you need to listen to me and do as I say."

Remedy continued to stare defiantly, but otherwise bit her tongue.

"My name is Faolan, and I am the current Alpha of the Moonshadow clan. While I am your captor, I am also guide and protector."

Remedy simmered in quiet contemplation while she gently rubbed her aching leg. Faloan nodded at it.

"Can you walk?"

Remedy tenderly placed the leg down and put some weight on it, immediately wincing and limping, but the leg bore the weight reluctantly.

"Do you need help?" Faolan offered.

"Ha, more than you realise or can offer." Remedy retorted.

"Come with me, I'll take you to a stream nearby. You can clean up a bit."

"Oh. So you DO wash your food before you eat it."

Faolan sighed a sigh that stole a dozen years from his lifespan and silently cursed the Owl for assigning him to the defense of this relentlessly snarky creature.

"I only thought the cool water might soothe your injury but if you'd prefer, we can just go back to the den. Unless of course you'd prefer to sit here in the jungle darkness." he said wearily.

Remedy gave Faolan another dirty look but said nothing.

Faolan led her to a nearby stream. Remedy sighed with relief as the cool water ran over her sprained hock. Regular traffic had kept this part of the brook relatively free from the encroaching plant life, but amongst a small cluster of broken rocks that bordered the stream she noticed a bush of busy yellow flowers poking out.

"Imortelle?" she pondered.

Remedy dragged over a smooth flat river stone and plucked a few sprigs of the flower. Placing it on the stone, she ground it into a thick paste with another round stone. She scooped up a glob of the paste and rubbed it into her hock.

Faolan watched curiously, "what are you doing?"

"I'm applying medicine to my injury. It's what I do."

Remedy glanced at the wolf and studied the bloody wounds on his cheek, still weeping a little fresh blood. She winced at the ugly gashes.

"In fact, come here." she ordered, pointing to a spot within bucking range.

"What? This little thing? Oh no, that's not necessary." Faolan said, backing up a little.

"Oh stop being such a foal" Remedy rebuked, "I'm not going to hurt you... again... much. If those cuts get infected you won't have a face left, let alone any heroic scars to show off."

Faolan cautiously stepped forward and sat at the edge of the stream. "You're not going to hit me again? This isn't another trick?"

Remedy ignored his question and gently turned his head to the side with a hoof. Faolan only flinched a little and silently thanked the spirits that none of the pack was here to witness it.

"Tch, looks like someone hit you with a bucket of nails"

"And I'm not sure it was the tiger" said Faolan, still shy of her touch.

"Stop being such a crybaby" Remedy chided, "I barely touched you. Now hold still, this will sting a bit."

Remedy dipped her hoof into the yellow paste and smeared it into the cuts. Faolan pulled away immediately with a growl.

Remedy jerked her hoof back like he was going to bite it and berated him.

"Oh seriously. You just fought a tiger, and now you're afraid of me?"

"Well it hurts," Faolan whined, "besides, I know how to handle a tiger, I don't know what you're doing."

"It's a rudimentary oil of Immortelle. It will keep the wound clean and promote it's healing. I've used it plenty of times and on small fillies as well. So stop fussing and let me work. You want me to trust you? You can start by trusting me."

Faolan begrudgingly returned to his post. Remedy applied more balm to the wound, more gently this time. Faolan winced but didn't move or make a sound.

Remedy worked quickly and quietly and a peace descended on the pair with only the bubbling trickle of the brook breaking the silence.

"Um. Thanks, I guess, for saving me from the tiger." said Remedy hesitantly, "but I'm still mad at you for kidnapping me in the first place. "

She gave him a sharper prod with the final application of paste.


"And while you're still a killer and a monster, never let it be said I'm not grateful for a kindness."

"I'm sorry about our methods Remedy, but it would have been dangerous for us if you ran back to your home."

"Dangerous? For you?" Remedy scoffed.

"We know the forest, it was the safest way to ensure your capture. We couldn't just ask you until you received the gift."

Remedy opened her mouth to protest but paused. "Wait, the gift? Was that the spell that was cast on me by that big creepy owl?"

Faolan chuckled at her glib remark. "Yes, it's called the Gift of the Wild. All the inhabitants of the forest receive this gift soon after they're born. It is a powerful magic enchantment given by the great forest spirits. Since they don't leave the forest, you need to be within it to receive it. It is what allows us to speak."

"Is it permanent?" said Remedy, absently touching her throat.

"Yes, it is a powerful and ancient magic now woven into your very blood. It is a part you now. You are the first of your kind to receive the gift in nearly a thousand years."

"Wow, I guess I should be honored." said Remedy, though her furrowed brow betrayed she wasn't sure she was happy with anything being woven into her blood.

She shook the unsettling thought from her mind and refocused. "But that still doesn't explain WHY you brought me here?"

Remedy tested her leg. It ached, but most of the initial pain had dulled and she hated to admit it but the cool stream was a big help.

Faolan turned around and lead Remedy away.

"I don't know the specifics, but I was ordered by the council to obtain a pony alive for questioning at the summit to be held tomorrow night."


Faolan sighed and wondered if raising a litter of cubs would be easier than this ceaseless inquisition.

"Oh, that reminds me," he said, suddenly stopping and facing the slowly following mare, "I've also been ordered to give you this."

Faolan held out the small talisman he had used to pacify the tiger.

Remedy took the hoof-sized token and immediately scrunched her face in disgust. "Are these... teeth?"

Faolan nodded. "Each member tribe contributes to the construction of the Council's Seal. That makes it difficult to forge and lends to it's authenticity"

Remedy turned the savage icon over slowly. Three rough pieces of wood formed a simple shield shape with a piece of tanned skin stretched among the twigs. Sewn into it's face were three fangs from a lion, wolf and snake, and the ebony talon of an eagle. The whole assembly was sewn together with tight threads of white spiders silk. A matching silk ribbon provided a convenient necklace for the gruesome seal.

Faolan rolled his eyes at the perpetual and evolving look of disgust the council's seal was eliciting from Remedy. "It will give you immunity to being hunted by the carnivores in the forest. Keep it with you at all times and if you feel threatened, show it to your aggressor."

Remedy held the grim token at arms length as if it might actually bite her. "Then what's to stop me leaving for home right now with this magical amulet of monster immunity?"

"It's not magic besides, do you even know which way to go?" said Faolan as he turned to continue their walk.

"It is a symbol, and only protects you from the council member tribes. It won't help against monsters."

"There's a difference?" exclaimed remedy. She placed the token around her neck and hobbled after Faolan.

"We only hunt to survive. We are not evil or irrational." argued Faolan, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Tell that to the hunted." Remedy mumbled under her breath.

There was a brief moment of quiet before Faolan spoke, "Remedy. I can offer you no words that might convince you otherwise. I only hope that one day you might see for yourself that we are more than our menu."

Faolan gave another weary sigh before Remedy could reply, "Come on now, it will be night soon. We need to get back to the den."

It had been a long painful day, and he really didn't want to get into an argument over the ethics of predation to someone a thousand years divorced from the very concept. Fortunately in only a few more strides they rounded a bend in the path and broke into the clearing that surrounded the den. The two pups were playing outside while their harried mother tried to herd them inside. Several other wolves were laying around. As soon as they saw Remedy and Faolan approach, one of them loosed a long howl quickly joined by the others. The haunting drawn out chord soared over the distant treetops and received an echo a few seconds later.

Remedy jumped, startled by the loud noise and instinctively drew in close behind Faolan. She clutched at the seal dangling around her neck to make sure it was still there. They climbed the hill to the den entrance. Thankfully the other wolves kept their distance, but the way they naturally seemed to flank and take position behind her drew a deep primal dread out of her. She couldn't help but keep checking over her shoulder to make sure they were keeping their distance. They did. Almost as if they were just as cautious of her.

The den loomed above them. An ancient cave carved into the mountains face. The last embers of daylight were quickly scrambling up the top of the mountain and disappearing over it's peak. And there at the entrance, blacker than the shadow behind him, was Marrok. He stood and watched with burning yellow eyes.

"What's HIS problem?" Remedy whispered harshly.

"Ah, yes. Marrok. Best not to be alone with him. Seal or otherwise. Stay with me and you'll be fine."

Marrok snorted in disgust, then turned his back on them and stalked into the cave.

"Come, it will be dark soon. The nights can be quite chilly."

Faolan stepped forward into the mouth of the den.

"Wait," Remedy pleaded, "Please. I don't want to go in. It smells like death in there."

Faolan frowned then scanned the sky. "The sky is clear, there will be no rain. But it will be a cold night and we do not play with fire here."

Remedy shook her head defiantly. "I don't care. I'm not going inside."

Faolan sighed again, it was becoming a habit.

"At least come under the overhang. Your coats are not as thick as ours and I don't want you to survive everything you have, only to fall prey to dew and cold."

Remedy nodded, conceding.

"I'll stay with you" he added.

Faolan stretched out on the grass and Remedy sat beside him. They sat in silence as the sunset proceeded. They watched the last hues of twilight melt as the sun dipped behind the distant horizon. The sea of treetops were swallowed by the deep dark shadow of pre-night.

A tiny sob escaped Remedy and she wiped away some tears with a hoof.

The moon rose quickly as it usually did, taking its place just above the horizon. It bathed the land in a pale silver light. The trees, like players on a stage changing costumes, changed their hues. Where once their deep rich greens boasted an almost defiant quantity of life they were now ghostly and pale, all colour washed out. The sounds of the forest had also changed. The raucous din of exotic birds and incessant buzzing insects now replaced by a more respectful cadence of crickets and occasional hooting owl or squabbling bat.

As her eyes adjusted Remedy could also finally appreciate the full canvas of night and it's million tiny jewels that speckled the sky.

"It must be years since I last just sat and watched a moonrise." she said quietly, hoping conversation might stave off a growing melancholy, "and the stars do shine very brightly here."

"We have no unnatural light here. Only the moon and her stars mark the passage of night. Ours is a simple life, but these are the gifts afforded to those who let them shine."

"Well it's very beautiful, but I'm not giving up warm baths, cooked food or a comfy bed for it. It IS beginning to get chilly out here." said Remedy, her tone defiant but her wavering voice betrayed the tattered fraying seams of her courage. A shiver ran down her back as the chilling night air stole the warmth from her body.

Faolan sighed, again. With a small shuffle he pressed the side of his body against hers. Remedy recoiled immediately at the contact. "What are you doing?" she accused.

"Two bodies are warmer than one." he said matter-of-fact. Then crossed his paws in front and laid down his head. His offer made.

Remedy watched him suspiciously for a moment and absently rubbed the chill from her shoulder. She looked away and slowly let her body relax against his thick coat. The immediate feeling of warmth that flowed across her back was a blessing, but it was embittered by the resentment of her dependence on it. She tucked her legs beneath her and settled down.

Around her the quiet chorus of crickets continued. Occasionally a branch rustled or a twig snapped in the undergrowth. Night though it was, the forest seemed to be more alive than ever. Faolan lay quietly. His breathing and heartbeat were relaxed and beat a slow and steady rhythm. Remedy tried to settle down, but every noise of the forest or glint of eye from the black Everfree kept her alert.

Her exhaustion demanded the redress of sleep, but fear would not allow its respite. The forest blurred as tears welled in her eyes and another broken sob shuddered from her body. Remedy began to cry quietly her waning strength no longer sufficient to keep her tears at bay.

"I want to go home." she whispered between choked breaths, "I can't even imagine what this is doing to my father and friends."

Faolan listened quietly to her broken sobs and frowned.

"Why all the tears? After all, despite the rough day, it had turned out all right didn't it?" he thought to himself.

He listened quietly as she cried. She didn't wail or make a fuss. They were soft and timid. He could feel the ragged shudders of her breath but her sobs were choked back as much as she could muster. These were private tears spilled involuntarily in public company.

Faolan hesitated, then spoke in a gentle quiet tone, "I am sorry for the trouble our actions have caused. If you will suffer us one more day and night, I will personally see you home. I promise. It's just that... we need you more right now."

Remedy sniffed as her tears slowly abated. "I don't have a choice, do I?"

Faolan lifted his head and gave her an apologetic smile. "Try to sleep. You are safe. I'm sure you will feel better in the morning."

Remedy wiped the damp from her cheeks and curled into a tight ball against his flank. The convulsions of her breathing slowed and stopped with a final shuddering sigh.

Faolan watched her, then did the same.

Author's Note: