• Published 5th Mar 2019
  • 545 Views, 95 Comments

The Carnivore Council - CreativeOverflow

As the Everfree forest is cleared to make room for another new pony settlement, the current guardians of the forest are driven to confront their growing hunger.

  • ...

Chapter 19

Diffuse sunlight streamed down from the broken canopy high above. Ancient trees hundreds of feet tall populated the woodland and the thick jungle of the forest had given way to mostly bare, leaf and needle litter, broken up by the occasional hardy shrub or stubborn fern.

“So we’ll have to call you Kerena Moonshadow from now on then?” Willow, a mottled tan wolf, walked with Kerena, as they slowly moved between the course timber columns.

“I suppose so,” said Kerena, chuckling to hide her unease.

“But are you sad you have to leave the Moonflower Order?” asked Willow.

“I will miss you all very much. But those are the rules of the order. And honestly, I think this is for the best.”

Willow hugged Kerena. “Now, you have to visit often. I want to see them as soon as they arrive.”

Kerena smiled sadly. “You will probably be back at the Moonflower Glen by then. That would be a bit too far to travel.”

“Oooh, I’m going to miss you so much but I am so happy for you. Maybe even a little jealous.”

Another wolf with a grizzled grey coat ran by. “Nyoka is coming and he’s brought two ponies. I’m going to get Ulrica.”

Willow and Kerena looked at each other. "Two ponies?"

Nyoka pushed through the thick forest foliage, and slipped into the relatively clear woodlands. Remedy and Sunny followed moments later, chasing after his tail, panting, and scrambling through the thick scrub. Nyoka didn’t care much for stock trails. His body just as effortlessly scaling rock and fallen timber. With no legs to get caught in branches, the need for clear paths over direct ones was not something that occurred to him.

“Here we are. Ulrica’s sojourn,” said Nyoka as his tail caught up behind him.

“She doesn’t live with the other wolves?” asked Remedy, wheezing to catch her breath. Sunny panted beside her.

“No, she was only staying here while visiting for the Council Summit last month. Recent events have led to an extended stay. Normally she lives in the Moonflower Glen, many days travel from here.”

A pristine white wolf emerged from over the crest. A tan wolf standing beside her.

Sunny forgot her exhaustion and quickly took refuge behind Remedy. “Oh, look at that one, she’s as white as fresh snow.”

“That’s Kerena.” Remedy waved at the pair of wolves.

Kerena and Willow quickly ran down the slope, stopping to offer a bow to the Regent of Reptiles. “Nyoka, it is good to see you again. Ulrica will be along very shortly.”

The great serpent gave a slow nod, then gathered his coils beneath him to rest.

Remedy pulled back the hood on her head.

“Remedy! You’re back? And are those...” Kerena trailed off in mute astonishment.

Nyoka chuckled, making his coils wobble. “Indeed, they are the Raiments of Aleena. It seems our pony friends have quite charmed the broodmother.”

“I’m impressed,” said Kerena, struggling to find even so many words.

Remedy blushed, “I didn’t know it was such a big deal at the time. This is Sunny, she’s accompanying me on my travels.”

Remedy stepped sideways to reveal Sunny, but Sunny countered by shying behind her again.

Remedy frowned and lent in to whisper, “Are you ok?”

“I’ll be ok. I won’t panic. I’m just… wary… of wolves. I-Is this Faolan’s Kerena?” Sunny asked, her own voice now a whisper.

“Yeah. Don’t worry she’s really nice.” Remedy smiled reassuringly.

Turning back to face the now curious wolves, she said “You’ll have to forgive my friend’s shyness. She’s a little terrified of, well, mostly everything in here, but she travelled with me and Faolan–” Remedy smiled apologetically “–So, she’s a little extra cautious around wolves.”

Kerena smiled gently. “It’s ok. This is a pretty new experience for all of us.”

“You can tell her she’s really pretty,” Sunny offered.

Kerena blushed.

“She can understand you, Sunny. They all can.”

Sunny shied further back behind Remedy. “Oh. Well, you’re really pretty then, I love your coat.”

Kerena smirked. “Thank you. I’d return the compliment, but I can’t really see you back there and under your cloak.”

Remedy snickered. “She says thank you.”

Willow bit her lip, staring at the shy cowering pony. “Oh they’re so adorable when they play coy like that, I could just eat her up.”

Remedy gave a small whinny of alarm.

“Willow!” Kerena hissed, and jabbed her thoughtless friend.

“Ow, OH Spirits! I meant that in a totally non-digestive way,” Willow whimpered, waving her paws frantically.

Kerena groaned and covered her face in embarrassment.

“What did she say?” asked Sunny, curious of the energetic pantomime.

Remedy laughed nervously. “Oh, um, she thinks you’re… cute?”

Sunny raised an eyebrow, and eyed the canines suspiciously.

Kerena groaned at Willow, her face still covered with an embarrassed paw. “Do you think you could see where Ulrica is?”

Willow chuckled nervously, “Ah-ha yeah, that’s probably for the best.” Willow gave the ponies a friendly nod and scampered back up over the hill.

“Please forgive her, she means well. We’re all not very used to speaking with herbivores, and some are not quite as mindful of what they say as others.”

Remedy chuckled. “It’s ok. I know what it’s like to have a friend like that.” She bumped Sunny with her hip.

Sunny scowled and grumbled, “I may not speak wolf, but I know when you’re making fun of me.”

Remedy and Kerena laughed.

“She’s coming!” Willow barked from the top of the Hill.

“Ok, Sunny, we’re about to meet Ulrica. She’s a wolf too of course, but she’s really nice. So don’t freak out ok.”

“I know. I said I’m feeling better now. I was just surprised by that giant spider, and then the giant lion, then the giant snake” – Sunny trailed off in sudden contemplation. – “Remedy? By any chance is Ulrica a giant…”

The giant marked face of Ulrica rose over the crest.

Sunny cowered behind Remedy again, whimpering. “Wolf.”

Remedy pressed her weight against Sunny to comfort her.

Ulrica descended the hill in a few long strides.

“Remedy? What are you doing back in the forest. I wasn’t aware another audience was being arranged?”

Ulrica cast a querying glance at Nyoka who had comfortably settled in a sunnier part of the enclave to watch the exchange, but he didn’t bother to offer an explanation.

Remedy bowed as Ulrica approached.

“Please, there’s no need for that. You will always be our honoured guest.” Ulrica extended a paw to lift her head.

“It’s good to see you again Ulrica.” Remedy smiled warmly.

“I’m glad you’ve decided to visit. After your trip with Faolan I was worried. I hope you’ve been met with the utmost hospitality.”

“Thanks, it’s certainly been exciting.”

Ulrica raised an eyebrow at the cowering yellow lump hiding behind Remedy’s tail. “And who’s your friend?”

“Oh, this is Sunny Days. A friend of mine. She’s helping escort me through the forest.” Remedy stepped sideways again as she introduced the shy mare. Sunny countered.

“It’s nice to meet you. A friend of Remedy’s is a friend of ours.”

Sunny peeked from under her robes nervously.

“I have to ask, are you wearing what I think you’re wearing?”

Remedy blushed again. “Hehe, yeah. Aleena gave them to us.”

Ulrica sat upright and raised an eyebrow. She glanced at Nyoka. He nodded.

“Well, I am impressed. They are beautiful and unique so make sure you treasure them. Have you come to the forest to look for Faolan?”

Remedy shuffled uncomfortably. “Not quite. I’m actually here as a representative of Princess Celestia. I come with a gift to start negotiations again.”

“Really? Strange, I didn’t think Celestia was one to second guess herself.”

“Please, I know you know about the army outside the forest. If things keep going as they are… I’ve brought a gift. It’s for all the Council. I’ve already spoken with the other’s except Abidah. If we have a chance at peace. I really think we should take it.”

Ulrica smiled warmly. “So another council meeting then? How could I refuse, especially to Aleena’s chosen.”

“Thank you. I hope you’ll love it.”

“I assume you want to go see Faolan as well?”

Remedy smiled sadly. “It would be rude not to.”

“Well your timing couldn’t be more opportune. I need to speak with Nyoka and it’ll take a little while to get my retinue ready, but I can meet you at the Council Hollow. In the meantime, Kerena, can you please escort them to the Moonshadow den?”

Kerena gave a respectful bow. “It would be my pleasure.”

“I look forward to your address this evening, Remedy. The spectacle is a welcome reprieve from this oppressive state of affairs.”

“I’m excited as well. I can’t wait to see what it is.”

Ulrica raised an eyebrow.

Kerena stepped close to Ulrica. “Are you sure this is for the best? I’m sorry I broke the pledge. I didn’t really plan for all this.”

Ulrica smiled at the young wolf. “The best things in life seldom are. You are not the first to fall out of the enclave, but you have been blessed with a beautiful burden and wonderful new purpose. You have been a most loyal servant; you will be missed and you are always welcome to visit. Go now, and let tomorrow worry about itself.”

The giant wolf wrapped her oversized paw around the young wolf, and hugged her close, whispering, “Besides, you have excellent taste.”

The two broke contact and Kerena ran to take the lead again in front of the two ponies. She sniffed back a tear and took a deep breath. “Well let’s get going then. It’s not too far.”

They followed. Remedy gave Kerena a concerned look. “Uh, is everything ok?”

Kerena looked away, quickly wiping another tear. “Oh I’m sorry. Don’t worry about me. I’m just a little anxious.”

“Was it something to do with back there? It seemed very emotional.”

Kerena sighed deeply. “I’m no longer permitted to stay in Ulrica’s enclave.“

A wistful memory played across her mind and she gave a sad little smile. “The Order of the Sacred Moonflower; the shadow blooms with intoxicating beauty, both alluring and deadly. It is a dream and high honor for any girl. Only females are allowed in the order, but there are strict rules.”

“What happened?”

Kerena chuckled. “What happened? I don’t really know. I guess if you have to sum it up in a word… Faolan.”

Remedy gasped. ”Wait, they kicked you out of home because you got a boyfriend?”

“Whoa what? She got kicked out of home because she got a boyfriend?” Sunny repeated, her ears perking up, and her sullen manner inflamed by the whiff of scandal.

Kerena tried to stave off the rising Hysteria with a quick shake of her head. “No, not quite. Members of the order occasionally have romantic relationships, though they are not encouraged. Under Ulrica, we wield the greatest authority among the wolf tribes. We mediate in disputes, keep order, and act as enforcers. But the cost for such power, we are to remain unattached and work selflessly for the good of all the wolf tribes. Sometimes a member will become romantically involved, but usually they choose to reconcile with the order and remain.”

“So you didn’t want to reconcile?”

“The order has been my life. Ever since I was a pup, I held no interest other than to serve. It has been my family for most of my life and it has been wonderful.”

“So, why didn’t you reconcile then?”

Kerena gave a resigned chuckle. “I’m afraid that path is no longer open to me.” She hesitated, a small blush colouring her cheeks. “The order strictly forbids a dam from membership.”

Remedy knit her brow for a moment. “Wait! You’re pregnant!?”

Sunny had been walking alongside Remedy, only half following the conversation. Part in due to only having half a conversation to follow with, but mostly due to her chronic lack of attention span. But now like a bloodhound on the scent, her attention focused as sharp as a viper’s fang.

“Ooooh, who’s the sire?” she pried.

Remedy gave her a sharp jab in the shoulder with a scowl. “Who do you think!”

Kerena kept her eyes forward, her blush growing.

“Congratulations though, I’m so happy for you. And Faolan is really nice – as far as I can tell anyway. At least it’s not like it’s far to visit,” said Remedy.

Kerena smiled sadly. “Thanks, but unfortunately that was only a temporary camp set up for the Council meeting, and a temporarily extended stay. The Moonflower Glen where the order normally resides is many days walk from here, and the path is none too safe.”

“So the order’s only been here a couple of months then?”

Kerena nodded.

Sunny slowly traced the logic in her mind; an unfortunately loud process. “So you’ve only been here a couple months and now you’re pregnant?”

“Sunny!” Remedy shrieked.

“I-I was part of an advanced envoy sent to prepare for the rest of the order. I’ve been here longer than the rest,” Kerena blurted out, stumbling over her words.

“See Sunny, she’s been here longer than that! Don’t be rude.”

Remedy shuffled nervously as they continued to walk. “So... how much earlier did you arrive?”

Kerena stiffened, then looked away. “ … a month.”

“A month? Oh.”

Sunny’s lips curled into a frighteningly predatory grin. “So… Faolan must be quite the charmer then.”

Kerena by this stage was an almost alarming iridescent pink.

Remedy closed distance with the poor wolf. “Look, if you eat her, I’ll understand.”

Hungry jaws tore strips of red wet meat from a fresh kill with an industrious pace. The sounds of eating were noisy and manic. The hunting party responsible for the kill shared honour at the alpha’s table. Wolves on opposite sides worked in concert to tear the carcass apart, ribs cracking under their fervent ministrations.

Faolan, as the alpha, took the choicest parts, hungrily devouring the liver and other rich vital organs. Etiquette was not a priority at feeding time in a wolf’s den, generally it was first come first served. And this time was no exception.

A young wolf ran up to the feeding pack. His place was lower on the food chain and he would have to wait his turn. This didn’t stop his eyes from hungrily devouring the carcass in place of his stomach, and a small whimper of suppressed need escaped his lips.

Marrok snapped at the drooling pup. “What is it, boy! Don’t stand there mewling like a cat. It’s not your turn yet.”

The young wolf snapped to attention. “Oh right. Foalan!”

Faolan looked up at the wolf, but his jaws continued to work on stripping a flank of it’s meat.

The young wolf hopped nervously in place. “Ponies, two ponies accompanied by Kerena, they've been spotted heading here.”

Faolan tilted his head. “What? TWO ponies!?”

The young wolf’s nervous energy kept him from standing still. “Yes, and they’re almost here.”

Marrok smirked. “Go on then, see to your 'guests'.”

Faolan walked past. “Ah, save me some?”

Marrok chuckled humorlessly. Alpha or not, that was not an order likely to be remembered.

Faolan followed the young wolf out. Just inside the den, the rest of the clan hungrily waited their turns, including the two young pups and their mother.

“You did say two ponies right?” Faolan confirmed.

The young wolf nodded, his attention once more wandering back to the feasting inside.

The two young pups paused their scuffling to pay attention, mouthing the words ‘two ponies’ to each other in wide-eyed wonder. Their mother, instincts honed from having to look after the two rascal pups, immediately sensed impending disobedience. “Oh no, don’t you even think about it. You haven’t had your dinner yet. No running off!”

Before the two could mount a defence, she stepped one paw on each of their tails, pinning them in place with a yelp. “And I don’t want to hear one yip about it.”

Remedy recognised the path they now walked only too well. It was along here she was first brought, bound in vines. And along here she tried to escape only to immediately fall prey once more. A mounting unease grew. Just up ahead was the location of the start of the most recent chapter in her life, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that good or bad, more big changes were looming.

Sunny to the contrary was humming a happy little tune, oblivious to the growing tension. Her presence considerably more cheery after having been able to tease Kerena, and buoyed with the promise of being able to continue her teasing further at Faolan’s expense. She was the happiest Remedy had seen her since she entered the forest. Perhaps longer.

Kerena walked slightly ahead, thankful that the yellow one’s focus was elsewhere. Her own thoughts wrapped in deep contemplation of her own new future. A path she never would have expected a few short months ago. Indeed, in hindsight the whirlwind of romance and adventure was but a flurry in the scale of life, yet bore with it a lifetime of consequences. She shook her head from her brooding thoughts. What’s done is done. Learn what can be learned, and leave behind what cannot be undone. She took another deep breath, and lifted her head up high. Her life wasn’t over, just beginning another adventure and with Faolan by her side, it was still full of promise.

Kerena smiled. “Here we are. My new home.”

Around the final bend, the trio stepped into the clearing at the foot of the Moonshadow den.

Foalan came bounding down the hill to meet them. “Kerena! I knew you were coming today, but I didn’t think you were bringing guests.”

He looked past his snowy dam to the two gold-silk covered ponies. Remedy removed her hood first. Faolan smiled broadly, but his cheerful expression was met with shocked apprehension. Before he could speak, the second pony interrupted.

“Well, well, Casanova, haven’t you been a busy b…” Sunny removed her hood, but her mischievous taunt was cut short as terror gripped her heart and she defensively flared her wings, ready to take flight.

Faolan blinked “Sunny? And Remedy… what’s wrong is something the matter?”

Remedy quickly turned and held Sunny. Sunny stood, frozen horror was carved on her face and her wings trembled.

Remedy glanced back at Faolan. “Sorry…”

Faolan turned to Kerena pleading for an explanation. Kerena coughed nervously. She walked up beside Faolan, blocking him from view of the ponies. “Sorry, Faolan, it seems we have interrupted dinner.” She delicately touched her lips with a paw.

In his haste to greet them, he had completely forgotten to tidy himself up first. His muzzle was tainted dark crimson, wet with fresh blood and some chunkier remains still clung to the fur on his chin.

“Oh spirits. Ah-um. Right. Sorry. I’ll be right back.”

Faolan bolted back up to the den. Running past the two cubs now staring awestruck at the two ponies down the hill. They watched as the pink one helped the yellow one resettle it’s wings. The two cubs looked at each other and give a nod of bold new determination.

Mother wolf checked the meal situation. “Alright you two. Time for dinn…” The hassled dam looked down at her paws, now standing firmly on two pieces of vine about the thickness of a wolf’s tail, and the distinct absence of her offspring.

Remedy wrapped her forelegs over Sunny’s withers and whispered soothing intonations to her, brushing her mane out of her eyes. Kerena, stood at a distance to give her room. Sunny bowed her head and took deep steady breaths. She opened her eyes and smiled meekly.

“I’m sorry, Remedy, I guess I’m just not really cut out for this. I’m a lousy protector. I don’t know how you managed this all on your own. I think I would have died from fright alone.”

Remedy smiled warmly. “It was pretty terrifying at first, and they are carnivores. We can’t change that so they keep telling me. But as they also say there is more to them than their menu. You just have to find the common ground.”

“I don’t know if I can. They don’t talk like us, they don’t act like us. We’re just ponies. All pretty colours and cute smiles. They’re all teeth, and fangs, and claws, and blood and hunger…” she trailed off into a whimper.

A small whine got her attention. The two ponies turned to see a small wolf cub sitting with a pitiful forlorn expression. Large brown eyes pleaded for attention. Remedy raised an eyebrow. Sunny’s fears and concerns washed away in the limpid pools of the currently adorable cubs eyes.

The pup tipped his head ever so slightly to one side, in that way that only puppies can do. The effect was immediate. Sunny coo’ed and began to gush lavish attention upon him, scratching behind the ear, and telling him how cute he was.

Remedy stepped back beside an equally astonished Kerena. “When did they get so well behaved? He’s being practically adorable.”

Kerena gawked with a bemused smirk. “Uh? He’s never been this well behaved. In fact, he’s only become brattier the older he’s got.”

Several members of the pack, who’d finished their meal had taken position on the hill to watch the unusual spectacle.

Sunny continued to gush and swoon over the adorable pup, who was taking the frankly excessive display of affection with saintly levels of acceptance. Something that Remedy couldn’t help but be impressed by.

“I only wonder where his brother is, the two are never...“ Kerena continued. She leaned to the side. “Oh, clever boys.”

“What?” Remedy followed Kerena’s sight-line behind Sunny.

The other cub approached in a perfect predator stance. With his body low to the ground he skulked quickly and quietly, reaching Sunny’s tail in a few short seconds from the bushes he’d hidden in.

Remedy frowned. “Oh dear.”

What followed was a violation of personal space that gave Sunny newfound cause for introspection of her own clingy behaviour. Unfortunately, to her dismay, also found rather amusing by the crowd of onlookers.

The stalking pup found a momentary opening under the folds of her robe, and quickly took advantage. Sunny bolted upright with a squeak. The first pup which had been waiting patiently in the caress of the pony took his cue and in the blink of an eye, wriggled out of her frozen grip and under her robe.

Sunny shrieked as she jumped to her hooves. On either side, her robes bulged with the menace within. Two wings and two furry heads popped out of the wing slots in her robes. The pups with manic gleeful grins smeared all over their faces, banished all pretence of innocence as they struggled to hold onto the wings at the shoulder joints with their tiny paws. Forcing them to flare out.

“She’s GOT WINGS!” The pups shouted in unison.

Sunny squealed, shrieked and spun around, trying in vain to flap her wings. She tripped and fell, partially squashing a pup on the way down, but its reign of terror didn’t yield.

“Remedy! Help me!”

Remedy burst into laughter.

Sunny shrieked with laughter as the pups pinned her on her back. Their faces buried in the underside of her wings.

“Stahp it tickles. Staaaahp…” she howled.

Tears of exertion streamed down her face and she gasped for breath between great shrieks of laughter.

“Get off her, you little terrors!” Faolan shouted, returning freshly washed.

He grabbed the pups by the scruff of their necks and lightly tossed them, sending them rolling across the grass. Sunny gasped in gulps of precious air.

“I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” said Faolan, offering a paw to help her up.

Sunny rolled over and scrambled to her hooves, still gasping. “I’m ok, I just need a moment.”

Remedy walked over, struggling and failing to suppress a smirk. Sunny puffed out her cheeks in a pout.

“Some friend you were. There I was in the very jaws of death, and you stand there laughing.”

Remedy giggled, “Oh I’m sure you’ll survive.”

“And you two. Apologise now!” Faolan barked.

The two cubs sheepishly crept over.

“We’re sorry if we hurt you.”

“We only wanted to see your wings.”

Both cubs looked up, washed with guilt and sorrow. Sunny melted immediately. “Aww how could I be mad at you. You’re just like little colts. Playing a little game.”

A wicked glint twinkled in each cubs eye, and an insidious grin slid hidden beneath their mournful frowns. With crocodile tears in their eyes, they both tilted their heads, ever so slightly…

A quick swipe of two paws boxed their heads together. “Wipe those sorry little looks off your faces before I give you something to be sorry about.”

The glamour fell immediately and they spun around to face their mother. The she-wolf glared angrily at her offspring and they begin to sweat. Finally the pressure was too much and the fragile bond of brotherhood was broken.

“It was his idea, I was just following along. I wanted to stay with you,” one of them blurted out, pointing at his brother.

The other yipped in defence. “TRAITOR! You were the one who said we should use vines to escape!”

“But it was YOUR idea to use a distracting sneak attack!”

The two started shoving each other and tussling.

“ENOUGH!” she barked. “You get your sorry backsides into that den now or so help me, you won’t be able to sit for a week. NOW, GO!”

With a yelp, the two cubs scampered up the hill.

The dam sighed wearily. “I’m sorry Faolan. Some days I just don’t know what to do with them.”

She looked at Kerena. “I hope you find your experience less exhausting.”

She gave a weary nod to the ponies and climbed back towards the den.

Faolan smiled apologetically. Sunny stared for a moment then shrugged. “Kids, what can you do?”

“Well look at that, you’ve found something in common," Remedy chuckled. "You were a bratty kid, and they have bratty kids.”

“Hey!” Sunny protested with a pout. After a moment she shrugged again. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Faolan sighed with relief, “Come on, we have lots to talk about.”

Condensation beaded on the side of a tumbler of whisky. One of the droplets swelled too large and broke free of its tenuous hold, cascading down the glass in a tiny rivulet of water. Two large cubes of ice shifted and clinked against the glass.

The tumbler sat on a small round table before the ship’s porthole. In the distance beyond the window a white pegasus stallion glided down to the front door of the farm homestead. He looked around, no doubt concerned at the rather overwhelming presence of force in the vicinity, and knocked earnestly on the door.

The tumbler lifted away in the grip of a dark blue hoof.

Provender opened the door and greeted the newcomer with a wince. He exchanged a few unheard words of surprise. The pegasus gestured wildly to the surroundings in alarm. Provender heaved a great sigh, then stood to the side to let the pegasus enter his dwelling. The pegasus hesitated, eyeing the farmer suspiciously before he entered. The door closed behind them.

The tumbler returned a little emptier.

“Just put it there.” Peridot waved a hoof at the floor just inside the Dark Side of the Sun.

Two earth ponies set down a large crate. One of them offered Peridot a wooden clipboard and a pencil. Peri took both in a green telekinetic aura and quickly jotted down his signature. The delivery stallion tipped his hat and left.

Lazuli cocked his head and watched with considerable amusement as the unicorn awkwardly struggled with a crowbar on the lid of the crate with his hooves.

“Now there’s an odd sight. You, doing manual labour, with your own hooves. Pinch me I must be dreaming.”

Peridot rolled his eyes. “As flattered as I would be that I occupy your dreams, perchance you could make yourself useful for a change and help me instead of gawking.”

Lazuli leant back in his seat. “Oh I’m good. This is much more entertaining.”

Peridot scowled and tapped a large, angry, red symbol stamped on the box; a spiraled unicorn horn in a circle with a big cross through it. “You know very well my gifts lie in finesse, not brute force. Besides the contents do not react well to brute force magic.”

With a final ungainly heave, the nails on the crate yielded and the top creaked open. Inside the simple wooden crate was filled with small shards of dull, uncut orange gemstones.

“A little theory I’m working on. It requires these and a unicorn of specific talent.”

Lazuli smirked. “A unicorn like you I suppose?” He took a long sip of his whisky.

Behind him, through the window, the door to the homestead slammed open and the white pegasus galloped out, closely followed by Provender. The pegasus leapt into the sky, dedicated to a quick getaway, quickly followed by a lasso unleashed by the equally determined farmer.

“As a matter of fact, yes. But I need to get this crate into my workshop, I assume you’re still unwilling to help.”

Lazuli swirled his whisky and extended it in a mock toast. “I’m afraid I’m already completely swamped with my previous engagements.”

The lasso was true, and hit its mark. The white pegasus’ hind legs were caught fast and his ascent swiftly halted.

Peridot frowned.

“It’s actually true you know. I have party preparations to make.”

The pegasus reeled and bucked against the lasso, struggling to loose his hooves from the tight knot. But the farmer knew his trade too well, and was far stronger. He drew him in like a hooked fish.

“You know I need you sober tonight. I can’t have you flying sideways.”

The white pegasus, now grounded, silently screamed bloody murder as he was dragged unceremoniously back into the homestead, clawing at the ground and door frame with futility.

“Yes, yes. Work first, then party. You know, you underestimate me. Speaking of which – Ki! Great timing. Seems Peri here needs a strong hoof, and mine’s already occupied.”

The diminutive cream pony alighted the landing at the top of the spiral staircase and blinked at his sudden inclusion in an established conversation.

Peridot sighed. “Ki, can you help me move this crate to the lift please.”

Lazuli offered another toast with cheer. “Go for it ‘legs’”

Ki shot Lazuli a dangerous glare.

“Whoops, and that’s my cue to check the canapes. Have fun you two.” Lazuli fluttered off with his whisky glass, chuckling.

Peridot sighed again. “Sometimes I wonder if we really need his talents.”

Ki smirked.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Jay Tarrant for proof-reading.