• Published 5th Mar 2019
  • 545 Views, 95 Comments

The Carnivore Council - CreativeOverflow

As the Everfree forest is cleared to make room for another new pony settlement, the current guardians of the forest are driven to confront their growing hunger.

  • ...

Chapter 10

The brisk morning air brought with it the fresh promise of a new day. Remedy and Sunny were finishing preparations for their trip and double checking their saddlebags under the fussing attention of Provender.

“Yes, Dad. I’ve got plenty of food and water. Sheesh - you’d think I was going on an expedition into unexplored lands. We’re just going to Canterlot.”

“This is hardly a regular trip to Canterlot. Now, have you packed your blades?”

Remedy rolled her eyes. “Yes, Dad.”

“And have you put them somewhere you can access quickly... You know, in case of bandits and such?” Provender reasoned weakly.

“Wow, bandits. Really?”

Provender looked up from his inspection of the sickle shaped scabbard on her saddlebag. “Well, you know, just in case.”

Remedy groaned. “I’ll get Faolan before this gets anymore ridiculous” - she pointed an accusatory hoof at her father - “and you play nice.”

Remedy walked back into the shop. Provender looked to Sunny for confirmation that his fears were grounded. Sunny just shrugged.

“Morning, Sunny,” said Tradewind as he glided down in a tight circle. Arresting his descent with a final flap. Two slim saddlebags of his own were packed and strapped to his barrel. “And good morning Mr. Bale,” he said with a respectful nod.

Provender raised an eyebrow at the pegasus. “So you’re going on this little expedition as well?”

Tradewind smirked. “Not even you could stop me sir.”

“And do you know how to use those things?” Provender questioned, pointing to the pair of talon shaped blades mounted on a sprung hinge and strapped to the pegasus’ foreleg.

“Traditional wing blades are not suited for the long flights we merchant ponies travel, and we need to protect ourselves from bandits and pirates,” he explained.

“See, Sunny, bandits. That’s what I was saying,” exclaimed Provender.

Sunny giggled at him. Tradewind just looked confused.

“Trade?” Remedy stepped out of the shop front, her head cocked questioningly.

“Now, Remedy, I know I wasn’t invited, but Sunny told me what you’re doing and I’m going with you. No one is going to convince me otherwise.” Trade stood defiant; waiting to present his arguments.

Remedy smiled, “I’m not going to stop you. I’m glad you’re coming.”

“Hey hang on now. He can go but I can’t?” Provender protested.

Remedy glared a sidelong warning at her father. She noticed the deadly contraption on Trade’s forehoof and raised an eyebrow. “Though I’m not sure where you think we’re going. We’re going to Canterlot, not the dark heart of the forest. Wait, let me guess. Bandits?”

Tradewind smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

Remedy rolled her eyes. “Ugh, stallions and their swords.” She straightened her pose and struck a strict lecturing tone, addressing both the stallions. “All right both of you. I don’t want any fuss. Contain your enthusiasm. Trade, this is the first time you’ve met Faolan, so don’t panic. Okay?”

Tradewind smirked. “Remedy, I’m not some yearling foal.”

Remedy took a deep breath. “Okay, Faolan, you can come out now.”

From the relative dark of the shop, the silver alpha wolf emerged, wincing at the bright sunlight. Faolan stretched and rose to his full height. He stood easily as tall as Provender and bested him in length. The thick fur covering his body adding to his apparent bulk.

Tradewind took a hesitant step backwards. Provender held his ground with a distrustful glare.

“Well this is a warm reception.” Faolan mused.

“Everyone, this is Faolan, Alpha of the Moonshadow clan. We’re taking him to Canterlot to see the Princess. I want this to be a nice peaceful trip. He’s not some random monster, so he isn’t going to attack you all in your sleep. So let’s all play nice,” Remedy warned more than informed.

Tradewind gulped. “He’s a lot bigger than I thought. I was expecting something more dog sized.”

Curious, Sunny walked up to the wolf and gingerly patted him with a hoof. Faolan raised an eyebrow.

“Oooh,” Sunny cooed. Faolan stiffened when she suddenly glomped over him and began to rub the fur on his neck. “He’s so fluffy.”

A small concerned whine escaped Faolan and he shot Remedy a worried look; not quite sure of the appropriate etiquette in the current circumstance. Remedy carefully extracted the excitable pegasus. “Yes Sunny, he’s very fluffy, but let’s remember our talk about personal spaces ok.”

“Awww,” complained Sunny. A dejected pout trembled on her lip.

Remedy adjusted the weight of her Saddlebags. “Okay everypony, let’s get moving. We have to walk the whole way and it’s a two day hike.”

“I’m still not happy about this,” said Provender.

“What was it? ‘I know she is old enough to make her own decisions, and she has the strength to bear their consequences'?” said Remedy accusingly.

Provender sighed and kissed his daughter on the forehead. “Please be safe.”

“Don’t worry, it’s just Canterlot. What could go wrong?”

Sturdy fences lined the dirt road as they neared Ponyville. A flock of sheep grazed in the paddock and Faolan paused to stare at the sight. Such a flock would feed the pack for a long time. A bored half-lidded ewe stared back chewing on fresh grass. Faolan’s stomach grumbled. He absentmindedly licked his lips and swallowed back the saliva gathering in his mouth. The ewe’s eyes widened with some alarm.

“All right, we’re on the outskirts of Ponyville. We just need to run a few errands before we continue. It shouldn’t take long. Faolan, you’re going to need to wear this.”

Faolan trotted over then paused, frowning at the length of rope Remedy produced from her saddlebag. “That’s a rope, are you going to bind me?”

“Well, more of a leash,” Remedy conceded.

“Are you serious?”

“Don’t get picky with me. You tied me to a sled!”

Faolan rolled his eyes. “You were unconscious at the time. It was to stop you falling out.”

“Look, the leash isn’t to keep you under control. Celestia knows I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. But the leash will make other ponies in Ponyville feel safe. They won’t ask so many questions, and we’ll hopefully pass through without any drama. Needless to say, you’ll need to do the same thing in Canterlot. Better get used to it.” Remedy pointed to the council seal around her neck. “Think of it as a pony seal, with less teeth.”

Faolan grumbled under his breath, but submitted to having the rope looped around his neck.

Remedy looped the other end around her hoof a couple of times. “Alright everyone, you have your lists. Let’s make this quick, We’ll meet up on Canterlot road.”

Sunny and Tradewind took to the skies in search of their respective tasks.

Remedy gave the sullen wolf a friendly bump on the shoulder, “Oh cheer up, at least you’re not being hunted with pitchforks and torches.”

They entered into the fledgling village, a few ponies stood and stared at the giant dog that overshadowed its master, but no one said anything.

Faolan looked around curiously. This was the first time he’d even been near a pony village and it was quite a sight to behold. The ravens were right, the Ponies had all built homes and buildings clustered together. Many of the brightly coloured equines were now up and about tending to their early morning activities.

Faolan was growing wary of the continued staring of the ponies, and even some hushed whispering just out of earshot. Remedy led him across the main cobbled road to a small wooden shop near the center of town.

“Ok, first stop. I’ve got a delivery to make.” Remedy announced as she pushed open the door. The little bell gave a welcoming jingle.

Faolan squeezed in behind her, eager to see what the inside of a store looked like. Inside the store was crowded with narrow shelves containing many fragrant smelling vials and bottles of strange liquids. Faolan nosed his way around, taking in the many different pungent aromas. A simple wooden counter cordoned off the shop from the back room which was obscured by a simple curtain.

“Hello, anypony home?” Remedy called out.

“Coming, just a moment,” came the echo.

Faolan continued his perusal of the shops wears, letting his nose do the browsing. Balancing on his hind legs gave his nose access to the topmost shelves. The tinkling of glass was the first warning his curiosity was growing too aggressive. A tiny little vial on the top shelf teetered on the edge but a pink hoof stopped the vial just before it toppled.

“Faolan!” hissed Remedy, “do you mind!? This is pure Salt of Radiance. Do you know what that is?”

Faolan just licked his nose and shrugged.

“It’s used to violently enhance a unicorn’s magic. That means tiny amounts of it is used by very talented individuals to make fireworks, and the less talented to open cut mine. It does not take kindly to being knocked about. It is also outrageously expensive, as are many things here. So please don’t touch anything."

Faolan’s ears flattened at his scolding, his cheeks puffed in a pout.

A lanky stallion pushed through the curtains. He was tall for a pony, but gaunt and his mane was slicked back with enough grease to cure a squeaky wheel. He peered through a pair of spectacles that sat on the bridge of his nose surprised at the sight in his shop.

“REMEDY! You can’t have a pet in here. What if he eats something or contaminates my elixirs. It’s unhygienic.”

“Unhygienic!” Faolan snorted.

“Sorry Mr. Nostrum,” Remedy apologised. She turned to Faolan and whispered into his ear, “maybe it would be better if you waited outside. I’ll only be a few minutes.” She carefully pushed past the larger wolf and tugged on the leash leading him outside.

“Oh come on, I didn’t even break anything. And he said I was unhygienic!” whined Faolan. “Now I’m not allowed inside at all? You know, for a race that’s supposed to be the bastions of tolerance and harmony, you’re certainly rolling out the royal treatment here.”

Remedy ignored the wolf’s whining. Instead she lashed the end of his tether to a lamp post just outside the store.

“And now I’m tied to a pole. Great. You know if this gets back to the clan, I’ll be the laughing stock of all wolves everywhere.”

“Oh stop your whining,” Remedy huffed, “I’ll only be a minute, and if I recall correctly, your invitation to me was not exactly pleasant either.”

Faolan growled to himself and flopped onto the ground, his paws crossed in front and his head slumped over them.

Remedy sighed and rolled her eyes before entering back into the shop.

Faolan snorted at the ground, sending up a sad little puff of dust. Up ahead a cart filled with fruits and vegetable was parked on the side of the road, hawking its wares. The carts owner was currently engaged in a deep and interesting conversation with another unicorn mare. Movement from behind the cart caught Faolan’s attention and he raised an eyebrow.

Three small faces peered around the back legs of the gossiping mare.

Scarlet Dawn tapped on her hind leg. “Mother, isn’t that a wolf?”

The matron glanced at the sulking canine. “Don’t worry dear, there are no wolves here, it’s just a large dog,” she reassured before returning to her conversation with the stall owner.

“Go on, I dare you to pet it.” A bright eyed sky-blue pegasus colt egged on his elder sibling.

“I still think it’s a wolf,” pondered Scarlet, lost in thought.

“But Mother said it wasn’t. Besides it’s tied up,” urged the smallest of the trio, a mint coloured unicorn. She was curious to see what would happen, but too afraid to start anything herself.

“Maybe you’re just scared?” baited the colt.

Scarlet immediately snapped out of her silent contemplation. “If you’re not scared, you go pet it,” she countered.

“What!?” the young colt exclaimed, shocked that she would even suggest such an outlandish notion, “I’m not doing that. What if it’s a wolf?”

Scarlet huffed, annoyed at the colt's double standard, “Fine, I’ll go pet it. I’m not scared.”

The filly trotted out from cover, her hind legs suspended in a wheeled frame behind her. Faolan tracked the lame filly with his eyes as she wheeled her way over. She paused a short way from him and stood as tall as she could, puffing out her chest. Faolan lifted his head, mildly curious.

“You’re a wolf aren’t you?” declared Scarlet.

Faolan smirked. “The terror that would strike the hearts of all carnivores were the other members of your tribe so astute.”

The filly frowned and tilted her head sideways. She opened her mouth wide and slowly enunciated her words, exaggerating the vowels. “Caaan yooou uuuunderrstaand meee?”

Faolan frowned, “Kid, I can’t stand you at all.”

“I guess you can only growl and bark then. Maybe you’re just a bit of a stupid wolf? You’d have to be a stupid wolf to end up tied to a pole like this. The knot's not even tight.”

Faolan scowled and gave an indignant snort. “You know, creatures like you are normally the first to be eaten.”

“Well in any case, I’m not scared of you.”

“A foolish sentiment no doubt.”

“Can I pet you?”

“Can I eat you?”

“I’m going to pet you.”

“It’d only take one bite.”

The little filly crept up and stretched out her hoof. The soft pad of her hoof pressed against Faolan’s nose. After a pause she ran her hoof down his neck and stroked the fur.

“Now this is just embarrassing,” Faolan grumbled, as the filly was lost in the enchantment of his coat.

“He’s so fluffy!” Scarlet whispered in breathless wonder.

The other two foals had by this stage gathered enough of their own courage to approach and stared with wide eyed amazement at the audacious courage of their compatriot.

Cloud Bank crept up, partly to not let his courage be questioned, but mostly because of his own growing curiosity and tentatively tested the fur next to where Scarlet was still enamoured.

Faolan just stared, confused, with a raised eyebrow.

“Wow he really is,” Cloud Bank remarked. “Just like a big fluffy quilt.”

Faolan’s head stiffened as he stifled a yelp. He slowly turned his head around. The tiny mint coloured unicorn had snuck around during the distraction and had now crawled onto his back, emboldened by her friends.

“Look, he’s big enough to ride” she gasped.

She looked at the frowning wolf and smiled sheepishly.

“Okay, I think that’s enough of that,” Faolan grumbled and rose to his feet. The other two foals quickly backed away but the mint unicorn, having already committed herself, clung to his coat.

Faolan twisted his head to look at the mint pony still clinging on his back. With a deadpan expression he unceremoniously slumped onto his haunches. The mint coloured pony, still wearing a surprised expression, slowly slid off his back like molasses and rolled onto her back. The other two burst into laughter. Faolan also couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Do you think he’s eaten anypony?” the young colt asked excitedly.

“I don’t think he’d hurt a soul. He’s too fluffy,” Sugarmint swooned, trying to climb back onto his back.

Scarlet stared suspiciously at the wolf and tilted her head as if trying to look behind his eyes. “I dunno,” she said finally, “he may act it, but I still don’t think he’s a normal pet.”

“Maybe he’s just like the old stories?” Cloud Bank gasped, posing in front of the wolf. “A vicious predator stalking about eating naughty fillies and colts who don’t go to bed when told.”

Cloud Bank crouched in a menacing pose and Sugarmint wandered back to join them, her dreams of wolf climbing abandoned.

“In the dark shadows on the eve of nightmare night, they creep from the forest to seek out children who’ve lost their way,” Cloud narrated with theatrical oratory.

He wiggled under Faolan’s chin, wearing him like a prop. “And GASP! What’s this he’s spotted? Two little filly’s lost and alone,” the colt growled.

Scarlet smirked at the little act, but Sugarmint stared wide eyed, one hoof covering her mouth as she sat entranced by the story.

“But which will he eat first?” Cloud snarled, licking his lips for dramatic effect.

“Oh no, not meee.” a fearful whine escaped Sugarmint’s throat.

Scarlet placed two hooves on the back of the smaller unicorn. “Oh I think he will, you’re slower.”

With a shove she pushed the unicorn in front of Cloud Bank who immediately pounced.

Sugarmint shrieked and curled up into a ball on her back. Her front hooves clutching her tail for protection.

Scarlet laughed and cantered off, her cart in tow.

Cloud Bank groaned and rolled his eyes as he stood over the cowering filly. “Geez you’re hopeless. Don’t you know you have to run if you’re being chased?”

Faolan smiled at the children’s antics and a bittersweet memory played in his own mind.

Suddenly a loud scream filled the street followed by panicked shouting.


Up the hill a frantic stallion was in fierce pursuit of a runaway carnival stand careening down the steep hill that bordered the town at a dangerous pace. A smiling eagle clutching a corncob boldly emblazoned on the front.

The wagon bounced and swerved down the hill, glancing off shopfronts and benches as ponies screamed and dove out of the way. The cart barely managed to stay upright as it gained speed.

Scarlet yelped and immediately backpedalled, but in her panic she jack-knifed the clumsy cart and it toppled over. She tried to drag herself away with her front hooves. Her wooden cart scraped across the cobblestones, slowing her down. The shadow of the runaway food stand fell over her and she screamed.

A blur of silver flashed past and the prosthetic wheels were violently crushed to splinters under the weight of the murderous snack stand.

The wagon roared past, trailing a faint whiff of smoke and roasted corn before smashing into a lamppost, crumpling around the stubborn and now bent pole. Timber and corn flew everywhere before quiet settled on the wreckage, a single remaining wheel slowly turned from unspent momentum. With a crack and pop, the cart burst into flame. Several ponies rushed forward to put out the fire.

Faolan stood on the opposite side of the road, his leash digging in tight around his neck, its tether snapped and hanging limply. His jaws were stretched wide and wrapped around the filly’s barrel. A shocked Scarlet dangled in his mouth, her forehooves clutched to her chest, and her hind legs hanging limply.

Faolan paced back across the road to the two remaining foals who were holding each other in mute fear. A very frantic matron raced over.

“Scarlet! Are you alright?”

Faolan gently placed the filly on the ground, taking care not to tangle her back legs up.

Scarlet looked up at the matron with a stunned expression. Then, as the shock finally wore off, she burst into tears and buried her face in Faolan’s chest. The other two foals clamped onto Scarlet and cried too.

The matron with tears in her own eyes, knelt down and nuzzled the trio of foals who were now all nestled between Faolan’s paws. Faolan leaned down and gently nudged Scarlet with his nose.

She looked up at him with a tear streaked face and running nose. “You saved me.”

Faolan licked her cheek, wiping away her tears.

“Ewww.” She sniffed and wiped the slobber from her face, but her sobs gently broke into giggles.

Faolan repeated his act on the other two crying foals. Soon the three were laughing together again. The matron gently lifted Scarlet onto her back in a field of telekinesis, and gathered the other two by her side.

She turned to Faolan “I can’t thank you enough for saving my precious little Scarlet.”

The mare lifted her head to Remedy who was now standing behind and had watched the last moments of the scene unfurl. “Is he your dog?” the matron enquired.

“Er, yes? Sort of.” Remedy stammered.

“Thank you. You have obviously trained and raised him well. You are blessed to have such a special pet. Please, anytime, visit us at the orphanage. The children would love him, and I’m sure he’d love them to bits as well.”

“Haha, you have no idea,” Remedy chuckled darkly, “but thanks, I’m just glad she wasn’t hurt.”

“Come on everypony, let's go home.” said the Matron as she turned the foals away.

“Wait! I want to say goodbye,” Scarlet cried out, still hanging from the Matron’s back.

The older mare turned her side towards Faolan and Scarlet reached out to him.

Faolan smiled and gently nudged her hoof with his nose.

“Thank you, wolf. You saved me. I won’t forget you.”

The two parted and the mare walked off. Scarlet waving as she went.

Faolan watched tenderly as the small filly was carried away. His own eyes moist with the sweetness of the scene. Which immediately dried when his expression soured an instant later.

He glanced back at Remedy who was now sporting a smug devilish grin, and her hoof covered her mouth conspiratorially.

“That was really sweet Faolan.” Her honeyed words dripped saccharine. “Not only did you save that filly, but then you wiped away all their tears. You’re a real sweetheart aren’t you. I don’t think I can believe you are a bloodthirsty predator anymore. Must be all that excellent training of mine.”

Faolan snorted and stuck his nose high in the air. “Hrmph, I was merely comparing their flavours,” he said, then turned and walked away.

Remedy stifled a giggle, then burst into a loud cackle and followed after the retreating wolf.

A small group of ponies crowded around the wrecked food stall. The stall's owner surveyed the devastation and relayed all the details to a corpulent black and white moustached unicorn in a red tailed coat and top hat. His cutie mark - a multi coloured tent.

Author's Note:

Thanks again to Jay Tarrant for proof reading.