• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 2,416 Views, 75 Comments

My Final Destination - CountDerpy

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Breakdown and Mourning

Her world came rushing back. She bolted upright in her seat in a cold sweat, hear breath trying to keep time with her heart.

"You ok sugar cubes? You look paler than an albino pig in a hailstorm." Applejack whispered to her trying not to wake Octavia. Fluttershy had never been able to fully understand the way Applejack put things into perspective, but she didn't ques-

Wait a minute. This seems to familliar

"Uhh...yes...I-I'm fine." She looked at her friend still shaken from her dream, or at least she thought it was a dream.

"If you say so" Applejack turned back in her seat and started to yell at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

Ok,something isn't right here. I just...no..that was only a dream. I need to calm down and just enjoy the ride

She leaned back in her seat and a familiar pain shot through her as she nicked herself on the side of her chair. She immediately sat up and wiped the cut, the same blood pattern on her hoof as from her dream.

No, it can't be. That means that dream.....was real? She grabbed her headphones and turned her mp3 on listening as the heavy metal song changed pace and gave way to that same creepy song she heard before.

"...And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. These dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had...."

She screamed as she threw her headphones across the car as she bolted towards the door.

"Let me out! We have to get off this train!" She pulled on the emergency brake, keeping the train from going anywhere.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight screamed as she, Rainbow Dash and Applejack all pinned their friend down as she struggled to get away."What are you talking about!?"

"We have to get out of here. I-i saw the train crash and go off the rails. We all are going to die if we don't get out of here." She forced her way out from the death grip of her friends as she burst through the double glass doors of the car. She ran and hid behind a pole, holding onto it for dear life.

"Fluttershy!" She looked up as her friends rushed over to her. "What the hay, we have to go." They tried to pull the yellow pegasus away from the poll but her grip was to strong.

"No, we have to get everyone off the train or else they are going to die!" She looked to her friends, fearful tears streaming down her face as her looks were returned. Their faces mixed fear, concern and regretful disbelief.

Twilight looked to the other ponies with a sigh as more got off to see what the commotion was about. She walked over to the white unicorn with the blue hair and talked for a second before rushing back. "Okay,how about this. How about you, me, Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow dash go on foot. Vinyl here said that she can take the little ones back to town, and Rarity, Sweetie Belle and every pony else can take the train. We'll all meet up at the hotel."

Every head nodded in agreement except for Fluttershy's. "No, Twilight. If they get on that train they are going to die!"

"No pony is going to die!. Rarity we'll see you there okay?" Rarity nodded to her friend as she herded her sister into the train as the doors closed.

Fluttershy raced to the windows and banged on the sides as the cars began to roll away. "Rarity get off now!" All her efforts were in vain, the train sped along never to look back. She knew what was going to happen and she fell to the ground crying for the loss of her friend before it happened.

Twilight watched the train speed off down the tracks. "You see Fluttershy, nothing happened. Rarity and them are going to be fine." She sat beside her saddened friend stroking her mane, but to no avail.

"Twi, just let her be. She just needs some alone time." Applejack sighed, her country accent just as thick as ever.

"Yeah, she's right." Rainbow snapped " Great, now we have to walk to Los Pegasus just because Fluttershy here is afraid of the train. Come on lets get this over wi-" Her sentence was cut short as the sound of metal scraping against metal filled the air. Even from a mile away they could see the pile of twisted metal cars and the horrific pained screams of the ponies aboard.

"No....it can't....no!!!!!" Fluttershy screamed as tears flowed down her muzzle in streams, her cry's drowned out by the deafening roar of the explosion as the second train collided with the pile of cars. All the ponies stared in silence at the flaming rubble. Not a word was said, just looks of fear directed towards Fluttershy as she cried.

3 Days Later

Mayor Mare stepped down from the podium as the rain began to fall. She looked at the crowd of mourners as they began to disperse, only a few remaining behind walking to the coffins of their friends. Why, why must these innocent ponies have died in such a horrible way she thought as she walked back towards town.

Fluttershy sat motionless in front of Rarity and Sweetie Belle's coffins.Why she thought as she kicked the ground as hard as she could Why didn't I save them! I should have died on that train too. Why oh why!!. She sank to the ground, tears of anger and despair falling onto her friends still and lifeless face.

"F-fluttershy?" Twilight walked up to her placing a hoof on her shoulder, a black umbrella being held above the both of them. "I...I'm sorry I didn't believe you...I just.."

"No, don't be sorry Twilight. What's done is done, and we can't do anything about it. She walked on through the rain towards her cabin. No matter how hard her friends tried to comfort her and apologize, she felt nothing but sadness and guilt. She knew what was going to happen and she should have done more to stop it. She burst through the doors of her house, all her animals knew that she was sad and not a single peep was made. Even Angel's normally demanding attitude seem to lighten up, even if just for a moment or two.

Knock!Knock! "Fluttershy? Please open the door." Princess Celestia stood outside the door waiting in the pouring rain, but even if it was her....she wasn't going to open up. She dragged herself to her room, the knocking at the door growing ever fainter. Slamming the door to her room behind her, she crawled into her bed and grabbed a photo off her nightstand .It was a picture of her and Rarity at the spa one day a few weeks back.

I'm sorry Rarity. I'm sorry Sweetie Belle. I'm sorry I"m sorry I',m sorry! She closed her eyes and drifted off into the only place she seemed safe and happy anymore.

Her Dreams.....