• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 2,423 Views, 75 Comments

My Final Destination - CountDerpy

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Vacation and Premonition

It was easy to tell how uneasy she felt as she stepped into the train, the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. Fluttershy never truly liked riding the trains, or any vehicle of that sort. Especially since they replaced pony power with machines. The metal of the exterior made her seem so small in comparison, the ungodly sound the wheels made as they scraped along down the track was not pleasant for her sensitive ears. She was mostly just glad to be away from Angel for the week.

"Uhh...Twilight? I-is this the.....only way to get to Los Pegasus. I would much rather fly there...m-myself, if that's ok."

"Oh, Fluttershy." The lavender unicorn laughed as she trotted in behind her. "There is no safer way to travel in all of Equestria."

"Twilight's right," Rarity blurted out as she settled down into her seat," not only is it the safest way in all of Equestria, but also the most luxurious!"

"I-if you say so, but i still don't like it." She settled down in her seat next to an already fast asleep Octavia and a too far into her music Vinyl. She may not like the way they were getting there, but since it was her first time going to Los Pegasus and she was among friends, she might as well enjoy it.

"You ok sugar cubes? You look paler than an albino pig in a hailstorm." Applejack whispered to her trying not to wake Octavia. Fluttershy had never been able to fully understand the way Applejack put things into perspective, but she didn't question it.

"Yes I...umm.. I'm perfectly fine!" She laughed it off trying to hide her nervousness, smiling sweetly at her orange friend.

"If you say so." Applejack settled back into her seat trying to coral the ever so wild trio of weird fillies that were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle played around hanging from the baggage holders overhead as Scootaloo raced back and forth from one end of car 180 to the other.

Car 180? Why did this seem so strange to Fluttershy. She pondered on this for a while. This trip isn't going to be that bad, or at least i hope so. She thought to herself as she leaned back nicking her shoulder on the edge of her seat.

"Oww." She whispered as she slide forward wiping the blood off herself trying her hardest not to look at the dark red liquid. She cleaned it off and nestled back into her seat, carefully avoiding the jagged metal edge of her seat.

Oh I hope Angel and all the other little creatures are okay. No need to worry Fluttershy, you left them in perfectly good care with Shining Armor. This, with the exception of Spike and the little fillies, was an all-girls holiday. Everyone who could come with them did, even Trixie. Every pony in the car simply despised the stuck-up unicorn and all of her boastful antics, but it was Shining Armor's decision. At least she had her music and her friends to keep her company.

She slid her headphones on and pressed a button on her music player that she had gotten from Vinyl a few months earlier for her birthday. Even though she seemed the sweet and innocent pony to everyone else, she did love to rock out on occasions, and this was the perfect time for some death metal salvation. She clicked on the heaviest Deathklop song she could find and closed her eyes as the train lurched forward and started down the track.

No sooner than she had let out a sigh of relief an eerie static came through her headphones and the songs changed to one allot slower, yet surprisingly darker. Where did this song come from, I've never even heard it before!

"...And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. These dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had...." This song freaked her out, mostly just from hearing the sad and lonely drone of the piano. She immediately shut her music off and stared out the window, the words circulating like an angry bee in her head. The moving scenery of the darkened country side gave her a since of danger she just couldn't shake. She felt as if something terrible was about to happen to something or some pony.

She trotted up and nudge Twilight from her slumber. "Uhh...Twilight.... I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's ok Fluttershy," She shifted in her seat stretching to get her blood flowing," What's up?"

"Uhh...well... I just wanted to ask if.....if I can...you know....get off?" She backed away expecting an angry answer from her barely awake friend.

Twilight smiled. "Oh, Fluttershy. Just get some sleep and you'll wake when we get there ok?"

"O-ok, i-if you say so... I just get this...feeling that something....well...bad is going to happ-" The train gave a sudden lurch forward throwing most of the ponies from their seats.

"WHAT in the WORLD was THAT!?" Trixie snapped lifting herself from the floor of the train and shaking the dust out of her mane. "Who DARES wake the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE in such a BARBARIC manner!"

"I don't know, but i do know how hungry I am!" Pinkie gleefully stated head to the door leading to the dining cart. "I wonder what they are making up there? Oooh maybe it's cupcakes or something so scrumptious that no pony could ever re-"

The train launched forward slamming Pinkie through the doors of the car just as it began to slide off the tracks. As she tried to stand her hoof caught on the side of the car and dragged her out dangling inches from the tracks below.

"PINKIE!" Rarity screamed watching the bright pink mare struggle to try and free herself, a metal hook deep in her leg as the two cars came ever closer to touching as they barreled down the tracks. They could all hear screams of terror arising from the cars in front of their own.

Rarity stuck her head out the window to get a good look at her friend dangling ever so close to her demise. She climbed out as far as she could reaching a hoof down to her friend, the hook starting to rip through the flesh of Pinkie's hoof.

"Hold on Pinkie! Take my hoof!" She reached down as far as she could and brushed the coat of her panicked and forlorn friends hoof as the hooked ripped through the rest of her hoof and she disappeared under the car as it slid on. Rarity quickly rushed to the other side to make sure Pinkie was ok. Struggling to push the window open she watched in horror as an overturned car rushed at full speed towards the crippled pony as she painfully began to stand

She gave one final push on the window which immediately flung open and she rushed herself out the window getting jammed around her flank.

"PINKIE!" She screamed as the charging missile dragged the doomed pony beneath its jagged metal teeth. She barely had time to mutter a single solitary scream before silence.

"Rarity! Get back in here!" Spike yelled as the car began to flip hoisting the half exposed unicorn into the air as it barreled down the edge of the track. Rarity immediately started to wiggle, trying to loosen the small round windows grip on her body as the car skid off the rails sending a railroad spike through the roof and right into the back of Applejack's head. Blood dripped from the spire as her body tumbled around in the maelstrom occurring within the train.

Rarity had no idea what had happened to poor Applejack as the train raced towards another car. She screamed frantically for help as the ponies beneath her feet screamed louder than she. The only one not screaming was Fluttershy.

She stood there in shock, unable to move as all hell broke loose around her. After a few moments a suitcase slammed into her head bringing it back to reality. The other ponies raced around, most scared for their safety, other trying to save Rarity from meeting a similar fate as Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy rushed over to the group of ponies trying to pull their friend from the window as the car slammed into the next one, flipping over like a pancake. A piece of the railing stuck out from the second car, cleaving Rarity's head and forcing her through the window.

Everyone backed away as the fountain of blood began to pour out from her jugular. The only one that ran to her corpse was Spike. But no sooner as he reached the body did the back end explode outward,sending him flying into a pile of jagged rocks piercing his lungs and stopping is heart.

Fluttershy couldn't take anymore, she raced to the seat farthest away from everything and strapped herself in, Vinyl, Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom following suit. Scootaloo raced forward dodging the metal debris flying around. She stopped moving and looked up hearing a faint whistle as the engine block fell through the siding. The cooling fan caught hold of her hoof and dragged her into it before bursting out one side sending a gear straight through Octavia and forcing Trixie's heart through her head. All three fell dead. Ground, halved and heartless.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight started to race to the end and started to slow the train cars. Rainbow grabbed a rope and raced ahead to where the car barreled like a cannonball towards the entrance of a tunnel. She tied one end of the rope to a boulder on one side of the tunnels entrance and pulled it as tight as she could with the other as the train passed by flinging her into the middle of the track. Both her wings lay broken and bloodied. The rope caught the edge of a necklace Cadence was wearing and dragged her out, snapping her neck like a twig. Twilight started to charge a spell, the car going deeper and deeper into the cavernous tunnel. She let it out in one big burst forming a diamond made chain linked fence in front of them to slow the car.

The now mangled mess of a luxury car slammed into the fence and stopped, barely forcing Twilight forward. She turned her head in a sigh of relief and trotted back to the others.

"Are you all ok?" She said panting to the few remaining ponies strapped to their seats. They nodded in a simultaneous shake of their heads. She trotted over to the door that was in tact and began to open it.

"I'm going to get help." She turned her head around as a large wheel slammed into her and forced her into and through the fence. The other ponies screamed in terror. Fluttershy had lost it and was hyperventilating as she tried to calm down for everyone's sake.

"We're alive!" Vinyl screamed as she unhooked herself from her chair, but the festivities were over before they could begin as the eerie whine of a train whistle came from the other end of the tunnel. The ponies stared as the large engine charged at them, ramming right into Twilight's fence and exploded in a fireball that even a dragoon couldn't control.

As the fire reached Fluttershy after consuming the forms of the other ponies she let out one long primal scream and then.....