• Published 6th Feb 2019
  • 1,222 Views, 58 Comments

The Sibling Guardian - Night-Shade

A Pegasus colt tries to give the best life he can to his younger sisters while dealing with a permanently drunk and abusive mother.

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Shadow and his sisters joined the Crusaders and the apple family around their table. It was a bit cramped as they were so many but at least they all fit. Shadow was seated between Granny Smith who was at the head of the table with Big Mac next to him, Apple Bloom was sitting on Big Mac's far side. The twins and the other two Crusaders were on the other side of the table talking excitedly. Applejack was at the counter busy loading up and depositing their food on the table. Her empty seat was opposite Granny’s.

Applejack loaded the last dish onto the table and then sat down with a bright smile.

“Tuck in everypony.” said Granny Smith.

They all started loading food onto their plates and digging in. Granny and Big Mac noticed that the colt between them was keeping his eyes on the twins and only reached for the food once they had taken their own food and started eating. Granny frowned at this and again surveyed the thin colt on her right.

“Ya look a might peckish there little one, what ya waiting for?” said Granny Smith.

She spoke softly so only Shadow and Big Mac would be able to hear.

“The twins eat first missus Smith,” Shadow solemnly replied.

His resigned tone and the double message was not lost on the two grownups. He had decided to be as honest as he could to the apples even if it led to his removal from the town and his sisters’ lives. He would not yet divulge details of his home life if he could. If they asked him, he would try and divert their attention or say that he didn’t want to talk about it yet. He just hoped they accepted that and didn’t pry.

Both of the adults frowned at this and wanted to start questioning him but held their tongues as they saw the blissful look on his face as he started scarfing down the food on his plate. Granny Smith’s glanced at the twins and saw their still wide eyes as they took in the enormous amount of food on the table. Shadow made sure not to eat too fast, he didn't want to attract their attention to his hunger, but he just couldn’t help himself.

Granny reached over and ignored his small flinch as she stroked his mane a few times looked at him with kindness in her eyes. He forgot about his food as he stared into her eyes. Granny could could see a lot of pain behind those eyes but she could also see a fire that burned within them. She knew instinctively he would fight till his last breath to protect the ones he cared about.

Granny nodded at him with a kind smile and said, “Ya'll are welcome here any time. Ya will always find food and a home here. Ya just need to ask.”

Granny could see the start of tears in the thin colt’s eyes. He swallowed but kept them at bay so nopony else would see.

“Thank you, missus Smith. That really means a lot to me,” said Shadow.

“Family first young’un, that’s the Apple way. Now tell me why ya are so skinny and don’t have enough to eat. Don’t yer ma take care of y’all?” asked Granny Smith.

She spoke quietly so the foals and Applejack could not hear. Big Mac didn’t say anything as he slowly ate but he was listing to the conversation. The foals along with Applejack were excitedly talking about cutie marks. Shadow also made sure to keep his voice low so only the two adults next to him could hear.

Shadow used his magic to subtly direct their attention away from her last question and make the two adults only concentrate on what he said, he knew they would not forget asking about that mare, but the subtle usage of his magic would make them (falsely) remember that he gave an answer that was satisfactory and they would forget about it.

“I’m still too young to earn full wages so I can only work part-time and the pay is simply just not enough for all three of us, so they eat first,” explained Shadow.

Granny Smith looked sad for a moment but was broken out of her thoughts as Big Mac spoke for the first time.

“Where do ya work then?” asked Big Mac.

“I work the morning shift with Torque Wrench at his hardware shop. The next day I’m at the Hayseed restaurant washing the dishes just before the lunch rush. The next day I work the mill with Sea Saw. In the afternoons I’m working on some of the farms around town, mostly Carrot Top’s but sometime one of the others if they need another farm-hoof, and when nopony needs me at a farm I wash dishes in the restaurant till closing time,” Shadow explained.

Big Mac frowned as they heard his explanation. Granny also had a frown on her face, but it changed into a thoughtful expression as she reasoned out an idea in her head.

“All tha and ya still don’t get enough bits for food?” Big Mac asked incredulously.

“It’s only part time jobs and I’m not old enough for full wages. I’m also not old enough for the town guard so my cutie mark can't help me getting an apprenticeship,” Shadow explained again.

Big Mac shook his head in bafflement while Granny Smith was still looking thoughtful. Granny saw that Shadow’s plate was empty but he still looked hungry.

“If yer still hungry ya can take what ya want,” – Granny said gesturing to the rest of the food still on the table – “there is still a lot ah food there so fill yer boots.”

Shadow looked at her for a moment before he gave her a nod of thanks and piled his plate high with food again. They finished the rest of the meal in silence. As the last scraps were finished Granny leaned back and sighed contently. It was a good and enjoyable family dinner, it seems that they even had a few possible future members of family with them.

Granny liked this little colt a lot, he was respectful, well mannered and honest. Sure, he was a bit on the thin side but she made a vow to herself that she would help him get his strength back even if she had to force-feed him.

“Thank you for the lovely dinner missus Smith, Big Mac, Applejack. It was amazing and we really appreciate it,” said Shadow with a hoof gesture to the twins.

They both nodded and thanked the adults profusely.

Applejack smiled and said, “Aww shucks sugercubes, it was no trouble. Ahm real glad ya were here to share it with us.”

The adults all stood up and started clearing the table. The Crusaders dragged the twins into the living room and Apple Bloom took down a few board games for them to play from one of the shelves. Applejack soon joined them as Granny Smith told her that she, Big Mac and Shadow would clean the dishes. It was actually an excuse as she still wanted to talk to the thin colt.

Shadow was aware of this and made himself useful by starting to wash the dishes, he had to stand up on his hind hooves and brace himself on the counter-top with his chest to reach the sink with the plates. Big Mac saw this and silently shook his head. He walked up to the colt and reached a hoof around him and picked him up. Shadow softly yelped as he did not expect this and did not see it coming. Big Mac lifted him up onto the counter-top on the side where the dishes were dried.

Shadow made sure that no other sound escaped him after the yelp even as Bic Macs hoof was placed directly over his bruised ribs. It was painful as his weight, slight as it was, put pressure on his ribs. Shadow tensed up his whole body and made sure to not show that he was in pain.

“Ya can dry the plates, I’ll wash,” said Big Mac.

Shadow nodded once and waited for the first dish to come his way as Big Mac started washing. The pain finally faded and Shadow slowly relaxed his body so the two grownups would not see he was in pain. Granny Smith took this opportunity to tell them of her idea.

“How about ya come work this here farm with us?” asked Granny Smith.

Shadow and Big Mac’s heads both shot up to hers and stared, the plate Big Mac was about to give to Shadow fell back in the sink with a soft plop.

Granny chuckled and said, “We will pay ya full wage as is proper for a hired farm-hoof and it will include meals for ya and yer sisters when they come with ya.”

Shadow could only stand there with his mouth hanging open. Big Mac cocked his head with a thoughtful look on his face, but after a moment he nodded his head in approval and turned back to the dishes. Shadow was knocked out of his shock by a prod from the plate Big Mac had dropped earlier. Shadow wordlessly took the plate and started to dry it. After he had placed it on the drying rack, he looked back at Granny Smith and finally found his voice again.

“Are you sure about this missus Smith? I don’t wanna be a burden,” Shadow said with a soft emotional voice.

“Aww shoot sugercube, ya’ll are welcome here anytime. Ya are courting Scootaloo aint ya? Bloom will probably soon join in along with Sweetie Belle. So that makes ya family and I can’t help but approve ah ya. Yer a right decent colt,” said Granny Smith.

Shadow heard her mumbling something about being too skinny after she explained but ignored it. Big Mac was slowly nodding along with Granny Smith as she spoke. Shadow accepted another plate from Big Mac and silently dried it as he thought it over. It would be tricky, very tricky, working with the Bearer of Honesty. But if she doesn't start asking too many intrusive questions it may very well be better than what I've been doing. If I take the Apples up on this it will mean that the twins will be able to eat more, never mind having more bits on hoof for when they need something. It would be worth it just for the three full meals a day.

A few more plates passed through his hooves is silence as he thought. It was mostly quiet in the kitchen save for the soft sounds of dishes being washed and faint noise of the foals and Applejack playing in the living room. Granny Smith was quietly watching Shadow all through this as she sat by the table waiting for the plates to dry.

When the last plate had passed to Shadow and he had placed it on the drying rack he looked at Granny Smith and finally spoke.

“Thank you, missus Smith. I accept. When do I start?” said Shadow.

Granny Smith chuckled, gave him a fond smile and said, “Ya can start tomorrow if ya want. Ya probably should to go into town first and tell all them places ya worked at whats happening.”

Shadow nodded and said, “Yes, that would be proper, first thing tomorrow morning I’ll go to the mill and talk to Sea Saw, then swing by the restaurant. Torque Wrench won’t really say anything but I’ll stop by anyway and tell him. I will probably find Carrot Top at the market so I’ll tell her last.”

Granny Smith nodded as Shadow hopped down from the counter and sat next to her, she reached out and started stroking the thin colt’s mane and ignored his small flinch. After a few passes he started to lightly lean into her hoof and a small smile appeared on his face as he could feel the affection she had for him.

“Good. Now, ya will need to be here at daybreak to start, except tomorrow of course. Ya’ll gonna be joining us for breakfast in the mornings?” asked Granny Smith.

Granny Smith smirked as Shadow nervously fiddled with his hooves and looked away from her and opened his mouth to only close it again a few times.

“Ya and yer sisters are welcome to come for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday if ya want,” said Granny Smith.

Shadow looked up at her with hope shining in his eyes.

“Are you sure missus Smith?” asked Shadow.

“Sure as sugar sugercube, and ya can just call me granny,” said Granny Smith.

“Thank you granny!” Shadow said with veneration.

He was enjoying the affection Granny Smith was giving him and didn’t want her to stop, he had never received affection from anypony besides his sisters, but it just wasn't the same when it came from them. He hesitantly leaned into her side but almost flinched away as she reached her hoof over him and brought him into a hug. Is this what it feels like to have somepony care about you?

Shadow melted into the embrace and closed his eyes in content. Granny Smith hummed as she held the thin colt, she could feel him slightly shaking in her embrace and held him tighter. Shadow had never before felt such affection from anypony and could feel his eyes start to water. He stopped himself from outright bawling but could not stop a few tears as they slipped out.

Big Mac had stepped out of the kitchen as soon as the dishes were finished. Shadow heard him and Applejack talking about it being the foals bed time, the foals all groaned and started packing away their game. Shadow pulled away from Granny Smith and quickly wiped his eyes to remove any traces of tears.

Granny Smith smiled down at him and ruffled his mane, she noted that there was no flinch this time. She made her slow way to the living room with Shadow following behind her. The Crusaders and the twins were standing next to Applejack and Big Mac as they said goodnight. The twins came over to Shadow and gave him a goodnight hug.

“Sleep well,” was all that Shadow said to them.

Scootaloo also came over to him after the twins stepped back to thank Granny Smith for dinner again.

“Good night Shadow,” Scootaloo said softly as she gave him a nuzzle.

Shadow returned the nuzzle along with a soft kiss to the cheek. Scootaloo blushed bright red but smiled and leaned her head against his for a few seconds. Her friends and the adults tittering snapped her out of it and she felt flustered at the attention.

“Good night Scoots,” said Shadow, a soft smile on his face.

“Scoots huh? Only Rainbow and the Crusaders call me that,” – she saw Shadows face fall the tiniest amount at that – “but you are more than welcome to call me that,” said Scootaloo.

She then returned the kiss he had given her, only not on the cheek as he did to her, she kissed him full on the lips. Shadow eyes shot open in surprise but then he smiled softly and rested his head against hers. Their eyes closed as they enjoyed the close contact and content they felt.

The sound of her friends and Applejack aww’ing and Granny Smith cackling eventually intruded on them and they slowly drew away from each other.

“Alright ya lot, bed time, ya’ll have school tomorrow,” said Applejack.

Shadow looked out of the windows and saw that darkness has fallen. He waited until the foals had trooped up the stairs, sharing one last smile with the twins and a wink with Scootaloo, he then made his way to the door.

“Thank you again for dinner and the job granny,” Shadow said with a respectful head bow.

Applejack looked confused but Big Mac tilted his head to her and they walked into the kitchen to talk. Granny Smith smiled affectionately at the thin colt.

“Ya can stay the night if ya want, yer always welcome here,” said Granny Smith.

She gestured towards the couch and walked to a cupboard in the hall, took out a thick blanket and threw it over the couch, she also pulled out a thick pillow.

Shadow was unused to such kindness and felt his respect for the old mare increase even more. He slowly made his way over and hopped onto the couch and settled down. He looked up at the old green mare with sparkling eyes.

“Thank you! For everything granny,” said Shadow.

Granny Smith leaned over and kissed him on top of his head.

“Yer very welcome sonny,” said Granny Smith.

Granny Smith walked up the stairs to her own room as he watched silently. A few moments later Applejack and Big Mac left the kitchen and made the way to the stairs. Shadow watched them quietly from the couch. Big Mac nodded to him as he passed while Applejack gave him a smile.

He uneasily settled under the soft blanket and tried to relax on the comfortable couch. His wings gave him a bit of trouble to find a comfortable position, normally he wedged his lower half in the underside of his sisters’ bed to keep him upright and off of his sides. It was uncomfortably in the extreme but it was either that or painfully jolt himself awake by falling or pressing on one of his wings.

He finally got comfortable and soon fell asleep without any anxiety or fear for the first time in years.

Scootaloo jolted awake with her heart pounding. She had dreamed of her parents again, every few months she had that dream again. She sighed softly and stealthily made her way out of the pony pile she and her friends had fell asleep in. She hopped down onto the hard wood of Apple Bloom’s room. She looked back at the bed and saw that the twins had looks of content on their faces as they slept, they were tightly pressed against Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle enjoying the warmth of shared body heat.

Scootaloo shook herself out and softly made her way down the stairs to the kitchen for a glass of water. It was dark downstairs but she made do and chugged down a second glass of water. She sighed as she thought of her parents and what she had been told of them. She was just a year old when they died. She only had a few pictures of them that Vinyl had given her.

She shook her head and slowly made her way back to the stairs yawning softly. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she her the soft snort of somepony who was asleep. She looked over to the couch and saw a bulge in the blanket that was slowly moving up and down. She cocked her head to the side and walked closer. As she stopped next to the couch, she saw Shadow was sleeping on the couch, the moonlight shining through the windows was just enough to illuminate his face.

Scootaloo bit her lip as she looked back at the stairs then at Shadow again. She then decided it didn’t matter and moved the blanket and hopped onto the couch. She froze just before she could press her side into Shadow’s as she saw his eyes had opened.

“Scoots? That you?” Shadow asked tiredly.

“I… uh… I had a bad dream. Sorry, I’ll go back upstairs,” stammered Scootaloo.

She made to jump off the couch and go back upstairs but felt a hoof touch hers. She looked back at Shadow and saw him softly smiling at her. He opened his left wing for her and she immediately pressed her side up against him as she felt his wing settle over her. She heard his pained grunt even as he tried to suppress it. She laid her head next to his and snuggled into his soft fur. She also felt him nuzzle her cheek softly and reciprocated.

“You didn't have to, but thank you,” said Scootaloo.

“Anytime Scoots,” Shadow replied.

She fell asleep quickly, his warm side and his wing over her made her feel safe and content. She had a smile on her face even in her sleep.

Shadow looked at her smiling face and sighed in happiness. Putting his wing over her had hurt like Tartarus but it was well worth it to see her smile like that. He closed his eyes even as he felt her cheek pressed against his and fell asleep with a smile matching hers on his face.

Author's Note:

Please comment on the story and let me know what you think. I would really appreciate comments or questions and I’ll reply to any and all comments or questions as long as it doesn’t spoil anything. I will give a reason for not answering a question if it comes to that.