• Published 6th Feb 2019
  • 1,224 Views, 58 Comments

The Sibling Guardian - Night-Shade

A Pegasus colt tries to give the best life he can to his younger sisters while dealing with a permanently drunk and abusive mother.

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The Date

Scootaloo sat impatiently at her desk in the school house, listening to Cheerilee drone on and on about history that nopony would ever need to use.

She glanced over at her two best friends, Sweetie Belle was listening and taking careful notes. Apple Bloom was staring at the blackboard without really seeing anything, she was just as uninterested in history as Scootaloo was. She looked over at the twins, they were listening with half an ear to Cheerilee but most of their concentration were on each other as they stealthily passed notes to each other.

They were clearly plotting something and Scootaloo had a pretty good idea that it involved her and their brother. They had been oddly eager these past two days, it seemed as though they wanted their brother to make more of an effort to interact and make friends with other ponies.

She had come to the conclusion that he preferred to avoid other ponies except for his sisters. It was a bit strange though, ponies were tactile creatures. They needed to touch and be touched.

Short nuzzles were common for greeting others, longer nuzzles were more intimate and used for family only. Neck-hugs were more personal and were usually only used between couples. Kissing on the other hoof were only for special someponies, shared between herd members or for parents and their foals.

Scootaloo was used to constantly getting long nuzzles from Octavia and only a rare kiss, whereas Vinyl would give a kiss on the head every day before school. She knew Octavia loved her as her own but she had never been so open with her emotions as most ponies.

Shaking her head as she realized she was daydreaming she focused her attention back on the twins. They were glancing over at her every few seconds and would stifle a giggle every time. Having had enough of this she scowled at them with a raised eyebrow as they glanced at her again.

They instantly realized they were busted and tried to cover their scheming with innocent grins. Scootaloo only narrowed her eyes even more in response.

They looked guiltily down at their desks but before they could make another move Cheerilee spoke up.

“Alright my little ponies before you all head out to recess I would just like to tell you that I have rounded up everything you all had written within the last two days. This was to see if wing writing really is better than mouth- or hoof-writing. Windy, Clear, I must say that I am quite impressed at your wing-writing skill. I am currently busy putting all my findings into a presentation for princess Twilight. I will be going to her with this at first to see if she comes to the same conclusions I have before involving any pony from the Canterlot Education System. Now run along and go enjoy recess my little ponies,” Cheerilee finally finished her long-winded explanation.

Windy Skies nodded happily while Clear Breeze just smiled. The rush of giggling foals was music to Cheerilee’s ears as she watched them storm out of the school house and into the playground. She sat down at her desk unaware of the confrontation that would soon take place.

Shadow was sweating and in a lot of pain as his body burned. His injuries were restricting some of his movements but he hid them as best he could. He was busy hauling heavy planks of wood out of the wagon and carrying them into the hardware store. It seemed that Torque Wrench had bought a few more planks than he said they would need to restock. When asked he had simply said “just in case” and left it at that. He would need to go jump in the lake before he headed for his date with Scootaloo.

Shadow suddenly felt a hint of unease in his chest, he looked up and towards the school house. He had a bad feeling that something had happened with the twins. They are still in school. Cheerilee will sort it out, if it was something like a bully then I know Clear won’t take it sitting down, she’s a real spitfire when provoked. Pushing those thoughts out of his head he focused on his work again.

Scootaloo was sitting under the tree with her friends, all of them eating their lunch. She groaned when she heard the voice of the school bully ring out.

“Well well well. What do we have here? Two more worthless blank flanks who think they deserve attention,” Diamond Tiara then looked at the Crusaders with a smirk, “and do you three always associate yourselves with noponies? I mean really! You may have your cutie marks but you are all still as worthless as these blank flanks,” said Diamond Tiara.

The three Crusaders just rolled their eyes and ignored the bully as they started to talk with each other again. Clear frowned slightly at the bully but kept her silence. Windy’s expression on the other hoof turned furious.

Windy jumped to her hooves but before she could start to shout Sweetie Belle spoke, “Just ignore them. And Diamond what is your problem? You know as well as I do that they are still a bit too young to get their cutie marks. They could get them but it’s unlikely.”

Diamond Tiara’s just frowned as she harrumphed.

“Whatever losers!” Diamond turned to the twins and said, “You two just remember that I am the most important filly in the town and my dad is the richest pony in Ponyville.”

Windy raised an eyebrow and said, “So?”

Diamond looked bewildered for a moment but then she looked even angrier than before.

“That means that he owns this town and I can have you and your pathetic family thrown out of town today if I asked him to!” Diamond shouted.

All the foals in the vicinity had gathered around by now and were watching with uneasy expressions.

Windy just snorted and turned back to the tree with a flick of her tail, dismissing Diamond as if she was not worth listening to.

Diamond’s face was shocked for only a moment but then turned into rage. Diamond let loose a shrill scream and rushed at Windy intent on pushing her into the ground with a body shove and asserting her dominance over the smaller filly. Before any of the foals could react, it was over, but not like they were expecting.

Diamond Tiara was on her stomach with her legs spread out. Clear Breeze had one of her forehooves on Diamond’s knee and the other on the back of her neck. Clear’s expression was still calm as she pinned the bully on the ground.

“Try and touch my sister or any of my friends again and I will break your leg, understood?” Clear slowly said.

She had spoken loud enough for all the foals to hear. Diamond nodded rapidly in fear. Clear slowly stepped off of the bully and started back to the tree her friends were under. She looked over her shoulder and had the last word.

“Just so you know, you and your family hold no power over ours. Our mother” – she gestured with a foreleg to her sister – “is a retired Wonderbolt. Remember that before you try to mess with us again,” said Clear Breeze.

At this news all of the foals broke out in gasps and started to whisper among each other. Diamond had an even more fearful look on her face at this news than she had when Clear was standing on top of her.

It was common knowledge that the Wonderbolts were part of the Royal Guard. They were a separate unit and were stunt fliers first and foremost, but they still responded to any natural disasters or threats to Equestria as an advanced first response team. The ‘Bolts took such orders directly from the Princesses. Everypony knew that an attack on a royal guard was as good as to attack the princesses themselves.

Furthermore everypony knew that you do not mess with a retired Wonderbolt or their herd.

Diamond quickly trotted away, with her silver friend struggling to keep up, to the other side of the playground where they tried to make themselves invisible. The rest of the foals were still talking to each other about what just transpired. The five Crusaders started on their lunches again.

“That was so awesome!” exclaimed Scootaloo.

“I just hope you don’t get in trouble Clear,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Nah, even if somepony said anything to Miss Cheerilee we all saw what happened. We will back ya up and say Diamond started it,” said Apple Bloom.

Clear thanked her friends and went back to her juicy apple. They all started talking as if nothing happened for a few more minutes before Cheerilee called the foals in for the end of recess.

Shadow stood under the same old tree while he waited for school to end. He looked over where he had seen the Bearers yesterday and saw a very big red earth pony stallion standing there gazing patiently at the school house. He recognized him as Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Applejack’s brother. As if feeling his gaze, the big stallion looked over at Shadow and gave him a friendly nod. Shadow was a bit bewildered but gave him a respectful nod in return.

The big pony thought for a moment and then walked over. As Big Mac looked the colt over, he could see that he was very thin and looked half starved. He frowned but decided not to say anything about it.

“Ya the colt having a date with Scootaloo today?” the big pony rumbled.

Shadow replied with a nod of his head and said, “Yes sir.”

“Hmm, ya treat her right ya hear? Don’t be too surprised when all three Crusaders want a date. They have already decided to be a herd a while ago, they were already best friends but they got their cutie marks together. Just treat them right or ya will answer to me,” said Big Mac.

Shadow knew that the big red stallion had the reputation of being one of few words, he obviously cared about his sister and her friends a lot and was trying to look out for them.

With a small smirk on his face Shadow said, “Sibling threat received and accepted. You have my word that I would never hurt them and will protect them to the best of my abilities. If this becomes something more, I promise that I will do everything in my power to make them happy.”

Big Mac leaned down and stared into the colt’s eyes. He stared for a long five seconds trying to discern his honesty. Big Mac appeared to like what he saw, he hummed and stood back up with a nod.

“Ya have my approval,” Big Mac said.

Shadow smiled and said, “Thank you sir.”

“Eeyup, but just call me Big Mac,” was the only response he got.

The door of Sugar Cube Corner opened and Scootaloo walked in first with Shadow close behind her. There were a few other ponies sitting around by some of the tables eating and talking with friends or special someponies. There was even a herd of five at one table. A stallion with three mares and a newborn filly in one of the mother’s hooves. They all looked like a very happy family with smiles all around as they cooed at their newest member.

Scootaloo and Shadow walked up to the counter and saw Mrs. Cake busy wiping the counter top with a rag. She looked up at them with a smile when they reached her.

“Pinkie told me you had a date today Scootaloo. Is this the lucky colt?” asked Mrs. Cake.

Scootaloo stammered with a bright blush on her cheeks as she said, “Yeah this is Shadow, Mrs. Cake.”

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Shadow," said Mrs. Cake.

"Likewise Mrs. Cake," Shadow replied.

Mrs. Cake chuckled and said, “What can I get for the two of you?”

Scootaloo looked over at Shadow and asked, “What do you want?”

“I’ll have what you’re having,” said Shadow.

Scootaloo tilted her head and said, “Are you sure?”

Shadow nodded at her with a smile. He kept it to himself that he had no idea what most of the things in the bakery would taste like. He had never even had a cupcake. He saved things like that for his sisters as a rare treat.

While he was lost in his thoughts for a moment Scootaloo had turned and said, “Two strawberry milkshakes please Mrs. Cake.”

Mrs. Cake nodded with a bright smile and turned around and went into the kitchen to make their drinks. Scootaloo led Shadow over to one of the unoccupied tables in a corner. She made sure that there were a few tables between them and any other ponies.

They sat in silence for a few minutes as they waited for their drinks. They were also looking everywhere except at each other. Shadow wanted to start a conversation a few times but had no idea how to begin. He glanced over at Scootaloo and saw that she was doing the same as him, he chuckled and she looked up at him instantly.

“Look at us, trying to come up with something to talk about,” said Shadow.

Scootaloo laughed with a bit of red in her cheeks again. Shadow decided to tease her a bit.

“That red in your face is really pretty every time I see it,” Shadow said with amusement.

Scootaloo flushed bright red again and sputtered for a few seconds before regaining her composure.

“You really think so?” Scootaloo asked bashfully.

Shadow nodded with a genuine smile. Scootaloo beamed and sat up a bit straighter. Before she could say anything else Mrs. Cake trotted up with a tray on her back.

She stopped at their table and smoothly slid the tray onto the table. There was a plate with four dark brown cupcakes on the tray as well as two pink milkshakes. She put the two milkshakes in front of the foals and slid the plate of cupcakes between them.

Shadow looked a bit bewildered as he clearly remembered Scootaloo not saying anything about cupcakes.

Scootaloo also frowned up at Mrs. Cake, then she shook her head with a smile, “Pinkie made those for us didn’t she Mrs. Cake?”

Mrs. Cake tittered behind a hoof and nodded with a fond smile.

“Yes, she also told me that it was all on the house. Enjoy your date and let me know if you need anything else,” Mrs. Cake gave a jolly wink and walked back into the kitchen.

The ice being broken, Scootaloo and Shadow glanced down at the plate with a smile and started to talk while eating and drinking their treats.

“I’m kind of glad Pinkie Pie isn’t here today, she wouldn’t have left us alone for a single minute,” Scootaloo said with a snicker.

Shadow nodded solemnly, the Pink One was scary and to be avoided at all costs.

After they had talked for about half an hour, their milkshakes long since finished, Scootaloo asked, “So what do you want to do for a job when you are old enough?”

Shadow frowned in thought for a few seconds but then said with certainty, “I’m going to join the town-guard when I turn fifteen.”

“The Town Guard? Why not the Royal Guard?” asked Scootaloo.

Shadow thought of his broken wings and knew he would never get in the Royal Guard if he could not fly. That was not the only reason though, so he gave his primary answer based on that fact.

“I love this town and my sisters are here. I could never leave them here alone like that,” said Shadow.

Scootaloo smiled at that and thought that was an admirable trait to have. Family is very important, especially for me. Apple Bloom would say the same.

Her attention was drawn to the fact that she had forgot something she had wanted to ask Shadow earlier. But maybe it was a good thing I haven’t asked this yet.

“Uhm Shadow… I wanted to ask you what you thought about me and my friends? See the thing is me, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle have been best friends for a very long time and we decided a long time ago that we would always be together. We even got our cutie marks together. So, our sisters talked to us about it and helped us with the paperwork. We are already legally registered as a herd and I was wondering if you would have a problem being in a herd with all three of us?” Scootaloo rambled nervously.

Shadow was trying to mask his smile but was not fully successful. Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at him and gestured with a hoof for him to explain himself.

Shadow finally gave in to a smirk and said, “Big Mac talked to me before school ended and he already told me you three were in a herd. He threatened me like a big brother should. He also approved of me for some reason. I am aware of the bond you three share. So, no I would not have a problem having you three as fillyfriends and I would be honored if I could be a part of your herd.”

Scootaloo beamed and wanted to start hopping around yelling in joy but she contained most of her enthusiasm. The happiness shined through her eyes for anypony around to see. I am finally getting a REAL family of my own. She loved Vinyl and Octavia as much as she had loved her parents but it just wasn’t the same.

She was so lost in her giddiness that she missed the next question that Shadow asked. She blushed as she realized that he had asked her the same question twice already. It seemed as though every time he so much as looked at her with his caring eyes she started to blush.

“Huh? Sorry I was lost in thought,” Scootaloo said with embarrassment.

Shadow chuckled and just repeated his question for the third time.

“I asked who will be the lead mare? I don’t really mind who it will be, I'm just curious,” said Shadow.

“O, uhm well, I will be lead mare because I was the one who asked you out first. Me, Apple Bloom and Sweetie talked about it and they told me they have no problem with it. It was also what we all agreed to when we made the herd,” Scootaloo nervously explained.

Shadow smiled at her and nodded to show that he understood.

Scootaloo sighed in relief that he was so understanding. She had heard that some stallions could be very difficult in how a herd is managed. Some of those stallions wanted to be in control of and have a say in every little thing that goes on.

She was glad Shadow did not seem to be one of those control freak stallions. He looked like one who lets the mares decide how to manage their own affairs and only weighed in when appropriate.

It was about an hour later that Scootaloo and Shadow walked out of Sugar Cube Corner and started to make their way towards Sweet Apple Acres. The sun was still in the sky but slowly lowering towards the horizon. It wasn’t late yet but it was early evening. They walked close together, almost touching, but still a bit unsure and new to this experience.

The twins along with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had spent the afternoon there playing after school. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle did not try and Crusade with the twins to find cutie marks seeing as Scootaloo was not there with them and it would not be right to exclude her, especially when she was on a date with their brother.

Scootaloo and Shadow talked the whole way and when they finally arrived at the apple farm, they saw the four fillies playing tag under the supervision of Applejack and Granny Smith as they both relaxed on the porch with mugs of apple cider after a hard day’s work. Granny Smith was the first to notice the two foals walking up the road towards the farm house.

She nudged Applejack and said, “Ah’m gonna check on dinner, make sure they all stay, ah wanna meet that there colt.”

“Yes granny,” Applejack said.

She stood up as Granny Smith walked back into the farm house and made her way down to the foals still playing next to the barn. She arrived about the same time as Scootaloo and Shadow.

The four fillies who were busy playing tag stopped as soon as they saw the two new arrivals. The twins immediately shot forward and glomped onto Shadow and started yelling in unison. They tried to ask him how the date had gone but spoke over each other in a confusing cacophony of words.

Applejack threw back her head and laughed loudly at their antics but she also saw that Scootaloo’s face was as red as Big Mac. She was still chortling as trotted closer and ruffled Scootaloo’s mane in affection.

“Come on you lot. Dinner is almost ready and you need to let yer family know that ya will be staying for dinner,” Applejack said with mirth still evident in her tone.

Shadow tilted his head in confusion. Dinner? That’s a good idea for the twins, we haven’t ever had a proper family dinner. But how will Scootaloo let her family know where she is from the house? Are they also in there?

His answer came in the form of a colored letter. Applejack gave a gray colored letter to Scootaloo. She took out a pencil from her saddlebags and wrote a quick message then folded the paper and tossed it into the flame of a small green candle that Applejack had set up and lit.

The letter flashed green and turned to smoke that flew out of the window. Shadow and the twins watched this with fascination. Applejack chuckled at their expressions as she blew out the candle and put it back in a cupboard.

“Those there candles were made by Twilight and Spike. They let us send instant messages to each of our friends to let them know if something happened. Mostly we use them to send word when the Crusaders here get in trouble or if they stay for dinner at one of our houses,” Applejack explained.

All three Crusaders hung their heads in embarrassment because of what Applejack said. They perked up when neither Shadow or the twins said anything about that.

Shadow nodded and said, “Impressive.”

Applejack and the three Crusaders nodded and started to talk with each other. The twins rounded on their brother again to interrogate him about the date. He was saved from the fillies’ exuberance from an unexpected source.

“Soups on everypony!” exclaimed Granny Smith

Author's Note:

Hey guys.

I'm not a big fan of Author's Notes, mainly because I feel that it interrupts the story.

The reason I'm putting it up is because I'm looking for feedback/comments on the story. If there is something that I miss please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP.

I also changed the way I wrote this last chapter. It seems to be working better to write it out in segments and not all in one go at 2 or 3 AM.

Comments/Feedback appreciated and wanted.:scootangel: